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1、中學(xué)生思想政治素質(zhì)評價研究 中學(xué)生思想政治素質(zhì)評價研究 -以貴州省遵義市第十中學(xué)為例摘要:青少年是我們國家實現(xiàn)偉大復(fù)興的中堅力量,而實現(xiàn)偉大復(fù)興的前提就是必須擁有良好的思想政治素質(zhì)。那何為思想政治素質(zhì)?如何提高思想政治素質(zhì)?本文將淺析我地區(qū)目前的思想政治素質(zhì)教育的現(xiàn)狀和提出一些建議。關(guān)鍵詞:思想政治素質(zhì);現(xiàn)狀;對策 青少年是我們國家的希望,是社會主義事業(yè)建設(shè)者的接班人,教育和培養(yǎng)好青少年,是社會主義建設(shè)事業(yè)的奠基工程。因此,我們要把青少年的思想政治素質(zhì)教育放在首位,切實提高他們的思想政治素質(zhì)。一、何為思想政治素質(zhì)?所謂思想政治素質(zhì),是指一個人的政治態(tài)度、政治立場、思想道德水準(zhǔn)和社會責(zé)任感,是一


3、持接受態(tài)度,50%的同學(xué)認(rèn)為應(yīng)當(dāng)繼承并發(fā)揚光大,46%會努力了解并從自己起2.88%的同學(xué)認(rèn)為自己是有責(zé)任感的人6.1%的在回答看到有人做出損害學(xué)?;蛐蜗蟮氖?,你會怎么做這個題目時, 1.69%的同學(xué)會主動上前勸阻,7.97%的同學(xué)會視情形而定,能勸阻的就勸阻。道德品質(zhì) ,作為吸收外來事物最迅速的學(xué)生也難免會感覺到社會道德的淪喪,人與人之間關(guān)系的淡漠,似乎每一個人一夜之間都變成了嚴(yán)格意義上的經(jīng)濟(jì)人。問卷結(jié)果顯示,在看待社會道德滑坡現(xiàn)象嚴(yán)重這個問題%的同學(xué)表示不認(rèn)同這種觀點50.85%的同學(xué)認(rèn)為只是部分人的社會道德不好, 7.8%的同學(xué)認(rèn)同,但相信隨著社會的發(fā)展,問題將會解決。同時,有7.46%

4、的同學(xué)認(rèn)為假惡丑多于真善美還有3475%的同學(xué)表示好壞難辨。調(diào)查中, 6.27%同學(xué)認(rèn)為應(yīng)當(dāng),對于面臨生活困境而采取不道德的行為獲取錢財?shù)默F(xiàn)象,有6.78%的同學(xué)持反對態(tài)度,并認(rèn)為這是犯罪應(yīng)該受到懲罰。同時,有4.07%的同學(xué)表示不會用非正當(dāng)手段解決急需解決的問題。心理品質(zhì) 絕大部分學(xué)生有孝敬父母,尊敬師長的意識。如較大比例的學(xué)生把父母和老師列為自己心目中最崇拜的偶像最看重父母和家人對自己的評價6695%,對于向父母承諾的事情,多數(shù)同學(xué)是說到做到盡量完成有3.22%的學(xué)生或主動或偶爾幫助父母做些家務(wù)。4.07%的學(xué)生表示在街上遇到曾經(jīng)教過自己的老師會主動問好。問卷調(diào)查的結(jié)果也反映出我校學(xué)生在學(xué)

