必修1 unit5教案

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《必修1 unit5教案》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《必修1 unit5教案(34頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern heroContents 目錄 一、單元教學(xué)目標(biāo)和要求(Teaching aims and demands)二、教材內(nèi)容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials)三、教學(xué)安排(Teaching arrangements)四、單元預(yù)習(xí)任務(wù)(Pre-unit Activities: Preview Task)五、教學(xué)步驟 (Teaching procedures)六、背景參考資料(Background knowledge)七、評價與反思(Assessment and reflection)臨海市回浦中學(xué)

2、 李珊珊 陳曉平 余晶晶一、教學(xué)目標(biāo)和要求(Teaching aims and demands) 根據(jù)課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)實驗教材(英語 必修)關(guān)于總目標(biāo)的具體描述,結(jié)合高一學(xué)生實際和教材內(nèi)容,我們將教學(xué)目標(biāo)分為語言知識、語言技能、學(xué)習(xí)策略、情感態(tài)度和價值觀四個方面。1 語言知識 (Knowledge)詞匯(Vocabulary):能理解、內(nèi)化、運用以下生詞- hero, quality, willing, active, republic, fight, peaceful, prison, prisoner, period, law, advise, continue, fee, gold,youth,

3、league,stage,vote,position,accept,violence,equal,blanket,degree,guard,educated,terror,fear,cruelty,reward,right(n.),criminal,leader,president,sentence(v.),sincerely短語(Phrases and expressions):lose heart, in trouble ,worry about, out of work, Youth League, as a matter of fact, blow up, put . in priso

4、n, come to power , set up , be sentenced to功能(Functions):學(xué)習(xí)掌握一些用于發(fā)表意見與評論的結(jié)構(gòu)句式,如:1 發(fā)表意見 (Giving opinions)Why do you think so? What do you think of .? Whats you opinion?agree / dont agreeI think / dont think . I prefer . In my opinion . Im afraid .2 評論 (Making comments)Good idea! Thats an excellent id

5、ea語法(Grammar):定語從句(II)(由where, when, why, 介詞+ which, 介詞+ whom引導(dǎo)的定語從句)The school where I studied only two years was three kilometres awayThis was a time when you had got to have a passbook to live in JohannesburgThe reason why I got a job was because of my hard workwe were put in a position in which

6、we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the GovernmentThe person to whom you should be grateful for a peaceful South Africa is Nelson Mandela.擴展詞匯:negative(消極的), heroine(女主角,女主人公), unwilling(不情愿的), nation(國家,民族), sacrifice(犧牲),realize(認(rèn)識到), give up(放棄), riches(財富), Bible(圣經(jīng)), revolu

7、tion(革命), career(職業(yè)), equality(平等), fairness(公平), conflict(沖突), biography(自傳), beliefs(信仰), Christianity(基督教), religion(宗教), priests(牧師), version(翻譯), readable(易讀的), adventure(冒險), scholar(學(xué)者), sympathy(同情), ,campaign(從事活動), communist(共產(chǎn)主義者), injustice(不公平), oppose(反對), pilot(飛行員), boycott(聯(lián)合抵制)。2.

8、語言技能 (Skills)聽:在本單元的課文及練習(xí)冊聽力教學(xué)中, 能聽懂人物和事件以及它們的關(guān)系,能抓住所聽語段中的關(guān)鍵詞,正確理解話語間的邏輯關(guān)系。說:在本單元的課文及練習(xí)討論時, 能恰當(dāng)使用I think/ I dont think/ in my opinion/Thats an excellent idea等對英雄、偉人的品質(zhì)恰當(dāng)?shù)匕l(fā)表意見,進(jìn)行討論。讀:能在閱讀中使用不同的閱讀策略,迅速地從閱讀材料中獲取主要信息,根據(jù)上下文線索預(yù)測故事發(fā)展,根據(jù)上下文猜測詞義并通過不同渠道如報刊、音像、網(wǎng)絡(luò)等了解更多偉人的情況。寫:能用恰當(dāng)?shù)恼Z言簡單地描述人物,并簡單地表達(dá)自己的意見。3. 學(xué)習(xí)策略(

