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1、2012年12月英語六級第一套深度閱讀真題Section B Passage One Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage. Whos poor in America? Thats a question hard to answer. Hard because theres no conclusive definition of poverty. Low income matters, though how low is unclear. Poverty is also a state of mind that foster

2、s self-defeating behavior-bad work habits, family breakdowns, and addictions. Finally, poverty results from bad luck: accidents, job losses, disability. Despite povertys messiness, weve measured progress against it by a single statistic: the federal poverty line. By this measure, we havent made much

3、 progress. But the apparent lack of progress is misleading for two reasons. First, it ignores immigration. Many immigrants are poor and low-skilled. They add to the poor. From 1989 to 2007, about three quarters of the increase in the poverty population occurred among Hispanics(西班牙裔美國人)-mostly immigr

4、ants and their children. Second, the poors material well-being has improved. The official poverty measure obscures this by counting only pre-tax cash income and ignoring other sources of support, including food stamps and housing subsidies. Although many poor live from hand to mouth, theyve particip

5、ated in rising living standards. In 2005, 91% had microwaves. 79% air-conditioning, and 48% cell phones. The existing poverty line could be improved by adding some income sources and subtracting some expenses. Unfortunately, the administrations proposal for a supplemental poverty measure in 2011 goe

6、s beyond that. The new poverty number would compound public confusion. It also raises questions about whether the statistic is tailored to favor a political agenda. The supplemental measure ties the poverty threshold to what the poorest third of Americans spend on food, housing, clothing, and utilit

7、ies. The actual threshold will probably be higher than todays poverty line. Many Americans would find this weird: people get richer, but poverty stays stuck. What produces this outcome is a different view of poverty. The present concept is an absolute one: the poverty threshold reflects the amount e

8、stimated to meet basic needs. By contrast, the new measure embraces a relative notion of poverty: people are automatically poor if theyre a given distance from the top, even if their incomes are increasing. The new indicator is a propaganda device to promote income redistribution by showing that pov

9、erty is stubborn or increasing. The Census Bureau has estimated statistics similar to the administrations proposal. In 2008, the traditional poverty rate was 13.2%; estimates of the new statistic range up to l7%. The new poverty statistic exceeds the old, and the gap grows larger over time. As senat

10、or Daniel Moynihan said, the administration is defining poverty up. Its legitimate to debate how much we should aid the poor or reduce economic inequality. But the debate should not be swayed by misleading statistics that few Americans could possibly understand. Government statistics should strive f

11、or political neutrality(中立).This one fails. 注意:此部分試題請在答題卡2上作答。 52. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? A) Poverty is very often defined as a state of mind. B) Poverty is a problem hard to tackle in America. C) Bad work habits and bad luck lead to poverty. D) There is no consensus on the co

12、ncept of poverty. 53. What does the author say about the poor in America? A) Their living standards have actually improved. B) Most of them are immigrants and their descendants. C) Their chances of rising above the poverty line are slim. D) Most of them rely on government subsidies for survival. 54.

13、 What does the author think of the administrations proposal for a supplemental poverty measure? A) It is intended to further help the poor. C) It is a positive response to changed circumstances. B) It is made to serve political purposes. D) It is an attempt to combat the economic recession. 55. What

14、 is characteristic of the new measure of poverty? A) It defines poverty by the gap between the rich and the poor. B) It raises the threshold for the poor to get welfare benefits. C) It is more accurate and scientific in terms of statistics. D) It truly reflects the practical needs of the poor. 56. W

15、hat does the author want to say by quoting Daniel Moynihan? A) Economic equality is but an empty dream. B) Political neutrality can never be achieved. C) The administrations statistics are biased. D) The debate over poverty will get nowhere. Passage Two Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following

16、passage. Eleven summers ago I was sent to a management program at the Wharton School to be prepared for bigger things. Along with lectures on finance and entrepreneurship and the like, the program included a delightfully out-of-place session with Al Filreis, an English professor at the University of

17、 Pennsylvania, on poetry. For three hours he talked us through The Red Wheelbarrow and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. The experience-especially when contrasted with the horrible prose of our other assigned reading-sent me fleeing to the campus bookstore, where I resumed a long-interrupted rom

18、ance with meter and rhyme(韻). Professor Filreis says that he is a little shocked at how intensely his Wharton students respond to this unexpected deviation from the businesslike, not just as a relief but as a kind of stimulus. Many write afterward asking him to recommend books of poetry. Especially

19、now, The grim economy seems to make the participants keener than ever to think out of the box in the way poetry encourages, he told me. Which brings me to Congress, an institution stuck deeper inside the box than just about any other these days. You have probably heard that up on Capitol Hill(美國國會山)