5、習(xí)上的自覺性,如對 考試時,老師因故離開時你看見有人作弊,這時你會怎樣做這個問題,5.08%的學(xué)生回答及時提醒他不要作弊。從調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù)看,我校學(xué)生人生追求的基本心態(tài),8.78%的同學(xué)努力學(xué)習(xí)的最主要目的是為國家和社會進(jìn)步做貢獻(xiàn),0.68%的同學(xué)是為了出人頭地,提高社會地位,過好日子。調(diào)查問卷中,有兩道題考察學(xué)生的心理素質(zhì):在生活中,如果你遇到很大的挫折或困難,你,被調(diào)查的學(xué)生表示相信自己對當(dāng)你意識到自己在某方面比不上別人時你會怎樣做的回答,學(xué)生表示佩服他,并努力趕上。不可避免的,學(xué)生。許多家長關(guān)心孩子的學(xué)習(xí)成績,很少過問其思想道德狀況。有些經(jīng)濟(jì)條件好的孩子養(yǎng)尊處優(yōu),嬌生慣養(yǎng)有的家長對孩子打罵交加



8、免悲劇的發(fā)生。還有抽煙現(xiàn)象嚴(yán)重,648%的同學(xué)回答周圍吸煙的人很多。煙對健康的危害眾人皆知,但是青少年總是抵擋不住誘惑,誤入歧途,這也需要學(xué)校,社會和家庭的共同努力,減少和扼制住這種現(xiàn)象的泛濫。石雪.淺析當(dāng)代中學(xué)生思想政治素質(zhì)教育與培養(yǎng)J.科技文匯,x.10:41. 賴懷超.中學(xué)生思想政治教育問題的分析與工作對策J.三峽大學(xué)學(xué)報,x.6,30:171-173.汪麗秀.當(dāng)代中學(xué)生思想教育對策J.湖南農(nóng)機(jī),x.9,36(5):79-81.彭偉.優(yōu)化中學(xué)生思想道德教育的思考J.教育,x.7:102.賴懷超.中學(xué)生思想政治教育問題的分析與工作對策J.三峽大學(xué)學(xué)報,x.6,30,30:171-173 參

9、考文獻(xiàn):1汪青松.推進(jìn)新時期的青少年思想道德建設(shè)J.當(dāng)代青年研究,x(4):13-152俞妙玲.社區(qū)青少年思想道德建設(shè)現(xiàn)狀及其對策研究D.江西師范大學(xué),x:8-143石雪.淺析當(dāng)代中學(xué)生思想政治素質(zhì)教育與培養(yǎng)J.科技文匯,x(10):414賴懷超.中學(xué)生思想政治教育問題的分析與工作對策J.三峽大學(xué)學(xué)報,x(6):171-1735汪麗秀.當(dāng)代中學(xué)生思想教育對策J.湖南農(nóng)機(jī),x.9,36(5):79-816J.教育,x(7):1027翟廣運,盧振起,楊小朋.試論大學(xué)生思想政治素質(zhì)教育的內(nèi)涵及創(chuàng)新J.學(xué)校黨建與思想教育,x(9):71-728唐燕林.試談德育工作及其實效J.遼寧師專學(xué)報,1999 (

10、2).9李曉青.加強(qiáng)青少年思想道德素質(zhì)教育J.甘肅行政學(xué)院學(xué)報,2003(3):124-12510張承棟.關(guān)于青少年思想政治素質(zhì)教育的幾點思考J.社科縱橫,x.2,25(2):143-144 Trade and Industry Bureau of the end of the year summary of the work of threeThe following is a small series for the general summary of the trade and Industry Bureau of the year-end summary of the work, p

11、lease refer toEvery year, my right branch Party committee under the leadership of Party committees in the town of XX, the concern and support of government, comprehensive practice practice Scientific Outlook on Development, thoroughly implement the spirit of the partys real XX and XX all the fourth

12、plenary session, institutionalization, standardization, standardization, procedure, rule of law construction. As the focus, continue to emancipate the mind, strengthen team construction, reform of supervision mode, strengthen supervision means, earnestly fulfill their duties, made new efforts for ec

13、onomic development and social harmony, has made a new contribution. Now XX years work conditions are summarized as follows:First, the main achievements and experienceThe administration of industry and commerce administration departments is the main force to maintain the rank order of the market econ

14、omy, its primary responsibility is to strengthen market supervision, to safeguard legal system based on fairness, honesty, ordered the market economic order, to create a good market environment. This year, I think I really in accordance with the Council and the town Party committee, the governments

