Unit 1 1The Dinner Party教案

《Unit 1 1The Dinner Party教案》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《Unit 1 1The Dinner Party教案(69頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。
1、Unit 1The Dinner PartyMona Gardner Teaching Contents I. Before Reading A. Warm-up Activities B. Background Information II. Global Reading A. Literary Style B. Structural Analysis III. Detailed Reading IV. After Reading A. Useful Expressions B. Proverbs and Quotations 1. 男 人2. 人 類 Chairman, businessm
2、an, policeman Historyhis + storyWarm-up ActivitiesMan Frailty, thy name is woman! William Shakespeare女 人 , 你 的 名 字 叫 脆 弱 。Of all people, servants and women are the most difficult to behave to. Confucius 唯 小 人 與 女 子 難 養(yǎng) 也 。Some Remarks about Women Question 1: Who is Braver?Woman VS Man Question 2 If
3、you are a man, are you ready to protect a woman in danger? If you are a woman, do you expect protection from a man? Why? Now we are going to see what the authors opinion is and what the author tries to tell us. Background Information 1. Mona Gardner and the Story 2. India a. Geography and History b.
4、 Capital and National Flag c. Mahatma Gandhi d. The Taj Mahal e. Sacred Cows f. Greetings, Motion Pictures/Bollywood, spirited 激 烈 的 、 熱 烈 的e.g. At a heated moment in the discussion, I lost my self-control.heat: n. 激 烈 , 激 動e.g. In the heat of the argument, I became so excited that I shouted very lo
5、udly. take the heat out of the situation:讓 局 面 緩 和下 來 settle: solve, deal withe.g. 他 以 武 力 解 決 了 此 事 , 這 點 我 不 贊 同 。 He has settled the affair by force, which I do not agree with. account settlement 到 賬 settle the discussion / disputeunexpected: unthought-ofe.g. 他 們 突 然 決 裂 使 我 非 常 震 驚 。 I was shock
6、ed by their unexpected breakup. Unexpected death 猝 死 I first heard this tale in India, where it is told as if true though any naturalist would know it couldnt be. Later someone told me that the story Why does the author say “though any naturalist would know it couldnt be? ” Because cobras generally
7、eat small animals such as rabbits and mice, a naturalist would tell us that milk is not a favorite food for the cobras. Para.1 track down: find sb./sth. by searching追 查 到 、追 捕 到 e.g. By using tracker dogs, the police finally tracked down those criminals. tracker dog:警 犬 , 搜 查 犬 Para 2 bare: (adj.) n
8、ot covered 經(jīng) 過 幾 年 的 努 力 , 那 些 原 本 光 禿 禿 的 山 現(xiàn) 在 已 經(jīng) 被 綠 樹 覆 蓋 。 After years of efforts, those originally bare hills are covered with green trees. Para 3spring up: arise, develop or grow quickly and as if from nowhere 突 然 開 始 , 突 然 出 現(xiàn) (sprang; sprung)e.g.: Skyscrapers have sprung up in what was a d
9、esert. Suspicion sprang up in her mind. 1) grow more thane.g. 他 長 得 比 他 哥 哥 還 高 。 He has outgrown his elder brother.2) grow too large for長 大 而 穿 不 下 (衣 服 )e.g. The boy has outgrown this suit.3) lose or discard in the course of maturation長 大 而 不 再 具有e.g. 她 長 大 成 熟 后 不 再 擁 有 年 輕 時 代 的 幻 想 。 She outgre
10、w her youthful idealism. out-前 綴 : 表 示 比 較 程 度 差 別 關(guān) 系 的 前 綴 , “超 過 , 過 分” :outdo (超 過 , 勝 過 ), outnumber (數(shù) 量 多 于 ;比 多 )Outgrow (vt.) at the sight of: on seeing 一 看 見 The old man flew into a rage at the sight of her daughter dancing with that young man. A spirited discussion springs up between a yo
11、ung girl who says that women have outgrown the jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era and a major who says that they havent. 翻 譯 :席 間 , 一 位 年 輕 的 女 士 與 一 位 少 校 展 開 了 激 烈 的 討 論 。 年輕 的 女 士 認 為 , 婦 女 已 經(jīng) 有 所 進 步 , 不 再 像 過 去 那 樣 一見 到 老 鼠 就 嚇 得 跳 到 椅 子 上 ; 少 校 則 不 以 為 然 。Translation Crisis: time
12、of great difficulty or dangere.g. 真 正 的 朋 友 是 在 你 有 難 時 能 伸 出 援 手 的 人 。 A true friend is the one who will help you when you are in times of crises. an economic crisis at a crisis 在 緊 急 關(guān) 頭 bring to a crisis 使 陷 入 危 機 come to a crisis 陷 入 危 機 face a crisis 面 臨 危 機 pass a crisis 渡 過 危 機 , 脫 離 危 險 期Par
13、a 4 feel like doing sth.have a liking for, wish for; want (sth. to do sth.) 多 么 好 的 天 氣 啊 ! 我 真 想 去 游 泳 。 What lovely weather! I do feel like a swim. Count (vi): matter; be of value or importance e.g. Surely it doesnt matter where charities get their money from: what counts is what they do with it.
