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1、國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)電大專(zhuān)科綜合英語(yǔ)(2)2020-2021期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2159)I . Directional (Vocabulary A Structure)tknoth each of the following Mnlencct. there rc four choicer marked A C and Choose the onr that best completes the tcntrnce Murk your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)Exarnplrt 1 he homelrnii couple _ 一 nt last

2、in finding n flat to rent.A. managedB. didC. finishedD. MucccedcdThe Mntcnce nhould read The honiclcB!i couple succeeded at last tn (Hiding n firn io rent. t herefore you should choose【)】. The French arenf t the only ones who have nindc humorous references to the dincrcnccAthene two langunnes.A. for

3、inC withD between2. At the thc/iter shethe (irut act as wbe clirnbfi over your knees townrd lx-r mhLA. eruptsBedinruptiiC. corruptMD.disrespects3. Have you hen rd nbout it? The Kim,houc wanand the mnak wab ei 浦 ng.A. deult withH.recoveredG broken intoD.recognised4. How wua the party for Joe?A. Ahock

4、B:surprise(X objectiveDintentional5. People should travel not only to find out about I hrbut to find out dboui thefuture-A.timeB.pleAMntCprenentD.unknown6. These |iicturt!i in Portugal in 2003.A.is takenB.ure to be tkenCwere takenDtook7. Whitif you nil the money in the world and 200 more yearn to li

5、ve?A. will you doi hnvenre you going to doi haveC. would you doi had). would you dot had had8. Who do I turn to if lfm lot on my wayf Anyone can give you directions Sue in your class.A but notik exceptG onlyX but for9 The murderer was brought in. with hi handsbehind hit bocluFk to be tiedDl tiedA. b

6、eing tied C having tiedIOthe traffic jm I wouldnt have been so Ute lor the dinner party.A. If notB. ButC. Only ifD. Were it noi for0 . DircctkMM:Cboosc A. B or C to complete each ctNiversalion one of the greatest folk singer* in the world!*1L Id like to make a reservation (or a single room on the 19

7、 of this month for two nightsA. Yest ir 1 see we have room available (or those nights.& Yftit there is* The hotel provides a free shuttle but to and from the airporU departing every half hour.C Yea. there is business center* open seven day week12. Im going downtown to run some rrrnnds.Not at alLA. C

8、ould you get mr n two liicr bottle o( cola?H. Would you mind picking up a copy of Time Mngaxinc while youFre downtown?C. Do you want to watch a film with me?Cert/iinly What nixct please?Eight And half* I think.Here you arc. Would you like to try them on?A. Id like a pair of blnrk shorn pls” B Id lik

9、e a white ihirt. plcnse.C Id like a pair o( rIam9cs plcaae14. Itso cold here!A. Whrtt makcA you no happy?B. Why not turn on the heating?C Kelly? Thininteresting-15 一 What would you do if you had all the time in the world?_ At If I could find Rnothrr job* you know Id trike it in a minuteH 1 would spe

10、nd two thirds of my time with those people who are in grent need of help.(:. I will travrl to other countrirw and do everything 1 like.16 -Dont worry nbout that, h*s OK. Wr are still waiting (or Solly and Linda.A. Im sorry (or being late Wouldn ft you like to go somewhere and do aomething?C. Ive bcm

11、 wniting since one hour ago!17a Whm、the weather like today?Shall we go nwimniing?A. h a windy.R. It f!i a Bunny summer day.(L Itquite cold.IB. Anne# please bring your pnAporf with you and nt leant 2000 dollnrs*A. How come?Il 1 wo!ift forgci I think.tk Caak Here you are#C. Thank you. Hcre your ehnnge

12、t 6 pounds,20. Jill. Im goniK to the cnfetrriA for lunch. Wnrit to join me?A. Let me nec I thought I Kot more stuff thnn I thought.B () K. I rcoily uhould take up M)rne ripen,C Oht Id Hkr to* but Pvc got to go to fhr library to look up some things brlorr my two oclock cIanr.(IL Directions iKor ciich

13、 numbered blnnk in hc followinK pusngr I hen? are four choke* marked A th C undD. Choowc the beat one and marK your nswer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Mi Elxrt kept the little bakery on the corner. Two or three finwft n wceki shr hud fl cuntomrr In 2】 *hr began to tflkc ah intrrr%L Hr whs a middl

