情景對話 教師

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《情景對話 教師》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《情景對話 教師(12頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、全力沖刺高考英語試卷情景交際考題剖析 英語知識運用題對平常用語的考察應波及高中英語課程原則所列舉的所有41項內(nèi)容。下面我結合近來這五年高考試題中考察交際用語中的情景對話的重要方面來分析一下:一、 問候二、 簡介 (一、二兩項近五年暫未考到,復習時我們應當稍加注意。)三、 辭別- Its getting late. Im afraid I must be going now.- OK. _ . A. Take it easy B. Go slowly C. Stay longer D. See you 答案: D四、 感謝和應答 本項近五年暫未考到,復習時我們應當稍加注意。 五、 祝愿、祝賀和應

2、答 2.-Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away? -Thank you. _. AIt couldnt be better BOf course you can CIf you like DIts up to you 答案:A3. -Im taking my driving test tomorrow. -_! A. Cheers B. Good Luck C. Come on D. Congratulations 答案: B六、 道歉、遺憾和應答 4.-Oh dear ! Ive just broken a window . - _.

3、It cant be helped . ANever mind BAll right CThats fine DNot at all 答案:A 5.-James, I am sorry I used your computer when you were away this morning. -_. AThats all right BIts a pleasure CYou are welcome DDont mention it 答案:A6. - Sorry, Joe. I didnt mean to. - Dont call me“Joe”. Im Mr. Parker to you, a

4、nd_you forget it! A .do B.didnt C.did D .dont 答案: D7. - Sorry to have interrupted you . Please go on. - Where was I ? - You _you didnt like your fathers job. A. had said B. said C. were saying D. had been saying 答案:C 七、 邀請和應答 8. - Can I speak to Mr. Wang , please ? -_. A.Who are you ? BIm Wang . CSp

5、eaking DAre you john ? 答案:C9. - Do you think I could borrow your bicycle? - _AHow come? BTake your time. CYes, go on . DYes, help yourself. 答案:D八、 提供(協(xié)助等)和應答10.-Its cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella. - _. A. Yes, take it easy B. Well, it just dependsC. OK, just in case D. All fight, youre welc

6、ome 答案C 九、 約會11 .- Lets go to a movie after work, OK? - _ A. Not at all. B. Why not? C. Never mind. D. What of it? 答案:B12.- How about eight oclock outside the cinema? - That _me fine. A. fits B. meets C .satisfies D. suits 答案:D 13.- How about eight o clock outside the cinema? - That _ me fine. A. fi

7、ts B. meets C. satisfies D. suits 答案:D 十、 意愿和但愿 14. Tom: Mike, our team will play against the Rockets this weekend. Im sure we will win. Mike: _!A. Congratulations B. Cheers C. Best wishes D. Goodluck 答案:D 15. -What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game. - _. Whateve

8、r you want to do is fine with me. (浙江27) A. It just depends B. Its up to you C. All right D. Glad to hear that 答案: B 十一、祈求、容許和應答 16. -The room is so dirty._ we clean it? -Of course. A. Will B. Shall C. Would D. Do 答案: B17. -Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide ? -Of course.

9、_, sir. A .Make yourself at home B. Enjoy yourself C. It doesnt matter D. Take your time 答案: D18.- Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report. - You_have my computer if you dont take care of it.A. shant B. might not C. neednt D. shouldnt 答案:A十二、 批準和不批準19. -People should stop using t

10、heir cars and start using public transport. - _ . The roads are too crowded as it is.AAll right BExactly CGo ahead DFine 答案: B20. - Itll take at least 2 hours to do this! - Oh, _. I could do it in 30 minutes. A. come on B. pardon me C. you are right D. don t mention it 答案:Cv 高考鏈接 體驗1.( 高考英語重慶卷 )-Hav

11、e you played baseball before? We need one more player.-_. I like ball games, so I believe it will be to learn baseball.A. SometimesB. Not reallyC. Never mindD. Thats cool【答案】B【解析】考察交際用語。not really 闡明自己沒打過棒球,與背面的“我覺得學打棒球很有趣”相吻合。2.( 高考英語重慶卷)-Honey, lets go out for dinner. -_ I dont have to cook.A. For

