
1、國家開放大學(xué)電大本科【英語教學(xué)理論與實(shí)踐】2023-2024期末試題及答案(試卷代號(hào):1366) Section I : Biisic llieories and Principles 40 points Questions 1—20 are bastd on this part Directions:Choose the Ixrst answer from A. B or C for cuch question. Write your nnswcr on the Answer Shed. L Which of the following belongs ta bebavionsni?
2、 A. of nntivc Inngungt in leurninR. H Problem solving tasks. C Pnitern drills. 2< Which of ihr fnllpwing methods does not toleroic errors? A. The Atidiolingu&i Meihcwt B- The Communicative Appro^ich. C The Direct Method. 3. Which of I he following should most concern us when designing n syll
3、abus^ A. Needs of the lcamrrs> Larks of rhe lenrners. (二 Wnnts of the lenrnrrs^ Whftt sylhhus does the following presenl? Unit 1 To be Unit 2 There be-* Unit 3 Simple present tense Unn I Third person singular Unit 5 Present continuous Unit 6 To have A. Structural sy)hbus< B. l opic syihhus
4、. C> Eunctionul sylhbust 5. Which of ihr fallowing belongs to funcuons? A. Inquiry nboui ihc locution of a haspit^L H A hrari operation. C The locHtion of a hospitaL G. Which of ihe following is a commumcntivt ncuvily? A. Questions nnd answers oboui ihr picture. K Jigsaw mading pf a materitt
5、L G Ids preseniation an a certain topir 7. Which of the following roles does ihc tcwchcr mainly piny)n a uomTnunicative nctivity? Z Controller. 氏 FacilitaTor. C. A^stissor. 8. Auihrntic rnnitrinln nrc rnnr
6、 ihr following ucdviiy best sailed lor? ,e lukin^ on fhr uhhh 〃/ f/ir A- Pre*rrodinK- 11 While riding. C- PiE fcadin^. 10. Whm ukill dorM oni heed to vd hctwrc ri the lines? At Skimming. B? Scunning# (? hihurin? II When 4 trJidt r trir> t %% ihr incniini^ nl i nrw word h/iRctl rm ihr contrx
7、tuni clut ? which ntir of the fallcitvirig opproachm im he using? A< Hotiorn up Apprnneh. B> Lop down Appronclh (? IntrrActivc Approneb# \2. Which of thr following HCtivitirR ran l>r used m the po?t reading *tngr? A> Rcllucting on the title of the text. 仁 ExnnntiinK rrfrrrnecs in the trxi nn<]
8、 Bitting whnt they rrfrr to. C. I)i#Ti.iN5ii4: the rhunging oF thr rndinK of ihr 5lory< 13> Which Iim? tiinR 毛kill rornbinrs linivning nnd writing? A. Infcrringr K Lufening for specific informfttinru (\ Note Lnkinga 1 L I n clvvchip I he sk:|l nl homing for M|?rrih( inlornmiian^ l hr trzichrr “
9、xk、Mndcnis to fill in the blnnk> with ihr infonnaiinri they hm an I hr Which nf listening cIass is h nt now? A. Pre liataiingt B. Wliik- listening. C? Pohi lisieniriR. 15. Which of thr lollowmg aenviiiodE-m?d io prucdcc tlir skill of liNtvniriK for g函? /\. bMrnmgt tin* ^tudrnt^ orr nn|iiircd in (
10、ill in l he blfthk?. with I hr wnrdx in the text. B> Aller Itslrnm^a the nrr rctpurfil to win- n tannmary of I lie text. C .Aller h? iritinWf the NiuikntA are requifrd io make n ihnloguc on I he 1( xl< 16. Wbirh nl ihr (ollnwing irnlures spoken 1?:ngli*h? A. Il is rtmirxi nidrptndenL It h K pr
11、n 12、cnt!i to cor reel it<
( I o corn ci rh? xuKlrni din cily>
IB Wh?i roh u u-nrhrr less likr ly In piny h! thr later uhigr n| h sprukin^
A? Detnon&traton 1£ llclpen
C. Correrinr.
I9. Whirh there § c;tn I hr urnl h n-nn muting m irat hin? he w Inngungc lie used"
A. Pre 5prtikuiR> while ■pv/ikinq. 13、jjoM
Il Prrjicntaiiom prdciicrt prcxiuiMKHb
(\ Preview? Iccturr. prm tier-
20e Winch of ihr followinK Hrlp? co irAin iinwon in pronuncifiiipn?
A. Not nt itIL
V V::
K She hrllii hcathclk by thr
l\ I wnnl fn dn n gocxl drcrl.
. *?
Section || : LcMxon Phm GO paln(M
21. Pircclitins: In fhh MTl 14、ionf you uro prrMcnictl with n pirtt of irW戲 mutcrhl. Rend H und dc%ign three rending activities; one pre-rcndlnR arlhHyt one rntdlnc activity nnd one p 15、tH * Imcksround knowIrdKc nboul pcuplc * ? nuincs nnd phone niimbrr
> Reading: arranging ftudents to finish the exercise
> Post-rending: i>ru?ni/r ffhidcnt$ to role piny n xltuntlon In which romlly names nnd phone numlwr* urr eMchunitcd.
