陜西省2013年高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 專題升級訓(xùn)練卷二十 單詞拼寫

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《陜西省2013年高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 專題升級訓(xùn)練卷二十 單詞拼寫》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《陜西省2013年高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 專題升級訓(xùn)練卷二十 單詞拼寫(8頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、2013年高考第二輪復(fù)習(xí)英語陜西版專題升級訓(xùn)練二十單詞拼寫(一)1People who work in a _(圖書館)spend a lot of time sorting books.2Hopefully,the cave will be _(保護(hù))and will not be damaged by visitors.3He played a _(被動的)role in the marriage.4When they were about to start the last activity,they found that time was too _(有限)5I figure on b

2、eing in New York in _(一月)6Our visit to the museum is _(推遲)till next Wednesday. 7I was late in going to the station,but _(幸運)the train was late too.8We can say _(收集)stamps is fun.9Do you know which city _(遭受)the worst air pollution?10His _(勇敢)should be an example to all of us.(二)1There is nothing in

3、the world more _(令人滿意的)than doing the work you love.2All the young _(士兵)are ready to bleed for the country.3The news that she was _(錄?。﹖o Tsinghua University spread quickly in her school.4_(缺乏)accurate information,we cant confirm these rumors.5Pineapple is one of my_(最喜愛的)fruits.6In the _(缺席)of the

4、teacher,Li Ping will be in charge.7I have to work on _(星期六)while my friends can have a good rest.8In football,_(團(tuán)隊合作)is even more important than individual skill.9They got lost in the desert and _(挨餓)to death.10Pressed for time,he dressed _(匆忙地)(三)1The photos will _(使想起)me of the days when we were t

5、ogether.2His first speech as president made a strong_(印象)on his audience.3Nuclear physics is _(超出)my understanding.4A fence at the back of the garden _(分開)us from the neighbors.5This plant has green _(樹葉)throughout the year.6_(令人吃驚的是),some graduates with qualifications failed to find jobs.7They are

6、going to _(慶祝)their victory with music and dancing.8_(當(dāng)代的)artists often paint in strange ways.9_(贏得)the support of the majority requires time,energy and devotion.10London is the _(東道主)of the 30th Olympics.(四)1Can you _(拿來,取來)a towel from the bathroom?2Cabbage,carrots,and tomatoes are my favorite _(蔬

7、菜)3The plan we made last week has worked _(完美地)for our negotiation.4The BBC will _(播送)the news in detail at nine this evening.5I have received quite a few _(請柬),but I can only accept one of them.6He gave up _(抽煙)when the doctors said it caused lung cancer.7Go _(筆直地)down the street and youll find it.

8、8Weve just built a new pond,_(測量)2 meters across.9The new _(版本)textbook is published by the Department for Education.10It is not _(必要)for you to wait for him every day.(五)1Three people were _(射中)dead during the robbery.2We will have a _(圣誕節(jié))party at the Wilsons.3It never _(想到)to me that I had seen h

9、er before.4He intended to_(上訴)against the fiveyear sentence he had been given.5Ive never seen a Shakespeares play performed so _(精彩地)6There is more than one _(發(fā)音)of “garage”7The article was _(書寫)in German and translated in Chinese.8They are _(意大利)trains,but they will be built in Britain under licenc

10、e.9Honestly,I thought the fried chicken was _(可口的)10The wind turned my _(傘)inside out.(六)1The old man cant bear anyone in the family to _(反對)him.2I shall tell her _(堅定地)that it is not any business of hers.3Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious _(挑戰(zhàn))we face.4He likes to fight it o

11、ut whenever others _(不同意)with him.5_(品嘗)sweet,this kind of orange sells well.6China has 56 peoples and it has a large _(人口)7Whoever breaks the law must be _(懲罰)8Could you tell me where the_(宿舍)are?9He is always _(精力充沛)and dynamic.10Its healthier to keep a _(平衡的)diet every day.(七)1Last year he publis

12、hed a dozen of _(文章)in some famous magazines.2Dont be _(害怕)by the television camera; Just speak naturally.3His _(解釋)sound reasonable.4There are plenty of jobs _(可得到的)in the western part of our country.5He often_(收集)stamps in his spare time.6An _(誠實 )student never cheats in the examination.7When I ca

13、me to the riverside,I found a boy _(掙扎)in the water.8The students in our school study very hard,_(尤其)those in our class.9The assistant is very friendly to all the _(顧客)10The doctor _(表揚)our daughter for her courage this morning.(八)1With so much advanced _(設(shè)備)in our school,we study hard and happily.2

14、When we arrived,they were _(聊天)on the Internet.3She felt sad for being_(不予理睬)by her mother.4If you take more _(鍛煉),youll be much healthier.5Dr.Liu visits our school _(定期地)every year to guide our study.6With his new _(照相機(jī)),he took lots of pictures when he visited the city.7The weather of Xian in _(三月

15、)is very cold,especially at night.8A great celebration was held on his _(五十歲)birthday.9This _(設(shè)計)is slightly different from that one.10Please speak as loud as you can to make yourself _(明白)(九)1The accident was_(相似的)to one that happened last year.2Why dont you call on my sister on your_(到達(dá))in Harbin?

