
1、國家開放大學(xué)電大本科《英語教學(xué)理論與實踐》2022-2023期末試題及答案(試卷號:1366) Section I : Basic Theories and Principles 40 points Questions 1—20 arc based on this part. Directions] Choose the best answer from A. B or C for each question. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. L Whnt method does the following description refl
2、ect? In class, the itudents xit in u circle .with the teacher standing behind. When they ivanl ta say something 9they xvhtiper in (heir mother tongue to the Utacher who translates it into the largel language. The student then repeats the teachfr translation which in then recorded on the tape. A.
3、The Audicrlingual Method. B. The Communicative Approach. C The Community language Learning Method. 2. If we compare the learning process to a journey ? which of the following is similar to the destination? A. Necessities. B? Lacks. C. Wants. 3. What syllabus will describe the following situatio
4、ns that the learner might find himself in,the ianguAge activiucs he is most likely to lake part in>the functions of language that are most useful*the topics that are important nd common and the general notions which he might need to express? A. Structural syllabus. B< Communicative syllabus. C? Si
5、tuational syllabus. 4. Which of the following is charactenstic of acquisition? A. Conscious learning of languagr structures. B. Little error correction< (1 More instrumentally motivated^ 5? Which of the following in a communicative activity? A. Questions and answers about the picture. B. Jigs
6、aw redding of a material. G Idea presentation on a certain topic. 6, Which of the following activities doen not belong to communicative activities? A. Role play. B. Pattern drills. C? Information 即p. 7. Which of the following does not belong to the Humonisf Approach? A. Community language Lear
7、nings 11 Audio-Ungual Method. C SugRctoprdia< 8. In which o( the following does thr teuchrr MBnumc the role of ci mAnnger? A< ArrnnKing (or the fast groups to help the slow Kroups. H. ConimcntiriK on the performnnee of the Rroupn. C DemorutratinK how to conduct group editing. 9. Which of the f
8、ollowing 卜 n communicative activity? A. Lixtcning to the weather bronrJcARt and fill in a form, B. Listening to the wenther broadcANt und talk about n picnic. C? Trnnsferrinn the information from the weather broadcant into a chart. 10. Which of the (oIIowihk ■c!tvitte can be adopted nt the pre-r
9、eading utaxe?
A. R 10、
A. J he top-down approMch. B. The bottom*up approach.
C. The interactive Approach.
13. Which of the following enn be uncd to develop ihr nkill of limning for gist?
A. While listening# the student a are required to look ai n list of word* nnd circle th(>Mc uiicd by the upeakcn
B. After lintcnin 11、Ktthc studrnlA arc required to write a summary of the text in a few Bcntrnce9<
C. After listening? the students Mrr required to arrange the Mcntcncen in the order in which they nrc mentioned in the irxt.
1L To develop rhe skill of listening for npccific inform砒ion.the teacher anks studrnta to fill 12、 in the blank* with the information they henr on the tope. Which auge of listening claw is it at now?
A. Pre*listcnin|( B< Whil 13、tening skill does the following activity help to train?
Luten to the fallowing airport annauntcmrnli and fill thr blank\ in thr table with the information you hear.
Flight number
Retarding (Sulf number
Pan American
BA 359
New York
Nor th well
14、A. Listening for gi^L
B. Listening for specific information.
C. Inferring*
17. Which stage of the speaking lesson is most teacher-controlled?
A. Pre5entation< FL Practice.
C. Production.
18. Which o( the following speaking Activities is mofit controlled?
A. Prompted dialoKiie* & Scrambled dia 15、logue
Ct Discunjiiorie
19. What role is a teacher less likely to piny at the later stage of a speaking class?
A. Dcmonstratore B< Helper.
C. Corrector
20. Whnf Aspect of pronuncintion docs the (ollowing dcfnonjitrate?
【on lyglU p^tixfka:d \C9an EngUxh postcardH)
[(jlirttu^mLtfJu: to mrrf you 16、.
A. Linisone
EL Rhythm.
G Pitch.
Section (| iLeoon Phm 60 points
2h PimtloiHiln thh section? you are presented with ? tahlc und tupe script of Mn piece of listening malerlaL Read the script and design three llitenlng activlticsione pre-lhtcnlng activity > one Hxtenhie activity nnd (nc nctivity 17、t
I he requirement of each HCtivlty h 心 follows(
, Pre-lblenlnKi ltud in the topic interviewing nn Amrriam Indy
> Lhteninxifinhh the dctnlls In the lublc about Slouncs lifc>
> PoNbllMcnlntfitrain the ability to exprm attitudes und commcnl
You may follow the Ub!r given nfler the puua|:c. Muke su 18、re the three activities arc rvlalcd to cnch other.
