
1、2021國家開放大學(xué)電大本科《管理英語4》期末試題及答案(試卷號:1389) 一、交除用(共計I。分,每小通2分) 1-5■:選擇正?的現(xiàn)句完成下列引話.并將答宴序號寫在答?低上. L — Is it possible for you to work out the plan tonight? A. PH do that. B. 1 think so C Id love to. 2. —How did your meeting go ycstrnhty? — actually? it was really frustrating. A? Not so good B. Ve
2、ry good C Nothing spccinl 3. — I think things have been a bit difficult (or u the last couple of months — Wcfve been working hard* but still getting behinct A. YmTre right B Pm afraid. C. I donft think so. 4. —— Will you help me Arrange a meeting with Mr. Brown# please? A. No. no way. .
3、R No. 1 can1!. C Sorry 1 can9t. I have to Gnish my project right now< 5> — Youd better not push youraelf too hunt You can ak the team and liMem A. You nre right- B- Not we can ft do thot> C ! think it will kill our time. 二、現(xiàn)匯與堵構(gòu)供計30分,每小麟2分) 6-20也網(wǎng)讀下面的句禮從ABC三個g中選出-個能填入空白處的正確逸項(xiàng),并將答 室序號耳在答雄紙上?
4、6. AT6 T found thflt employees with better phnning ond decision—making skills were to be promoted tnto tnunnurmniit jobn. A. mure likely Il morv like C niorr unlikely mnnRrr> upetui mon I <)1 thrh time in fnee lu face contact with Olhrm. but they Bpend much a( 11 ohintmni; und lwinnfi( inforni
A, Not only
C, Nut only do
hit nngrr. ihr employem mllod hirn Mr. Thunder? but thry loved him.
B. In Bphe ol
clmrly cornnmnlCAl^ with am! uctivrly lintrn fo rniployccs la cn^cntlol tu
improve ihdr perfonnhnee,
A. Br able to
IIX I brllrvr thnt I huvr ■ lol to conttibuic
n tc 6、nvironmcnlt mid Ntn
romforublr in hoih Iradcrnhip ah.
A. tu
I L ( timjurrd
Etighnhi Chincne M gciicmlly brlicvcd to be more (hffu uh io
A. with
K from
(:? agdinfit
I2? _ thr importancr of En/i?h? we should put more effort into tt and try to
learn it wcIL
A. Gave
B. 7、(itvinK
C Gwen
(in the hilltop you could rn>oy ihr firenrty(4 the city bmhed in the auil
A. Stmiding
K Sund
C Stood
14. There m no
the foct thnt he in ihr br*t ntudrnt in the clnm
A. deny
It denim
C\ clrnying
15. Her doirc for the
of A bvautiiul mwri rrniaincd.
A. create
Il creati 8、on
G crcfltcd
16? Every time I tried to My Aotncthmgt hr would tu something else.
A. move off B. move on
C? move over
To build the rc€rvoir 9、( 庫>? thousaticltt of people have(o be .
A* 建切感H> repeated
C> reopenH
18. Good work good pay.
A doAerves a requests *
C deserts
19. At a rough ? we will lake another four weeks to fininh this pUn>
A value a C5timau
G account
2。. Even the beat continually xeek ways to their skills
”harp 10、H. shftrpcner
Ce shftrprn
If ihere^s one word fhnt captures the essence ol what is occurring in the world todays it9s "change. " Downsizing> reorganizing? and cutting cosits? arc now the norm for survival. No industry ia t?xeEpL Ev 11、en the most conservative institutions are underftaing signifioint change just to survive.
Change mArugement has always been an issue of debate amongst scholars: how can employers create suitable conditions for a successful change procesx? And what can employrvs do to get through it?
Tips for deali 12、ng with change in the workplace.
? Make yourself aware that change happensi it happens in personal life, it happens in your professional Iife> You cannot live in the past, so denying that change could occur only mnkes things more complicated for you<
? Stay alert in the workplace: know what is hap 13、pening around yon. When you come acrotis clues that hint chanfte is on the wayt acknowledge them!
? Maintain open comTnunieafion ehnnneis: Dont lay back and expect things to pass you by smoothly. You need to et acquainted with the occurnng changes. Seek more dcUih from your management and peers to 14、form an accurate understftneiing of the mutter. Be transparent and honest about your fcarjt deftling with the unknown is often resented and daunting. Make the piclum as clear as you can.
? Assess yourself: Change is n time when one * s confidence about onef s skills nnd capabilities gets shaky. Rec 15、ognixc your strengths and where you could bring them into piny-
At the same time, stay aware of your developmental areas and work on improving mog
? Don* t be stiff< It will make the change process much harder if you arc rigid. Be flexible enough to look at the different angles of the change and s 16、ee where you could apply your -existing" skilh and knowledge* and what news skills you need to Acquire.
? Stay optimistic: Keep a positive Attitude ond don * t let yourself drown in uncertainty. Involve yourself in the new processi locate yourself properly in rhe new scenario. Adjusx!
-You can t g 17、et to the top of Everest by jumping up the mountain. You get to the mountflintop by r&king incremental steps. Step by step, you ge! to the goaT,肺"Robin Sharma, one of the worlds most~sought — after leadership and personal success expert-
21 . i nirrpnwai enrry out duwnsizng 命w cutting cum、in order 18、tu ?
A? cut down on thr nurnbrr of workrm
K rethufflc the orflnnuattan
C? rturvivr
22 "Nu industry it emmpi” n心ne .