20、,theyre very big on prayer breakfasts, where members gather over scrambled eggs and ask God for wisdom. You can judge from the agonizing debt spectacle weve watched this summer how well thats working. Well, maybe its time to add some poetry readings to the agenda. Im not suggesting that poetry will

21、guide our legislators to wisdom any more than prayer has. Just that it might make them a little more human. Poetry is no substitute for courage or competence, but properly applied, it is a challenge to self-certainty, which we currently have in excess. Poetry serves as a spur to creative thinking, a

22、 reproach to dogma and habit, a remedy to the current fashion for pledge signing. The poet Shelley, in defense of poetry nearly two centuries ago, wrote, A man. to be greatly good, must imagine intensely and comprehensively; he must put himself in the place of another and of many others; the pains a

23、nd pleasures of his species must become his own.Shelley concludes that essay by calling poets the unacknowledged legislators of the world, because they bring imagination to the realm of reasoners and mechanists. The relevance of poetry was declared more concisely in five lines from the love poem Asp

24、hodel. That Greeny Flower, by William Carlos Williams: It is difficult to get the news form poems yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there 注意:此部分試題請在答題卡2上作答。 57. Why did the author participate in the Wharton School management program? A) He was a passionate lover of classical

25、poetry. B) He was being trained for an important position. C) He had just been promoted to top management. D) He was interested in finance and entrepreneurship. 58. What did the author think of Professor Filreiss poetry session? A) It diverted students attention from the assigned reading B) It made

26、the management program appear romantic. C) It was extremely appealing to the students. D )It pulled students out of prose reading sessions. 59. What was the impact of the poetry session on the program participants according to Professor Filreis? A) It inspired them to view things from broader perspe

27、ctives. B) It led them to think poetry indispensable to management. C) It helped them develop a keener interest in literature. D) It encouraged them to embark on a political career. 60. What does the author think of Capitol Hills prayer over breakfast? A) It is a ritual that has lost its original me

28、aning. B) It doesnt really help solve the economic problems. C) It provides inspiration as poetry reading does. D) It helps people turn away from the debt spectacle. 61. What do we learn from Shelleys essay? A) Poetry can relieve people of pains and sufferings. B) It takes poetic imagination to beco

29、me a legislator. C) Legislators should win public acknowledgement. D) It is important to be imaginative and sympathetic. 第一套深度閱讀真題答案Section BPassage One52.【定位】由題干中的the first paragraph定位到首段 Whos poor in America? Thats a question hard to answer. Hard because theres no conclusive definition of poverty.

30、D) 【精析】推理判斷題。文章開篇三句指出,由于沒有對貧困的令人信服的定義,因此很難回答在美國誰是窮人,接下來的三句分別從收人、心理狀態(tài)和運氣三個方面解釋為什么難以界定貧困。由此可見,第一段的中心意思是說大家在貧困的定義上沒有達成共識,故答案為D)。53.【定位】由題干中的the poor定位到第四段第一句Second, the poors material well-being has improved.A) 【精析】推理判斷題。定位句指出,窮人的物質(zhì)生活已經(jīng)改善,也就是說,他們的生活水平提高了,故答案內(nèi) A)。54 【定位】由題干中的“supplemental poverty measur

31、e”定位到第五段第二至四句Unfortunately, the administrations proposal for a“supplemental poverty measure”It also raises questions about whether the statistic is tailored to favor a political agenda.B) 【精析】觀點態(tài)度題。定位句指出,“補充貧困衡量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)”也讓人們質(zhì)疑這些數(shù)據(jù)是否為了支持某一政治議程而量身定制,也就是說這一標(biāo)準(zhǔn)可能是為某種政治目的服務(wù)的,故答案為B),55.【定位】由題干中的characteristic和ne

32、w measure定位到第七段最后一句By contrast, the new measure embraces a relative notion of poverty:people are automatically poor if theyre a given distance from the top, even if their incomes are increasing.A) 【精析】推理判斷題。定位句指出,與舊的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)相比,新的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)采用了相對貧困的觀點:如果他們與最高級別的差距達到某一特定值,人們自動地就成了窮人,盡管他們的收人在增加。也就是說貧困是根據(jù)貧富之間的差距來界定的,故

33、答案為A)。56.【定位】由題干中的Daniel Moynihan定位到最后一段As senator Daniel Moynihan saidGovernment statistics should strive for political neutrality. This one fails.C) 【精析】推理判斷題。定位段指出,政府的統(tǒng)計數(shù)字應(yīng)該力求在政治上中立,但這些統(tǒng)計數(shù)字卻不是,也就是說這些統(tǒng)計數(shù)字是有偏向性的,故答案為C)。Passage Two57.【定位】由題干中的Wharton School management program定位到首段第一句Eleven summers a