14、當 然 , 慈 善 組 織 從 哪 里 得 到 錢 并 不 重 要 , 重要 的 是 他 們 用 這 些 錢 做 什 么 。 你 讀 了 多 少 書 并 不 重 要 , 而 你 讀 了 什 么 書 才是 真 正 重 要 的 。 It is not how much you read but what you read that really counts. Paraphrase Para 4: Although a man may also feel like screaming as a woman does, he has a little bit more of self-control
15、 than a woman and that a little bit more of self-control is really important/really makes the difference. Para 5 Argument (n.)1) discussion by persons who disagree; dispute The two countries held a lengthy argument about / over the control of a tiny island.2) reason given to support or disapprove st
16、h There are many arguments against smoking 然 而 ,他 的 論 點 是 站 不 住 腳 的 。 His argument, however, does not hold water. Collations: be engaged in an argument with sb. clinch an / the argument drive an argument home get / fall into an argument with knock-down argument put forward an argument stock argument
17、 與 某 人 發(fā) 生 一 場 爭 論 作 出 最 后 的 結(jié) 論 ; 使 爭論 獲 得 完 全 解 決 把 論 點 講 透 徹 , 闡 明 觀點 與 發(fā) 生 爭 論 使 人 無 法 反 駁 的 論 據(jù) ; 壓 倒 性 的 理 由 提 出 觀 點 常 見 的 論 點 , 老 一 套 的 論點 As he looks, he sees a strange expression come over the face of the hostess. She is staring straight ahead, her muscles contracting slightly. She motions
18、to the native boy standing behind her chair and whispers something to him. The boys eyes widen: he quickly leaves the room. contract: n. 合 同 kntrkt contract: vt. kntrkt 1) make shorter or smaller; tighter or narrow 使 收 縮e.g. Mr. Brown contracted his brow when he was deep in thought. Metal contracts
19、as it cools.金 屬 遇 冷 收 縮 。2) settle or arrange by formal agreement 簽 訂 合 同 , 訂 立 契 約 Our shop contracted with a local clothing firm for 100 coats a week.3) get a disease or a bad habit 染 上 (疾 病 , 惡 習 等 ) He contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion. 他 因 一 次 輸 血 感 染 了 艾 滋 病 。 contract her muscles contr
20、acting slightly: 1) her muscles tightened almost unnoticeably. 2) This is an absolute construction( 獨立 主 格 結(jié) 構(gòu) ) used as an adverbial of behavior or way. 獨 立 主 格 結(jié) 構(gòu) = 邏 輯 主 語 ( 名 詞 、 代 詞 ) +分 詞 ( 主 動 、 被 動 ) Absolute Construction 1. 分 詞 作 狀 語 時 , 當 其 邏 輯 主 語 與 主 句 主語 不 一 致 時 , 分 詞 要 有 自 己 的 邏 輯 主 語
21、 。它 經(jīng) 常 表 示 原 因 , 方 式 , 時 間 等 或 做 伴 隨狀 語e.g. Time permitting (If time permits), wed better have a meeting this afternoon. Having watered the flowers, he began to cut the grass. Seen from the hill, the park looks very beautiful. 2. 獨 立 結(jié) 構(gòu) 的 邏 輯 主 語 簽 有 時 可 以 加 with或者 without, 做 伴 隨 狀 語 或 定 語 。 He sa
22、t in the chair with his legs crossed. The girl hid her box without anyone knowing where it was. motion1 (vt./vi.) indicate to sb. by a gesture 他 邊 講 電 話 邊 示 意 我 坐 下 。 He motioned (to) me to sit down while talking over the phone.2 (n. )1) signal by hand or head He made a motion to make me sit down.2)
23、 moving set the new plan in motion 3) proposal to be discussed and voted on at a meeting The motion put forward by the chairman was adopted / carried but the motion by me was rejected. What can we infer from the sentence “The boys eyes widen: he quickly leaves the room.”? The American comes to with
24、a start. In India, milk in a bowl means only one thing bait for a snake. He realizes there must be cobra in the room. He looks up at the rafters the likeliest place but they are bare. Three corners of the room are empty, and in the fourth the servants are waiting to serve the next course. There is o
25、nly one place left under the table. 1. Whats the reaction of the American after seeing the boys action? 2. Where is the cobra?Para 7 come to: 1) be aware of, regain consciousness 意 識 到 、 蘇 醒2) occur to sb. 想 起3) amount to, be equal to 達 到 ,等 于 The old lady fainted on the street and found herself in
26、the first aid room when she came to. Jims rent comes to thirty per cent of his salary. It suddenly came to her that she had forgotten to take the key. The American comes to with a start: The American suddenly realizes what is happening and this startles him. His first impulse is to jump back and war