9、Strategy):1 在聽和讀的訓(xùn)練中,學(xué)會借助情景和上下文猜測詞義或推測段落大意,借助圖表等非語言信息進(jìn)行理解和表達(dá)。2 主動制定本單元學(xué)習(xí)計劃,客觀評價自己的學(xué)習(xí)效果,在課內(nèi)外活動中積極用英語交流,有效地使用詞典、圖書館、網(wǎng)絡(luò)等媒體資源來獲得更多的有關(guān)偉人的英語信息。4. 情感態(tài)度和價值觀(Affect and Values)了解Nelson Mandela的生平事跡,認(rèn)識偉人所應(yīng)具備的優(yōu)秀品質(zhì),并向他們學(xué)習(xí),以提高自身素質(zhì),樹立正確的人生觀,學(xué)習(xí)他們在艱苦的環(huán)境下為人類做貢獻(xiàn)、不追求享樂的高尚精神。同時也學(xué)會一分為二的態(tài)度客觀看待事物。二、教材內(nèi)容分析(Analysis of the

10、teaching materials)本單元的中心話題是當(dāng)代英雄納爾遜曼德拉。故事的主題內(nèi)容分成三個部分,由窮苦的黑人工人伊萊亞斯敘述他眼中的曼德拉。這樣的寫法雖然只能反映出曼德拉的一個側(cè)面,但讀起來卻更為客觀可信,使學(xué)生對曼德拉有初步的了解。第一篇閱讀短文伊萊亞斯向我們介紹1952-1963年期間的曼德拉。第二篇聽力短文伊萊亞斯講述了他為了爭取與白人有平等的權(quán)利而參加了曼德拉的非洲國民大會青年聯(lián)盟。第三篇閱讀短文伊萊亞斯說到他在羅本島監(jiān)獄得到了曼德拉的幫助,非國大(ANC)掌權(quán)后,伊萊亞斯又回到羅本島監(jiān)獄擔(dān)任導(dǎo)游。這有別于慣常采用的直敘手法,盡可能剔除作者的主觀看法,留給學(xué)生更多的思考空間,

11、啟發(fā)學(xué)生自己去思考,主動地表述對自己心目中英雄人物的看法。為了讓學(xué)生完成寫作任務(wù),教科書又提供了曼德拉的生平履歷表,讓學(xué)生對曼德拉有了一個更完整的認(rèn)識?!盁嵘怼保╓arming Up)部分要求小組討論偉人應(yīng)具有的品質(zhì),并通過一組問題讓學(xué)生了解彼此的特點與看法?!白x前”(Pre-reading)部分提供了一些重要的歷史人物,要求學(xué)生讀懂每個人的基本情況,并判斷他們中誰能稱得上是偉大的人?!罢Z言學(xué)習(xí)”(Learning about Language)部分突出了詞匯和語法的學(xué)習(xí)與訓(xùn)練。本單元的語法是when, where, why, 介詞+ which,介詞+ whom引導(dǎo)的定語從句?!罢Z言運用”(

12、Using Language)部分中包括了聽、讀、寫三個部分的內(nèi)容,是本單元主要閱讀篇章故事的延續(xù)。學(xué)生可從中了解南非黑人當(dāng)時的生活狀況以及他們不平等的社會地位,發(fā)現(xiàn)曼德拉的偉大之處。該部分提出的一些問題有利于培養(yǎng)學(xué)生獨立思考的能力和人文精神。其中“寫作”(Writing)部分是訓(xùn)練學(xué)生選取和組織材料,寫出具有說服力的書信。練習(xí)冊的寫作要求學(xué)生學(xué)寫有關(guān)偉人或名人的生平?!皩W(xué)習(xí)建議”(Learning Tip)指導(dǎo)學(xué)生收集、選擇和分析有關(guān)名人的材料,了解人們對這些名人的評論,以學(xué)會正確地評價人物。三、教學(xué)安排(Teaching arrangements)Period 1: Reading I (

13、Elias story +the rest of Elias story)Period 2: Reading II (review +listening (sb)+language points)Period 3: More language input (reading task (wb) + listening (wb)Period 4: Language Practicing (grammar)Period 5: Writing 本教學(xué)安排根據(jù)“LARA教學(xué)原則”,對教材進(jìn)行大膽的刪除(L leave out)、 修補(A Amending)、替換(R Replace)、增添(A Add