34、go I was sent to a management program at the Wharton School to be prepared for bigger things.B) 【精析】細(xì)節(jié)推斷題。定位句明確指出,作者去霍頓學(xué)院學(xué)習(xí)是為以后做更大的事做準(zhǔn)備,也就是說作者是在為更重要的工作崗位接受培訓(xùn),故答案為B)。58.【定位】由題干中的poetry session定位到第二段第二句The experiencesent me fleeing to the campus bookstore, where I resumed a long-interrupted romance wi

35、th meter and rhyme.和第三段第一句 Professor Filreis says that he is “a little shocked” at how intensely his Wharton students respond to this unexpected deviation from the businesslike.C)【精析】觀點態(tài)度題。由文章第二段第二句可知,F(xiàn)ilreis教授的詩歌課讓作者重溫了對詩歌的喜愛,說明作者很喜歡教授的詩歌課。第三段第一句提到,學(xué)生們對這門課的反應(yīng)都很熱烈,因此得出作者認(rèn)為 Filreis教授的詩歌課對學(xué)生很有吸引力,故答案為

36、C)。59.【定位】根據(jù)題干中的participants定位到第四段“The grim economy seems to make the participants keener than ever to thinkout of the boxin the way poetry encourages,”he told me.A) 【精析】推理判斷題。定位段指出,慘淡的經(jīng)濟使得學(xué)員們比以往更渴望突破固定的思維模式,他們以詩歌鼓勵的方式進行思考,也就是說詩歌課鼓勵學(xué)員們從更廣闊的角度思考問題,故答案為A)。60.【定位】由題干中的prayer over breakfast定位到文章第五段theyr

37、e very big on prayer breakfasts, where members gather over scrambled eggs and ask God for wisdom. You can judge from the agonizing debt spectacle weve watched this summer how well thats working.B) 【精析】觀點態(tài)度題。定位段指出,你可以從我們今年夏天目睹的痛苦的債務(wù)情景判斷出祈禱究竟有多大作用。既然我們看到的是令人痛苦的債務(wù)景象,那么早餐祈禱應(yīng)該是沒有作用的,即解決不了經(jīng)濟問題,故答案為B。61.【定

38、位】由題干中的Shelley定位到文章第七段的引文部分“A man, to be greatly good, must imagine intensely and comprehensively; he must put himself in the place of another and of many others; the pains and pleasures of his species must become his own.”D) 【精析】推理判斷題。定位部分指出,人們必須擁有強大而全面的想象力,還必須懂得換位思考,體會別人的疾苦哀樂,也就是在強調(diào)想象力和同情心的重要性,故答案

39、為D)。2012年12月英語六級第二套深度閱讀真題Section B Passage One Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.Is 20th-century capitalism failing 21st-century society? Members of the global elite debated that unusual question at the annual World Economic Forum.It is encouraging that more than three years sinc

40、e the global financial crisis, a belated (遲到的) process of soul- searching has begun in search of the right lessons to learn from it.There is a great difference, however, between being willing to talk about an issue and being ready to act.It is a difference between those who still believe that all go

41、vernments can do is get out of the way and those who believe there is a real role for governments in first reviving our economies, and then setting the right rules for future success.If we learned anything from the 1930s, it was that governments cannot shrug their shoulders and watch as their own pe

42、ople are being laid off.Nor should we forget the causes of the current growth and debt crisis as we seek to put our economies on a more sustainable footing.Both the United States and Britain suffered because their economies were overly reliant on the financial sectors artificial profits; living stan

43、dards for the many worsened while the economic rewards went to the top 1 percent; a capitalist model encouraged short-term decision-making oriented toward quarterly profits rather than long-term health; and interest groups like giant banks were deemed too big to fail or too powerful to challenge.We

44、need to recognize that the trickle-down promise (benefits given to the rich will eventually be passed on to the poor) of conservative theorists has turned into a gravity-defying reality in which wealth has flowed upward disproportionately and. too often, undeservedly. To address the problem requires

45、 fresh thinking from governments about how people train for their working lives and what a living wage should be.Governments can set betternot necessarily morerules to encourage productive businesses that make and sell real products and services. We need rules that discourage the predatory (掠奪的) beh

46、avior of those seeking the fast buck through hostile takeovers and asset-stripping that do not have the interests of the shareholders, the employees or the economy at heart.And governments must remember they are elected to serve the people, not the powerful lobbies who can pay for access or influenc

