2020高考英語二輪復習 完形填空練習(2)

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《2020高考英語二輪復習 完形填空練習(2)》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《2020高考英語二輪復習 完形填空練習(2)(10頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、完形填空(2)完型填空。閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。Generally speaking, a British is widely regarded as a quiet, shy and conservative (保守) person who is 1 only among those with whom he is familiar. When a stranger is present, he often seems nervous, 2 embarrassed. You have to take a commuter t

2、rain (通勤車) any morning or evening to 3 the truth of this. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or 4 off in a corner; hardly anybody talks, since to do so would be considered quite offensive (冒犯的).5 , there is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior, which,

3、once 6 , makes the offender immediately the object of 7 .One of the few things we can say about the British with certainty is that a British takes a(n) 8 to the discussion of their weather and that, if given a chance, he will talk about it 9 . Some people argue that it is because the British weather

4、 10 follows forecast and thus becomes a source of interest to everyone. This may be so. Certainly a British cannot have much 11 in the weathermen, whose predictions, in many cases, 12 to be wrong! The man in the street seems to be as accurate or as inaccurate as the weathermen in his 13 .Foreigners

5、may be surprised at the number of references 14 weather that the British make to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conversational greetings are 15 by comments on the weather. “Nice day, isnt it?” “Beautiful day!” may well be heard instead of “Good morning, how are you?” 16 the for

6、eigner may consider this exaggerated (夸大) and comic, it is worthwhile pointing out that it could be used to his 17 . If he wants to start a conversation with a British but is 18 to know where to begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather. It is a(n) 19 subject to which a response ma

7、y well be 20 of even the most reserved of the British.1.A.relaxedB.frustratedC.amusedD.exhausted2.A.yetB.otherwiseC.evenD.so3.A.experienceB.witnessC.watchD.undertake4.A. whisperingB. murmuringC. nodding D. laughing5. A.HopefullyB.ExactlyC.FrequentlyD.Obviously6.A. developedB.observedC.followedD.brok

8、en7.A.doubtB.argumentC.criticismD.praise8.A.emotionB.fancyC.likelinessD.judgment9.A.atlengthB.at lastC.at mostD.at least10. A. alwaysB. oftenC. constantlyD. seldom11.A.faithB.reliefC.honorD.credit12. A. put outB. make out C. turn outD. find out13.A.considerationB.predictionC.approvalD.appreciation14

9、.A.aboutB.onC.inD.to15.A.startedB.conductedC.replacedD.proposed16.A.SinceB.AlthoughC.HoweverD.Onlyif17.A. benefitB. advantageC. disadvantageD. favor18. A.atalossB.in detailC.in groups D.onoccasion19. A. avoidableB. steadyC. optionalD. safe20. A. expected B. askedC. wishedD. reminded【參考答案】15 ACBCD 61

10、0 DCBAD 1115 ACBDC 1620 BBADA完形填空【2020石家莊市高中畢業(yè)班復習教學質(zhì)量檢測二】A little boy always thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world because a disease made him lame.He _1_played with his classmates.When the teacher asked him to answer questions,he always_2_his head without a word.One_3_,the bo

11、ys father asked for some saplings (樹苗) from the neighbor.He wanted the_4_to plant a sapling each person in front of the house.The father said,“Whose sapling grows best,I will buy him or her a favorite_5_.” Seeing his brothers and sisters watering the trees,the boy had an idea.He hoped that the tree

12、he planted would_6_ soon.So,after watering it once or twice,he never_7_it.A few days later,when the little boy went to see his tree again,he was_8_to find that it didnt fade but grew some fresh leaves._9_the trees of his brothers and sisters,his tree was even greener.His father kept his_10_,bought t

13、he little boy his favorite gift and said that from the tree he planted,he would become an outstanding _11_when he grew up.Since then,the little boy slowly became_12_.One night,he lay on the bed but couldnt fall asleep.Then he got up and came to the_13_.To his surprise,his_14_was splashing something

14、onto his tree._15_,he understood his father had been _16_fertilizing his small tree!He returned to his room,_17_running down._18_passed.The little boy didnt become a botanist,but he was elected President of the United States.His name was Franklin Roosevelt.Love is the_19_nourishment (營養(yǎng)) of life._20

15、_it is just a drop of clear water,it can still help the tree thrive (茁壯成長)1.AbravelyBseldomCfreely Dalways2A.raised BnoddedClowered Dknocked3A.spring BmomentCwinter Dweek4A.neighborsBfriendsCchildren Dboys5A.sapling BtreeCgift Dtoy6A.die BgrowCbreak Dsurvive7A.led to Battended toCbelonged to Dobject

16、ed to8A.pleasedBupsetCworried Dsurprised9A.Compared with BSimilar toCConnected to DPopular with10A.request BscheduleCpromise Dgoal11A.presidentBbotanistCartist Dresearcher12A.smart BdesperateCoptimisticDpractical13A.field BcourtyardCpark Dfarm14A.brotherBsisterCfather Dneighbor15A.All of a sudden BF

17、or a momentCIn timeDFrom then on16A.busily BquietlyCcautiouslyDsecretly17A.water BtearsCsweat Drain18A.Hours BMonthsCDecades DCenturies19A.last BonlyCleast Dbest20A.Even ifBNow thatCIf only DWhat if語篇解讀一個小男孩由于腿部殘疾整天意志消沉,父親為了幫助他樹立自信心,讓兄弟姐妹們一起種樹,之后父親偷偷地幫助他,結(jié)果他的樹長得最好。小男孩找回了自信,長大后他沒有成為植物學家而是當選為美國總統(tǒng),他就是富

