職稱英語考試 綜合類A級 王牌押題大師王霞押題附帶王霞字典版綜合A教程 押題+小抄

《職稱英語考試 綜合類A級 王牌押題大師王霞押題附帶王霞字典版綜合A教程 押題+小抄》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《職稱英語考試 綜合類A級 王牌押題大師王霞押題附帶王霞字典版綜合A教程 押題+小抄(10頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網上搜索。
1、H,h H 注意:以上王霞老師已按重要程度排序,前兩位必須掌握 附帶綜合A文章 王霞字典版 School Lunch Research has shown that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat properly in the middle of the day. In Britain schools have to provide meals at lunchtime. Children can choose to bring their
2、 own food or have lunch at the school canteen. One shocking finding of this research is that school meals are much healthier than lunches prepared by parents. There are strict standards for the preparation of school meals, which have to include one portion of fruit and one of vegetables, as well as
3、 meat, a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta. Lunchboxes examined by researchers contained sweet drinks, crisps and chocolate bars. Children consume twice as much sugar as they should at lunch time. The research will provide a better understanding of why the percentage of overweight stu
4、dents in Britain has increased in the last decade. Unfortunately, the government cannot criticise parents, but it can remind them of the nutritional value of milk, fruit and vegetables. Small changes in their children’s diet can_affect their future health. Children can easily develop bad eating_hab
5、its at this age, and parents are the only ones who can prevent it. A Powerful Influence There can be no doubt at all that the Internet has made a huge difference1 to our lives. Parents are worried that children spend too much time playing on the Internet, hardly ever doing anything else in their
6、spare time. Naturally, parents are curious to find out why the Internet is so attractive, and they want to know if it can be harmful for their children. Should parents worry if their children are spending that much time staring at their computers? Obviously,if children are bent over their computer
7、s for hours, absorbed in some game, instead of doing their homework, then something is wrong. Parents and children could decide how much use the child should_make of the Internet, and the child should give his or her word that it won’t interfere with homework. If the child is not holding to this ar
8、rangement, the parent can take more drastic steps dealing with a child’s use of the Internet is not much different from negotiating any other sort of bargain about behaviour. Any parent who is_seriously alarmed about a child’s behaviour should make an appointment to discuss the matter with a teache
9、r. Spending time in front of the screen does not necessarily affect a child’s performance at school. Even if a child is absolutely crazy about using the Internet, he or she is probably just going through a phase, and in a few months there will be something else to worry about! The Old Gate In th
10、e Middle Ages the vast majority of European cities had walls around them. This was partly for defensive reasons but another factor was the need to keep out anyone regarded as undesirable, like people with contagious diseases. The Old City of London gates were all demolished by the end of the 18th ce
11、ntury. The last of London’s gates was removed a century ago, but by a stroke of luck, it was never destroyed. This gate is, in actual fact, not called a gate at all; its name is Temple Bar, and it marked the boundary between the Old City of London and Westminster. In 1878 the Council of London took
12、 the Bar down, numbered the stones and put the gate in storage because its design was unfashionable it was expensive to maintain and it was blocking the traffic. The Temple Bar Trust was set up in the 1970’s with the intention of returning the gate home. The aim of the Trust is the preservation of
13、 the nation’s architectural heritage. Transporting the gate will mean physically pulling it down, stone by stone, removing and rebuilding it near St Paul’s Cathedral. Most of the facade of the gate will probably be replaced, though there is a good chance that the basic structure will be sound. The
14、hardest job of all, however, will be to recreate the statues of the monarchs that once stood on top of the gate. Family History In an age when technology is developing faster than ever before, many people are being attracted to the idea of looking back into the past. One way they can do this is b
15、y investigating their own family history. They can try to find out more about where their families came from and what they did. This is now a fast-growing hobby, especially in countries with a fairly short history, like Australia and the United States. It is one thing to spend some time going throu
16、gh a book on family history and to take the decision to investigate your own family’s past. It is quite another to carry out the research work successfully. It is easy to set about it in a disorganized way and_cause yourself many problems which could have been avoided with a little forward planning.
