
1、 汽車焊接夾具的設(shè)計 1 摘要 依據(jù)車體焊裝線夾具設(shè)計理論,對各工位焊接夾具及其焊裝總線進(jìn)行規(guī)劃、設(shè)計,之后進(jìn)行夾具建模、裝配,插入焊鉗確定其數(shù)量、型號及判斷其可達(dá)性,最終設(shè)計出符合要求的焊接夾具。 關(guān)鍵詞:焊接部件;基礎(chǔ);夾緊;位置 1. 介紹 裝配和焊接夾具在汽車車身裝配和焊接生產(chǎn)線與生產(chǎn)制造優(yōu)質(zhì)的汽車設(shè)備息息相關(guān)。焊裝夾具,是焊接工藝的重要組成部分。裝配和焊接夾具除了是完成這個過程中零部件裝配的途徑和定位,同時在生產(chǎn)線上也作為一個測試和校準(zhǔn)程序,完成檢測焊接配件和焊接質(zhì)量的任務(wù)。因此焊裝夾具的設(shè)計和制造,直接影響焊接過程中汽車的生產(chǎn)能力和產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量。汽車焊裝夾具是保證
2、其制造質(zhì)量、縮短其制造周期的重要手段。因此,正確理解焊裝夾具設(shè)計要點,改善和提高焊裝夾具的設(shè)計手段和設(shè)計水平,并提高夾具的調(diào)整和驗證水平等三方面都是必不可少的,也是汽車制造公司在激烈的競爭中得以生存所必須解決的問題。 汽車的風(fēng)格不同,焊接夾具的形狀,因而有著很大的不同,但在設(shè)計、制造和調(diào)整都是共同的,可以借鑒采用。 2. 焊接夾具的結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計 焊接夾具的結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計,確保該夾具有良好的操作方便性、裝夾定位的可靠性。焊裝夾具的制造商也很容易集成的調(diào)整,以保證結(jié)構(gòu)各部分的表面應(yīng)該允許足夠的空間用于調(diào)整,以確保立體可調(diào)。當(dāng)然,在確保焊接夾具質(zhì)量準(zhǔn)確性的前提下,焊接夾具的結(jié)構(gòu)應(yīng)盡可能簡單。夾具設(shè)計通常
4、,這是手動-氣動。該夾具夾緊系統(tǒng)是安裝在一個大平臺,所有固定在此保證焊接位置的焊接條件應(yīng)符合設(shè)計尺寸的工件坐標(biāo)系定位夾具,這牽涉到的基準(zhǔn)。 3. 裝配和焊接夾具的基準(zhǔn)和他們所選擇的支撐面 3.1 設(shè)計基準(zhǔn)的確定 每個夾具必須具有固定坐標(biāo)系統(tǒng),在這個坐標(biāo)系統(tǒng), 它的支撐基礎(chǔ)坐標(biāo)尺寸應(yīng)該支持工件以及坐標(biāo)對應(yīng)于同樣的大小。所以在整個的焊裝夾具系統(tǒng)中,為了確保自動焊件系統(tǒng)的三維空間坐標(biāo)一致, 所有的焊裝夾具在該系統(tǒng)中必須有一個共同的基準(zhǔn)。該基準(zhǔn)是夾具安裝平臺,這是X,Y坐標(biāo)、每一個具體部件都固定在平臺相應(yīng)位置,要具有相應(yīng)的高度,所以,應(yīng)協(xié)調(diào)Z坐標(biāo),由此建立了三維XYZ坐標(biāo)系統(tǒng)。為了方便夾具的安裝
5、及測量、安裝平臺必須有坐標(biāo)的參考,通常有三種類型。結(jié)構(gòu)如下: 3.1.1 基準(zhǔn)孔的方法 安裝平臺設(shè)計時有四個基準(zhǔn)孔,其中每一個孔圓心坐標(biāo)的兩個方向、四個孔的坐標(biāo)構(gòu)成兩條相互垂直的線。這就是,XY平面坐標(biāo)系統(tǒng)上集合。這個基準(zhǔn)的建立相對簡單,易加工,但同時使用的測量與基準(zhǔn)精確。任何形狀都是由空間點組成的,所有的幾何量測量都可以歸結(jié)為空間點的測量,因此精確進(jìn)行空間點坐標(biāo)的采集,是評定任何幾何形狀的基礎(chǔ)。參考一側(cè)靠近兩個基準(zhǔn)形成的一個協(xié)調(diào)的方向。 3.1.2 v型檢測法 這種方法是在這一過程中安裝平臺分為每兩個90度范圍的,這兩條軸線的線組成一平面垂直安裝的平臺,這樣平面垂直于平臺,這兩個軸線
6、溝槽的表面形式XY平面坐標(biāo)系統(tǒng)。 3.1.3 參考試塊法 參考使用側(cè)塊垂直于三維XYZ坐標(biāo)系統(tǒng),通常是一個檢具的底座與3到4塊可直接安裝在平臺上,也可以添加一個軸承固定夾具平臺,但需要參考塊的最后一個平面來控制高度,必須保證方向一致。制造時,調(diào)整塊在前面的兩種方法是較為困難的,但這種測量極為方便,尤其是使用CMM測量。該方法要求用的基準(zhǔn)塊平面加工安裝平臺相對較低,所以大一點的尺寸的安裝平臺應(yīng)該使用這種方法。 3.2 軸承表面的選擇 軸承表面選擇時,使用焊接試件的固定表面上的切平面和安裝平臺的角度不大于15度。檢測表面應(yīng)盡可能的和焊接管件的相同、盡可能為了方便平面處理和調(diào)整。軸承表
7、面結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計上應(yīng)可以很容易地處理模塊,而這一數(shù)字為產(chǎn)品的可用于軸承數(shù)控表面加工上。當(dāng)然設(shè)計車身坐標(biāo)點不一定就是適合軸承表面,特別是數(shù)控夾具,這就需要以支持夾具堵住存取點S為基礎(chǔ),建立了數(shù)字表面,這個表面應(yīng)該是和被支承面一致的。所以此時是制造基地點S數(shù)控加工、精密加工及裝配調(diào)試比較容易容易。 4. 定位工件 一般位置的工件表面特征是相對于孔或明顯的定位參考表面確定的。常用是定位銷組件。分為夾緊定位和固定定位兩部分??紤]焊接位置和所有焊接設(shè)備,既不能影響最終焊接件的取出,也可以讓焊鉗或者焊槍到達(dá)焊接位置。對于確實有影響的定位銷等要考慮采用可以活動的定位銷。為了方便工件進(jìn)出,可選用伸縮定位銷,具體
8、的結(jié)構(gòu)可查找手冊。焊裝夾具的設(shè)置應(yīng)便于施工,有足夠的裝配、焊接空間,不能影響焊接操作和焊工觀察,不妨礙焊件的裝卸。所有的定位元件和夾緊機(jī)構(gòu)應(yīng)與焊點保持適當(dāng)距離,或布置在焊件的下方或面。夾緊機(jī)構(gòu)的執(zhí)行元件應(yīng)能夠伸縮或轉(zhuǎn)位。根據(jù)形成原理,將工件放進(jìn)夾緊、定位。之后打開夾具將工件取出。確保夾具的打開和關(guān)閉沒有干涉。為減少裝卸工件的輔助時間,夾緊裝置應(yīng)采用高效快速裝置和多點聯(lián)動機(jī)構(gòu)。對于薄板沖壓件,夾緊力作用點應(yīng)作用在支承面上,只有對剛性很好的工件才允許作用在幾個支承點所組成的平面內(nèi),以免夾緊力使工件彎曲或脫離定位基準(zhǔn)。另外設(shè)計時要防止在夾緊機(jī)構(gòu)由夾緊到打開時夾住手。 5. 焊接件的工位調(diào)動 大多