15、 Book)和作業(yè)本(Workbook)有機結(jié)合。 根據(jù)本單元的教材的特點,按照任務(wù)型教學(xué)與大容量輸入與輸出的教學(xué)理念,整個單元的設(shè)計思路如下:輸入“英雄”的概念,先是學(xué)生的自由討論,更通過曼德拉的事跡向?qū)W生展示何為當(dāng)代偉人,以及偉人所要具備的一些品質(zhì)。在這基礎(chǔ)上,第二步要學(xué)生辨別偉人與名人的不同,以及體會一分為二的辯證唯物主義。最后我們回到生活中,生活中也有不少平凡但是為了集體崇高的理想,放棄個人利益而不斷努力克服困難的普通民眾,他們也是我們心目中的英雄,偉人。由此我們從書本回歸到生活,也成功升華,延伸了英雄的概念。通過學(xué)習(xí)語言點、語法還有寫作,學(xué)生在內(nèi)化吸收了知識后,進(jìn)行了輸出。第一課時是


17、在第二課時。首先我們以一首英文經(jīng)典歌曲 “hero”作為課前的英語氛圍的營造與課內(nèi)的導(dǎo)入,以老師問學(xué)生答的有效互動形式自由談?wù)撍麄兯矏鄣膆ero并說明理由,提高了“說”的能力。然后是Workbook “talking”部分的四幅人物圖像的呈現(xiàn),以圖片展示的形式激勵學(xué)生用英語進(jìn)行語言實踐活動,然后歸納出英雄的一個模糊標(biāo)準(zhǔn),為課文學(xué)習(xí)做好鋪墊。之后正式人物曼德拉的登場,進(jìn)入主題伊萊亞斯眼中的曼德拉??焖匍喿x部分訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的快速閱讀能力并讓學(xué)生對文章的梗概有所了解,對中心人物與背景有一定的印象。在細(xì)讀過程中,根據(jù)課文的內(nèi)容,問題設(shè)計以伊萊亞斯的人生發(fā)展為貫穿總線,同時以曼德拉給予他的影響為副線,環(huán)環(huán)

18、相扣,層層遞進(jìn),檢查學(xué)生對文章的理解程度。在學(xué)生掌握課文內(nèi)容并有了一定量的信息輸入之后,給學(xué)生創(chuàng)造情境,讓學(xué)生將所學(xué)的知識真實地運用到情境交際中,達(dá)到鞏固知識與信息輸出的目的。在此,依據(jù)學(xué)生的認(rèn)知水平,我們設(shè)計兩個不同難度系數(shù)的任務(wù)。任務(wù)1:Suppose you were Nelson Mandela or Nelson Mandelas wife, would you like to tell us something impressive? 這里我們希望學(xué)生從伊萊亞斯外的角度來述說事情的發(fā)展過程,與文章的寫作手法呼應(yīng),并鞏固所學(xué)知識。任務(wù)2:四人小組活動,一個導(dǎo)游與三個游客之間的交流活動

19、。相對任務(wù)1,任務(wù)2情境更加生動,更加開拓思維,能夠把交際實踐與閱讀有機結(jié)合起來并培養(yǎng)了學(xué)生的合作精神。作業(yè)的布置一個是讓學(xué)生在復(fù)習(xí)課文的同時找出好詞好句,另一個是讓他們以四人為一個小組,課外用各種媒體工具去找有關(guān)曼德拉更多的資料,也是為下節(jié)課做準(zhǔn)備。 第二課時是第一課時閱讀的鞏固,延伸,升華。先通過對錯問答檢測對課文內(nèi)容的熟悉程度,然后通過尋找好詞好句來呈現(xiàn)詞匯與表達(dá),并通過短文填空對詞匯進(jìn)行運用與內(nèi)化。鞏固了上一堂課的內(nèi)容,進(jìn)入延伸部分一篇聽力短文:伊萊亞斯講述了他為了爭取與白人有平等的權(quán)利而參加了曼德拉的非洲國民大會青年聯(lián)盟。為了讓學(xué)生進(jìn)入聽的狀態(tài),先為學(xué)生營造語境,由熟悉的passbo

20、ok引出話題,通過問題的形式先讓學(xué)生預(yù)測當(dāng)時的情景,這樣能激發(fā)學(xué)生用英語進(jìn)行實踐活動并為聽力作好準(zhǔn)備,然后再自然過渡到聽力部分。這樣學(xué)生在聽的時候就有個心理準(zhǔn)備,作好了鋪墊。到此關(guān)于曼德拉的故事基本接近尾聲,那么我們可以從中學(xué)習(xí)到什么呢?學(xué)生在這個環(huán)節(jié)進(jìn)一步熟悉并鞏固了課文。開放式討論后,我們把目光從曼德拉身上投到其他偉人那里,在這里我們有選擇的利用了課文pre-reading部分的四位偉人的圖片,討論四個不同領(lǐng)域的偉人后,思考“What qualities do you think are needed to make a great person?”至此我們總結(jié)了偉人應(yīng)具備的一些品質(zhì)和所擁