16、3Do you mind _(劃分)the apples into three parts for us to share?4Nowadays people use _(信封)less and less because they turn to other forms of communication rather than write letters.5He often _(后悔)wasting the precious time when he should have studied at school.6Alice was scolded by the teacher because s

17、he left without being_(允許)7We asked the stranger the question out of _(好奇)8The telephone rang,and he answered it _(立刻地)9I think it was too_(有霧的)to drive anywhere.10We must consider a problem in all its _(方面)(十)1In the twentieth century,country music became more and more _(流行)in America.2Little Tony

18、felt the box,curious to know what it _(容納)3The man sat on the chair and lit a _(香煙)4As is clearly seen,your coat _(不同)from mine in color.5That Ding hasnt accepted our invitation is _(令人失望)6He _(暴露)her plan to the newspapers.7His character has changed a lot since his _(結(jié)婚)8It is easy to find out the

19、_(大概的)idea of the passage.9My hobbies cover _(游泳)and gardening.10It never struck me that you could _(成功)in persuading him to change his mind.(十一)1China is a country _(屬于)to the developing countries.2At the sound of the gun,the birds flew away in all _(方向)3The plan should be _(稍微)changed here.4Smokin

20、g is _(禁止)in the library.5The scenery was beautiful beyond _(描述)6No one was _(受傷)in the explosion,but the building was completely ruined.7The cruel and _(貪婪的)lady was punished by the two boys.8A few years ago China became a member of the World_(貿(mào)易)Organization.9Their living conditions have been _(改善

21、)in the past few years.10We offered our_(祝賀)to Lily on winning the first prize in the National English Competition.(十二)1We must _(安排)a convenient time and place for the meeting.2Judging from his _(表情),he has passed the examination.3The_(舌頭)is one of the organs for pronunciation.4Mary is _(負(fù)責(zé))for the

22、 cleanliness of the ship,making sure the crew work properly.5I cut my finger while cutting the apple and it was _(流血)6Some mushrooms contain a deadly _(毒)Never eat them.7They didnt draw a _(結(jié)論)until carrying out lots of scientific experiments.8Dont _(浪費)your money on silly things.9He found a permane

23、nt job after he _(畢業(yè))from college.10They lived in London until quite _(最近)(十三)1The people _(在場)at the meeting were all for the suggestion.2The fire _(蔓延)quickly but fortunately no one was injured.3When the police arrived,he had destroyed the _(證據(jù))of his guilt.4It is dark and cold,so it is no good _(

24、等待)here.Lets go home.5The _(健康)one is,the happier he is.6Chinese history is filled with great_(成就)in science and technology.7It was too noisy.He had to _(抬高)his voice when speaking.8The gate is too_(狹窄的)for a car; well have to walk through.9The building _(環(huán)繞)with green trees is our library.10His job

25、 is to do _(科學(xué))research.(十四)1We couldnt stand the _(殘酷)done to him.2Its much _(容易)to say than to do.3We have great _(欽佩)for the peoples heroes.4May I _(介紹)my friend to you?5In my opinion,nothing is more _(有價值)than health.6The old woman was kind.She _(提供)us a room for the night.7This problem needs _(

26、解決)at once.8The whole city was _(美麗)lit up on the midautumn night.9He has made several _(發(fā)現(xiàn))in science.10The note he left _(暗示)that he would be away from home for a long time.參考答案 (一)1. library2. protected3. passive4. limited5. January6. delayed/postponed7. luckily/fortunately8. collecting 9.suffers

27、10. bravery(二)1. satisfying/satisfactory2. soldiers3. admitted4. Lacking5. favo(u)rite6. absence7. Saturday8. teamwork9. starved10.hurriedly(三)1. remind2. impression3. beyond4. separates5. leaves6. Surprisingly7. celebrate8. Modern9. Winning10. host(四)1. fetch2. vegetables3. perfectly4. broadcast 5.

28、 invitations6. smoking7. straight8. measuring9. edition10. necessary(五)1. shot2. Christmas3. occurred4. appeal5. wonderfully6. pronunciation7. written8. Italian9. delicious/tasty10. umbrella(六)1. oppose2. firmly3.challenges4. disagree5. Tasting6. population 7. punished8. dormitories9. energetic10. b

29、alanced(七)1. articles2. frightened/scared3. explanations4. available5. collects6.honest7. struggling8. especially9. customers10. praised(八)1. equipment2. chatting3. ignored4. exercise5. regularly6. camera7. March8. fiftieth9. design10. understood(九)1. similar2. arrival3.dividing4. envelopes5. regret

30、s6. permitted7. curiosity8. immediately/instantly/directly9. foggy10. aspects(十)1. popular2. contained3. cigarette4.differs5. disappointing6.exposed7. marriage8. general9. swimming10. succeed (十一)1. belonging2. directions3. slightly4. forbidden5. description6. injured7. greedy8. Trade9. improved10.

31、congratulations(十二)1. arrange2. expression3. tongue4. responsible5. bleeding6. poison7. conclusion8. waste9. graduated10. recently(十三)1. present2. spread3. evidence4. waiting5. healthier6. achievements7. raise8. narrow9. surrounded10. scientific(十四)1. cruelty2. easier3. admiration4. introduce 5. valuable 6. offered7. solving/settling 8. beautifully 9. discoveries 10. indicated/suggested

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