Mulcrial L
When she was young
on a (arm
a city apartmeni
buys al supermarket
her moiher made them
wrote letters
doesn11 travel
Tim 19、e to crosA
Atlantic Ocean
seven dy
six hours
Mnterinl 2.Tape script/** 文本
Hello. Btudeniv Your hintory teacher asked me to tell you what life was hkr in rhe United Staten when 1 was a girL
Well. 1 was born in 1915“。Im a very old lady now. When 1 was a girl.l lived on n form with my parents and 20、 my brothers, I didnl have any lintern. Wr used to grow most of our f(x)d on the farm. Now.】 live tn an npurtment in the city> o ! hiivc to buy food At the Bupermarkcte but it doesnf l taalr m good m it used to<
My mother used to make all my clothes and today.I still like to mcw. I make mom of my c 21、lothes11 don11 like to buy them. Mother had lots of time because my father traveled to Europe and Africn, I used to write long letters to him. Today? 1 nrnd ermaih to my grandchildren because I dont see them very often, I think family life wan better in the past when families lived nenr each other
22、Did 1 mention my marriogc? I got mnrrird in New York when I was 2h My husband and 1 went across the Atlantic Ocean by boat. !t took ub serven dayn. Naw you can fly on a pUne and it only takes six hours.
I used to travel often.but now l*m in poor health no I dont trove) anymore. But I Mill like to r 23、ead about (raveL My grandchildren bought me a computer so I can search (or tntercAtinK places* Imagine*! used to rend books and drsm of going to Chinn>but now I cao tee wonderful pictures on the Web. That aq exciting!
Oh dear. 1 Im out of time. Do you hove nny questionK?
Activity I (Pre-listening) 24、
Clnfisroom organiuition
Teaching aid
Assumed time
Trnnsition (how to relate to the following activity)
Activity 2 (listening)
Classroom organization
Teaching aid
Assumed time
Transition (how to relate to the former activi 25、ty)
Transition (how to relate to the following activity)
Activity 3 (Post-listening)
Classroom organisation
Teaching aid
Assumed time
Transition (how to relate to the former activity)
Backup plan:
⑴Predicted problems 26、
(2) Possible solutions
Section I tBusk Theories nnd Principles 40 points
2. A
3, B
7. B
8. A
9. B
10a B
H. A
12. A
13. B
14. B
16. B
17. A
18. H
19. A
20. A
Section D | Lesson Plan pninU
21. 費(fèi)壽答案和評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
Ac 27、lbity 1 (Pre-Llstcning)
Objectives: to lead in the topic and to activate students 9 background knowledge of interviewing another person.
Classroom organization: Group work
Teaching aid:pictures
Assumed time;5 minutes
(DLefid tn:introducc the topic( 1 *)
The tcuchcr can lead in the 28、topic by HskinR questions like:
“Now. class. Today we are going to listen tp something fl bout interviewing in English. First ? what ib the firnt thing that you would ask about them?”
(2) Group discussionO*);
The teacher calh on one or two students io contributet and then raise another question f 29、or group discussion.
MOK. What else would you ask them? Work in groups. See if you know anything0
(3) Feedbark(lr>
Cull on different groups to report.
(4) T:*AII right. Thunk you. Actuiillytin English? interviewing topics might be different but they often include.…”
Activity 2( Lis 30、tening)
Objectives: to train studentsability to get the key information from the passage
Classroom organization: whole-class work to pair work
Teaching aid: text-book. tape recorder>or multi-mcdin
Assumed lime:8 minutes
(5) Assign the listening task( 1e)
(4 continued) MToday wc" re 31、 going to listen to a conversation about one * s life in Another country. Listen and try to find what Sloanes life was and is like.
Yau can uac the following table to help you.”
When she was young
on a farm
n city apartment
buys at supermarket
her mother made th 32、em
wrote letters
doesnt travel
Time to cross
Atlantic Ocean
seven days
six hours
(6) Whole class liAteningO*)
The tcnchvr plnyti the recording und ntudcnln listen to (he to complete the
(7) Pair work to check(29>
Get the studentA into p 33、aira to cheek their work. For example 34、to explain what problems they have in listening. For example>the teacher can do like you have problems in getting the information? OK ???? ? can you tell us what difficulty you met when listening?*1
(9) TiHNowt we know what Sloane9s life was like and what it is like. Do you like her pa 35、st life or present life. . . . ”
Activity 3( Post-listening)
Objectivesito train the ability to express attitudes and comments9at the same time applying
Information obtained from the passage.
Classroom organization:Group work
Teaching Hld:no
Assumed time:6 minute*
《1。)Assign the
(9 continued)Now 37、(12) Feedback"
Invite each group to report their choice
Backup plan
Predicted problems:
(l)Thc students may not know anything about interviewing in English. They may also know already through the passage if they have previewed.
C2)Some students may have difficulty expressing their opinion in En 38、glish.
Possible solutions:
(l)|f the students know nothing about interviewing in English< it is best because the objective of listening is to learn about these things from the listening. However? if they know already>it doesnt matter because more often than not? students may not understand the pas 39、sage even if they already know the content< What s more< studentslistening may differ greatly^ If they have previewed they may have lessi difficulty in following thr class.
(2>If students have difficulty expressing themselves in Englishtwc should allow them to express their ideas in Chinese^ Then the teacher can repeat their ideas in English. In this wiiy.thcy may get to know how to express themselves.
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