9、數(shù)汽車焊接配件的焊裝過著在幾個工藝完成。因此它需要傳動裝置,通常工件在傳輸之前應(yīng)避開焊接夾具的干擾,第一步將工件升起,這需要使用電梯、起重機(jī)構(gòu),齒輪齒條,等等,此時的齒條和齒輪結(jié)構(gòu),它們的結(jié)構(gòu)加工、連接并不像完成通常連接結(jié)構(gòu)站間傳輸?shù)臋C(jī)構(gòu)那樣簡單,有幾種形式,如齒輪、齒條傳動機(jī)構(gòu)、傳動機(jī)構(gòu)、搖臂機(jī)構(gòu),由于是往復(fù)運(yùn)動形式,搖臂機(jī)構(gòu)的轉(zhuǎn)移制造到調(diào)試比另一種更好,所以一般選用普通搖臂轉(zhuǎn)移機(jī)構(gòu)。 6. 結(jié)論 最近幾年,汽車焊接夾具如何正確、合理的設(shè)置輔助定位支承,是一項極為復(fù)雜的系統(tǒng)問題,雖然我們已在這方面積累了一定經(jīng)驗,但在該領(lǐng)域還有大量的知識有待去進(jìn)一步地學(xué)習(xí)和研究,以便為焊裝夾具設(shè)計領(lǐng)域的不
10、斷發(fā)展創(chuàng)新,提供新的理論支持。隨著中國汽車工業(yè)的發(fā)展,需要越來越多的焊接夾具。夾具雖然原理很簡單,但是真正的設(shè)計和制造出高質(zhì)量焊接夾具系統(tǒng)是一項極其復(fù)雜的工程。 The Design of the Welding Junetion Clamp of Motorcar [Abstract]The text introduces the design method and construction of the welding junction clamp of mot
11、orcar. KeyWords: Weldingassembly Base Clamp Loeation 1. Introduction Assembly and welding fixture in the automotive body assembly and welding production line of critical process equipment related to manufacturing quality of the car. In welding production. Assembly and welding fixtures
12、 in addition to the completion of this process the parts assembly, positioning, the also served as a test and calibration procedures on the Road, welding parts welding quality of the task, so its design and manufacture of the welding process affects the level of automobile production capacity an
13、d product quality. Automotive style vary, welding fixture shape and thus vary widely, but in the design, manufacture, adjustments have in common, you can learn from each other. 2. the structural design of welding fixture Fixture structural design, to ensure that the folder has a good convenienc
14、e of operation, clamping positioning reliability. Fixture manufacturers also adjusted to ensure easy integration of various parts of the structure surface should allow sufficient room for adjustment to ensure the three-dimensional adjustable. Ensuring the accuracy of the welding quality and welding
15、under the premise of the structure of fixture should be as simple as possible. Fixture design is usually the general use of welded structures, the basic component is divided into three parts, namely base, support the positioning part, clamping parts, for each specific fixture positioning support bas
16、e and some of the general use of 10 to 20 mm thick steel plate welded structure A3.Clamping part of the normal 10 mm with a thickness of about 45 combination of welded steel plate. Pneumatic and manual clamping part of the two, according to the size of car production clamping method to determine the
17、 general high-volume pneumatic clamping, then manually clamping can be used as auxiliary clamping; small quantities in order to reduce the cost of manually clamp mode. Manual clamping is usually manually fast clip, manual quick clip of their products has become the standard, type and quantity needed
