
1、 Social Insurance and Allied Services William Beveridge THREE GUIDIRINCIPLES OF RENG PCOMMENDATIONS 1. In proceeding from this first comprehensive survey of social insurance to the next task - of making recommendations - three guiding principles may be laid down at the outset. 2. The first pri
2、nciple is that any proposals for the future, while they should use to the full the experience gathered in the past, should not be restricted by consideration of sectional interests established in the obtaining of that experience. Now, when the war is abolishing landmarks of every kind, is the opport
3、unity for using experience in a clear field. A revolutionary moment in the world’s history is a time for revolutions, not for patching. 3. The second principle is that organisation of social insurance should be treated as one part only of a comprehensive policy of social progress. Social insurance
4、fully developed may provide income security; it is an attack upon Want. But Want is one only of five giants on the road of reconstruction and in some ways the easiest to attack. The others are Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness. 4. The third principle is that social security must be achieved
5、by co-operation between the State and the individual. The State should offer security for service and contribution. The State in organising security should not stifle incentive, opportunity, responsibility ; in establishing a national minimum, it should leave room and encouragement for voluntary act
6、ion by each individual to provide more than that minimum for himself and his family. 5. The Plan for Social Security set out in this Report is built upon these principles. It uses experience but is not tied by experience. It is put forward as a limited contribution to a wider social policy, though
7、as something that could be achieved now without waiting for the whole of that policy. It is, first and foremost, a plan of insurance - of giving in return for contributions benefits up to subsistence level, as of right and without means test, so that individuals may build freely upon it. THE WAY T
8、O FREEDOM FROM WANT 6. The work of the Inter-departmental Committee began with a reviews of existing schemes of social insurance and allied services. The Plan for Social Security, with which that work ends, starts from a diagnosis of want - of the circumstances in which, in the years just preceding
9、 the present war families and individuals in Britain might lack the means of healthy subsistence. During those years impartial scientific authorities made social surveys of the conditions of life in a number of principal towns in Britain, including London, Liverpool, Sheffield, Plymouth, Southampton
10、, York and Bristol. They determined the proportions of the people in each town whose means were below the standard assumed to be necessary for subsistence, and they analysed the extent and causes of that deficiency. From each of these social surveys the same broad result emerges. Of all the want sho
11、wn by the surveys, from three-quarters to five-sixths, according to the precise standard chosen for want, was due to interruption or loss of earning power. Practically the whole of the remaining one-quarter to one-sixth was due to failure to relate income during earning to the size of the family. Th
12、ese surveys were made before the introduction of supplementary pensions had reduced the amount of poverty amongst old persons. But this does not affect the main conclusion to be drawn from these surveys: abolition of want requires a double re-distribution of income, through social insurance and by f
