1、 外文資料翻譯譯文 三功能變速裝置 本發(fā)明是用于一種可實現(xiàn)多種功能的減速箱的變速裝置,如一些小型車輛上的驅動橋。 帶有這種新型變速裝置的變速箱通常是被使用在一些常見的小型車輛或小功率多用途裝置上的普通傳動裝置或驅動橋上。包括座式割草機、園林拖拉機、高爾夫球車、雪地鼓風機、園林犁車、雪地車等等一些相似的機械上。變速箱通常有幾個狀態(tài),包括前進、空檔和倒車。 按照發(fā)明,變速裝置包括一根變速桿,由車輛的駕駛者通過手動方式操縱變速桿以實現(xiàn)變速裝置實現(xiàn)三個獨立的功能。變速桿可以使變速箱處于任一狀態(tài),同時也可實現(xiàn)離合器的嚙合狀態(tài)或離合狀態(tài),另外亦可實現(xiàn)剎車裝置處
2、于制動位置或釋放位置。因此,所有的三個功能都是由駕駛者通過操縱變速桿來實現(xiàn)的。 按照發(fā)明,當移動變速桿來改變變速箱從一個前進的狀態(tài)轉變到一個倒車的狀態(tài)時,變速裝置也可以使車輛的剎車裝置暫時地放置在剎車位置,反之亦然。這樣可以避免當變速箱從前進狀態(tài)快速變換到倒車狀態(tài)時車輛的一個突然的晃動,反之亦然。 因此,為車輛的變速箱提供變速裝置是這個發(fā)明的一個主要目的,同時這個裝置可以控制變速箱,并設有一個離合器和一個剎車裝置。而這些都是通過一根變速桿來控制的。 變速裝置的另一個目的是使車輛的駕駛者通過操縱變速桿去改變車輛變速箱的嚙合狀態(tài),并同時操縱車輛的離合器和剎車裝置。 為這種含有變速箱、離合器
3、和剎車裝置的小車提供變速裝置的一個更深層的目的是為車輛的變速箱從一個前進的狀態(tài)轉變?yōu)榈管嚑顟B(tài)時,這個裝置可以使剎車裝置暫時放置在制動位置。而本發(fā)明的許多的其它目的和優(yōu)勢將通過以下一些重要的、具體的、有關的細節(jié)描述中體現(xiàn)出來,其中涉及到一些設計圖紙。 其中: 圖一是具體發(fā)明的座式割草機的后視總體示意圖。 圖二是用于圖一所示車輛的驅動橋和變速裝置的后視總體示意圖。 圖三是所發(fā)明的變速裝置的斷面局部俯視圖。 圖四是一個細節(jié)圖,是順著圖三4-4線的剖視圖。 圖五是圖二所示驅動橋和變速裝置的剖視右視圖。 圖六順著圖五6-6線的細節(jié)圖。 圖七是順著圖五7-7線的垂直橫截面的剖視圖。 圖八
4、是順著圖七8-8線的水平橫截面的視圖。 圖九是順著圖七9-9線的水平橫截面的視圖。 圖十是順著圖三10-10線的橫截面的細節(jié)剖視圖。 圖十一是順著圖五11-11線的水平橫截面的剖視圖。 在這些圖紙中,更準確地說是圖紙一中,這個小型的座式車輛即割草機的發(fā)明被指示為10。同時車輛還包括底盤12,座椅14,方向盤16,前輪18,割草部件20以及驅動部分和后輪22。另外車輛還包括一個剎車踏板24和可實現(xiàn)三功能的變速桿26。這根桿是從安裝在底盤12上的防護部分30上有著特殊形狀的引導槽中伸出來的。 后輪是由通過圖二中的多速變速箱或驅動橋32上的發(fā)動機(沒畫出)驅動的。軸34是驅動橋32的輸入端
5、,而安裝于后輪的軸36和州38則是它的輸出端。發(fā)動機是通過帶傳動將力傳遞給槽輪40,并由它通過離合器42驅動輸入軸34的。如顯示的那樣,驅動橋有七個檔位,包括五個前進檔,一個空檔和一個倒車檔。 驅動橋32中的齒輪嚙合狀態(tài)是由一個向上伸出的桿44所決定的。一旦轉換桿44被移動,將引起轉換軸環(huán)(沒畫出)沿著中間的驅動桿46(見圖二、五)移動,而驅動桿46可以選擇裝在其上面的其中一個旋轉齒輪去嚙合。這些設計在發(fā)表于1987年4月14日的美國專利(專利號:4,656,886)上有著更全面的闡述。所以在此就不不再討論其細節(jié)了。不過需要說明的是這里的轉換桿44同該專利中的轉換桿104。 轉換臂48(見
7、 驅動桿64是可滑動并可旋轉的,它被安裝在凸緣66和68(見圖三、七)上。而凸緣66和68是被安裝在固定于驅動橋32上的支架70上。而驅動橋臂58是在驅動桿64上的不旋轉部分62上滑動的。當桿64移動時,驅動臂58將沿軸向反向運動。這是由軸環(huán)或套筒72(見圖三)完成的。套筒72的兩邊分別抵著凸緣68的底部和臂58的一邊。臂58由一個壓縮的彈簧74提供的力抵住軸環(huán),而彈簧是處在臂58與驅動桿64端部的墊圈76之間。 為了使驅動桿64可以轉動以及沿軸向移動,其伸出尾架66末端凸緣的外端部78(見圖五、七)被銷80與轉換連接桿的部件即槽82,更準確地說是其下端分為兩部分的叉84緊密地聯(lián)結起來。而三
8、功能變速桿26的低端被固定于部件82的上凹部。球狀體即球86(見圖七)從部件82中伸出來并抵住固定于尾架66上端部的硬金屬板88。當車輛的變速桿26縱向移動(即垂直于圖紙七)時,部件82將轉動驅動桿64并使驅動橋變速。當變速桿橫向移動(即平行于圖紙七)時,在部件82饒著球86與金屬板88的接觸點轉動的同時,驅動桿64將沿軸向移動,此時桿64將順著或逆著其另一端彈簧74的力移動。 更準確地說,當變速桿26沿著引導槽28中的縱向槽90移動時,驅動桿64被移動,并且移動桿44也被轉動而改變驅動橋32中的齒輪嚙合狀態(tài)。在這種情況下,當變速桿26處于任一五個橫向槽即與縱向槽90相連的槽92時,驅動橋一
9、定處于五個前進檔的任一狀態(tài)。當變速桿26處于短的橫向槽94時,驅動橋是在空檔。而當變速桿26處于長一些的橫向槽即槽96時,驅動橋是在倒車檔。 正如前面討論的,當變速桿26橫向移動時,驅動橋64將沿軸向移動,而變速桿26的移動是與車輛10的縱向寬度和引導槽28的橫向范圍是有關的。軸環(huán)98(見圖三)是被安裝在驅動桿64上的,環(huán)形槽100是隨著軸環(huán)98做縱向和旋轉運動的。為了達到調節(jié)的目的,槽環(huán)98上有一個內螺紋,使得槽環(huán)上的螺紋可以與桿64上的螺紋部分102相匹配,并且槽環(huán)98可以通過轉動螺紋部分102進行與桿有關的縱向調節(jié)。同時,它也可以通過螺栓104被放置在預想的縱向位置。 因為起動桿10