15、arrangements and requirements, combined with the actual jurisdiction area, pay close attention to four key points, push forward the market supervision work carried out.Expand the functions, broaden the channels, services, local economic development and the development of a new1, actively carry out t

16、he construction of exhibition window, open all kinds of market main body access channel. In the registration window to implement the 12345 mode of operation, the implementation of the six sound service the humanized service of new initiatives, and actively for all kinds of new enterprises to simplif

17、y the registration procedures, shorten the time to do, to create high-quality the civilization of the service window image. In March this year, my house was by the provincial womens Federation awarded the women Gang civilization, the honorary title. In the registration work, my first good market acc

18、ess. The main body to provide a fair, for the work of the masses for justice, openness, high quality, normalization the service, do The complete information on the spot, data is not neat distinction between office, office of emergency project overtime, key projects, guidance office, special project

19、flexible. At the same time, I also have business rental filing difficult problem, in coordination with the rental housing management center, and achieved remarkable results as. from November 30th, preferential treatment for quick registration of individual industrial and commercial households 2883 h

20、ouseholds, 10011 households change of registration, cancellation of registration of 383 households, I have a area of domestic enterprises, registered capital of RMB, staff member; individual industrial and commercial households, the amount of money counting million employees; foreign funded enterpri

21、ses households , the registered capital of million yuan, from employees. Secondly the good market main body according to annual testing. In strict accordance with the new Company Law of corporate annual inspection regulations to carry out inspection work, the relationship between peoples health and

22、life safety of the enterprise, focus on the pre review qualification case, at the same time to carry out the door the door guide inspection, carried out the fast track for trustworthy enterprises, effectively reducing the cost of the annual inspection of enterprises. As of the 111 month 30 days, sub

23、ject to business households, real inspection, annual inspection rate; as a fulfillment of individual industrial and commercial households, according to experimental test, inspection rate.2, actively promote the implementation of the strategy of brand expansion, XXX leather market. In order to help t

24、rademark total enterprises especially SMEs do a good job of the registered trademark, where I often to the investigation on the node with annual supplement this year. The same trademark archives at the same time, do everything possible to make copies of the trademark registration services, law enfor

25、cement people often deep into the enterprise, to provide door-to-door service for enterprises registered trademark. To strengthen the knowledge of the business of trademark law propaganda, protection of the exclusive right of trademark registration business, enterprise reporting report of well-known

26、 and famous trademarks of the guidance, support and guide enterprises to implement trademark battle strategy. Actively guide enterprises to establish Brand awareness brand. Through in-depth publicity trademark laws and regulations law and the protection of intellectual property rights, guide enterpr

27、ises to establish brand awareness, to timely meet the conditions of the enterprises registered trademark right protection of corporate interests are not infringed. Up to now, XXX has 1 trademark was identified as Guangdong famous the trademark , 2 trademarks were awarded famous trademark of XX stand

28、ard. With AOKANG , Italy s health and Montagut and other domestic and foreign well-known brands have settled in XX, XXX has become a national treasure industry famous brand leather industry convergence of entrepreneurship. Vigorously carrying out the heavy contract, Shou credit enterprise culture Ed

29、ucation, training contract regulations held 2 sessions, the newly named Shou Shou entrepreneurs, compared to the same period last year increased by%. In addition, where I add brand cultivation. At the same time, adhere to adhere to brand and the security card simultaneously, severely crack down on c

30、ounterfeiting, infringement of intellectual property rights and other illegal behavior knowledge to form the enterprise, self protection, protection system combining administrative protection and judicial protection. By the end of November 30th, I investigated the case of illegal trademark 88, worth

31、 million yuan, the amount of 500 thousand yuan fine.The 3 battalion, actively create a fair competitive environment, further improve the comprehensive management of operating mechanism. Since the beginning of this year, its function I am based in the area, regulatory responsibility for the nuclear c