18、 can be purchased in the market. For some fixtures require apneumatic clamping, but direct use of pneumatic clamping. May damage the workpiece, then, can be manually pressed first place, to give a pneumatic clamping force to clamp the workpiece, which is manual - Pneumatic J the fixture clamping sy
19、stem is installed on a large platform, all guaranteed fixture in the welding position of welding conditions should be consistent with the design of the workpiece coordinate dimensions, which involves the positioning fixture benchmarks. 3 assembly and welding fixtures benchmarks and their choice of
20、 support surface 3.1 t flip-chip benchmark test fixture Each fixture must be a fixture coordinate system, in this coordinate system, the coordinates of its base of support size should be supporting the workpiece and the coordinates corresponding to the same size. Fixture coordinate system is e
21、stablished based on fixture side of the child base. Because the whole fixture system to guarantee a space auto welding pieces of three-dimensional coordinate system, so this system in all of the fixture must have a common benchmark, this benchmark is the fixture to install platform that is the X,
22、Y Zuo Biao, each specific fixture in platform location, the corresponding height shall coordinate Z, so that three-dimensional XYZcoordinate system is established. In order to facilitate the installation and measurement fixture, install the platform must have the coordinates of reference, there are
23、generally three types of structure below: 3.1.1 The quasi-hole method Tomb Installation of platform design is the four reference holes, each hole in the center of the two connection lines form a coordinate direction, the four holes constitute the coordinates of two perpendicular lines. This
24、, XY plane coordinate system on the set. The establishment of this benchmark is relatively simple, easy to process, but the measurements used in conjunction with the base block. Base block is a rectangular block size of the amount of accurate measurement, the platform is installed into the base
25、hole in the base marketing, reference block off a side close to the two benchmarks to form a coordinate direction. 3.1.2 V-type to be law This approach is in the process to install the platform into each of two 90-degree V-groove, which V-groove of a plane surface perpendicular to the installa
26、tion of platform, such plane perpendicular to the platform, the two V-groove groove the surface of the form XY plane coordinate system. 3.13 reference block method Reference block using the side perpendicular to the two constitutive three-dimensional XYZ coordinate system, usually a fixtur
27、e base with 3 to 4 blocks can be directly installed on theplatform can also add a bearing fixed to the fixture platform, but requires reference block The last plane to control the height must be consistent with the direction. Manufacturing base to adjust the block in front of the two methods is rela
28、tively difficult, but the measurement is convenient, especially the use of CMM measurements. Block method with a benchmark of installation platform plane processing requirements are relatively low, a larger size of the installation platform should use this method. 3.2 The choice of bearing surfa