10、6(見圖三、七)的端部110被向下伸出的銷108(見圖三)固定到槽環(huán)98的槽部100,所以當槽環(huán)99或驅動桿64沿軸向移動時,桿106將被轉動。而桿106的轉動將引起離合器42處于嚙合或離合狀態(tài),同時也會引起剎車裝置112處于制動或釋放位置。 離合器42被詳細地顯示在圖七到圖九中,轂114被放置在輸入軸34的上端部并且被鍵116固定住。輻射支架118從轂的中間部分向外伸出并終止于齒120。軸承122和124被放置在轂114上,處于被支架118分開的兩邊上,并被環(huán)形護圈板126和128支撐著。上部和下部的離合器環(huán)130和132被放置在齒輪122和124的周圍,而它的外部有輻射狀的齒134和1
11、36。 離合器摩擦片138上有摩擦環(huán)140(表面有摩擦材料)和向上伸展的輻射狀齒140(可以與轂緣上齒嚙合)。離合器摩擦片138被放置上端和下端的壓力片144和146的中間,并且當離合器處于離合位置時,摩擦片將向相關方向旋轉。離合器片144和146有著向內延伸的放射狀齒148和150。,它們可以與離合器環(huán)130和132的齒134和136嚙合,從而使這些壓力片與環(huán)在一起旋轉。離合器殼152的下部開放邊有向外延伸的放射狀齒154,這些齒可以與上部的環(huán)130的齒134嚙合。而離合器殼152被螺釘156和螺母158固定在槽輪40上并隨之旋轉的。當槽輪40轉動時,它將帶動殼152,而殼帶動離合器環(huán)13
12、6,環(huán)將帶動上部的離合器片144一起轉動。上下部的離合器片是被肩部的銷160聯(lián)結在一起的,所以下部的離合器片也會隨之轉動。通過齒150和136,下部的離合器片將帶動下部的離合器環(huán)132轉動。 當離合器42處于離合位置時,離合器摩擦片138仍會隨著離合器片144和146轉動。當局部的銷160促使上部的離合器片144向上抵消兩個盤形彈簧162和164的力時,離合器將處于離合位置。肩部的銷160的下端從底處的離合器片146中伸出并且插入到圓形拖板166的外部。輸入軸34從拖板中穿出,而托板同時將離合器殼152的下端開放面封閉住。托板可以沿著輸入軸的軸向移動。當它處于上部的位置時,它將上部的離合器片
13、144向上抵消彈簧162和164的力以至于離合器摩擦片可以隨著離合器片144和146一起旋轉。當托板處于下部位置時,彈簧將使得上離合器片向下以至于被兩個離合器片夾注。而離合器將處于嚙合狀態(tài)。摩擦片因此而隨著離合器片一起旋轉。從而旋轉轂緣118,而轂114將驅動輸入軸。所以當離合器嚙合時,輸入軸將隨著槽輪旋轉。 為了使托盤能隨著輸入軸的軸向移動,托盤的中間位置是連接起來的,并且被兩個圓環(huán)168(見圖七)支撐著。再往下則是由一個止推軸承170支撐著,而軸承是由三個凸輪球支撐著。這些凸輪球的部分被嵌入到錐形凸輪凹進處174內,這個凹處是由凸輪部件176的環(huán)形部分形成的。鑄造件凸輪部件非常配套地裝上
14、了驅動橋上不旋轉部分的上部。如圖三顯示的那樣,凸輪球向下伸進了啟動桿106的槽178內,而槽則正對著桿的圓形開放面180,凸輪部件穿過桿而伸了出來。在槽間,啟動桿上有弧形槽182,而穿過該弧形槽伸出的是扣件的脛,比如同凸輪部件的外部螺紋連接的機器螺釘184。這樣,桿106被緊緊地固定于凸輪部件上,而依靠伸出于啟動桿上的弧形槽182的扣件184而相對于凸輪部件移動。 附件2:外文原文 TRIPLE FUNCTION SHIFET MECHANISM This invention relates to shift mechanism for a gearbox,
15、such as a transaxle of a small vehicle, which mechanism performs multiple functions. Gearboxes with which the new shift mechanism is employed are commonly in the nature of transmisions or transaxles used with small vehicles and other small powered utility devices. These include riding lawnmowers
16、, garden tractors, golf carts, snow blowers, garden tillers, snowmobiles, and the like. The gearbox typically has several conditions, including forward speeds, a neutral, and a reverse. The shift mechanism in accordance with the invention includes a shift lever which is manually operated by an o