47、e. Too often the real enemies of market capitalism are some of the leading beneficiaries of the current model, which favors big monopolies and consumer exploitation.I believe that changing the rules of capitalism will require a change in what citizens expect and ask of politics. The question is not

48、so much whether 20th-century capitalism is failing 21st-century society but whether politics can rise to the challenge of changing a flawed economic model.52. What important lesson could be drawn from the 1930s?A) The government should play a role in reviving the economy.B) The government should pro

49、vide subsidies for the unemployed.C) The government should not ignore the role of economists in the nations economy.D) The government should not brush aside ideas from the World Economic Forum.53. What is one of the factors contributing to the recent financial crisis in the United States and Britain

50、?A) Their business giants neglect of attending to long-term planning.B) Their governments unnecessary intervention in economic affairs.C) Their governments failing to provide assistance for the poor and needy.D) Their economies relying heavily on the operations of the financial sector.54. What does

51、the author say about the so-called trickle-down promise?A) It defies conventional wisdom.B) It has failed to materialize.C) It will benefit both the rich and the poor once realized.D) It will prove fatal to capitalist economy once broken.55. What rules does the author say governments should set to g

52、uarantee sustainable economic development?A) Rules that help businesses to expand fast but in a healthy way.B) Rules that discourage businesses from making quick money.C) Rules that encourage businesses to make and sell real products and services.D) Rules that ensure the increase of shareholders div

53、idends and employees pay.56. What should the government do about the current economy according to the author?A) Eliminate the real enemies of market capitalism.B) Undertake to repair the flaws in the economic model.C) Prevent the lobbies from exerting too much influence.D) Diminish the role politics

54、 plays in national economy.Passage Two Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.Women are half the population but only 15% of board members at big American firms, and l0% in Europe. Companies that fish in only half the talent pool will lose out to those that cast their net more widely.

55、There is also evidence that mixed boards make better decisions.Mindful of this, European countries are passing laws that would force companies to promote more women to the executive suite. A new French law requires listed firms to reserve 40% of board seats for women by 2017. Norway and Spain have s

56、imilar laws; Germany is considering one. The European Parliament declared this month that such quotas should be applied throughout the European Union.There are two main arguments for compulsory quotas. One is that the men who dominate corporate boards are hopelessly sexist: they promote people like

57、themselves and ignore any female talent.The second argument is more subtle. Talented executives need mentors (導(dǎo)師) to help them climb the ladder. Male directors mentor young men but are reluctant to get friendly with young women, lest the relationship be misinterpreted. Quotas will break this vicious

58、 cycle by putting lots of women at the top, who can then offer their sisters a leg up.There may be something in both arguments, but in most rich countries sexism is no longer the main obstacle to womens careers. Children are. Most women take career breaks to look after them. Many care for elderly re

59、latives, too. One study found that two-thirds of American women had at some point switched from full-time work to part-time or flexible time to balance work and family. Such choices make it harder for women to gain the experience necessary to make it to the very top.What is more, big companies are i

60、ncreasingly global. Many want a boss who has worked in more than one country. Such foreign postings disrupt families; many women turn them down. And many, anticipating a career break at some point in the future, enter fields where their skills will not quickly become outdated, such as law or human r

61、esources. Some lawyers make good chief executives. But firms often want people with financial or operational experience for the top jobs, and these fields are still male-dominated.Quotas are too blunt a tool for such a tangled problem. The women companies are compelled to put on boards are unlikely

62、to be as useful as those they place there voluntarily. Quotas force firms either to pad their boards with token non-executive directors, or to allocate real power on the basis of sex rather than merit. Enforcing quotas for women has led to large numbers of inexperienced women being appointed to boar

63、ds, and seriously damaged those firms performance.注意:此部分試題請在答題卡2上作答。57. What will happen to a company if men dominate its executive board?A) Its talent poo1 will dry out sooner. C) Its women employees will complain.B) Its competitiveness will be weakened. D) It is bound to make unwise decisions.58.

64、What seems to prevent women from becoming board members apart from sexism?A) Many of them lack the courage to face the challenge in the board room.B) Male directors are afraid of womens potential threat to their authority.C) Few of them have the training and qualifications needed for executive dutie

65、s.D) Male directors refrain from giving them guidance to avoid misunderstanding.59. What does the author say is the real barrier to womens careers?A) An apparent lack of necessary legislation. C) The burden of taking care of their family.B) Fierce competition from male colleagues. D) The widespread sexism in the workplace.60. Why do many women choose to enter

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