You muy follow Iht tublc after the Mukc 5iirr thr three uct 16、ivhlr* urr rrlnlvd
to each oilier
Rradmfi mah-rirtl
偈■堆校的M V-fnil 4做謫汛錄?片卜血的對(duì)話計(jì)充成下&?
A j Dn ynti kn(?w Amy、ln>l nntnr?
Bt Ycm> ii 1 ■ Jm心 nnd hrr phnn<4 ntinih< r in (ivr lour live? fivr (ivr lour nth
Aj b Totnei U?t name Smith?
Bi Yvn< it h phone number is brvrn thrr< iwo> cifthi six nim-on< 17、
A i lk)you know dw phonr ninnbrr (nr l)nvid Ktm?
H; Yph> h、font mx two < ilnrc nitu> mx Mcvrru And I hr phor)v nurnber (or I HhII z .rvi ii (hr,, right ? nh Rix Mrvt n tlitiu< I )r> ytni know I ony 1 a photir number/
A - fony Jnnc?i?
Bt Y吐
A i It \ .in hrwii nitus four oh nix righi.
Hi Wh 砒、I 18、 hr rmtnc of the girl AiftinK m?xt io Mnrk !< 19、r three five#
A i ()h> y〞. youfrt right.
Phono Linl
Fhone Number
'(first)'} ;(l典2
Lmda Brown
994 6211
Lisa (1>
⑵ -
Amy Jone*
⑶ -
Tony (4)
(O ?
M) Kim
(5> ?
M?rk Locke
(7> ?
Tom Smith
(10) ?
Activity I (Prermdinu)
1 inching Aid
AshiitHvil hrnt*
? 2>
1 Egilimi ( haw lb rrbtlr tu llu Fnllowing mli—iiy)
AdhHy 2 ( Rcmlitm)
t >hjri livc?>
Cl am room orgoniK/ifion
As^umrd tiiiit
TratiMinox ( how l(i rrlnir io the former octivity)
Procedure 21、
rrarmition ( how tu i vino in
ihr (nllowiiiH activity)
Activity 3( Post-rcudhig)
TenchmR aid
Assumed lime
J rArisinon ( how tn rnluir 1a lhe (orrnrr artivity)
Hnrkiip phint
(1 IPrrdirtrd pr 22、nlutjnnfJ
Section | | Ihvsic 1 henries and Principles
本咽為革也融.共20個(gè)小M.Ait 40分,句聘2分.
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. A
7. H
8. A
9. B
10. C
12. C
13. C
14. H
15. H
16. A
17. C
I& A
19. H
20. A
Section || i Lesson IHim
Activity I (Preremlinu)
Objectives: to act 23、ivate students 9
knowledge of
pcopb* , a names
40 points
60 points
Clt^sroom orunnizntiun : Group work
Tenchhitf nid: picturejk or vidrOs
Assumed time: 5 nHriutcn
(I )Lend nii introduce thv topic (I 1)
the tcuchcr presents ?rvrrul pliotox o( {n 24、tnous atari with fnndc up phonr numliern nn the srreen with PPI mid wskeb the sturlvin^ who they nrc. Then nxk the MudcfitM whiH is Iih or
hrr hi^t notnr or htnily tumr.
⑵Group dtncu?^ion C31)
/\rrn?ge (lu r>tudrnC? into groups r?f four to(li??russ how to rrftd the phone number*.
(3)Eccdbnck (D
Invitr uadi group of tiludcnis to report lheir thiiciiAniotL
(4) T; 14Well ? we have many fttudents who pronounce "0" ns zcrnt others pronounce 234 /is two Imndrrd nnd thirty four. But how on earth can we my phone numbers corrcdly? Now let1 ft come to our text 〞
Activity 2 (ratdlnn)
Objccfive^jio trnin student 51 n hi lit y to 1 hr specific in(orniniiof)from the text
CliiMrooni orgHnlzsitlon: liulivtilunl work to pnir work
leaching Mid: text book
Assomctl lime: 8 rninuicn
C5)AMtfgn the raiding tusk Cl!)
(4 continued) ^Plcn-ie reml thr text rtnd tr 27、y to hrnl oul the /nwwer in the rxrreiHc."
(6) lndiviflunl rending (3,)
Student* rend the text individually to fulfill the Utk>
(7) Palr work to check (2f)
Gel I he NtudcntN into pnirM to ebrek thnr work rx4tnplrf dw iraclwr ain mivc ihr instruction like lh\n. "nil right# h/iw you Hn 28、i/hed? Now I'd like you to check your with your partner to ??? whether you hrtve dtffrrefii i 29、nay phone tmnibrr^e I'd like you io line ii in your re/il life M
Adivlly 3 (Poshrtndhig)
Objectives:io wunociACr whul in lt??rntd from thi? text with w“?、real life nml in apply ihd firwly Irzirned knnw|rd^r< and tn rnnkc conitncnin
(JiiMnwim orKiinlzNllon: (iruup work
Icnchin^ nld: multi medin
30、Assumed finic: 6 minutes
(10) Assign the task (1')
(9 conltnued) "Rnlepiny a ftilUAtion tn which you auk a frictid for another friend*1 phone tnirnbcr. Nnw plrn*r 必 Hili) ?ronps of four ntid(ln thr rale pluy. M/ikr Kure everyone get n diance to ask and answer "
(1 DGroup 31、svark (3* >
Students work inlo groups tn do the role piny. The teacher may walk nround to issue hflp nr parlinpale n hit.