17、 If your own family stories tell you that you are connected with a famous character, whether hero or criminal, do not let this idea take over your research. Just treat it as an interesting possibility. A simple system for collecting and storing your information will be adequate to start with; a mor
18、e complex one may only get in your way. The most important thing, though, is to get started. Who knows what you might find? Helen and Martin With a thoughtful sigh, Helen turned away from the window and walked back to her favourite armchair. Would her brother never arrive? For a brief moment, she
19、wondered if she really cared that much. Over the years Helen had given up waiting for Martin to take an interest in her. Her feelings for him had gradually weakened until now, as she sat waiting for him, she experienced no more than a sister’s curiosity to see what had become of her brother. Almos
20、t without warning, Martin had lost his job with a busy publishing company after spending the last eight years in New York as a key figure in the US office. Somehow the two of them hadn’t bothered to keep in touch and, left alone, Helen had slowly found her confidence in her own judgement growing. Ig
21、noring the wishes of her parents, she had left university halfway through her course and now, to the astonishment of the whole family, she was gaining a fast-growing reputation in the pages of respected art magazines and was actually earning enough to live on from her paintings. Of course, she took
22、 no pleasure in Martin’s sudden misfortune, but she couldn’t help looking forward to her brother’s arrival with quiet satisfaction at what she had achieved. To Have and Have Not逃亡 It had been boring hanging about 在賓館里閑待一個下午是很無聊的。巡回樂團道具管理組的成員在用美元玩兒游戲,把紙幣折成紙飛機的形狀然后看誰飛得最遠。因為沒有什么事情可以做,我加入了他們并且贏了五局,之
25、大的陰影之下。這里沒有罕見的電吉他,沒有古老的項鏈,沒有鮮花裝飾的手繪盒子。很明顯它是陳舊的用來存放垃圾和那些平淡無奇的舊文獻的。我發(fā)現(xiàn)了一些舊書,那些金字已經退去使題目很難辨認。 “它們看起來很有趣?!蔽疫t疑地說?!耙肓私馍厦嫠鶎懩惚仨氂邢嗨频慕洑v?!彼宄卣f。她察覺到我的臉上充滿了疑惑可是卻沒有再說什么。她伸出手拿了一本小書然后遞給了我?!斑@是目前我能夠給你的最好的書”,她笑著說道,“如果你要用它”。我打開書發(fā)現(xiàn)全部是一片空白,但依然給了她向我要的幾美元,當我察覺到美元依然是紙飛機的形狀時不免有些尷尬。我把書放到包里,謝過她并離開了。in my pocket, thanked her
26、 and left 1.Why did the writer want to leave the hotel?-To have a change of scene. 2.What attracted the writer to the shop?-The light coming from inside. 3.The writer found the stock in the front of the shop -of top quality 4.What was unusual about the way the woman looked at him?-She seemed to