17、perator of the vehicle with the shift lever being movable in a manner to enable the shift mechanism to perform three separate functions. The shift lever can cause the gearbox to be in any one of its several conditions. The shift lever can also cause a clutch to be in an engaged position or a disenga
18、ged position. Finally, the shift lever can cause a brake to be in a braking position or a release position. Consequently, all three of these functions are within the control of an operator through manipulation of a single shift lever. The shift mechanism in accordance with the invention can also
19、 cause the vehicle brake to be temporarily placed in its braking position when the shift lever is moved in a manner to change the gearbox from a forward speed condition to a reverse condition or vice versa. This prevents the vehicle from suddenly lurching if the gearbox is quickly shifted from a for
20、ward speed condition to reverse or vice versa. It is, therefore, a principal object of the invention to provide shift mechanism for a gearbox of a vehicle, which mechanism shifts the gearbox, operates a clutch, and operates a brake through one shift lever control. Another object of the inven
21、tion is to provide a shift mechanism including a shift lever which can be manipulated by an operator to cause a gearbox of the vehicle to change gear-engaged conditions, to operate a clutch, and to operate a brake of the vehicle. Still a further object of the invention is to provide shift mechan
22、ism for a vehicle having a gearbox, a clutch, and a brake, which mechanism causes the brake to move to a braking position temporarily when the gearbox is shifted between a forward speed condition and a reverse speed condition. Many other objects and advantages of the invention will be apparent f
23、rom the following detailed description of a preferred embodiment thereof, reference being made to the accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a schematic, rear view in perspective of a riding vehicle embodying the invention; FIG. 2 is a somewhat schematic rear view in perspective of a tra
24、nsaxle and shift mechanism employed in the vehicle of FIG. 1 and embodying the invention; FIG. 3 is a top view, partly in section, of the shift mechanism in accordance with the invention; FIG. 4 is a detailed, fragmentary view, taken along the line 4--4 of FIG. 3; FIG. 5 is a fragmentary
25、 right side view of the transaxle and shift mechanism of FIG. 2; FIG. 6 is a detailed view, taken along the line 6--6 of FIG. 5; FIG. 7 is a fragmentary view in vertical cross section taken generally along the line 7--7 of FIG. 5; FIG. 8 is a view in horizontal cross section taken along