22、樣具有爭議的人代替Pre-reading中的阿姆斯特朗,至此對Pre-reading進(jìn)行了拆分,并與閱讀有機組合在一起。首先老師以問題“As we know, most of the great people are also important and famous, but are important people the great ones?”進(jìn)行過渡與引起注意。然后導(dǎo)入比爾.蓋茨的圖片,先在沒有任何輸入的狀態(tài)下,讓學(xué)生用已學(xué)的表達(dá)方式來表達(dá)他們對這個人物的看法,操練鞏固 “Expressing ideas”的語言功能,其實這也是大腦風(fēng)暴的熱身過程。之后,依次呈現(xiàn)兩篇基于不同立場與角度

23、的有關(guān)比爾.蓋茨文章,利用閱讀技巧搜索有用信息后,形成表格進(jìn)行對比,再讓學(xué)生debate whether he is a great man, 這里讓學(xué)生能有條理地表達(dá)個人的見解,培養(yǎng)他們獨到的見解。老師最后總結(jié)出成為偉人的必備條件,而顯然比爾.蓋茨并不具備。第二環(huán)節(jié)是練習(xí)冊中的 “Listening task”, 從上一環(huán)節(jié)學(xué)生對比爾.蓋茨的不同看法上升到人們從不同角度看問題會產(chǎn)生不同的看法的理論高度。在訓(xùn)練聽的能力的同時也鍛煉辯證的思維能力。最后的環(huán)節(jié)也是本課時的高潮部分,首先以一段“感動中國”中洪戰(zhàn)輝的事跡的影音視頻進(jìn)行導(dǎo)入,討論他是不是感動大家,為什么?是不是符合了“great man

24、”的定義?那么我們身邊有沒有類似的人呢?在這里,“great man” 的定義得到了延伸與擴展,生活中那些平凡但是為了集體崇高的理想,放棄個人利益而不斷努力克服困難的普通民眾,他們也是我們心目中的“great man”。作業(yè)是讓學(xué)生寫一個計劃,考慮怎樣才能進(jìn)一步向心目中的“great man”的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)靠攏。這個作業(yè)的布置是人性化的,具有彈性的,開拓了學(xué)生的發(fā)散性思維,同時也是對學(xué)生自身品質(zhì)的一次自我審查。第四課時本課時的重點是語法定語從句的關(guān)系副詞(when, where, why)和介詞+關(guān)系代詞。因為在第四單元已經(jīng)對定語從句有了基本的了解,所以在這里我們要做的是遵循學(xué)生的認(rèn)知規(guī)律,難度適中,

25、循序漸進(jìn)的進(jìn)行語法的教學(xué),加深理解,提高實際運用能力。首先以基于閱讀課文的問答式引出課文中出現(xiàn)的四句很具有代表性的定語從句,復(fù)習(xí)了課文也引出了本單元的重點語言現(xiàn)象定語從句。然后展示一個有關(guān)定語從句的Flash動畫,形象生動,活躍氣氛。接下來通過一組練習(xí)來同時復(fù)習(xí)一下上個單元的語法項關(guān)系代詞,起到承上啟下的作用。再導(dǎo)入兩個例句1. We were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government2. The person to whom you sh

26、ould be grateful for a peaceful South Africa is Nelson Mandela.讓學(xué)生觀察這兩個句子與其他句子的不同,并通過一組練習(xí),讓學(xué)生知道介詞是怎么產(chǎn)生的和怎么挑選合適的介詞。那么怎么解決這三個關(guān)系副詞呢?根據(jù)學(xué)生的認(rèn)知規(guī)律,我們設(shè)計了三個句子為一組,分別體現(xiàn)which-at/ in /on which-when; which-in which-where; which-for which-why 的演變過程。接下來進(jìn)行有針對性的練習(xí)操練,練習(xí)的設(shè)計也是從易到難循序漸進(jìn),先是連線題,再是補充定語從句部分,最后的練習(xí)是用定語從句把兩個單句組成一

