2022年高中英語 Unit 2 The Olympic Games教案 新人教版必修2

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《2022年高中英語 Unit 2 The Olympic Games教案 新人教版必修2》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《2022年高中英語 Unit 2 The Olympic Games教案 新人教版必修2(7頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、2022年高中英語 Unit 2 The Olympic Games教案 新人教版必修2 教學準備 1. 教學目標 1. Knowledge aims:Students will be able1.To understand the new words and expressions from the text,Greek, magical, volunteer, homeland, athlete, nowadays, gymnastics, stadium, responsibility, replacebe admitted as, as well, pete against/for,

2、play an important role in, on a regular basis2.To know the general idea of the ancient and modern Olympic Games.2. Ability aims:Students will be able1.To improve their reading ability and review some reading strategies, such as skimming, scanning and prediction.2.To learn some detailed information a

3、bout the differences and similarities of the ancient and modern Olympic Games . And they will also learn some basic knowledge about interview.3. Emotional aims:Students will be able to get the great interest in the culture of the Olympic Games. Meanwhile, students will be able to develop the great l

4、ove and pride of our country.2. 教學重點/難點 Teaching Important points:1.To help students to learn more about the Olympic Games.2.To train the students ability to predict and grasp key information while reading.Teaching difficult points:1.To guide the students to know about the about the differences and

5、similarities of the ancient and modern Olympic Games .2.To help students to learn the deep meaning of the passage and learn some basic knowledge about interview.3. 教學用具 課件4. 標簽 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 教學過程 Step 1 Warming Up and pre-readingActivity 1: the Olympic Games quizWhats the biggest sports m

6、eeting in the world?Do you know something about it?The Olympic Games quiz1.In what year were the Olympic Games first held?A. 1896 B. 1906 C. 776 BC2. What do the five Olympic Rings stand for? And what are the five continents?A. Five continents B. Five well-known athletesC. Five important events3. Wh

7、at does the IOC stand for?4. The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in xx. (T/F)5. The motto of the Olympic Games is “ _, _,_”.6. G_ is the name of the country where the Olympic Games began in ancient times.7. When and where were the first modern Olympic Games held?A. 1986 in Sydney B. 1896

8、in AthensC. 1698 in New York8. Tell some of the sports in the Olympic Games (showing some pictures)9. With the motto New Beijing, Great Olympics, Beijing promises to host a _ Olympics.1 2 34 5 67 8 9學情預(yù)設(shè):打破傳統(tǒng)的按順序由學生回答問題的模式,利用現(xiàn)代化的教學手段,采用選號碼的形式,每個號碼超連接一個問題,答對得一分。學生普遍都有“喜新厭舊”的心理,這一活動立刻就會激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,激活學生固

9、有的知識,為下面的活動開了個好頭。設(shè)計意圖: 課文warming up中的問題要學生回答有一定的難度,如果用此活動來激活課堂,會事與愿違。因此,我一方面把問題式改為選擇題式,另一方面,在保留原有的部分基本問題外,還加入一些學生感興趣的問題,并制作成圖文并茂的課件。在多種感官的刺激下,充分調(diào)動起學生學習的積極性。Activity 2: Pre-readingLook at the title and the pictures and predict the content(內(nèi)容).It is an _about _ between _ and _( Give the students some

10、instructions about Pausanias and Lily, and how to skim to find the specific information in an interview.)學情預(yù)設(shè):學生較少接觸虛擬采訪的文體,因此,既充滿期待,又有畏難情緒。教師對文章人物和背景知識的簡單介紹,以及閱讀這類文章的技巧指導就顯得尤為重要。設(shè)計意圖:predict既是學生閱讀的技巧之一,也是調(diào)動學生思維、注意力、求知欲的捷徑。讓學生在預(yù)設(shè)、搜索、求證、否定等的過程中,加深對文章的理解。Step 2. ReadingActivity 3: Fast- readingThe int

11、erview can be divided into two parts. Get the main idea of each part.Part 1 (beginning Line_35) _Part 2 (Line36- the end) _(It is an interview between Pausanias and Lily, from which we can learn about the similarities and differences about the ancient Olympic Games and the modern Olympic Games.)學情預(yù)設(shè)

12、:采訪文章不同于其它文體的文章,它的信息點較分散,學生看完后,往往很難把握住細節(jié)。這時候,如果問一些深層次理解的問題,學生的自信心就會受到打擊,接下去課堂可能就會陷入沉悶,剛剛培養(yǎng)起的學習熱情就會立刻蕩然無存。設(shè)計意圖: 培養(yǎng)學生對文章整體的理解和中心的把握。從近幾年的高考閱讀理解題目的設(shè)置中不難看出,它要求學生不僅能夠完成淺層理解題,更要能夠在快速閱讀后透徹理解全文并歸納全文提供的信息,從而進行正確的邏輯推理甚至對文中未提及的情況進行推理想象。這就要求學生必須在平時的閱讀學習中訓練對文章整體的理解和中心大意的概括,培養(yǎng)和提高整體理解的閱讀能力。Activity 4: Careful- rea