27、n the others, but he knows the commotion would frighten the cobra into striking. He speaks quickly, the tone of his voice so commanding that it silences everyone. Did he jump back and warn the others? What did he do instead? Why?Para 8 Impulse: sudden wish to do sth Dont act on impulse. You will reg
28、ret it later.( 意 氣 用事 ) 我 突 然 想 去 逛 街 。 I feel an impulse to go shopping. ( 有 做 某 事 的 沖動 ) impulse buying a man of impulse 易 沖 動 的人 frighten sb. into doing sth.: cause sb. to do sth. by frightening him 嚇 唬 某 人 做 某 事 frighten sb. into (doing) sth.; frighten sb. out of doing sth.; 嚇 唬 某 人 不 要 做 fright
29、en sb. + adv. 把 嚇 走e.g.: He waved his torch to frighten the wolf away/off. be frightened of=be afraid of frighten to deathfrighten make for: 1)move (esp. quickly) towards 走 向當 上 完 課 后 , 每 個 人 都 往 餐 廳 走 去 。e.g.: When the class was over, everyone made for the dining room. 2) cause; lead to; result in;
30、 help; favor sth. 導 致e.g.: Poor service does not make for satisfied customers. ring out: (of a voice, bell, etc.) sound loudly and clearly 響 起 一 聲 槍 響 響 起 , 接 著 是 一 片 寂 靜 。e.g.: A shot rang out, and then there was silence. Para 10 slam slam: v. shut noisily and with great force He slammed the door s
31、o hard that the glass crashed. The door suddenly slammed. “Just a minute,” the American says, turning to his hostess. “Mrs. Wynnes, how did you know that cobra was in the room?” Why does the American ask this question?Detailed Reading Para 12 Para 13 A faint smile lights up the womans face as she re
32、plies: “Because it was crawling across my foot.” faint 1. adj. weak or slight 微 弱 的 , 不 明 顯 的 ; 暈 倒的 , 頭 暈 的 e.g. a faint hope feel faint He became aware of the soft, faint sounds of water dripping. 他 開 始 覺 察 到 水 滴 下 來 的 輕 柔 、 微 弱 的 聲 音 2. v. lose consciousness unexpectedly e.g. She suddenly fell fo
33、rward on to the table and fainted. 她 突 然 向 前 栽 倒 在 桌 上 , 暈 了 過 去 。 Light up 1. give light to 火 光 照 亮 了 整 個 房 間 , 也 照 亮 了 他 的 臉 龐 。 The fire lit up the whole room, and his cheek too. 2. (cause to) become bright with pleasure or excitement Her face lighted / lit up when she heard the good news. 1. 激 烈
34、 爭 論2. 出 人 意 料 的 方 式3. 舉 行 盛 大 晚 宴4. 追 捕 / 查 到5. 坐 下6. 來 訪 的 美 國 博 物 學 家7. 寬 敞 的 餐 廳8. 激 烈 的 討 論 a heated discussionin an unexpected waygive a large dinner partytrack downbe seateda visiting American naturalista spacious dining rooma spirited discussion9. 一 看 見10. 真 正 重 要 的 是 at the sight ofwhat rea
35、lly countsUseful Expressions 11. 參 加 爭 論12. 兩 眼 盯 著 正 前 方13. 突 然 醒 悟14. 最 有 可 能 的 地 方15. 使 受 驚 嚇 而 去 做 16. 像 石 雕 一 樣 端 坐 著 join in an argumentstare straight aheadcome to with a startthe likeliest placefrighten into doing sit like a stone image17. 走 向18. 鎮(zhèn) 定 自 若 的 典 范19. 且 慢20. 臉 上 露 出 一 絲 淡淡 的 微 笑 m
36、ake foran example of perfect self-controljust a minutea faint smile lights up ones faceUseful Expressions Proverbs and Quotations 1. Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue.勇 敢 和 堅 定 是 美 德 的 精 神 和 靈 魂 。2. Cowards die many times before their deaths.懦 夫 在 未 死 之 前 ,已 身 歷 多 次 死 亡 。3. Br
37、ave actions never want a trumpet. 勇 敢 的 行 為 不 需 要 吹 號 。4. There is no medicine for fear.膽 小 無 藥 可 治 。 5. If you dont enter a tigers den, you cant get his cubs.不 入 虎 穴 , 焉 得 虎 子 。6. The world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation. The hand is more important than the eye The hand is the
38、cutting edge of the mind. Jacob Bronowski, writer of the former Soviet Union只 有 勇 敢 付 諸 于 行 動 而 不 是 瞻 前 顧 后 , 才 能 掌 握 這 個 世界 。 手 比 眼 睛 更 加 重 要 手 是 思 想 的 利 劍 。 前 蘇 聯(lián) 作 家 J. 布 絡 諾 夫 斯 基7. Dare and the world always yields. If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again it will succumb. W. M. Thackeray, British novelist大 膽 挑 戰(zhàn) , 世 界 總 會 讓 步 。 如 果 有 時 候 你 被 它 打 敗 了 ,不 斷 地 挑 戰(zhàn) , 它 總 會 屈 服 的 。 英 國 小 說 家 W. M. 薩 克 雷
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