26、the line 8--8 of FIG. 7; FIG. 9 is a view in horizontal cross section taken along the line 9--9 of FIG. 7; FIG. 10 is a fragmentary, detailed view in cross section taken along the line 10--10 of FIG. 3; and FIG. 11 is a fragmentary view in horizontal cross section taken along the line 11
27、--11 of FIG. 5. Referring to the drawings, and more particularly to FIG. 1, a small riding vehicle, specifically a lawn mower, embodying the invention is indicated at 10. The vehicle includes a chassis-body 12, a seat 14, a steering wheel 16, front wheels 18, a mower unit 20, and drive, rear whe
28、els 22. The vehicle also includes a brake pedal 24 and a triple-function shift lever 26 extending through a specially-shaped guide slot 28 in a fender portion 30 of the chassis-body 12. The rear wheels 22 are driven by an engine (not shown) through a multi-speed gearbox or transaxle 32 of FIG. 2
29、. The transaxle 32 has an input shaft 34 and output shafts 36 and 38 on which the rear wheels 22 are mounted. A pulley or sheave 40 is belt-driven by the engine and drives the input shaft 34 through a clutch 42. In this instance, as shown, the transaxle 32 has seven conditions, five forward speeds,
30、neutral, and reverse. The gear-engaged condition of the transaxle 32 is determined by an upwardly-extending pivotable shift means or shaft 44 (FIGS. 5 and 6). When the shift shaft 44 is turned, it causes a shift collar (not shown) to move along an intermediate drive shaft 46 (FIGS. 2 and 5) whic
31、h causes a shift key to selectively engage gears rotatably mounted thereon. This arrangement is shown more fully in my U.S. Pat. No. 4,656,886, issued Apr. 14, 1987, and will not be discussed in detail. Specifically, the shift shaft 44 corresponds to the shift shaft 104 of the patent. A shift ar
32、m 48 (FIGS. 3, 5, and 6) is affixed to an upper end of the shift shaft 44 and extends transversely therefrom. The arm 48 is pivotally connected to a connecting link 50 by a pin 52 and is turned when the link 50 is moved generally axially. The connecting link 50 has a turn-buckle adjustment consistin
33、g of a rod 54 which has oppositely threaded ends and jam nuts 56. Of course, other length-adjusting means for the link 50 can be employed. The other end of the link 50 is pivotally connected to an actuating arm 58 (FIGS. 3 and 4) by a pin 60. The arm 58, in turn, is slidably mounted on a non-circula