32、ore, through innovative mobile PDA electronic supervision system, and to continue to carry out remediation unlicensed and in the operation of special action, and achieved more for the remarkable results. Since XX 100 month, I issued a monthly check each inspection group to guide 120 households witho

33、ut a license for a business license by the business, and no unlicensed cases 8 work task, decompose the ban unlicensed business cleaning tasks, make the target specific responsibilities fall The implementation of each group and each of the cadres and workers, the inspection group according to the se

34、ction of a door one by one investigation, registration, do not leak group, no leakage group of households, households do not leak , thus greatly improve pipe work enthusiasm, improve the quality of the unlicensed remediation work amount at the same time, focusing on the improvement of the regional d

35、omain, the focus of remediation market, dragnet full comprehensive investigation in the area of the various types of market players, banning undocumented unlicensed card found in a timely manner, to fully grasp the cleaning progress and determine the focus on cleaning up until now. At present, I hav

36、e dispatched law enforcement vehicles 6652 times, 21334 law enforcement officers, Check all types of markets, shopping malls 54, all kinds of market main body 9543, has issued a notice period for business licenses of 16133 copies, 4055 copies of the notice shall be ordered to make corrections, guide

37、 users consciously submit business license up unlicensed operation of more than 2 thousand and 300 households, 489 households, a total ban unlicensed business households, to investigate unlicensed case 197 cases.4, active and innovative initiatives to improve measures, strive to improve the effectiv

38、eness of supervision of enterprises. Since this year, the implementation process of the area where I supervision responsibility system, through continuous innovation supervision mechanism, implement supervision responsibility, established the first advanced, coordinated operation, system improvement

39、, standardized management, new system of supervision, effectively enhance the law enforcement work initiative, self-consciousness, effectiveness, to achieve the city market supervision work of the three changes, through a clear regulatory responsibility, the responsibility to realize from the respon

40、sibility of the around, from the part of the regulatory transition to comprehensive key point of supervision, from special rectification to establish long-term supervision machine The change of regulation and law enforcement work. To achieve the three place, namely the daily supervision mode reform

41、thorough development, effectively promote the supervision and service functions in place and can be put in place. At the same time, strengthen the strong operational norms, the implementation of the inspection system, and severely punish violations, efforts to improve the classification of supervisi

42、on enterprises for the effective solution. Will the area of unlicensed phenomenon in the area under the jurisdiction of the supervision responsibility system work, after groping research for nearly 2 months, the XXX and the innovative use of the grid electronic map with daily inspections supervision

43、 mode of regulatory responsibility area supervision tube, effectively making pipe member truly On the base of this area, the situation is clear, the jurisdiction of the supervision responsibility system of grid management truly implemented, achieved significant results. Since XX 2 / 1 to XX in May 1

44、1th, I issued a total of individual business licence 863, is 1.7 times the same period last year issue put the individual business license, the jurisdiction of unlicensed phenomenon has fundamentally improved. At the same time, according to my area points, wide wide, shape, the current situation of

45、the development of leather industry leather to implement, a typical demonstration of fan, key breakthrough, and comprehensively promote the work principle, the investigating cases as the city market supervision the The focus throughout all kinds of special rectification, check the source, plugging l

46、oopholes, each inspection group inspection operation handling, which according to the law dealt with a number of unlicensed and no trademark infringement cases.5, actively investigate and deal with illegal behavior, and effectively increase law enforcement efforts. As of November 30th for investigat

47、ion section, everywhere all kinds of economic violation cases 303 cases, the amount of 1 million 550 thousand yuan confiscated. One of its trademark infringement in 88 cases, the amount of 500 thousand yuan confiscated gold; 6 case of overdue inspection, the amount of 36 thousand yuan confiscated; n

48、o unlicensed operation 197 cases the amount confiscated amount of 970 thousand yuan; 2 cases of illegal advertising, and the amount of 2 thousand yuan confiscated; food case 3, the amount confiscated 10 thousand yuan; the other 7 cases, the amount confiscated amount of 13 thousand yuan, paid 19 thou