12、got it!B. Thats great!C. Why?D. Go ahead.【答案】B【解析】考察交際用語。句意為“親愛的,我們出去吃飯吧。”“太好了,我不必做飯了?!币虼诉xB。A. Forget it. 沒關系 C. Why 為什么 D. Go ahead 隨便 均不符合語境。3.( 高考英語浙江卷)According to my grandma, it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold. _, scientists agree with her. A. Sooner or later B. Once in

13、a while C. To be exact D. Believe it or not【答案】D【解析】考察短語辨析。根據(jù)我奶奶的見解,感冒時最佳喝雞湯。的確如此,科學家也這樣覺得的。此處Believe it or not表達“信不信由你,的確”的含義,符合語境。sooner or later表達“遲早”;once in a while表達“時不時,偶爾,間或”;to be exact表達“確切地說”。4.(高考英語浙江卷)Would she mind playing against her former teammates? _ She is willing to play against

14、any tough players.AI think so. BIm not surprised. COf course. DNot likely!【答案】D【解析】考察情景交際。從答語的第二句可知,她敢于挑戰(zhàn)任何強大的對手,故“她不介意(與她的前隊友比賽)”,因此只有D項“不見得”符合語境5.(高考英語天津卷)Professor Johnson, Im afraid I cant finish the report within this week._ How about next week?A. Good for you B. It wont bother me C. Not at all

15、 D. Thats OK【答案】 D【解析】考察交際用語。A項意為對你有好處;B項意為它不會讓我感到煩惱;C項意為不客氣;D項意為可以,那好吧。句意為:“約翰遜專家,恐怕我不能在本周內(nèi)完畢報告。好吧,下周如何?”6.( 高考英語天津卷 )Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me?Sure. _ ?A. What help B. What is this C. What is it D. What do you want【答案】C【解析】考察交際用語。句意為“打擾你了,你能幫我個忙嗎?固然。什么事情?”,A項意為中國式英語;B項意為“這是什么”;C項意為“究竟

16、是什么”;D項意為“你想要什么”。7.( 高考英語四川卷 )一Im sorryThat wasnt of much help 一Oh,_ As a matter of fact,it was most helpfulAsure it was Bit doesnt matter Cof course not Dthanks anyway【答案】A【解析】考察平常用語。后句中的As a matter of fact, it was most helpful,可知是對前句表意的否認,因此A項合適。句意為:“對不起,那協(xié)助不太大。固然不是了,事實上,它很有用。”8.( 高考英語四川卷 )Heres y

17、our change._A. Thank you. B. Dont mention it. C. No problem D. With pleasure.【答案】A【解析】考察平常用語。句意為:“這是找你的零錢?!薄爸x謝”。A符合語境。B用于回答道謝或道謙;C、D用于回答求助。9.( 高考英語陜西卷 )What a fine day! Shall we go picnicking?_ . But we need to be home before six oclock for the football match. A. Have a nice time. B. Pardon me C. Th

18、ats great D. You are right【答案】C【解析】考察交際用語。從背面的轉折“但我們需要在六點前趕回家看足球賽”可知,答話人已經(jīng)批準接受對方的邀請。C項“好極了”符合語境。A項“祝你玩得開心”,表達祝愿;B項“原諒我”在祈求對方原諒時用;D項”你說得對”表達批準對方的見解10.( 高考英語陜西卷 )Whats the noise? It sounds as if it comes from upstairs. _ .It must be the window-cleaner working next door. A. Im not sure B. I hope not C.