27、 know him well. 5.The writer disliked the back room because -he saw nothing he really liked Going Her Own Way選擇她自己的路 When she was twelve, Maria made 當她12歲的時候,瑪利亞做出了她人生道路的第一個重要決定。她決定繼續(xù)讀書。對于大多數來.自中產階級家庭的女孩子來說,小學畢業(yè)就都選擇待在家里,盡管有一些參加了教會辦的女子精修學校。在那她們學習一些音樂、藝術、針線活,以及如何禮貌交談。這些并不是瑪利亞所感興趣的或者可以說也不是她媽媽感興趣的
28、。此時,她對待學習更加認真。她不停地讀書,她走到哪里就把書帶到哪里。有一次她甚至把數學書帶到了劇院里,設法在黑暗中學習。馬利亞知道她想要繼續(xù)正規(guī)學習。她想要到公立高中去學習,很少有女孩子這樣做。在當時的意大利,有兩種形式的高中,一種是“傳統(tǒng)”學校,另一種是“技術類”學校。在傳統(tǒng)學校中,學生們都依照一種非常傳統(tǒng)的教學方式學習,包含拉丁語、希臘語及文學課,還有意大利的文學與歷史。極少數能繼續(xù)學習的女孩們也大多選擇這類學校。但是瑪利亞打算去技術類學校。技術類學校比傳統(tǒng)學校要現(xiàn)代得多,他們提供的課程有現(xiàn)代語言 數學、自然科學,以及會計學。包括瑪利亞父親在內的大部分人都認為,女孩子是不可能弄明白這些科
29、目的。另外,他們也認為女孩子不適合學習這些?,斃麃啿⒉辉诤踹m合與否。數學和自然科學是她最感興趣的學科。但是在她報名之前她必須爭得她父親的同意。最后在她母親的幫助下她成功了,盡管過去很多年她的家庭關系依然很緊張。她的父親一直地反對她的計劃,而她的母親卻幫助她。1883年,瑪利亞13歲的時候考取了羅馬的“Regia Scuola Tecnica Michelangelo Buonarroti”學校。她在這個學校的經歷對我們來說難以想象。盡管課程包括現(xiàn)代學科,而教學方式卻是十分傳統(tǒng)的。學習包括記憶長長的詞條和事件,然后向老師復述。學生們不會以任何的方式被提問或是自己思考。老師非??量蹋n堂紀律十分嚴
30、格,未達標準或者不守紀律的學生會被給予嚴厲的懲罰。 failed to achieve or were disobedient 1.Maria wanted to attend -technical high school 2.In those days, most Italian girls -did not go to high school 3.You can infer from this passage that -only boys usually attended technical schools 4.Maria’s father probably -had
31、very traditional views about women 5.High school teachers in Italy in those days were -quite strict Life as a Movie Extra 群眾演員的人生 Ordinary people have always been attracted 人們常常被電影和電影演員吸引,接近他們的方式之一就是當群眾演員。雖然你見過群眾演員,但可能從沒注意過他們=群眾演員就是主角在餐廳對話時在后面坐著的人,是主角舉行婚禮時在現(xiàn)場的客人,是“壞人”被警察追捕的時候過馬路的行人。雖然群眾演員通常沒有臺
34、會考慮讓群眾演員出演大角色。下次看電影的時候,別總是盯著影星,也看一下做背景的人,問問你自己:他們是誰?為什么在這里?在生活中他們做些什么呢?也許在人群中,就有人過著跟你相似的生活。 someone in the crowd who is just like you 1.What is true about movie extras?-They often have to wait around onmovie sets and do nothing. 2.What might surprise movie extras the first time they do the job?-I
35、t can take hours to do a scenethat is only a few minutes long in the movie. 3.Why do most people work as movie extras?-They want to be on a movie set. 4.What are the job requirements for being a movie extra?-You must be willing to repeat ascene many times. 5.It can be inferred from the passage th
36、at -being a movie extra can be boring Pop Music in Africa非洲的流行音樂 Young musicians in African countries 非洲國家的年輕音樂家們創(chuàng)造了一種流行音樂的新形式。音調與旋律不僅有傳統(tǒng)的非洲因素也有當下十分流行的各種形式,比如嘻哈、說唱打擊樂、搖滾、爵士或者是瑞格舞。這樣就使這種音樂讓世界各地的聽者都覺得很熟悉,而它又是典型的非洲音樂。這種音樂在另一方面也有所不同:很多音樂有著嚴肅的主題,與當今非洲重要的社會問題和政治問題相關。Eric Wainaina是這些非洲音樂家的其中之一。他成長于肯尼亞