A. No industry is an exception
No tndulry in an cxiiniplr
「? Nor every indimfry con l>r exempted
23. The (olluwanM qurfitionn Arc nftrn dhruiMrd Amann JurhoMz EXCEPT .
A? Ho 19、w can bm心 crr^ie favombk conditions (or 血叫。
How cun prcMluctiviiy be increnurd
(? Whiii enn workers da Ui Ret Through chun好
21. How many uHgrstionM docs the author put forward?
A. 4
B. 5
C. fi
25. Krom the pujunRj we know thnt Robin SharmA m .
A? nn eApert on IcuderMhipe nnd personal siucce” 20、
It a ^rrm lender
C. wnmeone who like% to play the raev of Hide nn 21、t if you 22、. If your nctiona d 23、nt to Miy. look out (or tcrhnknl jnrKtin und △void l)uines which ndd complexity, Sy what you nir/m in 24、rse■ but dont become overly fixated on eluqucnce for eloquence9 sakei concentrAte on being distinct and reaL People want real, people renpert real, people follow real
(4) Be visible. Visibility i> about letting your key ?t&keholders get ■ feel for who you are and wha< you cre abauu Don1 r hide behi 25、nd a computer and only mferaci with people drctronicall) — them Ucc to face And voter to voice# And intrruct with them in a renL ?ubnlAntinl w?y. In today , environment ? where people are oiten burned out ? it‘6 important (or employees to have a per^nal cannrclKin with you and the work you hrlievc I 26、m Show the people that work (or you that youre ctixtiged ind that you care about fbetn and their wotlu
(5) lustcn with your cyet wr|| ■? your eurw^ EKrcfive communication ih ii two-way procrn and good IcAders know how io ask Rood quefirionst nnd then liMen with both their ryes and therr cars. Becau 27、x1 you are tn ? po Bit tun of ■uthonty> others may be reluctant to express their red! opinion* to you dirrctlye You won * t always tfet direct feedback* 1O you need to alo be alilr lo raid between the lme and look for the non —verbei cues.
26. Communication and Iradrrwhip dont always go hand tn h,n 28、d.
27. The say —do gap hnppen* when people miundermand their leadcr^s intentione
2& Using technical jargon make* a Icodcr convincing.
29. Communicating sincerely is alway thr best.
30 Observation is ar imporUnt aa communioitian when you want to know what people really think.
31.-椎部號 29、作要求?有出一■作文.
Write at 100 words about an event based on the followtn tnformAtion. You may need the SWi and 1H eiements- ( /who/when? where why/ what and how)
31 M^y 1911
She w” hunched
The large#: iihip afloiivi with a 只rom tonrmge of 46 ■ 328 ton
10 April 1912
maiden voyage
from Sout 30、hamptpn to New York
at 11 e40 p. nu on Sunday 14
hit an iceberg i badly damaged
2227 pasengeni and crew an bcuird
” 2i2O d m? an Monday 15 April 1912
1522 were drowned i
705 escaped
At dawn on 15
April 1912
Some of the survivors weir picked up
The Cunard liner Carpathia heard th 31、e wircles> diafrcs calls
一, 交際用增(共計10分,每小鹿2分)
I. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5? A
二、 謝匯與益構(gòu)(共計30分,每小H 2分)
6-2。聊:08波下面的句于.從A.H<三個選項(xiàng)中選出一個能堵入空白處的正確逸項(xiàng),井將答 案摩號可在答題蛾上?
6. A
10. A
Il A
12. C
13. A
14. C
16. B 17. A 1. A mH 20 C
三、 閱讀熾解(共m分.每小IB 4分)
21 25M;tBWA.從A.H,(三個選瑣中也出一個正?答猥,弁代答案停號葛在答B(yǎng)I蛾上.
2L C 22. A 23. H 24. C 25. A
2d-3OH:tW*M文內(nèi)WMBitt出的曜句是否正編,正確的WTMiW的耳“F■,并將答案 珊在
26. F 27. F 2& F 29. T 30. T
四, 耳作(共20分)
Wrhc m leot 100 wordM nbout nn event bated on the following information. You may nrvd the 5Wti and III elem 33、ent( /who/when/ where why/ what and how)
31 May Wl)
She wa hunched
The >hip
with ■ sroia tonnage ol 46^328 tana
10 April 1912
nmiden woynffr
(rnm S 34、m. on Moruhy )5 Ag I91X
1522 were drowned i
706 eMmpcd
Af 35、miil
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- 6.煤礦安全生產(chǎn)科普知識競賽題含答案
- 2.煤礦爆破工技能鑒定試題含答案
- 3.爆破工培訓(xùn)考試試題含答案
- 2.煤礦安全監(jiān)察人員模擬考試題庫試卷含答案
- 3.金屬非金屬礦山安全管理人員(地下礦山)安全生產(chǎn)模擬考試題庫試卷含答案
- 4.煤礦特種作業(yè)人員井下電鉗工模擬考試題庫試卷含答案
- 1 煤礦安全生產(chǎn)及管理知識測試題庫及答案
- 2 各種煤礦安全考試試題含答案
- 1 煤礦安全檢查考試題
- 1 井下放炮員練習(xí)題含答案
- 2煤礦安全監(jiān)測工種技術(shù)比武題庫含解析
- 1 礦山應(yīng)急救援安全知識競賽試題
- 1 礦井泵工考試練習(xí)題含答案
- 2煤礦爆破工考試復(fù)習(xí)題含答案
- 1 各種煤礦安全考試試題含答案