八下Unit 9,10 翻譯句子

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八下Unit 9,10 翻譯句子_第1頁
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《八下Unit 9,10 翻譯句子》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《八下Unit 9,10 翻譯句子(4頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、Unit3 Could you please clean your room? 1. 你能把垃圾倒了。把衣服疊好,再把碗洗了嗎? Could you _,fold the clothes and do the dishes? 2. 一周的時間,她不做任何家務,我也不做For one week , she did not do any housework and_. 3.她吃驚地問道She asked _.4. 看完電影后我能和朋友們一起閑逛嗎?Could I_ with my friends after the movie? 5. 你能把鹽遞給我嗎? Could you please_? 6.

2、 我能邀請我的朋友們來聚會嗎?Could I_? 7 他們也沒有時間來學習家務和做家務。They dont _ and do housework,too. 8. 做家務是在浪費他們的時間。Housework is _their time. 9. 為了取得好成績并考上一所好大學,他們應該把時間用在學習上。They should spend their time on schoolwork_get good grades and get into a good university. 10. 在家為孩子們提供一個干凈、舒適的環(huán)境是父母的義務。It is the parents job to_a c

3、lean and comfortable environment at home_their children. 11. 我認為對孩子們來說,學習如何做雜務并幫助他們的父母做家務是很重要的。I think_how to do chores and help their parents with housework. 12. 現(xiàn)在的孩子太依賴他們的父母。Children these days_ their parents too much. 13. 孩子們越早學會獨立,對他們的未來越好。_ kids learn to be independent , _ it is for their futu

4、re. Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?1.我的父母不允許我和我的朋友們出去閑逛。My parents dont_ with my friends. 2. 哦,昨天我發(fā)現(xiàn)我妹妹翻了我的東西。Well, I found my sister_my things yesterday.3. 是的,但是我仍然很生她的氣。 Yes, but Im still _ her. 4. 我的問題是我不能喝我的家人和睦相處。My problem is I cant _ my family. 5. 他總是拒絕讓我看我最喜歡的電視節(jié)目。He always_let me

5、watch my favorite TV show.6. 如果你的父母有問題,你應該主動提供幫助。If your parents are having problems, you should_7. 其次,你為什么不能坐下來和你的哥哥交流一下呢?Secondly,why dont you sit down and _ your brother?8在學校我不得不和我的同學們競爭。I have to_ my classmates at school.9. 或許我可以刪去他們的一些活動, 但是我相信這些活動對孩子們的未來很重要。 Maybe I could_ a few of their activ

6、ities, but I believe these activities are important for my childrens future.10. 她們總是把自己的孩子和其他的孩子作比較。And they are always_other children.11. 我認為, 對于孩子們/父母來說, .是重要的。_, it is important for children/ parents to . Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?1. 我的鬧鐘沒有響,因此我起晚了。My alarm didnt_so I get

7、up late. 2. 我七點鐘給你打電話,你沒有接。I called at seven and you didnt _. 3. 當開始下雨的時候,本正在幫他媽媽做晚飯。Whenitbegantorain,Ben_hismommakedinner. 4. 本的爸爸正在把木頭塊搭在窗戶上面,而他的媽媽正在確保手電筒和收音機能正常使用。Bens dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was_ the flashlights and radio were working .5. 在大約凌晨三點逐漸減弱的時候,本終于

8、睡著了。He finally_ when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m6. 當他醒來的時候,太陽已經(jīng)升起來了。When he _. the sun was rising7.學校停課一天,羅柏特和他的朋友們沉默地走回了家。School closed for the day, and Robert and his friends walked home _.8. 羅柏特和他的朋友們聽到這則消息感到很吃驚。Robert and his friends_the news. 9凱特認為對于這次事件她朋友沒有說出真相。Kate didnt think

9、 her friend was _about the event. 10.這一天,馬丁路德金博士遇害了 On this day , Dr.Martin Luther King _八年下6-8單元翻譯句子.1.他沒有生氣,反而看起來還挺高興。_ being annoyed, he seemed quite pleased.2.很久之前,有一位老翁_, there was a very old man3.但是如果他不能把尾巴藏起來,他就不能把自己變成人。But unless he can hide his tail, he cannot _.4.那只鳥的歌聲是如此美妙,我們應當跟著它走。That

10、birds song is_ we should follow it.5.我原想他會來的,但他卻沒有。_ he would come, but he didnt.6.你們一醒來就必須和爸爸去森林里_ you wake up, you must go to the forest with your father.7.在一天結束的時候,公車把我們帶回了學校。At the end of the day, the bus _ our school.8.它在把我們引向那座由面包、蛋糕和糖果做成的美妙房屋。Its _ that wonderful house made of bread, cake and

11、 candy.9.在今天的長城游中,大家盡管問我任何問題,不要拘束。_ ask me anything on todays Great Wall tour.10.據(jù)我所知,再沒有像它這樣大的人造物體了。_, there are no man-made objects as big as this.11.人們學習一門新的語言時可能會遇到一些困難。People learning a new language may_.12.如果你遇到任何困難,給我打電話求助好了。If you have any difficulties, you can _13.他找到新的工作費了很大勁。He had_ a new