37、內羅畢的一個音樂世家。少年時期他就聽美國的流行音樂,之后就讀于波士頓Berklee College學習音樂。現(xiàn)在他在肯尼亞發(fā)了一張CD。他最紅的歌曲是“Land of ‘A Little Something’”,這首歌是有關肯尼亞行賄受賄問題的。他希望人們聽他的歌曲然后思考如何讓肯尼亞變成更好的居住地。另一個寫有關嚴肅主題音樂的音樂家是來自坦桑尼亞的Witness Mwaijaga。她的個人經歷讓她能夠切身體會非洲婦女所受的苦難。她1 5歲的時候失去了家,但是比起和她一樣無家可歸的年輕人來說她很幸運。她可以靠寫歌和在街頭賣唱維持生計。在她1 8歲的時候,她成為一個明星。她用嘻哈和說唱的風格寫歌
38、,歌曲的內容是坦桑尼亞的各種問題,特別是艾滋病和女性權利的缺失。來自塞內加爾的Baaba Maal也認為流行音樂不僅僅是為了娛樂。他在塞內加爾說過,故事的講述者往往是重要的人物。在過去,他們是人民歷史的書寫者。他認為寫歌者也擁有同樣的責任。他們必須寫他們周圍的世界,幫助人民明白如何使它變得更好。事實上,歌詞的內容十分重要。他倡導在非洲要和平與協(xié)作,同時也包括婦女權利、熱愛家庭和保護環(huán)境。南美最流行的音樂家之一是Brenda Fassie.她可以與美國流行巨星麥當娜媲美,因為她的舞臺表現(xiàn)力震撼人心。但是她也喜歡讓人深思。20世紀80年代她因為一首有關反對種族隔離的單曲而一炮走紅?,F(xiàn)在種族隔離已經
39、終止了,她的歌曲有關于南美政治和文化的其他方面。她使用傳統(tǒng)的非洲語言與一種新的流行形式庫威多來歌唱。近些年,非洲以外的人們都開始聽這些年輕音樂家的歌曲。通過音樂,年青一代的音樂家使非洲與世界其他的地方相連接,同時也影響著世界的其他地方。influencing the rest of the world. 1.This passage is about how African pop music is -more serious than most pop music 2.For people outside of Africa, African pop music is -both f
40、amiliar and different 3.The musicians mentioned in this passage all -write about serious problems 4.Eric Wainaina -studied music in Boston 5.Witness Mwaijaga writes about the problems of women partly because -she has had a difficult life herself Why So Many Children為什么有這么多的孩子 In many of the
41、developing countries 非洲和亞洲的很多發(fā)展中國家,人口增長迅速。原因很簡單:這些國家的女人生育率很高——每個女人平均有三個到七個孩子。這些女人大部分都很窮,沒有足夠的食物和資源來照顧家庭。為什么她們要有這么多孩子呢?為什么她們不限制家庭的大小呢?答案是大多數時候她們沒辦法選擇。這有很多原因。其中之一是經濟原因。傳統(tǒng)的農業(yè)經濟中,家庭成員數目多是十分有利的。孩子多意味著田里的勞動力多且有人給父母養(yǎng)老。在工業(yè)經濟國家中情況就不同了。多數孩子不幫助家里,而是增加家庭開銷。因此,工業(yè)化極大降低了生育率。這是意大利的一個例子,意大利最近幾年工業(yè)化發(fā)展十分迅速。在20世紀前葉,意大
43、西亞的生育率就低。他們的政府給婦女提供更多的教育和機會。另一個重要的因素是計劃生育。女人們也許想限制家庭的大小,但是她們沒有辦法。一些倡導計劃生育的政府為她們提供有效而且不貴的方式,生育率下降。比如新加坡、斯里蘭卡、印度和印度尼西亞、泰國、墨西哥、巴西。在這些國家婦女被提供健康和計劃生育的幫助。這些趨勢表明有效的控制人口的方案并不依賴于良好的經濟狀況。如果是致力于幫助婦女適應她們的需求那么就是有效的。事實上只有這樣,才能有機會取得成功。does it have any real chance of success 1.In a traditional agricultural economy
44、, a large family -can be an advantage 2.When countries become industrialized, -the birth rate generally goes down 3.According to this passage, Italy today is an example of an -industrialized country with a low birth rate 4.Saudi Arabia is mentioned in the passage because it shows that -factor
45、s other than the economy influence birth rate 5.In Mexico, Thailand, and Indonesia, the government -has tried to improve the condition of women Eat to Live為了活著吃飯 A meager diet may give you health 節(jié)食可能使你健康長壽,但并不好玩——節(jié)食可能不是非做不可的事。即使上了年紀再節(jié)食,我們仍然有可能在很大程度上保持青春活力。Stephen Spindler和他在加利福尼亞大學河濱分校的同事們已經發(fā)
47、動。但最驚人的發(fā)現(xiàn)是那些上了年紀才開始節(jié)食的老鼠也能70%的基因變化中受益。華盛頓附近的國家老年協(xié)會的Huber Warner說:“這是這些影響迅速起作用的第一個跡象?!边€沒有人知道熱量限制是否在人身上和在老鼠身上一樣起作用,但是Spindler懷有希望。他說:“有吸引人的證據表明它能起作用?!比绻_實能在人身上起作用,那就有足夠的理由使肝臟煥發(fā)青春。當我們變老時,我們的身體對藥物的新陳代謝就不那么高效。Spindler說短期的節(jié)食足以使藥物充分發(fā)揮藥效。但是Spindler不能肯定節(jié)食是否值得。他說:“老鼠們病少了,活的更長,但是它們感到饑餓。即便明白節(jié)食的作用,仍舊很難在飯館里說我只能吃