27、句話,讓學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)能力階梯式的加強。學(xué)習(xí)的最終目的是輸出,也是應(yīng)用于交際中,所以本課時的最后給學(xué)生設(shè)計了一個輸出的任務(wù)四人一組活動,應(yīng)用定語從句,談?wù)勀闵钪械奈寮∠笞钌羁痰氖虑椋宋?,地點,時間等。這個活動貼近學(xué)生的生活實際,內(nèi)容豐富,讓學(xué)生有話可講。作業(yè)布置:1.把最后一個活動再繼續(xù)深化,編為一篇短文。2. 完成課本里大量豐富的相關(guān)練習(xí),此時是學(xué)生鞏固的最好機會。第五課時是寫作課,響應(yīng)新課程對寫作的重視,我們特別在本學(xué)期強調(diào)了寫作的教學(xué)。在本課時中,首先通過對上一堂課作業(yè)定語從句短文的展示,既檢查了作業(yè),又鞏固了語法,也過渡到人物寫作這個中心話題。整堂課是按照作文的組成部分為線索展開的,

28、先是關(guān)注寫作里詞匯的處理,注重選詞對文章的印象,在這里我們充分利用了練習(xí)冊第70頁的這篇文章填空,在兩個相似詞匯之間的選擇,讓學(xué)生明白了措辭的重要性。之后,讓學(xué)生回答在本單元習(xí)得的有用詞匯,通過71頁的翻譯句子運用這些剛學(xué)的新詞匯。如果說詞匯是文章的血肉,那么結(jié)構(gòu)與提綱就是骨架。回到70頁的這篇數(shù)學(xué)家的介紹,通過師生問答,讓學(xué)生歸納出這篇文章的提綱,然后給學(xué)生機會嘗試寫一個介紹曼德拉的提綱。因本單元中出現(xiàn)信的寫作,為了把書本與練習(xí)冊兩個寫作結(jié)合起來,我們設(shè)計了如下的任務(wù):Suppose the magazine “Global People” begins its annual activit

29、y of choosing the top ten great men in 20th century, will you write a letter to support Nelson Mandela? 這樣學(xué)生既實際練習(xí)了寫信,也學(xué)會怎么介紹與描述一個人。最終我們期望學(xué)生能把新學(xué)的詞匯、句型與語法運用到作文里面,把整個單元的學(xué)習(xí)很好地加以輸出。補充:考慮到每個學(xué)校每個班級教學(xué)與學(xué)生的差異,我們沒有對語言點進(jìn)行單獨備課,但是給大家準(zhǔn)備了 “Language supermarket”,里面資料詳盡,供各位老師根據(jù)教學(xué)實際情況自由選擇。四、單元預(yù)習(xí)任務(wù)(Pre-unit Activities:

30、 Preview Task)1、根據(jù)本單元教學(xué)目標(biāo)和要求,了解本單元話題和任務(wù),充分做好課前預(yù)習(xí)工作。2、預(yù)習(xí)語言知識,包括詞匯表里的詞匯和擴展詞匯,掌握詞義、發(fā)音、詞性以及其基本用法。鼓勵學(xué)生勤查字典。3、多渠道(如報刊、雜志、網(wǎng)絡(luò)等等)查閱并了解與本單元話題有關(guān)的背景知識和材料。推薦網(wǎng)址:4、做好每課時的課前具體預(yù)習(xí)任務(wù)。第一課時前:1、 根據(jù)教學(xué)目標(biāo)和要求,了解本課時的話題和任務(wù),預(yù)習(xí)課文的語言知識,包括詞匯表里的詞匯和短語,以及課外提供的擴展詞匯,掌握詞義、發(fā)音、詞性以及基本用法。鼓勵學(xué)生勤查字典。2、 預(yù)習(xí)閱讀材料,掌握文章的中心思想和基本脈絡(luò)。 3、 通過報刊、雜志、網(wǎng)絡(luò)等途徑,多

31、渠道查閱并了解與閱讀材料相關(guān)的信息資料和背景知識,做好充分的課前預(yù)習(xí)工作。推薦網(wǎng)址:http:/www.anc.org.za/people/mandela.html(學(xué)生可以通過以下問題來自我檢查預(yù)習(xí)情況)Questionnaire:Q1: What qualities do you think you should have? And how can we improve ourselves?Q2: Can you name some famous people? But are they great men?Q3: How much do you know about South Afri