13、amily needs. 7. Abolition of want requires, first, improvement of State insurance that is to say provision against interruption and loss of earning power All the principal causes of interruption or loss of earnings are now the subject of schemes of social insurance. If, in spite of these schemes, s
14、o many persons unemployed or sick or old or widowed are found to be without adequate income for subsistence according to the standards adopted in the social surveys, this means that the benefits amount to less than subsistence by those standards or do not last as long as the need, and that the assis
15、tance which supplements insurance is either insufficient in amount or available only on terms which make men unwilling to have recourse to it. None of the insurance benefits provided before the war were in fact designed with reference to the standards of the social surveys. Though unemployment benef
16、it was not altogether out of relation to those standards, sickness and disablement benefit, old age pensions and widows’ pensions were far below them, while workmen’s compensation was below subsistence level for anyone who had family responsibilities or whose earnings in work were less than twice th
17、e amount needed for subsistence. To prevent interruption or destruction of earning power from leading to want, it is necessary to improve the present schemes of social insurance in three directions: by extension of scope to cover persons now excluded, by extension of purposes to cover risks now excl
18、uded, and by raising the rates of benefit. 8. Abolition of want requires, second, adjustment of incomes, in periods of earning as well as in interruption of earning, to family needs, that is to say, in one form or another it requires allowances for children. Without such allowances as part of benef
19、it -or added to it, to make provision for large families, no social insurance against interruption of earnings can be adequate. But, if children’s allowances are given only when earnings are interrupted and are not given during earning also, two evils are unavoidable. First, a substantial measure of
20、 acute want will remain among the lower paid workers as the accompaniment of large families. Second, in all such cases, income will be greater during unemployment or other interruptions of work than during work. 9. By a double re-distribution of income through social insurance and children’s allowa
21、nces, want, as defined in the social surveys, could have been abolished in Britain before the present war. As is shown in para. 445, the income available to the British people was ample for such a purpose. The Plan for Social Security set out in Part V of this Report takes abolition of want after th
22、is war as its aim. It includes as its main method compulsory social insurance, with national assistance and voluntary insurance as subsidiary, methods. It assumes allowances for dependent children, as part of its background. The plan assumes also establishment of comprehensive health and rehabilitat
23、ion services and maintenance of employment, that is to say avoidance of mass unemployment, as necessary conditions of success in social insurance. These three measures - of children’s allowances, health and rehabilitation and maintenance of employment-are described as assumptions A,B and C of the pl
