
1、1359) 2021國家開放大學(xué)電大本科《高級英語寫作》期末試題及答案(試卷號: Part 1 VocabuiaQ and Structure f 10 pointsj Questions 1 — 5 arc based on the following task. Cboose the appropriatr words or expressions from the box to complete the following paragraph. Ilicrc are THREE extra chokes Hint you dont need. Write your answer on
2、 the Answer Sheet. A< but Be used to C> just D. So EL referred to F? stuch nw G? Derived H. and Nanotechnology is the science of the small. ( I ) from rhe Greek word for *dwarfnano a one billionth unit of measurement (2) a nanometer is a billiomh of a meter# and a virus is nearly 100 nanomet
3、ers across. Nnnotechnology 訴 the Term ( 3) _ describe a wide army of theoretical and experimental approaches to engineering finy machines: everything from making smaller microchip!!> to environing molecular robatis that could swim through our bloodstream and fight disca. People working in the hel
4、d of nanotechnology today are divided between two disciplines: those working from the "bottom up." mostly chemist* attempting to create suucture by connecting moleculesi (4) thu! 5、aruumph Organi/ntion and Ikvelapmcnl 40 points] Questhmsi 6—8 arr b^sed on the following task. < 15 points) Rend I hr followini; paruuraphst Choose the best answer to cMch question. Write your answer A? B or C oa the Answer Sheet.
A new generation of communicarions tcchnolagies is upon us. They hav 6、e changed workplace conimumcatian providing many option> for ending a mesnage^ (6) ?
Etnuil is so pcrvtfsivc in organizatians thni it has become the default choice for communic^Tiont People still call each other at work, but sending an email to someone in the next cubicle common, h 1 * no surprise 7、that moM people believe email is ucd too often instrnd of (her-to-Cure comTnunicatioru
(7) ? For nhoft messages and quick questions, these channels ate ideal. Of
courset with smart phono, email may give you an instant response ns well, but this varies by orKnntzations and ptrople. A> you probably 8、 know, the real value of IMing 44presence awarcncsH—you know someone is available to respond imrnediattjlyt Although nomc people
COn5idcr ,M nn annoying interruption at work, people who IM are at fhr office report frwrr diaruptionn and believe that IM saves time and provides timely, relevant inform 9、ation. One analyst predicts that in the next few years, a vast majority of the employees will use IM as【be” pnmnry communications tool.
Prrhnps the more interesting technologies for communication nrc social media, Web 2. 0. which cncouragca online interaction, has opened the door for people to part 10、icipate on the wcb? I his in quite different from the one - way communinition of the curly Internet, when componitii would post brochure - like wrl^ite (or pcoplr to connuinr
I he? real value of social rnc<(tR for companies is the opportunity to connect with people online.(8) 一 To promote interact 11、ion? companieN me Web 2. 0 technologiest for
example, hlogs,w山惜.video, and social nctwarkinK Thrnr took orc uned on the* lntcrneU pn n company、intranet and on cxtranctn. 7 he Fortune Global 100 componirs arc mUng ocral media actively. Seventy nine percent are uxing at (emit one of four miiin %orinl 12、 plaHorrnn-Twittcr. videos. Fnccbcxjk nnd blog^ to communicate with cuMomers. (){ these luuM 1 wilier is the nrtant frequently used nhd hK proved u^rful fur comp/imM.
6. Clwosr the thesis !Atrmcnt
A? Impending on the type of mcssngrjit you mny chtMnc from a variety of communicAtiont tcchrtoloRirfi 13、
IL As business (od. mobile tcchnulagteA are useful (ar reporting newn end connecting with customers
C. I cchnolpgy is blurring fnnny (ormii of comrnunicntion—oral nnd written ? hce-tcrUcc and online
7. Choose the topic sentence for the pnragrnph^
A. Texting Has been considered too informal for 14、cornmunicntinK At wurk
B? Instant meiisnging mnybr considered rude in front ul other people.
(? Instant me心?ging (IM) nnd texting arc bcroming increasingly populiir nt work.
8. Chose the bridge scntcncce
A? Social networking Bites are for people who Hharr common interests.
A Multi-comniunicAtio 15、n is smd to be an effective way.