32、ca and Nelson Mandela?Q4: Whats the relationship between Nelson Mandela and Elias?Q5: What can we learn from those great ones?第二課時前:1、 復(fù)習(xí)閱讀課文,預(yù)習(xí)所給的詞匯、相關(guān)背景知識等材料。2、 預(yù)習(xí)課文Listening。第三課時前:1、 預(yù)習(xí)所給的詞匯,和相關(guān)知識。2、 預(yù)習(xí)練習(xí)冊里的閱讀與聽力。第四課時前:1、預(yù)習(xí)語言點和語法點。第五課時前:1.、復(fù)習(xí)上一課時所學(xué)的語言點和語法。2.、搜索有關(guān)曼德拉詳細(xì)信息與寫信的格式。五、教學(xué)步驟 (Teaching pro

33、cedures)Period 1:Reading ITeaching goals 1. To talk about peoples qualities and inspire the students to discover the value of the great mans work.2. To read on capable peoples life stories and know more information about Nelson Mandela.3. Enable the students to express their ideas logically.Procedur

34、esStep 1. Warming up(Before class, get the Ss to enjoy a beautiful song Hero for 3-5 minutes. After enjoying, ask the Ss some questions in a moving atmosphere.) T: Well, for a beautiful song, do you know what it is about?S :HeroQ: Who is your hero/heroine?/ Who do you admire in your heart?Ss: Q: Why

35、? S: Q: Do you think he is a great man? S: Q: Does he do anything for others? / What contributions does he make to society?S: (Show 4 pictures in talking part one by one)Q: How about this person? Do you admire him? Is he another hero in your heart? What do you know about him? (Give background knowle

36、dge)Conclusion: Let Ss say: so a great man is a man_.(Show a picture of. Nelson Mandela)Q: What do you know about him? Is he a great man? Why? (Get into Brainstorming)T: It seems you know Nelson Mandela a little. Do you want to know more about him? Lets read the following story and see what Elias th

37、inks of Nelson Mandela. Step 2.Fast ReadingQ: What does he think of Nelson Mandela?Why? What happened between Elias and Nelson Mandela?Ss: In his opinion, Nelson Mandela is . /He thinks Nelson Mandela is .Step 3 Careful readingT: Here is your first impression about NM according to the Elias story. I

38、f you look through the story carefully, you ll find more. Ok, why not read these two passages and finish the following chart by answering these questions?Q1: When and where was Elias born? What was he? ( 1940, born, black worker )Q2: Was he educated? When? How long? ( 1946( six), educated, two years

39、 )Q3: Why did he leave school so early? ( not continue the fee )Q4: So what was the result? Could he get a job? What job? Was he happy then? Why? ( get, worried about, out of work, no passbook )Q5.Who helped him? What did Nelson Mandela do at that time? ( Nelson Mandela, opened, advise )Q6. Why was

40、the day Nelson Mandela told him what to do and helped him the happiest day of his life? ( get ) Q7. What did Nelson Mandela organize? Why did he organize it? / What was the situation at that time? ( ANC, no vote, not choose )Q8: Where did they live? ( poorest )Q9: What did Nelson Mandela say? ( acce

41、pt, fight )Q10: How to attack the law? ( broke, peacefully )Q11: But did they answer violence with violence? Why? ( answer with violence, not allowed )Q12: Did Elias like violence? Did he join the ANC Youth League? Why? ( realize his dream, make equal )Q13: So how did they do? (blow up ) Q14: What w

42、ould be the result if they were caught? ( be put in prison )Q15: Later, he was put in prison. What is the prison? Why were they so afraid of hearing of its name? ( Robben island, not escaped )Q16: It was the hardest time of his life, right? But at this moment who appeared? Did he help him? How? ( be

43、gan, taught )Q17: Did Elias study hard? How? ( undermake candles.)Q18: As a result, he became a good student. Did he want to study further? Was he allowed to do that? What idea did Nelson Mandela think of? ( allowed not stopped)Q19: Could Elias get the degree? Why did he feel good about himself? ( n

44、ot cleverer )Q20: Was Elias always staying in the prison? How long did he stay? Can he get a job? What job? Why? ( four, educated )Q21: Could he do this job long? Why? So he lost the job. How long was he out of work? When did he find a job again? How? (found out, twenty years, came to power, helped

