高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí) Unit 1 Cultural relics學(xué)案 新人教版必修2

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高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí) Unit 1 Cultural relics學(xué)案 新人教版必修2_第1頁
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高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí) Unit 1 Cultural relics學(xué)案 新人教版必修2_第2頁
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《高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí) Unit 1 Cultural relics學(xué)案 新人教版必修2》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí) Unit 1 Cultural relics學(xué)案 新人教版必修2(5頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Cultural relics文化遺產(chǎn)55晨讀記憶 A Brave Maid A wooden vase from the Ming Dynasty at the entrance of the reception hall amazed everyone. The artists designed it in a rare style and selected valuable jewels to decorate it. People thought highly of its fancy colour of honey and the beautiful paintings

2、 on it. The vase used to belong to a former castle. But when the country was at war, the enemy troops exploded the castle. Debates on how the vase survived went on and on. In order to remove peoples doubt, a team of no less than 20 people carried out an informal investigation. The evidences they fou

3、nd showed that a maid took the vase apart and asked a sailor to sink it in a local well. She never gave away the secret even under the cruel trial of the enemies who were in search of treasures. It is worth giving this brave maid a fortune in return.勇敢的女仆 接待大廳入口處的明朝木制花瓶 使每個人都驚奇不已。藝術(shù)家以一種罕有的風(fēng)格設(shè)計它,并挑選了

4、貴重的珠寶裝飾它。人們高度贊賞它那蜂蜜般的奇特顏色,還有上面繪制的繪畫。 這個花瓶曾經(jīng)屬于一座從前的城堡,但在戰(zhàn)爭期間,敵人的軍隊炸毀了城堡,于是關(guān)于這個花瓶是如何幸存下來的爭論就一直在持續(xù)著。為了解開人們的疑問,一個由不少于20人的調(diào)查隊開展了一次非正式的調(diào)查。他們找到的證據(jù)表明,有個女仆 把花瓶拆開,然后讓一名水手把它沉到當(dāng)?shù)氐囊粋€水井里。她從來沒有泄露這個秘密,即使是在搜尋財寶的敵人殘酷的審訊下。 這位女仆真是值得給予一大筆錢作為對她的回報。I.單詞盤點1._(adj.) 稀罕的;稀有的;珍貴的2._(adj.) 貴重的;有價值的 3._(vi.) 幸免;幸存;生還_(n.) 幸存,生存

5、_(n.) 幸存者4._(n.) 花瓶 5._(n.) 朝代;王朝 6._(v.) 使吃驚;驚訝_(adj.) 令人吃驚的_(adj.) 感到驚訝的_(n.) 驚訝;7._(vt.) 挑選;選擇_(n.) 挑選;選擇8._(n.) 蜜;蜂蜜 9._(n.) 設(shè)計;圖案;構(gòu)思(v.)設(shè)計;計劃;構(gòu)思10._(adj.) 奇特的;異樣的 (vt.)想象;設(shè)想;愛好11._(n.) 風(fēng)格;風(fēng)度;類型 12._(v.) 裝飾;裝修 _(n.) 裝飾;裝修13._(n.) 珠寶14._(n.) 藝術(shù)家 15._(v.) 屬于;為的一員 16._(n.) 群;組;軍隊 17._(n.) 接待;招待會;接收

6、 _(v.) 接收;收到18._(v.) 移動;搬開 _(n.) 移走;搬遷;免職 19._(adj.) 木制的 _(n.) 木頭20._(n. ) 懷疑;疑惑(vt.) 懷疑;不信21._(adj.) 以前的;從前的 22._(prep.) 值得的;相當(dāng)于的價值 (n.) 價值;作用(adj.)古值錢的23._(adj.) 本地的;當(dāng)?shù)氐?n.)本地人;當(dāng)?shù)鼐用?24._(adv.) 分離地;分別地 25._(n.) 繪畫;畫 _(vt.) 描繪;繪畫;給上油漆 26. _(n.) 城堡 27. _(n.) 審判;審訊;試驗28. _(n.) 目擊者;證人 29._(n.) 根據(jù);證據(jù)_(a

7、dj.) 明顯的 30_(vi.) 爆炸 _(n.) 爆炸 31._(n.) 入口_(n.) 出口32. _(n.) 水手;海員;船員33 ._(vi.) (sank,sunk;sunk,sunken) 下沉34._(n.) 少女;女仆35._(adj.) 非正式的_(adj.) 正式的36._(n.) 爭論;辯論 (vi)爭論;辯論 II.短語回顧1.尋找 _2.屬于 _3.作為報答;回報 _4.處于交戰(zhàn)狀態(tài) _ 5.少于 _6.拆開 _7.看重;器重 _8.充當(dāng);起作用 _9.而不是 _ 10.泄露(秘密),贈送 _ III.句式掃描1.Frederick William I,the ki

8、ng of Prussia could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.(教材P1)普魯士國王腓特烈威廉一世絕不可能想到他送給俄羅斯人民的厚禮竟會有這樣一段令人驚訝的歷史。2. Later,Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St. Petersburg where she spent her summers.(教材P2)后來,葉卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥

9、珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宮殿中。3.Theres no doubt that the boxes were then put on a new train for Konigsberg,whichwasatthattime a Germancity onthe BalticSea.(教材P2)毫無疑問,這些箱子后來被裝上火車運往哥尼斯堡,當(dāng)時德國在波羅的海邊的一個城市。4. In a trial,a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.(教材P5)在審判中,法官必須斷定哪些證人可信

10、,哪些證人不能相信。 IV.小試牛刀 .單詞填空1.Knowing that a good education is _ (value), the farmers began to send their children to school.2. Of all the museum paintings, only one _ (survive) the terrible fire.3. Chime bells (編鐘) dug out in Sui zhou is really an _ (amaze) discovery.4. A lady may spend hours _ (select

11、) a pair of shoes to match her dress.5.It is_(evidence) that he is pretending to be ill.6. At the wedding, the bride was wearing a cream silk dress that she _ (design) herself. 7.The sitting room is _ (decorate) with a Christmas tree and looks warm and beautiful.8.That shop has a fine_(select) of ca

12、kes.9.She fancied_(sing) in front of people at a concert.10.Why is it that he_(rare) mentions his childhood ? .短語填空in search of,belong to,in return,less than,take apart,think highly of,at war,by the light of1.More and more people from the countryside come to big cities_a job to raise their families.

13、2.We found the small house in the village easily_the moon.3.This is a small house_30 square meters,but a large family of three generations lives in it.4.You gave me your watch and_I gave you my book.5.We all_our English teacher.His humor always makes our class lively and interesting.6.The machine di

14、dnt function suddenly.I_it_and saw if I could find out what was wrong with it.7.It is wellknown that cultural relics_the human beings rather than individuals.8.The two countries were_with each other for many years but now their relation is getting better and better.單句填詞1.The world is a play that wou

15、ld not be worth_if we knew the plot(劇情).(see)2.Would you mind returning the book_to me?(belong)3.The boss had the machine_day and night.(run)4.-Youd better go and have your car_.(wash)-No,Ill do it myself.5.There is no doubt_ social development cannot be stopped no matter whether you like it or not.

16、6.There is no need_ me when you arrive.Just come up to my house.Ill be at home all day.(call)7.There is no_Bob can win the first prize in the match.(possible).單句改錯1. It was impossible for us carry the large stone, for it was too heavy.2. What happened to the Amber Room remain a mystery.3. The comput

17、er is belonged to my sister.4. It can be proved that China has more people than any country in the world.5. In my surprise, the entrance to the subway was closed.6. I dont know what to deal with the difficult problem.7. The king could never have imagined his greatest gift would have such an amazed h

18、istory.8.Luckily enough, he was the only one who survived in the flood.9.Our friends, whom are always late for everything, missed the train again. English or Chinglish?歡迎再來Please come back Almost every Chinese restaurant Ive been to ends the same way:as Im leaving the door,the polite staff says to m

19、e,in the best English they can,“Welcome again”.This is of course ridiculous because 1 havent even left ; how why are they welcoming me for coming ? Thats because in Chinese one would say“歡迎您再來” which is a word-for-word translation. What they should say is “Thank you. Please come again.” 我去過的大部分中餐館都會

20、有相同的結(jié)語詞:當(dāng)我即將出門的時候,有禮貌的員工會用他們最好的英語和我說:“Welcome again(再次歡迎)”。這當(dāng)然很可笑,因為我還沒有離開,他們怎么能歡迎我的到來呢?這是因為在漢語里,人們會說:“歡迎您再來”,這是逐字翻譯,他們應(yīng)該說:“Thank you. Please come again.”知識擴展餐廳常用語言:non-smoking section無煙區(qū) smoking section吸煙區(qū)well-done (steak)全熟 medium adj.半熟的 overcooked adj.煮的過久的undercooked adj.煮的欠熟的,火候不足的a table for

21、xxx people能幾人的桌子do you accept credit cards?你們這兒能用信用卡嗎?send something back退菜 摘自Kirk Kenny笑死我的英文書I.單詞盤點1.rare 2.valuable 3.survive ;survival;survivor 4.vase 5.dynasty 6.amaze;amazing;amazed ;amazement 7.select ;selection 8.honey 9.design 10.fancy 11.style 12.decorate;decoration 13.jewel 14.artist 15.b

22、elong 16.troop 17.reception ;receive 18.remove ;removal 19.wooden ;wood 20.doubt 21.former 22.worth 23.local 24.apart 25.painting ;paint 26.castle 27.trial 28.eyewitness 29.evidence;evident 30.explode;explosion 31.entrance;exit 32.sailor 33.sink 34.maid 35.informal ;formal 36.debate II.短語回顧1.in sear

23、ch of 2.belong to 3.in return 4.at war 5.less than 6.take apart 7.think highly of 8.serve as 9.rather than IV.小試牛刀.單詞填空1.valuable 2.survived 3.amazing 4.selecting 5.evident 6.designed/ had designed 7.decorated 8.selection 9.singing 10. rarely.短語填空1.in search of2.by the light of3.less than4in return5.think highly of6.took;apart7.belong to8.at war.單句填詞1.seeing 2.belonging 3.running 4.washed 5.that 6.to call 7.possibility .單句改錯1.carry前面加to 2.remain改為remains或remained 3.去掉is 4.any后面加other 5.In改為To 6.what改為how 7.amazed改為amazing 8.去掉in 9.whom改為who

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