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1、書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦作舟! 住在富人區(qū)的她 北京語言大學22春“英語”《英語電影賞析》在線作業(yè)二輔導答案 一.綜合考核(共30題) 1.Who does Rhett tell Scarlett that he'd back her against any day? A.the carpetbaggers

2、B.the slaves C.the yankees D.the dowagers 參考答案:C 2.What is Uncle Max's last name? A.Schraeder B.Zeller C.Detweiler D.von Trapp 參考答案:C 3.What brand name is on the shoe box with Patrick Swayze's stuff? A.Nike B.Adidas C.Converse D.Reebok 參考答案:D 4.When Blanche re

3、turns from her visit with the gypsy, she gets a book and sits down by herself. What does Jane notice that suggests Blanche's mind wasn't on the book? A.She doesn't turn the pages B.The book is written in a foreign language that Blanche can't read C.The book is upside down D.Blanche turns the pag

4、es backwards 參考答案:A 5.How long was the pipeline that Andy crawled through? A.400 yards B.100 yards C.500 yards D.250 yards 參考答案:C 6.What did Maria do in Von Trapp's family? A.servant B.governess C.guard D.babysitter 參考答案:B 7.According to the movie, what two inst

5、ruments can Ike play? A.Trumpet and Drums B.Guitar and Piano C.Drums and Saxophone D.Trumpet and Saxophone 參考答案:B 8.Grace wrinkles up her nose at her physical therapists taste in music. What does she listen to? A.Tina Turner B.James Taylor C.Garth Brooks D.Frank Sinatra 參考答案:A

6、 9.Why does Rhett laugh at Scarlett when he comes to take her, Melanie, and the baby to Tara? A.because she thinks about locking the door B.because of the outfit she was wearing C.because she was afraid of the fighting D.because of how much she wanted to take with her 參考答案:A 10.Wh

7、ere was Rhett Butler from? A.Charleston B.Atlanta C.Springfield D.Washington D.C 參考答案:A 11.On her fist day teaching Adele, what good characteristic did she show? A.she worked hard B.she spoke good English C.she talked little D.she was docile 參考答案:A 12.After Brooks is rele

8、ased after 50 years in Shawshank, he tries to get along on the outside but finds he can't. In one of the most emotional moments in the movie he hangs himself in his room after carving a few words into the wall. What did Brooks carve in A.Brooks was here B.I love here C.I am brooks D.I am free

9、 參考答案:A 13.Where did Jane and Rochester meet? A.on the bus B.at home C.on a muddy road D.in a church 參考答案:C 14.How old is Briggita? A.11 B.9 C.12 D.10 參考答案:D 15.What color are the flowers in Maggie's bouquet in her first attempt to marry Ike? A.red B.white C.yel

10、low D.black 參考答案:C 16.Scarlett was terribly sad when she heard the death of her first husband.() A.錯誤 B.正確 參考答案:A 17.According to Brooks all Andy needed to be Mr.Dufresne was to wear a dress and have a little hot dog.() A.錯誤 B.正確 參考答案:A 18.How many people do we see

11、 die in this movie? A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 參考答案:B 19.What was Andy's job? A.Banker B.reporter C.lawyer D.clerk 參考答案:A 20.Why didn't Jane accept St.John's proposal? A.he didn't love her B.neither of these C.she didn't love him D.both of these 參考答案:D 21.Finish this q

12、uote: “You realize you're messing with the ____ Amendment now.” A.first B.second C.third D.one 參考答案:A 22.Sam's death is an accident.() A.錯誤 B.正確 參考答案:B 23.Mr.Rochester tells Jane that he is going to be married to whom? A.Amy Eshton B.Blanche Ingram C.Louisa Eshton D.Mar

13、y Ingram 參考答案:B 24.what did Andy gain from warden for his co-workers when they worked on the roof? A.a day rest B.beer C.cigarette D.alcohol 參考答案:B 25.How many telegrams did Rolf deliver to the Von Trapp family estate? A.4 B.1 C.2 D.3 參考答案:C 26.What is the order

14、 of Maggie's wedding attempts? A.Gill, Brian, George, Ike B.Gill, George, Brian, Ike C.George, Brian, Gill, Ike D.Brain, Gill, George, Ike 參考答案:A 27.第一次作業(yè)均出自于《馬語者》和《人鬼情未了》兩部電影 Where did Tom Booker live? A.Kenturky B.Montana C.Arizona D.Indiana 參考答案:B 28.What was the Baron

15、ess' first name? A.Elise B.Elsa C.Else D.Esme 參考答案:B 29.Mr. Mason is Mr. Rochester's brother-in-law.() A.錯誤 B.正確 參考答案:B 30.What does Andy give to Red as a gift after being rejected for parole? A.a Poster B.a Harmonica C.a Pack of Cigarettes D.a Bottle of Liquor 參考答案:B

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