34、r portion 62 (FIG. 4) of an actuating member or rod 64 (FIGS. 2, 3, and 7). When the actuating rod 64 is turned, it turns the actuating arm 58, causing the connecting link 50 to move generally axially to turn the shift arm 48 and the shift shaft 44. Thus, the extent of rotating or turning of the rod
35、 64 determines the gear-engaged condition of the transaxle 32. The actuating rod 64 is slidably and rotatably mounted in end flanges 66 and 68 (FIGS. 3 and 7) of a mounting bracket 70 which is affixed to the transaxle 32. The actuating arm 58, being slidable on the non-rotatable portion 62 of th
36、e actuating rod 64, is held against axial movement when the rod 64 is so moved. This is accomplished by a collar or spacer 72 (FIG. 3) which bears against the end flange 68 and against one side of the arm 58. The arm 58 is urged against the collar by a coiled spring 74 maintained under compression b
37、etween the arm 58 and a retaining washer 76 on the end of the actuating rod 64. For the purpose of turning and axially moving the actuating rod 64, an outer end 78 thereof (FIGS. 5 and 7) extends beyond the bracket end flange 66 and is pivotally connected by a pin 80 to a shift lever-connecting
38、member or socket 82 and specifically to bifurcated lower ends 84 thereof. A lower end of the triple-function shift lever 26 is suitably affixed in an upper recess of the member 82. A spherical body or ball 86 (FIG. 7) is held by and extends from the member 82 and bears against a hardened plate 88 af
39、fixed to an upper end of the end bracket 66. When the shift lever 26 is moved longitudinally of the vehicle 10, in a direction perpendicular to the sheet in FIG. 7, the member 82 is turned to turn the actuating rod 64 and shift the transaxle. When the shift lever 26 is moved transversely of the vehi
40、cle 10, parallel to the sheet in FIG. 7, the actuating rod 64 is moved transversely of the vehicle 10, parallel to the sheet in FIG. 7, the actuating rod 64 is moved axially as the member 82 pivots at the contact point between the ball 86 and the plate 88. The rod 64 is moved with or against the for
41、ce of the coiled spring 74 on the opposite end of the rod 64. More specifically, when the shift lever 26 is moved along a longitudinal slot 90 (FIG. 2) in the guide slot 28, the actuating rod 64 is turned and the shift shaft 44 is turned to change the gear-engaged condition of the transaxle 32.