12、 job.14.我們輕而易舉地找到了那座房子。We found the house _.15.他找到工作之后就放棄了對第三門語言的學習。He gave up learning_ after he got the job.16.他用很短的時間取得了極大的成功。He achieved great success _.17. 它們興奮地跑過去,其中一些甚至撞上自己的伙伴而跌倒。They _ with excitement and some of them even walk into their friends and fall over.18.由于他陷入沉思,沒有注意看路,徑直撞上一棵樹上。As

13、he was thinking too deeply and not _ where he was going, he walked straight into a tree.19.暴風雨后許多樹木都倒了。Many trees _after the storm.20.科學家們說;如今生活在現(xiàn)存森林里的熊貓不足2000只。Scientists say there are now fewer than 2000 pandas living_.21.至少你已經(jīng)讀過書的背面,了解了它的大致內容了吧?Have you _read the back of the book to see what its

14、about.22.他同意跟我去了解一下毛病出在哪里。He_ go with me to see what was wrong.23.首先,我們需要花些時間了解一下它是如何運作的。_, we need to take some time to see how it works.24. 羅絲一月份就要開始上學了。Rose_ start school in January.25.你的身體檢查預定在下個月(必須完成)You_ a medical examination next month.26.我真希望跟我奶奶能停止嘮叨那過去的好時光。I wish my grandma would stop tal

15、king about the _,27.在當初的好日子里,去看一場電影只要5分錢就夠了。_, going to a movie only cost 5 cents.28.我希望有一天看到他現(xiàn)場演唱。I hope to see him _ one day!29.我看著他們一個個上了公交汽車,然后我們互相揮手道別。I watched them get on the bus one by one, and them we_ each other.30.朗朗今晚在我們城市舉辦現(xiàn)場演奏。Lang Lang is _ in our city tonight.31.當30年前這個電視節(jié)目出版時,西方的孩子們

16、對于這個小說很感興趣。As soon as the TV program _ more than 30 years ago, western children became interested in reading the novel.32.我認為這稍微有點蠢。I think its _ silly.33.這對新婚夫婦如此的開心,以至于當他們結婚時,他們一直在笑,停不下來了。The new couple was so happy that they couldnt stop smiling when they _.34.中國人口比美國人口多。Chinas population is bigg

17、er than _ of the US.35.當你接近山頂時,很難吸入空氣。Its very hard to _ air as you get near the top.36.人們想在困難面前挑戰(zhàn)自己。People want to challenge themselves _ difficulties.37.一只熊貓能夠活到二、三十歲。A panda can _ 20 to 30 years.38.有些鯨魚正處于危險當中,我們要保護它們,以免受傷。Some kinds of whales _, we should _ being hurt.39.不久以后,我看見了一些野人。_, I saw s

18、ome cannibals.40.買了新書之后,Jerry迫不及待地閱讀。Jerry _ after buying new books.八下Unit 9 翻譯句子1我還了解一些發(fā)明,它們成就了彩色電影I _ the inventions that _ color movies2.自打我小弟弟出生,我們就一直這樣生活We_ ever since the birth of my little brother3.不知道將來電腦還能做些什么事情呢?I wonder how much more computers _?4.我相信他們已經(jīng)安全抵達了We believe they _5我曾經(jīng)參觀過的最有趣的

19、博物館是美國計算機博物館。_Ive ever been to is the American Computer Museum6技術以如此迅速的方式進步真是令人難以置信。_that technology has progressed _7然而,在新加坡,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)許多中國食物在那里,吃米飯,面條和餃子一點都不成問題。In Singapore, however, youll find a lot of food from China; you wont _rice, boodles or dumplings.;8許多動物都在晚上醒來,所以這是一個觀看它們的最好時機。A lot of animals

20、only _at night, so this is the best time _9這是因為這個島如此接近赤道This is because the island_ the equator.10北京我已去過幾次,那的名勝古跡給我留下了深刻的印象I have been to Beijing _ times, _there impressed me a lotUnit 101. 媽媽叫我不要再玩電腦游戲了My mother told me _2. 老實說,我不太喜歡他_, I dont like him very much3. 把這張漂亮的桌子用桌布蓋起來真是可惜 _ to cover this

21、 beautiful table with a table cloth4. 這些照片勾起了我在初中的甜美的回憶The photos _ in my junior high school5查看一下這些布絨玩具對嬰兒的健康是否有害_ if the soft toys _ the babies6 我剛剛從臥室清除了一些沒有用的書籍I _useless books from our bedroom.7與我的好朋友分開讓我感到很難過I felt sad _8 你如何處理一下你所籌集的資金What have you_ the money _9 目前數(shù)以百萬計的人離開鄉(xiāng)下去城市里尋找工作_ people leave the countryside _ in the cities nowadays.10 你應該將舊物捐贈給需要它們的人You should _ the old things to people _.

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