45、again )Q22: Was Elias happy to accept this job? Did he give up this job? Why? ( bad, came back to , encourage, said,)Q23: What did he think of this job now,? Why? ( am proud to)Q24: Whats the purpose of writing this story? How does the writer tell? How many parts was the whole story divided? / How m

46、any times did Nelson Mandela offer help to Elias?Ss: The purpose of writing this story is to . The writer tellsby.Step4 RetellingT: We have known what happened between Elias and Nelson Mandela. Suppose you were Nelson Mandela/ Elias wife, would you like to tell us something impressive?Retelling (Cho

47、ose one of them to retell )1. Suppose you were Nelson Mandela, retell the story.2. Suppose you were Elias wife, retell the story.Step5. Role play (an interview )T: All of you did a good job. Next, after Nelson Mandela and Elias wife, it is Elias turn to tell us some stories. One of you act as Elias,

48、 who is the tour guide on Robben Island. And the other three, you are tourists and you can ask questions that you want to know. Maybe these tips will help you!How did you get to know Nelson Mandela? What did he do to help you keep your job in a gold mine? Can you explain to me some of Nelson Mandela

49、s political ideas or beliefs?What was Nelson Mandelas way of fighting? Why did he change to violence?What was life like on Robben Island?We know you couldnt read or write, for you left school early, but now you can.Where did you learn to read and write?Why did you become a tour guide? What do you th

50、ink of your present job?(Let students come to the front to show their interview. Students can start the interview like this:Tourist: How did you get to know Nelson Mandela? What did he do to help you keep your job in a gold mine?)Step6. Homework1. Try to find out some useful expressions and phrases.

51、2. Work in four to find more information about Nelson Mandela. 附板書設(shè)計: (Blackboard Design)The relationship between Elias and Nelson MandelaElias Mandela black worker opened educated, two years advise out of work happiest get no vote organize not choose accept/fight poorest join broke peaceful blow up

52、 help put in prison began hardest taught not allowed allowedtoget a degree degree not stopped feel goodPeriod 2:Reading IIStep 1.Lead-inT: Do you still remember some details about what we learned yesterday? Now let me have a check.Step 2. Review two readings 1. ( T or F )1. Elias met Nelson Mandela

53、at school. ( F )2. Nelson Mandela was a black lawyer. ( T )3. Nelson Mandela believed that black people were being treated as well as white people in South Africa. ( F )4. Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people. ( F )5. Nelson Mandela helped Elias keep his job. ( T )6. T

54、he government were happy with Nelson Mandela and the ANC. ( F )2. Listening and learning about language points(Discover useful words and expressions, and then complete the passage with some of the words above)(go on, some time, feel hopeless, lose ones job, brave man, in fact, be ready to, agree to

55、take, go against a law, quiet and calm, be taken to prison, tell somebody what to do, what people do in a war, always doing new things, have some difficult problems, money paid for going to school, a yellow metal for making a ring, group of people organized for a special purpose)T: Lets listen to th

56、e whole story. Would you please find out the similar expressions in the text to the ones on the screen? Then complete the passage with some of the words.When Elias lost his job and was_, his wife was very unhappy. She knew this meant he was_ when all she wanted was a _ life with enough money every m

57、onth. She tried to _him not to fight the government as she thought it was better to _ that in South Africa black people were not as important as white people. But he was willing to _ the fight and help Nelson Mandela win equal rights for black people. For a _ of time she felt helpless and_, but Elia

58、s encouraged her with stories of how good life would be when white and black people worked and played together.Step 3. Listening T: We know, at that time, Elias was in a difficult situation and the background was very different from todays. With what you have known, can you predict some?u What is a

59、passbook?u Is it important?u Is it easy to get for Elias?u What job did Elias want to do?u Who worked underground?u Who worked on the surface?u Where did Elias live?T: Will your answers be all right? Now listen to one statement of Elias. 1 What is a passbook? ( B ) A. A book to help you pass exams B

60、. A book to show your identity C. A book to tell you where to live D. A book to tell you how to live2. Why is it important? ( C ) A. For traveling outside South Africa B. For showing where you were born C. For traveling inside South Africa D. For getting a job 3. What job did Elias want to do? ( D )

61、 A. To work with other black workers B. To work as a cleaner C. To teach in a primary school D. To work in the mines4. Who worked underground? (C ) A The white workers B. The black and white workers C. The black workers D. Foreign workers5. Who worked on the surface? ( C ) A. The black workers B. The black and white workers C. The white workers

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