29、ce Bearing surface should be used when welding pieces are fixed on the surface of the cut plane to plane and install the platform angle is not greater than 15 degrees on the surface. As far as possible the detection surface and welding pieces of the same, flat surface as far as possible in order
30、 tofacilitate processing and adjustment . Structure should be designed bearing surface can be easily processed, with the number of modules for the product can be used to process bearing NC surface, in the design, the car coordinate Xi point was not necessarily suited fixture bearing surface with NC,
31、 which requires supporting the fixture block access point S as the base, the establishment of a digital surface, this surface should be consistent and be the Bearing surface, so that when it was manufactured to S base point for NC machining, precision machining and assembly debugging easy. 4. po
32、sitioning the workpiece The general location of the workpieces to holes or obvious surface features as the positioning reference surface. The positioning pins are commonly used components. Fixture positioning sub-activities, and fixed positioning of two, for some jobs, in order to facilitate
33、 the workpiece into and out, positioning the form of optional activities, events or block pin positioning structure of the form sub-pneumatic and manual, in principle, put the workpiece seeded, positioning pieces to open into the workpiece, the positioning pieces out, and then clamp; workpiece remov
34、ed, the position to return items before and after clamp release. Activities can be used locate pieces of the movement structure of pan-type or flip-style, pan-type structure is usually given priority. 5 welding pieces of the station transfer between Most auto welding parts to be welded in severa
35、l station, so it needs transmission device, usually to avoid interference welding fixture, the workpiece in the transmission before the first piece rises, which requires use elevator, lifting bodies Gear rack, four-link, etc., rack and pinion drive structure processing and link structure are not a
36、s good. usually link structure Station transmission between the institutions, there are several forms, ie gear and rack transmission organizations, non-rod cylinders, transmission organizations, rocker transfer institutions, because form is the reciprocating motion, rocker transfer agencies are from
37、 manufacturing to commissioning better than the others, so common rocker transfer agencies. 6 Conclusion Automotive Welding Fixture many concrete structure, this is only in recent years, some of them work experience, along with the development of Chinese automobile industry on the requirements of more and more welding fixture, welding fixtures principle is simple, but real design and manufacture high-quality welding fixture system is a complicated project, I hope, serve this article. - 8 -
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