49、sand and 900 yuan auction. In the case, for the strict implementation of City Law Enforcement Bureau The relevant provisions in the case investigation report, the decision of administrative punishment at the discretion of the approval form of application and case management system, make administrati

50、ve punishment relatively consistent, relatively appropriate, enable reasoning style documents. At the same time, to seriously study the XX engineering application software, effectively promote the use of case management the system and improvement of case entry rate was 100%, the entry, timeliness, i

51、ntegrity and accuracy have been continuously increasing.Highlight the focus, pay close attention to key, to rectify and standardize the market order to achieve a new breakthrough1, strengthen food safety supervision, protect the peoples safety. Combined with the actual consumption of the town of XX,

52、 and in the daily food safety supervision work, I mainly through the business and administrative villages and farmers market, shopping malls, supermarkets, interactive work, actively supported by the establishment of the town Party committee and government, industry and commerce the Ministry of supe

53、rvision departments actively, actively cooperate with the village households, strengthen self-discipline, rural food safety network broad masses of broad participation. To actively guide the grasp self-examination, is grasping the focus of territorial supervision inspections, special special investi

54、gation, strengthen the implementation of the work to grasp the inspection of the area of all enterprises, workshops, business operators a A touch the bottom, so the number of enterprises, according to license, product flow three clearly. the implementation of one family one. One file management syst

55、em for the food business, to further standardize the food business entities into the business behavior. Guide and supervise food business users to establish and implement the camp commodity quality inspection inspection four the establishment of system, the implementation of purchase goods accountin

56、g certificate and invoice system. To promote the implementation of the quality management system of the industry, and make inspection record, timely record entry supervision files. Each segment of each tube to do a monthly food business operators, ledger, line tracking inspection on the purchase and

57、 sale of food, by operating the user and tube member sign The word is confirmed. Through the work of enhanced convection, rapid detection of food safety loop, industry and commerce within the jurisdiction of the city all organized a large trading market sampling.加Increase the intensity of rectificat

58、ion in the holiday market. New Years day, Spring Festival, 3.15 , Five, Mid Autumn Festival, twenty. during the 6 regulation of food safety special rectification of mass treatment, law enforcement officers were dispatched 956 people, check the food business in 14552 households, 34 types of market ta

59、ke, banning unlicensed households in 83. With this at the same time, I rely on the law enforcement linkage mechanism, innovation and implementation of the food safety work mechanism. Contact network Deputy master station and food market and 8 farmers meat market respectively hired a workstation in 6

60、 comprehensive management of the Village area within the city the Product safety officer served the food safety supervision and liaison officer, responsible for food safety supervision and liaison propaganda not only food safety laws and regulations compliance tasks, and also served as the village m

61、arket supervision and administration of food safety and consumer complaints obligation mediator, so that area food consumer complaints adequate out of the village, settled in the first time, and actively build cross to the edge, vertical in the end, full coverage, seamless food safety supervision ne

62、twork, in order to safeguard food security and order, to protect the area of group masses food consumption safety.2, the overall strengthening of the daily supervision, hot line industry. To strengthen the risk of dangerous chemicals production and sales, production and sales of fireworks and firecr

63、ackers explode, refined oil wholesale and retail industry issued daily supervision. On the base of hazardous chemicals from the enterprise engaged in sales basically done regularly to check for a real market inspections. Found that consumer complaints and the masses, there exist many problems in sto

64、rage of dairy products, meat products and other special check, in relying on the mobile detection box, regular in-depth agricultural farmers market and supermarket. To detect suspected quality problems, and sampling in accordance with legal procedures, and severely punished by The camp of fake and s

65、hoddy goods, substandard goods and other illegal activities. At the same time, I also took the initiative to town government office joint control, health and other related departments, to carry out the food safety law enforcement special joint inspection, near the campus and the surrounding area within the scope of a large building business shops, stalls are clear inventory remediation the carpet. This year, I have a total of 42 times to carry out joint enforcement inspection, check the business households 3578, check all banning undocumented according to small d

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