24、an ; they fall partly within and partly without the plan extending into other fields of social policy. They are discussed, not in the detailed exposition of the plan in Part V of the Report, but in Part VI, which is concerned with social security in relation to wider issues. 10. The plan is based o
25、n a diagnosis of want. It starts from facts, from the condition of the people as revealed by social surveys between the two wars. It takes account of two other facts about the British community, arising out of past movements of the birth rate and the death rate, which should dominate planning for it
26、s future; the main effects of these movements in determining the present and future of the British people are shown by Table XI in para. 234. The first of the two facts is the age constitution of the population, making it certain that persons past the age that is now regarded as the end of working l
27、ife will be a much larger proportion of the whole community than at any time in the past. The second fact is the low reproduction rate of the British community today: unless this rate is raised very materially in the near future, a rapid and continuous decline of the population cannot be prevented.
28、The first fact makes it necessary to seek ways of postponing the age of retirement from work rather than of hastening It. The second fact makes it imperative to give first place in social expenditure to the care of childhood and to the safeguarding of maternity. 11. The provision to be made for old
29、 age represents the largest and most growing element in any social insurance scheme. The problem of age is discussed accordingly in Part III of the Report as one of three special problems; the measures proposed for dealing with this problem are summarised in paras. 254-257. Briefly, the proposal is
30、to introduce for all citizens adequate pensions without means test by stages over a transition period of twenty years, while providing immediate assistance pensions for persons requiring them. In adopting a transition period for pensions as of right, while meeting immediate needs subject to consider
31、ation of means, the Plan for Social Security in Britain follows the precedent of New Zealand. The final rate of pensions in New Zealand is higher than that proposed in this Plan, but is reached only after a transition period of twenty-eight years as compared with twenty years suggested here; after t
32、wenty years, the New Zealand rate is not very materially different from the basic rate proposed for Britain. The New Zealand pensions are not conditional upon retirement from work; for Britain it is proposed that they should be retirement pensions and that persons who continue at work and postpone r
33、etirement should be able to increase their pensions above the basic rate. The New Zealand scheme is less favourable than the plan for Britain in starting at a lower level ; it is more favourable some other respects. Broadly the two schemes for two communities of the British race are plans on the sam
34、e lines to solve the same problem of passage from pensions based on need to pensions paid as of right to all citizens in virtue of contribution. 譯文:社會保險和相關(guān)服務(wù) 威廉貝弗里奇 提出建議的三條指導(dǎo)性原則 1.如前所述,委員會的首要任務(wù)是開創(chuàng)先例,對英國的社會保險進(jìn)行一次全面的調(diào)查,第二項任務(wù)是在調(diào)查的基礎(chǔ)上提出建議。在從第一次任務(wù)向第二次任務(wù)轉(zhuǎn)變之際,有必要在一開始的時候就闡明提出建議的三條指導(dǎo)性
35、原則。 2.第一條原則,在規(guī)劃未來的時候要充分利用過去積累的豐富經(jīng)驗,又不要被這些經(jīng)驗積累過程中形成的部門利益所限制?,F(xiàn)在戰(zhàn)爭正在改變一切,打破了原有的條條框框,為我們在新的領(lǐng)域運用經(jīng)驗提供了機會。世界歷史上的劃時代時刻屬于破舊立新的變革,而不是頭疼治頭、腳疼治腳的改良。 3.第二條原則,應(yīng)該把社會保險看出促進(jìn)社會進(jìn)步的系列政策之一。成熟的社會保險制度,可以提供收入保障,有助于消除貧困。但是貧困僅僅是英國戰(zhàn)后需要重建解決的五大問題之一,而且在某種程度上可以說是最容易解決的一個問題。其他的問題包括疾病、愚昧、骯臟和懶惰。 4.第三條原則,社會保障需要國家和個人的合作。國家的責(zé)任是保證服務(wù)的