19、 Id rather not D. I dont think so 【答案】D【解析】考察交際用語。說話人判斷那噪音仿佛來自樓上,而答話人很肯定地說是隔壁清潔工擦窗戶的聲音,由此可判斷出答話人不批準對方的見解,選D項,意為”我覺得不是這樣的”。A項表達沒有把握,B項表達”但愿不是如此”,C項表達不情愿干某事。v 考點梳理 精講考點1 習慣應答類許多情景對話中使用的是英美人的習常用語。問候、辭別、打電話、問路、看病、購物等常用的交際話題均有其較為固定的套語;感謝、道歉、祝愿、祈求亦有其固定的應答用語。對于此類題目,我們要遵循她們的習慣進行回答。如:1常用于感謝的應答用語有:You are wel

20、come/Dont mention it/It is my pleasure(My pleasure)/Not at a11/Thats all right/Im glad(happy)that/Im glad you like(enjoy)it2常用于道歉的應答用語有:Never mind/It doesnt matter/Not at a11/Thats all right/That is nothing3常用的祝愿和祝賀用語有:Good luck!/Best wishes to you/Have a nice time/Wish you a pleasant journey/Congra

21、tulations!/Merry Christmas!/Happy birthday to you而應答用語有:Thank you/The same to you/You too4接受祈求和邀請的應答用語有:With pleasure/Id be happy(glad)to/Yes,help yourself/No problem/Good idea/Sounds good/Why not?回絕祈求和邀請的應答用語有:Sorry,but/Id rather you/Thank you,but/No way!/Forget it。5其她場景習慣應答用語考生也應注意。問候的應答用語有:How do

22、 you do/Fine,thank you簡介的應答用語有:Very glad(pleased)to see you接電話的習常用語有:This is Li Ming speaking道別的習常用語有:Bye/So long/See you later服務人員的應答用語有:Yes,Sir/Yes,Madame/Take your time考點2 破交際定勢類漢語和英語在交際文化方面有許多共同之處,但也存在諸多差別。這些差別往往是考察的重中之重。我們要力求用英語思維,避免母語交際定勢的干擾,要根據(jù)英語的文化交際習慣來應答。如:當中國人聽到對方夸獎或贊美自己時,習慣上要說些表達謙虛的話;而英美人

23、則不同,她們總是冉郵芏苑降目浣保儔硎拘灰狻紓一Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner,MrsWang王太太,您給我們提供了一頓極好的中式晚餐。Im glad you enjoyed it我不久樂你們喜歡。典例:Thank you very much for the gifts you sent me. _. A. No thanks B. Im glad you like it C. Please dont say so D. No, its not so good 解析 答案為B。本題所提供的情景是一方收到對方送的禮物之后表達感謝,四個選項中只有I

24、m glad you like it符合西方人的體現(xiàn)習慣。而A、 C、 D三個選項均帶有明顯的漢語思維痕跡,極易產(chǎn)生干擾??键c3 語言構造類此類題規(guī)定考生根據(jù)對話情景和所掌握的對的語言構造來做出選擇。以習常用法和變異句(如省略句)居多。如當說話人對剛剛提出的說法或意見持肯定態(tài)度時,可以說:Yes,I think(suppose,believe)SO/Yes,Imafraid SO對剛剛提出的說法或意見持否認態(tài)度,則說:No,I dont think(suppose) so/No,I dont believe so/No,I believe(suppose)not/No,I hope not/N

25、o,I am afraid not“Do you mind?”常用于表達祈求對方容許。如果批準,則用“No,go ahead/No,of course not/No,not at a11”等來回答;如果不批準,可用“Im sorry I do”來回答??键c4 情景用語類根據(jù)不同的交際情景,說話者會采用不同的交際用語來體現(xiàn)自己的態(tài)度和情感。如表達不肯定或沒把握,人們會說:I am afraid that/It depends表達不耐煩和催促的用語有:Well,well/Come on/Hurry up!表達驚奇和有把握的用語有:No wonder/No doubt如:一What do you w