14、e Agrd mn 22 fipccuclen and m brown bcArd. He ipokr English with n ntrong (irrninn Accents His clothes were worn und wrinkled* but hr looked nrnt nnd _23 _ very good tnnnnrriu He aIwa/r bought two lonvcfl of Btnlr brend. He never ankrd for nnylhinx 24brtAdi it rout rtlot leu* than fresh bread.Once M

15、ima Ebrrt 26 a red nnd brown ntmn on hin liriKn She wmr mire thnt he wna An artist and very poor. No doubt hr lived in nn Attict where hr painted pictures und ate Mtftlr breiid and thought of the -cod thingn 26 cat in the Imkery.Often when Minn Ebert nat down to her evening mrnL hc would nih nnd wis

16、h the artist rniKht hnre her food 27 of eotiriK his dry bread. ( )nc day the customer carnc in _28 UMunl Rnd anked (or hi titnlc brend. An the sudden noie of the fire rnRine made him hurry to the door# Mias Ebrrt 29 the opportunity. She cm each of ihc loaven with aknife* inserted tomebutter and* whe

17、n the customer30 she we putting them into apaper bud.2L A. whoB. whatC.whomD thnt22 A. inB. withC.ofD. for23. A. been& wasC.seemedD had24 any international busines5 or transaction ( it AJ would be impassible. Long Ago people exchanged promixe in making barKAin and binding the conduct of others. Thi

18、cxchnnKe of promine came to be known as MflgrccmentM and became more and more important in the fwld* of business* A promise or agrermrnt ia reached n* a result of the process of offer and ncccptnncc When nn agreement is reached a contract ta formed. Once n contract m ofiiciAlly Mgncd by the concerne

19、d pmiien. it creates legal obligationii in I hr sense of hw.A contract is the only document bet wren the parties to which they may refer for clarification o( mutual responsibilities. It should not be viewed an merely n document that initiates transaction and then filed and forgotten by the contracti

20、ng parties. It must he drafted with nn awarcncM of the background of lhe law in which the tranwetion takes place. It is proper to obtain legal ndvicc as to fhc bcM srt of contractufll terms appropriate to the product and type of business.Though most of the contracts have many provisions! in common e

21、ach is different from the others owing to the nature of the goods. Whether we are dcnling with a long or preprinted form of the contract there are certain key provisions thut every contract should contain to avoid ambiguity ond possible future conflict*. Whether to include other specific provisions

22、depends on the type of goods* shipping and insurance complexitieii! and degree of trust And mutual confidence exiiting between buyer and Heller.31. According to the passage the mnin purpose of milking a contract is to A. legalixe a promise between related partiesbind the contracting pnrtiesC. initia

23、te a transactionD. make bargains32a A contract can not create legal obligationfi in the sense of law unless . A. it in agreed on by concerned panic*It the contracting parties accept itC it in enforced by lawDr the contracting parties signed it officially33. Which of the following stAtcments about th

24、e contract is true?A. It must be an Rgreemcnt in rhe written form.Ek It is a way of minimising conflicts in iniemationol business or transaction.C Iih main function in commerce in to begin r trnnsAction.D. h should contain as many details as possible*34. In drafting a contract of international trans

25、action! one need not take into consideration A. the nature of the goodsB. the product nnd type of busineuC the lawn of a specific country where the bumness is io be done0. the physical health of contracting paries35. As to contents of n contract t which of the following is not true?A. It differs fro

26、m one another due io the difference existing in the nature of good.R It ithould be presented in language that is clear and precise.C Apart from the key provtsiontt that mum be included, whether to include any other special provisions depends on a lot of factonuD the girl Hitting next to me whispered

27、 something but I didnt understand* So I Irnnrei over her way and (ound out that he wn trying to ank mr if I had n extra pen. She showed me that hers war out of ink and would not write. I happened to have an extra one no I took if out of my pocket and put it on her desk they arr rrAlly chrating themc

28、lvc!i She mndr rne promise thnt I would think 5t?riouiily nbout all the ihings ,h? hud Baid* nnd then nhc told rne I could Icavc I walked out of the room wondering why ahe had chosen to talk io me about all those things*Lwrer on. 1 found out that jihr thought 1 had cheated on the tc When nhe maw me

29、Icon over to talk to the irl next to me* it looked ns if I win copying anftwern from the 制test pApen I tried to explain nliout the peru but nil could nay was it seemed very vrry strange to hrr thnt 1 hadnt tnlkrd of anything about the pen the day nhe miked to mr right after theEven if I tried to exp

30、hin that 1 wmn |unt doinH lhe nirl a (ftvor by letting her imr my pen* I am mirr she coniinucd to believe thnt I hud chentrd on the test.36. I hc story took place cxnctlyA. in the teacher1 office8. tn an cxnm roomC. in the MchocilD. in the hnftuiige Ub37. The? -irl wnnled to borrow a pen. because A.