36、提供和資金的籌集,但在盡職盡責(zé)的同時,國家不應(yīng)扼殺對個人的激勵機制,應(yīng)該給個人參與社會保障制度建設(shè)的機會并賦予他們一定的責(zé)任。在確定國家最低保障水平時,應(yīng)該給個人留有一定的空間,使其有積極性參與自愿保險,以為自己及家人提供更高水平的保證水平。 5.本報告所展示的社會保障計劃就是建立在上述三條原則的基礎(chǔ)之上的。該計劃既充分利用了過去積累下來的豐富經(jīng)驗,又不被這些經(jīng)驗所限制。雖然該計劃的一些設(shè)想現(xiàn)在就能實現(xiàn),但是從整體上來說,它只是一個大的社會政策的一個組成部分,其總體實現(xiàn)有賴于其他政策的實施。必須明確的是,該計劃首先是一個保險計劃,即根據(jù)繳費給付待遇,其最終目的是參保人無需經(jīng)過經(jīng)濟狀況調(diào)查就可
37、合法享有基本生活保障。 擺脫貧困之路 6.州協(xié)調(diào)委員會的工作從回顧英國現(xiàn)行的社會保障方案和服務(wù)開始,以出爐的社會保障計劃收尾。該計劃首先分析了英國貧困的成因。在第二次世界大戰(zhàn)前的那些年份里,英國很多家庭和個人生活在貧困線以下。一些中立的、沒任何政治色彩的科研機構(gòu)對英國的一些大城市的生活狀況進(jìn)行了社會調(diào)查。這些城市包括倫敦、利物浦、普利茅斯、舍費爾德、南安普頓、約克郡和布里斯托爾。他們測定了每一個城市生活在貧困線以下的人口比例,分析了貧困的程度和原因。雖然被調(diào)查的城市各不相同,但調(diào)查的結(jié)果卻驚人的相似。根據(jù)事先嚴(yán)格設(shè)定的貧困標(biāo)準(zhǔn),在調(diào)查顯示的所有貧困人口中,約有3/4—5/6是因為中斷或喪失
38、謀生能力致貧的。至于剩下的1/4—1/6的貧困人口,其致貧原因基本上是可以歸結(jié)為家庭人口太多,雖有收入但是不足以支持整個家庭的開支。在這些調(diào)查結(jié)束之后,英國出臺了補充性的養(yǎng)老金計劃,老年貧困人口數(shù)量有所減少,但是這并不影響調(diào)查得出的主要結(jié)論:只有通過社會保險并根據(jù)家庭需要進(jìn)行雙重收入再分配才能擺脫貧困。 7.要消除貧困,首先要進(jìn)行國家保險,也就是說,國家要為中斷或喪失勞動能力的人群提供生活保障。現(xiàn)行的社會保險方案涵蓋了所有導(dǎo)致收入中斷或喪失的主要因素。盡管如此,仍有數(shù)量眾多的失業(yè)者、患病者、老年人及喪偶者缺乏足夠的收入,不能維持社會調(diào)查確定的基本生活標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。這說明他們得到的保險待遇水平太低或者
39、享受期太短,而且補充保險提供的補助金也不足,或者是享受條件過于苛刻,以至于人們不愿意申領(lǐng)。事實上,在設(shè)計戰(zhàn)前提供的社會保險待遇時,根本沒有考慮社會調(diào)查所設(shè)定的基本生活標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。雖然失業(yè)保險待遇在某些方面考慮了這些方面的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),使失業(yè)者能夠生活在貧困線以上,但是,疾病和傷殘待遇、老年人養(yǎng)老金和喪偶者養(yǎng)老金的水平要比這些標(biāo)準(zhǔn)低得多,對有家庭贍養(yǎng)或撫養(yǎng)義務(wù)及工作收入低于基本生活標(biāo)準(zhǔn)兩倍的工人來說,其獲得的工傷賠償?shù)慕痤~也不足以養(yǎng)家糊口。為了防止因謀生能力中斷或者喪失而導(dǎo)致貧困,有必要從以下三個方面對現(xiàn)行的社會保險方案做一些改進(jìn):一是擴大覆蓋對象范圍;二是擴大覆蓋風(fēng)險范圍;三是提高待遇標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。 8.要消除貧
40、困,其次要根據(jù)家庭調(diào)整收入,也就是說,要根據(jù)家長是否有收入及收入多少對兒童提供某種形式的補助。如果不對子女眾多的大家庭提供類似的補助作為社會保險待遇的一部分或者作為附加待遇,那么社會保障就難以真正抵御收入中斷所帶來的風(fēng)險。但是如果僅在家長收入中斷時候提供補助,那么一下兩方面的不良影響就難以避免。第一,子女多的低收入工人仍然深陷嚴(yán)重貧困難以自拔;第二,這些工人在失業(yè)時或者工作中斷時所得到的各種福利將高于其工作所得。 9.如果通過社會保險和子女補貼來進(jìn)行雙重收入在分配,那么英國早在第二次世界大戰(zhàn)前就可以消除社會調(diào)查所定義的貧困。如第445段所示,英國人的可支配收入是足以實現(xiàn)這個目標(biāo)的。該報告第五
41、部分所顯示的社會保障計劃提出,要在戰(zhàn)后消除貧困,并把強制性的社會保險作為實現(xiàn)該目標(biāo)的主要手段,把國民救濟和自愿保險作為補充手段。該計劃還指出,成功的社會保險有賴于三個必要的假定:假定A是為未成年兒童發(fā)放補貼;假定B是建立一套全方位的、綜合性的醫(yī)療和康復(fù)服務(wù)體系;假定C是維持就業(yè),避免發(fā)生大規(guī)模的失業(yè)。這桑假定的部分內(nèi)容超出計劃自身的范疇,屬于其他社會政策的領(lǐng)域。因此該報告將對這三個假定的詳細(xì)論述安排在了第六部分而非第五部分。第六部分主要社會討論社會保障和其他相關(guān)議題的關(guān)系。 10.該計劃以對貧困的診斷分析為基礎(chǔ),從事實入手,從兩次世界大戰(zhàn)期間的一系列社會調(diào)查所揭示的人群狀況入手,并且考慮了英
42、國社會的兩個現(xiàn)實狀況:一是在人口的年齡構(gòu)成方面,按照現(xiàn)在對工作年齡的定義,超過這個年齡的人口在總?cè)丝谥兴嫉谋戎剡h(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)高于以往任何時候;另一個是英國社會現(xiàn)在的生育率很低,除非近期發(fā)生根本性的變化,生育率大幅度提高,否則英國的人口數(shù)量勢必會持續(xù)急劇下降。這兩個現(xiàn)實是由英國過去若干年間出生率和死亡率的變動所造成的。這些變動對英國人口數(shù)量和結(jié)構(gòu)的影響從報告第234段的表11中也可窺見。第一個現(xiàn)實情況使得英國必須尋找途徑以推遲人們的退休年齡;第二個現(xiàn)實情況使得英國必須將維持母嬰權(quán)利放在社會開支的首要位置。 11.在任何時候保障方案中,養(yǎng)老金待遇總是數(shù)額最大、增長最快的一項。報告第三部分將老年問題列為三
44、數(shù)額要高于其基本水平。和英國相比,新西蘭的養(yǎng)老金計劃既有長處也有短處,其短處之一就是起步水平太高??傊瑸榇笥⒚褡逍值艿挠托挛魈m,所采用的保險計劃都是用同樣的思路來解決同樣的問題,既如何從根據(jù)需要來提供養(yǎng)老金過度到根據(jù)繳費來依法向所有公民提供養(yǎng)老金。 內(nèi)部資料 請勿外傳 9JWKffwvG#tYM*Jg&6a*CZ7H$dq8KqqfHVZFedswSyXTy#&QA9wkxFyeQ^!djs#XuyUP2kNXpRWXmA&UE9aQ@Gn8xp$R#͑Gx^Gjqv^$UE9wEwZ#Qc@UE%&qYp@Eh5pDx2zVkum&gTXRm6X4NGpP$vS
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