26、ant to do next?We have half an hour until the basketball game接下來你準備做什么?在籃球賽之前我們尚有半小時。一Its up to youWhatever you want to do is fine with me這取決于你。你想做什么我都批準。v 要點知識 點撥常用的交際用語 1.Go ahead.(單獨使用,表批準)行,可以。 2.You guess it.你猜對了! 3.Cheer up.相稱于Come on.振作起來,快樂起來。 4.Come on. (1)(用于命令)快!加油! (2)(表達懂得了某人所說的話不對的)得了吧

27、! 5.No problem. (1)(表達樂于協(xié)助或事情容易做)沒問題。 (2)(回答別人的道歉或道謝)沒什么。不客氣,沒關系。 6.(1)That is very kind of you.=Thank you. (2)Nothing of the kind.(強調(diào)狀況與所說的不相似)決不是那么一回事,一點也不。 7.(1)With pleasure.(客氣地接受或批準)“固然了,很樂意,非常樂意(效勞)”,常用于對別人祈求的答復。(2)My pleasure. 是快樂的事情。 不用客氣。 (3)It is a pleasure 不久樂 對感謝的回答 8.(1)So what?那又怎么樣?(

28、覺得某事無關緊要,用于辯駁別人的指責)(2)What? (沒聽清或沒聽懂)什么? (聽到對方的話并問)什么事? (驚訝或憤怒)什么?真的? (3)What for?為什么目的? 9.(1)Exactly表達贊同或強調(diào)對的,“一點不錯,正是如此,完全對的?!?(2)Not exactly. (說反話時用)主線不,決不,一點也不。 糾正對方的話,不完全。 10.Not really.不是,不全是。 11.Absolutely. (1)強調(diào)批準或容許,“固然,對極了”。 (2)Absolutely not.(用于強烈反對某事某人或者不批準某人的意見)固然不,絕對不行。 12.The same to

29、you.祝你也如此。 13.Me too.我也有相似的感受。 14.Good luck!祝你好運! 15.Keep cool.不要氣憤。 16.Go for it.努力求?。▽崿F(xiàn))。 17.Throw light on it.使容易些。 18.(1)Take it easy.別緊張,放松些,不要激動。 (2)Take your time!別匆忙,慢慢來。 19.(1)How about (What about)?(詢問消息)怎么樣?如何? (2)Hows that?那是怎么回事?How come?為什么?怎么會? (3)How did e to.?=How come (that).?為什么會?

30、是如何?固定體現(xiàn),規(guī)定對發(fā)生的事情作解釋或闡明理由。20.(1)Why not?(提出建議或贊同建議)為什么不呢?好哇。 (2)Why ever?(用于問句,語帶驚訝)究竟為什么? Why ever didnt tell us all?究竟為什么沒有告訴我們? 21. I couldnt agree more.我十分批準,表達批準對方的觀點。 22.Forget it. (1)(用來告訴某人某件事情是不重要的或者不必緊張)沒關系,不必在乎。(2)(表達不想反復說過的話)別提了。 (3)(表達否認)不也許。 (4)住嘴,不要再煩人地說下去了。 23.You cant be serious.你不是

31、認真的吧?(闡明說話人對某事難以置信)v 誤區(qū)警示 透析英漢差別易錯點1 May I ask a question after class,Sir? ,but not during my lunch break. A.Im sorryB.Anytime C.CertainlyD.Go ahead【解題探究】 C。go ahead除了可以意為“發(fā)生, 進行”外,還可以用來表達批準對方提出的祈求,意為“開始做,著手干”等。2. Do you mind if I record your lecture? .Go ahead. A.Never mindB.No way C.Not at allD.No

32、.Youd better not【解題探究】 C。在Do you mind if I open the window?/Would you mind if I opened the window?或Do/Would you mind (my/me) opening the window?構造中,當答語中用Certainly./Of course./Sure(ly)./Yes.等肯定性的構造時,表達“介意”;當答語中用Of course not./Certainly not./No.等否認性構造時,表達“不介意”提高練習1.Its getting late. Im afraid I must b

33、e going now. OK. _ A. Take it easy. B. Go slowly. C. Stay longer. D. See you. 2. Oh dear! Ive just broken a window. _. It cant be helped. A. Never mind B. All right C. Thats fine D. Not at all 3. Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away? Thank you. _. A. It couldnt be better B. Of course you