Ct Socin! media is about the convcrMatiuru
Question 9 Supply the missing support tn complete Panigraph A(25 points).
? Make sure your tone and the vocabulary you use are in unity with the relevant paragraphs.
? Write about 60—80 words. Write your answers on the A 16、nswer Sheet.
Paragraph A
Modem technology has revolutionized our Life has become very easy. You can
(Add supporting dcUih here )
Pamgraph B
However, modern conveniences come at r price. You have to give out informutian about
yournclf whenever you unr these iniuuunx device!!? eo^y tereHB t 17、o pcronnl infurnuition hns become n nrnoun nnd RrowinR problcme h i> reponed that e commerce Krowst niArketrfR nd buRybodics can Access marc consumer datn than rvrr before, h i~ senry tu think that the pcr^onnl prtvnte dots to get surnr ^crvicr^ enn cnMtly br given tu ^onicbody we dun e 1 know nnd w 18、ithout our pcrmisiont It Ui even refiner to know our pcrhonnl inlorrruition enn be u^ed ngoinnt un
Purugraph C
Irt apitc of nil the fnghtcninK concern*? you enn *till rrccivr ninny brnefitH from the convenient services that arr provided nnlinr. You |unl nrrd 19、 inlurniAhon to how much inforniation to xivj and when and to whom io Kivr it. After thot you enn navr lime mid effort nnd enjoy u^m *ueh convcnicncra z crrdii curdle online shopping or prepaid telephone curd%
Part 3 Writing no Etwiy [50(x>lntN]
Quetlion IO< Write un 20、.
Write rm CYny abetn n person / ggt Imdrr 八pef〔m ynu ndTnjrc,
? Do no! try to give this per心、complete Me hiRtory.
? ConerntrAtr on why thin ptrswin is admirable^
? Write about 150—180 words.
Part I Vocahulory and Structure (10 p 21、evelopment (40 paintsi)
Quntimis 6 — 8 (15 p 22、niph A
Modern tcchnohKy htu revolutionlxcd our Hvr. Lifr bah become very easy. You can buy
whmvcr you wont in one second Your m。眼y is h 號”引! curd in your pock”(htd you
um? to puTxh/uc ihingj* ch g" some catih. You oin tMk to your fnEily or friends alm。" imytimc from Mtng anywhere gng your cell ph 23、ono RenMinw gErnufdcatiota with fricti& in iU| pMr〔 c4 ihc world 將 now comEonplnce and 酬板 carried olh with Lmnih chai. And cnhb Web bvwd too& Th。” [哭 u箜hJ md Envjnicnt HddiHam to “ur 12姬
(Pxrwgniph B und C arc given on the St pnpvr.)
Paragraph B
However ? modern conveniences come at a pnce< You h 24、ave io give out mfornintion nlwut
yourself whenever you uc these amazing devices, easy access to personal informntion has become serious and growing problem^ li is reported that ns e^commerce grows, marketers and busybodies can access more consumer datn thn rver before. It is scary rci think that 25、the personnl private data tD get some services can easily be given to somebody we don * 1 know and without mr permission. It is even scarier to know our personal informution cun be Used againsT 岫
Paragraph C
In ipite of all the frightening concerns you can Mill reeejvc many benefitsi from the
con 26、vrnicni service thut nvc provided online. You juyt need to be very careful You should
know what infortnAiton to give< how much inforrnation to give> and when and to whom ta
give il After that ? you enn save time and effort and enjoy using such conveniences as credit
cardfif anime shopping ? or pr 27、epaid telephone cnrds<
Part 3 Writing an essay (50 pointe)
On one occasion, an American journalist reached out to shake Zhou Enlai,s hand while he was at an international conference in Geneva, and Mr. Zhou did not refuse out of courtesy. But the
reporter did not expect that, just after shaki 28、ng hands, he suddenly shouted, 〃how can I shake
hands with a Chinese warmonger? I shouldnt have! I shouldn,t have! 〃 Then he took out his
handkerchief and kept wiping the hand he had just shook with Premier Zhou Enlai, and put the
handkerchief in your pants pocket. Many people were watching to see how Premier Zhou would handle it. Zhou Enlai frowned a little, took his handkerchief from his pocket, gave it a casual sweep, and went to the corner, as if to throw it into a spittoon.
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