48、一半?!盨pindler希望在不久的將來,我們不必節(jié)食。他的公司,加利福尼亞壽命遺傳學所,正在尋找有熱量控制作用的藥物。have the effects of calorie restriction. 1.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?-We have to begin dieting from childhood. 2.Why does the author mention an elderly mouse in paragraph 2?-To illustrate the effect of me
49、ager food on mice. 3.What can be inferred about completely normally fed mice mentioned in the passage?-They are more likely to suffer from inflammation. 4.According to the author, which of the following most interested the researchers?-The mice that started dieting in old age. 5.According to the
50、last two paragraphs, Spindler believes that -dieting is not a good method to give us health and a long life New US Plan for Disease Prevention美國疾病預防新政策Urging Americans to take responsibility 周二,健康及人道服務部秘書托米湯姆森發(fā)起了一項耗資1500萬美元的計劃,大力推進社區(qū)在預防諸如心臟病、癌癥及糖尿病等慢性病上發(fā)揮更大能量,以鼓勵美國人對自己的健康負責。這一行動強調了慢性病——造成美國國人死亡的
52、要措施使人們生活得更為健康長壽?!彼f道。調撥1 500萬美元給社區(qū)來推動預防工作,促使變化,細微到修建人行道,鼓勵人們多多步行。每天鍛煉,比如走步,能夠預防以及治療心臟病和糖尿病,且能預防癌癥和中風。這批款項也將撥給社區(qū)組織、診所及營養(yǎng)師,鼓勵他們合作,教育有患糖尿病風險的人們如何進行預防,鼓勵人們多做早期癌癥篩查。美國癌癥學會估計,所有類型癌癥的一半可用早期癌癥篩查測出,包括針對宮頸癌的巴氏試驗、針對乳腺癌的乳房X線照片、結腸鏡檢查以及前列腺檢查。如果所有這些癌癥都能夠由早期篩查測出,該組織估計癌癥存活率將上升到95% for cancer would rise to 95 percen
53、t. 1.Which of the following is NOT true of chronic diseases in the US?-They often result in unhealthy lifestyles. 2.The author mentions all the following as ways of disease prevention EXCEPT -higher survival rate for cancer 3.The article indicates that more money spent on disease prevention will
54、 mean -much less money needed for disease treatment 4.The $15 million program is aimed at -promoting disease prevention 5.Early cancer screening can help reduce significantly -cancer death rate The Operation of International Airlines國際航空公司的經營International airlines have rediscovered 國際航空公司重新發(fā)
57、這樣乘客們等待航班的時間可以變得更好過一些。行李處理服務也改善了。不過遺憾的是,在加快煩瑣的入境通關手續(xù)方面,航空公司能做的很有限。各大洲各階層的乘客們只能繼續(xù)厭煩沮喪了。盡管航空公司的目的是從它們的競爭對手中吸引商務乘客,航空公司將盡力改變這類乘客的壞習慣——預定昂貴的機票卻沒有乘坐。這種現(xiàn)象在歐洲尤為廣泛,商務人士常常同時在幾個航班預定返程機票。 journeys home one on several flights. 1.According to the passage, in operating airlines it is essential to -cater to the
58、 need of passengers sitting, at both ends of the jets 2.The following are all mentioned as reasons why the airlines are having a hard time EXCEPT that -the tourist industry is experiencing an all-time low 3.The improvements the airlines attempt at include all the following EXCEPT -showing more m