31、 iihe had not brought a pen with herH. she h loa her own on her way to uchoolC. there was aomethinK wrong with her ownD. her own had been taken away by someone38. The tcNcher iuiw nil thin, so hc Aftked the boy _ .A to go on writtnu hi paperK to top whiRpcringC. to leave the room imnirdtatclyDm。stay

32、 brhind nftcr (he exam39 Thr thinK(s)emphasixed in her talk wan (were) .A. honestyB. aente of dutyC BeriousneMRtX all o( the above40. rhe boy knew everything.A the moment he nnked to ntny behindK when thr trachcr started tnlking abouf honestyC only some time laterD. when hr w*is walking out of the r

33、oomV - Direction*:Put rich of the following sentences Into English or Chinese using the word given in the bracket If any. Write your answer nn the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)4L I could get by in everyday situations but anything technical wan ddficult (or me to understands12a Although he knew it waji i

34、mpossible to be objective Mn Heinlein s purpose in writing this novel was to examine every major belief of Wcutern culture.43 There are many way to Achieve thin without buying expensive ccjuipmcnt or joining hrnlth club.一些人寧地坐在家里的電褪機(jī)前,觀(guān)看態(tài)度親切的主持人邊描述物品.用特-邊展示這些物品.(describe)45 .他們中的大多數(shù)聲稱(chēng)ig遇過(guò)長(zhǎng)曾大腦15小身子條繾

35、的外fil人向他們走過(guò)來(lái)的情景(claiE)試題答案及評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(僅供參考)I. (20%)11.(20%)IL AI2.B16. A17. Bin.(20%)21. C22. B26. B27. B1V(20%)3.C8. B4. H9.D5. C10. D13AH. B15. B18. B19. B20. C23. D24.A25. C28. A29. C30. D33. B34. D35, D38. D39. A40. CV.(20%)揮案并不一定要求與所雄答案完全一樣.符合句息.無(wú)語(yǔ)法惜誤.? 3分,基本符合句 意,大商大ifi怯WI誤8 2分I不太符合句意.有明顯語(yǔ)法錯(cuò)誤,愣I分,不符

36、合句怠,句子無(wú)法 詼懂得0分.其他情況的情加分),山他原IS,41. I could gel by in everyday situAtion* but ttnythin frchnicnl wan difficult for me to understand.12. Although he knew it whs impossihlc to be objective, Mr. Heinlein * s purpose in writing this novel wan to examine every major belief o( Western culture.43. There arc

37、 many wayn to Achieve ihin without buying expensive equipment or joining a health club,,M.些人寧地坐在家里的電視機(jī)前,觀(guān)看態(tài)度親切的主特人一邊描述物品.模特 邊展示這些物品.(describe)柘.他們中的大務(wù)數(shù)聲稱(chēng)it遇過(guò)長(zhǎng)智大航成小身子眼睛象條fit的外壁人向他們走過(guò)來(lái)的 情景.(claim)參考答案:41. 我在日常生活中還可以勉強(qiáng)對(duì)付.但任何技術(shù)性的東西對(duì)我來(lái)就很推理解了42. 盡管Heinlein先生知ifi想要做到客觀(guān)是不可能的.然而他創(chuàng)作這都小說(shuō)的目的還是 要肘西方文化中的主要信念逐一進(jìn)行檢

38、查.43. 想要做到這一點(diǎn)有很多方法,用不看曲買(mǎi)昂的器材.也不用加入健身俱樂(lè)部.44. Some people would rather nit quietly nt home in front of the TV act and watch n friendly announcer describe an item while a model dispkyn it.45. Most of them claim the experiences of being approached by creatures with Inre hcnd on small bodies with slits for eyes.

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