13、dingI.Read the text carefully and write down the key words according to the reading passage. Ancient modernWhen How many sets How often Events Who can take part in Prize Spirit/motto 學情預(yù)設(shè):采訪文章信息點較分散,學生較難把握。設(shè)計意圖:通過兩個人物之間的對話,讓學生把它們分成兩類,并寫下一些關(guān)鍵詞。一方面,有利于理清線索;另一方面,有助于下一個活動“古今奧運會的異同對比”的開展。II. Read the tex

14、t carefully and fill in the form.Differences:Items Modern AncientTypes Place Prize Events Athletes Any Olympic village Similarities: Both are held every _. Both are held not for money but for _. _are allowed to take part in both in ancient and modern Olympics. The mottos are the same. They are: _. S

15、ome events are the same, such as_ .學情預(yù)設(shè):學生在梳理好Pausanias和 Lily的對話要點之后,對于古今奧運會的異同對比還未形成完整的、清晰的脈絡(luò)。設(shè)計意圖:這個環(huán)節(jié)的設(shè)置對于學生知識的儲備和接下去能力的提升起了至關(guān)重要的作用。課標中也提到:教師要指導學生由被動接受的學習轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)檫\用觀察、發(fā)現(xiàn)、推測、理解、記憶、對比、分析、聯(lián)想、歸納、內(nèi)化等策略進行學習。III. Tell the following sentences “ T” or “F”.1.In the early Olympic Games, only men were allowed to

16、pete and watch the Games.2.The motto of the Olympic Games is “Faster, Higher, Further”. ( )3. The olive wreath has been replaced by money. ( )4. The Olympics were not always held in Greece 2000 years ago. ( )5. At first, Pausanias thinks people may be peting for money in the modern Olympic Games. (

17、)6. We feel proud because we have finally got the chance to hold the xx Olympic Games. ( )IV. Fill in the blanks in the summary of the interviewThe Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world, which include two kinds, the _and the _ Olympics. Both of them are _ every _ _. All countries

18、 can take part if their athletes reached the _ to the games. Women are not only _ to join in but playing a very _ role. A _ _ is built for the petitors to live in, a _ for petitions, a large swimming pool, a _ as well as seats for those who watch the games. Its a great _ to host the Olympic Games. T

19、he Olivewreath has been _ by medals. But its still about being able to run _, jump _ and throw _.學情預(yù)設(shè): 以上“True”and“false”的練習和根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容填空這兩項活動,在學生了解課文內(nèi)容和理清線索后進行,符合學生的認知規(guī)律,是學生力所能及的任務(wù)。設(shè)計意圖:有助于檢驗學生對文章細節(jié)的了解,以及對文章整體的把握,起到進一步鞏固本堂課所學知識的作用。Step 3 Post-readingActivity 5: Role play- an interviewWork in pairs. One

20、 is a reporter from CCTV 5, the other is an athlete who has taken part in the 29th Olympic Games.(Tips: The interviewer could start an interview by introducing himself/herself, or talk about something that the interviewee is interested in or familiar with. At the end of an interview, remember to tha

21、nk the interviewee. )Material: the xx Olympic Games; the events, the achievement and his feelings.Activity 6: Discussion(in the text, Pausanias: That sounds very expensive?) Does anyone want to host the Olympic Games? Do you think its a good idea for a city to host the Olympic Games? Why? Discuss ab

22、out it with the help of mind map of Ex.3 on P11. 學情預(yù)設(shè): 學生由于受到定勢思維的束縛、英語詞匯量的限制、知識面的局限等方面的影響,討論和采訪活動可能會出現(xiàn)談的不深入,展不開的情況,這時候,教師會展示北京奧運會學生熟悉的一些情景和運動員,為對話練習提供素材,并進行適當?shù)囊龑Ш凸膭?以及學生之間的合作學習十分重要。設(shè)計意圖:知識的積累是為了向能力轉(zhuǎn)化。把學生分組,讓學生在個人參與、同伴互導、互相觀察的過程中,不斷地自我提升。建構(gòu)主義者認為由于經(jīng)驗背景的差異,學生對問題的理解常常各異,學生個體之間的差異是一種寶貴的資源。開展師生、生生互動,為學生提

23、供用英語交流的機會,培養(yǎng)學生與人合作交流的能力。Step 5 Homework: 1.Preview the new words in the text and finish Ex.&2 on P12 of Students Book. 2. Sentence practice : Write down the differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games in sentence3.From the interview we know many things about Olympic Games. After class y

24、ou can surf the Internet to find more about t Olympic Games and make a poster according to Page 13.學情預(yù)設(shè): 隨著電腦的普及,網(wǎng)絡(luò)也成為人們生活的一部分,英語作業(yè)也可以與網(wǎng)絡(luò)結(jié)合起來。學生能在網(wǎng)絡(luò)上收集整理英語知識,動手制作海報,這大大激發(fā)了學生的學習熱情,提高了學生的動腦、動手能力。設(shè)計意圖:作業(yè)是整個施教工作中不可缺少的一部分,是上課的延續(xù),檢查教師與學生之間教與學的紐帶;也是幫助學生熟悉和掌握基礎(chǔ)知識,基本技能和鞏固已學知識的有效手段之一。The design of the blackboard. Unit2 the Olympic Games Reading An interview.Main idea .The differencesPart 1: (1) Types (2) Any Olympic villagePart 2: (3) Place (4) Prize (5) Events (6) AthletesIII. Similarities:

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