(IZ)Fecdhick (21)
Invite ench gruiip to dcrrionntrntr their role plny? I hcn the Iracher gives a comrnctii nfirr thr rrtlr |jhy>
B?ckup plun
Prwllctrd prul>lcm?:
(1) fhr Mu 32、drnt% may not know who the star Is* v?;pecinlly in undrrdevrloprMl xrw.
(2) I hi NtudtMHh nuy lune (lifficuhy rxprrhsiiiK thrir irlrMSt rsprcinily lhone with law bttiKUMgr c-omprirnc c.
(1) When choosing the photos for pre5< ntatioru thr tcuchcr should ke?p in mind lhe (cniurch of ynut st 33、u(lrrits> Mnkc sure in include I hose photos of (nmou5 ntnr^ widi (?hinv5r ?
(2) tn Hint ennv? wc can include iconic infornninon transtcr and reformulation activities l)
2. 形式6分.笠術(shù)形式與活動(dòng)關(guān)刑指符◎.三個(gè)結(jié)勸的組炕形式各2分.有? 個(gè)不符合耍求.扣2分.
3. WU 3分.1?求救J1的使刖將野?宥助于活動(dòng)的開"活動(dòng)的敬-描述占I分. 代估計(jì)時(shí)何6分.吸戒時(shí)間的代川與活動(dòng)的目標(biāo)功施 致.如―恬幼1時(shí)間農(nóng)長?劇故
5. 操<1時(shí)間6分.如果用個(gè)階段邯怵出r時(shí)何,并且時(shí)問長短合理就。J以拇6分.有一 個(gè)活勸的鎖作環(huán)節(jié)時(shí)間不合理扣3分,的個(gè)活動(dòng)的時(shí)間安排不合理?則不W分.
6. 過渡7分,要垠三個(gè)活勸之間得過渡自然,他夠把三個(gè)活動(dòng)緊密逢接。一起I分, 35、弟一 個(gè)活動(dòng)妥鹿秋下.占1分,第二個(gè)活動(dòng)要有兩個(gè)過渡環(huán)節(jié).占4分.第三個(gè)柄幼?Hi承上得介 紐.也占】分.要求過渡環(huán)節(jié)采用指令描述,用F[搜引訥.否則不得分?
7. 應(yīng)急力.案3分.耍求】[)?的問其有可能出現(xiàn).正計(jì)的處理方式合理1分.間【?預(yù)劇與 常決仰摘龍務(wù)占I分.
8. 活動(dòng)】的操作G分,活動(dòng)必須髭激活背景的活動(dòng)?否則不仰分.拋?zhàn)鬟^杵中話昵導(dǎo)人、 梆作以及反餉各2分.
9. 活動(dòng)2的操作10分出中個(gè)體■煥占2分,何伴討論占2分.信血反憒占2分,有―師 指令的展示古2分,活動(dòng)能夠愣助學(xué)生供垠俏息占2分.但是?如果活動(dòng)2不地信息獲取的 現(xiàn)耕活動(dòng),比如是講解類活動(dòng)則不得分.
10. 柄動(dòng)3仰6分.活成為應(yīng)用性活動(dòng),雀夠要求學(xué)4發(fā)占fl己的觀點(diǎn)占2分.小格 討論故程占2分?反循占2分.
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- 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)班子2024年度民主生活會(huì)對(duì)照檢查材料范文(三篇)
- 金融工作主題黨課講稿范文(匯編)
- 鍋爐必備學(xué)習(xí)材料
- 鍋爐設(shè)備的檢修
- 主題黨課講稿:走中國特色金融發(fā)展之路加快建設(shè)金融強(qiáng)國(范文)
- 鍋爐基礎(chǔ)知識(shí):啟爐注意事項(xiàng)技術(shù)問答題
- 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)班子2024年度民主生活會(huì)“四個(gè)帶頭”對(duì)照檢查材料范文(三篇)
- 正常運(yùn)行時(shí)影響鍋爐汽溫的因素和調(diào)整方法
- 3.鍋爐檢修模擬考試復(fù)習(xí)題含答案
- 司爐作業(yè)人員模擬考試試卷含答案-2
- 3.鍋爐閥門模擬考試復(fù)習(xí)題含答案
- 某公司鍋爐安全檢查表
- 3.工業(yè)鍋爐司爐模擬考試題庫試卷含答案
- 4.司爐工考試題含答案解析
- 發(fā)電廠鍋爐的運(yùn)行監(jiān)視和調(diào)整