34、can C. If you like D. Its up to you4. Do you think I could borrow your bicycle? _ A. How come? B. Take your time. C. Yes, go on. D. Yes, help yourself. 5. Can I speak to Mr. Wang, please? _ A. Who are you? B. Im Wang. C. Speaking. D. Are you John?6. Im thinking of the test tomorrow. Im afraid I cant

35、 pass this time. _! Im sure youll make it. A. Go ahead B. Good luck C. No problem D. Cheer up7.Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is, please?_ Oh yes! Its past the office, next to a big market. A. Mm, let me think. B. Oh, I beg your pardon?C. Youre welcome. D. What do you mean?8. Woul

36、d you like some more soup? _. It is delicious, but Ive had enough.A. Yes, please B. No, thank you C. Nothing more D. Id like some9.We have booked a room for today and tomorrow._, sir.A. Im sure B. My pleasure C. Its all right D. Ill check10.Have you been wasting time on computer games again? _ . Ive

37、 been studying a lot and I need a break. ANo way BNot really CI dont agree DI couldnt agree more11.I apologize for not being able to join you for dinner._. Well get together later. A. Go ahead B. Not to worry C. Thats right D. Dont mention it【專項綜合】1.He looks very hot and dry. So_if you had a tempera

38、ture of 40.A. would you B. will you C. would have you been D. do you2. Do you still remember when we went to Chongqing? I cant remember now but _ sometime last summer?A. could it be B. might it be C. could it have been D. might it have been3.Since you like the fur coat so much, why not buy it?Well,

39、I cant afford_ coat. A. that expensive a B. that an expensive C. so expensive D. such expensive4. Ring me at six tomorrow morning, will you? Why that early? I _ . A. will be sleeping B. have slept C. have been sleeping D. will sleep 5.Do you mi nd if I open the window? _ . I feel a bit cold. A. Of c

40、ourse not B. Id rather you didnt C. Go ahead D. Please close it7.May I try the jacket on? _ , but I think it will be too small for you.A. As you like B. By all meansC. As a resultD. Believe it or not8.Why are the housing prices in big cities going up all the time? One reason is that people are_ into

41、 overcrowded cities in great numbers.A. breaking B. filling C. pouring D. hurrying9.How can I succeed soon? Oh, be patient. Put your heart into your studies and you will _.A. make it B. get it C. take it D. turn it out10. Alice looks sad. Did you tell her about the accident? Yes, but I _ her just be

42、fore her final exams.Ashouldnt tell Bshouldnt have toldCneednt tell Dmustnt have told11.Lets go and have a good drink tonight一 _ Have you got the first prize in the competition?AWhat for? BThanks a lot CYes Id like to DWhy not?12.Why didnt you attend the party in the hall the other day? I just wante

43、d some quiet time by myselfAheld Bbeing held Cto be held Dholding13.It was too cold yesterday morning, and I couldnt get my car _.Why didnt you try_ the battery with some hot water? Astarted; filling Bto run; fillingCgoing; fill Dstarting; filling14.Its cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella. _. AY

44、es, take it easy BWell, it just dependsCOK, just in case DAll right, youre welcome15.Are you sure you really want it? _,I am willing to pay _price you askANo;no matter what BYes;no matter whatCNo;whatever DYes;whatever16. Do remember to take this medicine three times a day with warm boiled water. _.

45、 A. Heard it B. Made it C. Got it D. Taken it17.That was a green dinner. _ Thanks. But it really only took an hour. A. I have never had it before. B. I enjoyed it very much.C. You must have spent all day cooking. D. You must be tired.18.Sorry, I couldnt find the magazine you asked for. _. A. Dont mention it B. No problem C. Its all the same D. Thanks anyway19.Excuse me, _? Thats 110 yuan altogether, sir,A. can I order, please B. could I have the bill, pleaseC. how much is the meal weve had D. please count the money, will you

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