59、ovies during the long flights 4.There is not much the airlines can do when it comes to -speeding up customs procedure 5.Which of the following is a bad habit of the executive passengers that frustrates the airlines?-They do not travel on the flight they have booked. Sauna桑拿浴Ceremonial bathing ha
60、s existed for 儀式性的沐浴已經有幾千年的歷史,并且有多種形式,其中的一種就是桑拿浴。芬蘭人完善了蒸汽浴,也就是桑拿浴。它可以在一個封閉的房間里將水澆在滾燙的石頭上,或是一種干熱浴。日本人、希臘人、土耳其人、俄國人以及美洲土著人在他們的沐浴傳統(tǒng)中都有發(fā)汗浴這一形式。用于熱浴發(fā)汗的方式是古羅馬優(yōu)先使用的,而哥倫布發(fā)現(xiàn)美洲大陸前的美洲人則使用發(fā)汗小屋。最早的桑拿浴很有可能是在地下山洞里。由于當時還沒有掌握煙囪技術,山洞里總是充滿著火焰引起的濃煙。人們在火槽里生火,加熱山洞的四壁。當墻壁達到一定的溫度時,將濃煙排出洞外,這使得墻壁還能保持幾個小時的高溫。今天,有一些人認為有煙的桑拿浴,
62、每小時要蒸發(fā)2磅的水。出汗可以清除毛孔中的污垢,使皮膚變得光潔。失水只是暫時性的,人體機能能夠很快補充合適的水量。在熱氣交換的過程中,心臟跳動得更快,這就使心血管系統(tǒng)也得到了鍛煉。蒸桑拿浴時的心率能從原來的平均每分鐘72下增加到每分鐘100-150下。健康的心臟可以承受這種變化,而那些心臟病患者在蒸桑拿浴之前應該征求醫(yī)生的建議。同樣地,老年人和糖尿病患者也應如此。孕婦則不能蒸桑拿浴,尤其是在懷孕的頭三個月。其實,每個人在剛開始嘗試桑拿浴時都應該先是短時間的,直到適應了這種沐浴方式。become accustomed to this type of bath 1.Ceremonial bath
63、ing -has various forms 2.What is understood by some people to be the true sauna experience?-Saunas with smoke. 3.According to the third paragraph, saunas can do all of the following EXCEPT -curing asthma 4.According to the fourth paragraph, sauna gives the skin a healthy glow because -pores ar
64、e cleaned by sweat 5.Who are advised not to take a sauna?-All of the above. Can Buildings Be Designed to Resist Terrorist Attack建筑設計能使建筑抵御恐怖襲擊嗎 In the aftermath of the terrorist attack 在世貿中心遭受恐怖襲擊后一段時間內,建筑工程師們試圖解決一個在一個月前人們從未想過的問題:建筑設計能使建筑具有抵御恐怖襲擊的性能嗎?恐怖分子襲擊雙子塔10天后,布法羅大學的建筑工程師和總部設在布法羅大學多學科中心的地震工
65、程研究所作為國家科學基金出資的一個項目的一部分來到了世貿中心被毀現(xiàn)場。參觀了地震研究所部分人員考察的地點,他們用了2天時間開始將如何設計抵抗襲擊的建筑的想法系統(tǒng)化并且在那些已損壞但未倒塌的建筑中尋找如何設計的線索?!拔覀兛疾毂粴КF(xiàn)場的目的是去看看世貿中心周圍的建筑,那些被損壞但沒倒塌的建筑?!盡. Brunean博士說?!拔覀儺斍暗脑竿悄軐δ切┙ㄖ]倒塌的原因有更好的認識,而我們的長遠目標是看能否將抗震技術與現(xiàn)有建筑技術結合以提高在恐怖襲擊事件中建筑的性能?!彼a充說。研究者拍攝的照片以驚人的細節(jié)展示了恐怖襲擊對世貿中心及其附近建筑造成的嚴重損壞。一幢離世貿中心一街區(qū)遠的建筑雖被嚴重損壞但未
66、倒塌。“這幢建筑離世貿中心數英米遠,然而我們在被毀現(xiàn)場還看到過去曾是其一部分的一個圓柱”,A.Whittaker博士說,“這個圓柱充當了一枚發(fā)射物,跨過了道路,穿過了窗戶和樓層?!睋こ處焸冋f,在被毀現(xiàn)場的考察也發(fā)現(xiàn)了一些令人驚奇的事。例如,附近一幢建筑的樓板骨架系統(tǒng)非常堅固,這使那些被成噸的殘片擊穿的樓板得以完整無缺?!案叨瘸浞值纳煺沟墓羌芟到y(tǒng)可以為具有抗爆炸性能提供簡單而有效的方法?!彼a充說。其他方法可以包括在承重部分失去作用時為重力的下落提供多種途徑?!拔覀円残枰玫卣J識倒塌的過程”,A.Whittaker說,“我們需要找到是什么引起建筑倒塌和如何對其進行預測?!盇. Reinhorn博士特別提到“在過去,地震造成的震動使許多建筑物倒塌。它引起動力的反應、極強的壓力和建筑結構部分變形??拐鹦阅茉O計的發(fā)展也許可直接適用于爆炸工程和抗襲擊性能的設計,我們在布法羅大學任務的一部分是吸收這些解決方法并找到未知的新方法?!眓ew ones where none exist at present 1.The question raised in the first paragraph
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