18、蘭克林羅斯福。1解析:由上文的“thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world”可知,他“很少”和同學玩耍。答案:B2解析:根據(jù)上下文的內(nèi)容可知,因為殘疾,他缺少自信,所以當老師提問他的時候,他總是“低”著頭不說話。答案:C3解析:根據(jù)常識可知應(yīng)該是在“春天”種樹。答案:A4解析:下文的“Seeing his brothers and sisters watering the trees”可知,父親讓“孩子們”在房子前面一人種一棵樹。答案:C5解析:父親對孩子們說,誰種的樹苗長得最好,就給他/她買一個“禮物”。下文的“

19、favorite gift”是線索提示。答案:C6解析:因為他的兄弟姐妹們都給樹苗澆水,而他行動不便,于是他想出了一個主意:希望他的樹苗趕快“死”去。答案:A7解析:所以澆了一兩次水后,他就不再“照料”樹苗了。答案:B8解析:他本以為樹苗會枯萎,結(jié)果卻看到它長得很好,所以他感到“吃驚”。答案:D9解析:他是通過“比較”得到的結(jié)果:他種的樹比兄弟姐妹的更綠。答案:A10解析:由空后的“bought the little boy his favorite gift”可知,父親遵守了他的“承諾”。答案:C11解析:按照常理,樹種得好應(yīng)該有希望成為“植物學家”。后文的“become a botanis

20、t”是線索提示。答案: B12解析:從那以后,小男孩慢慢變得“樂觀”了。答案:C13解析:他起床來到“院子”里,讓他吃驚的是他看到“父親”正給他的樹噴灑什么東西。答案:B14答案:C15解析:父親的行為讓他“突然”明白他的樹苗之所以長得好,是因為父親一直在“秘密地”給它施肥。答案:A16答案:D17解析:他回到了自己的房間,感動得落“淚”了。答案:B18解析:一個人的一生應(yīng)該是幾十年時間。decades數(shù)十年,符合語境。答案:C19解析:愛是人的一生中“最好的”營養(yǎng)品。答案:D20解析:“即使”是一滴清水也能幫助樹木茁壯成長。答案:A。完型填空。閱讀下面短文,掌握大意,從短文后各題所給的四個選

21、項(A、B、C、D)中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。Growing trees in the concrete jungle of Los Angels brings neighbors benefits beyond beauty.As the 36 of TreePeople, a nonprofit organization he founded in 1973, Andy, now 54, has inspired hundreds of thousands of volunteers to 37 plant more than two million trees throughout

22、 Southern California.TreePeople 38 tools, blueprints, planting demonstrations, and tree-care supervisors free to all the participants, 39 me. “You will need their support,” Andy said, referring to my neighbors. “ 40the community behind you, the trees you plant will die in five years.” So I started k

23、nocking on doors, hoping to share 41 Id learnt in TreePeoples seminar(培訓班) about the critical role of trees in removing smog from the 42 , cooling our homes and preventing water runoff.Strange 43 it may seem, some people are afraid of trees. “The roots destroy sidewalks,” one neighbor said, “ 44 wil

24、l ruin my pipes. And I dont want leaves.” 45 told me.When I called Andy about the 46 I was getting from my neighbors, he encouraged me to keep trying. So my son and my wife delivered cookies while I went door to door. It 47 us half a year to sign permission forms from 16 neighbors for 21 trees.When

25、the big day arrived, I was excited and 48 . What if I threw a planting tree and 49 else came? But as I set out shovels(鐵鏟), my son and wife made cakes and doughnuts, 50 started to gather. Friends brought friends. Neighbors came with cousins and grandchildren. A local middle school even 51 with half

26、the seventh grade. More than 300 people joined us.Then Andy led us in a 52 : welcoming each tree into the world and 53 it name. After the ceremony, as I shook hands with volunteers and my neighbors, I 54 help but feel wed accomplished 55 great. After all, trees need people, and people need trees.36.

27、 A. friendB. interviewerC. presidentD. volunteer37. A. bravelyB. activelyC. anxiouslyD. generously38. A. supportsB. affordsC. showsD. provides39. A. includingB. consideringC. containingD. reminding40. A. ForB. WithoutC. WithD. Except41. A. whatB. whichC. thatD. how42. A. cloudB. windC. skyD. air43.

28、A. whileB. ifC. howeverD. as44. A. YouB. IC. TheyD. It45. A. The otherB. AnotherC. OtherD. Others46. A. resistanceB. acceptanceC. agreementD. praise47. A. spentB. paidC. tookD. covered48. A. movedB. disappointedC. surprisedD. nervous49. A. everybodyB. nobodyC. somebodyD. anybody50. A. volunteersB. journalistsC. friendsD. neighbors51. A. made upB. took upC. showed upD. cheered up52. A. ceremonyB. marchC. activityD. celebration53. A. callingB. leavingC. makingD. giving54. A. wouldntB. shouldntC. couldntD. neednt55. A. anythingB. somethingC. nothingD. everything參考答案 CBDAB ADDCB ACDBA CADCB

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