42、In this instance, the transaxle is in any one of five forwrd speed conditions when the shift lever 26 is aligned with or in any one of five transverse notches or slots 92 which communicate with the longitudinal slot 90. When the shift lever 26 is aligned with a short transverse notch 94, the transax
43、le is in neutral, and when the lever is aligned with or in a longer transverse end notch or slot 96, the transaxle is in reverse. As discussed before, the actuating rod 64 is axially moved when the shift lever 26 is transversely moved relative to the longitudinal extent of the vehicle 10 and tra
44、nsversely of the guide slot 28. The actuating rod 64 has a collar 98 (FIG. 3) mounted thereon, with an annular groove 100, for longitudinal and rotational movement therewith. For adjustment purposes, the collar 98 can have internal threads so that the collar is threadedly received on a threaded port
45、ion 102 of the rod 64 and can be longitudinally adjusted with respect to the rod by being turned on the threaded portion 102. The collar 98 is then held in a desired longitudinal position by jamb nuts 104. An actuating lever 106 (see FIGS. 3 and 7) has a downwardly-extending pin 108 (FIG. 3) at
46、an end portion 110 thereof which extends into the groove 100 of the collar 98. The lever 106 thereby is turned or pivoted when the collar 99 and the actuating rod 64 are moved axially. Pivoting of the lever 106 causes the clutch 42 to be in its engaged or disengaged position and also causes a brake
47、112 to be in a braking position or a release position. The clutch 42 is shown in more detail in FIGS. 7-9. An annular hub 114 is positioned on an upper end of the input shaft 34 and is affixed thereto by a suitable key 116. A radial flange 118 extends outwardly from an intermediate portion of th
48、e hub 114 and terminates in teeth 120. Suitable bearings 122 and 124 are mounted around the hub 114 on each side of the flange 118 and are held by annular retainer plates 126 and 128. Upper and lower clutch rings 130 and 132 are positioned around the bearings 122 and 124 and have outer, radially-ext
49、ending teeth 134 and 136. A clutch disc 138 has a friction ring 140 of suitable friction material molded thereon and has radially inwardly-extending teeth 142 which engage the teeth 120 of the hub flange. The clutch disc 138 is positioned between upper and lower pressure plates 144 and 146 and i
50、s rotatable relative thereto when the clutch is in a disengaged position. The clutch plates 144 and 146 have radially inwardly-extending teeth 148 and 150 which engage the teeth 134 and 136 of the clutch rings 130 and 132 so that these plates and rings rotate together. A clutch housing 152 with a lo
51、wer open side has radially inwardly-extending teeth 154 which also engage the teeth 134 of the upper ring 130. The clutch housing 152 is affixed to and rotates with the sheave 40 by suitable fasteners 156 and nuts 158. When the sheave 40 is rotated, it rotates the housing 152 which rotates the clutc
52、h ring 130 which, in turn, rotates the upper clutch plate 144. The upper clutch plate 144 is connected by shoulder pins 160 to the lower clutch plate 146 which also rotates with the upper plate 144. The lower plate 146 also rotates the lower clutch ring 132 through the teeth 150 and 136. When th
53、e clutch 42 is in its disengaged position, the clutch disc 138 remains stationary as the clutch plates 144 and 146 rotate. The clutch is in the disengaged position when the shoulder pins 160 urge the upper clutch plate 144 upwardly against the force of two Belleville springs 162 and 164. The lower e
54、nds of the shoulder pins 160 extend through the lower clutch plate 146 and are received in outer portions of a circular actuating plate 166 through which the input shaft 34 extends, with the plate 166 closing off the lower open side of the clutch housing 152. The actuating plate 166 can be moved in
55、a direction axially of the input shaft 34. When the plate 166 is in an upper position, it moves the upper clutch plate 144 upwardly against the force of the springs 162 and 164 so that the clutch disc 138 will be stationary when the clutch plates 144 and 146 rotate. When the actuting plate 166 is in
56、 a lower position, the springs 162 and 164 urge the upper plate 144 downwardly so that the clutch disc 138 is clamped between the clutch plates 144 and 146, the clutch then being in its engaged position. The clutch disc 138 thereby rotates with the clutch plates 144 and 146 and rotates the hub flang
57、e 118 and the hub 114 to drive the input shaft 34. In the engaged position of the clutch 42, the input shaft 34 thereby rotates with the sheave 40. For the purpose of moving the actuating plate 166 axially of the input shaft 34, a central portion of the plate contacts and is supported by two ann
58、ular rings 168 (FIG. 7) which, in turn, are supported by an annular thrust bearing 170. The bearing 170, in turn, is supported on three cam balls 172 (FIGS. 3, 7, and 10). The balls 172 are partially received in tapered cam recess 174 which are formed in an annular portion of a cam member 176. The c
59、am member 176 (also see FIG. 2) is cast and is specially shaped to fit on the upper housing of the transaxle in a non-rotatable position with respect thereto. As best shown in FIG. 3, the cam balls 172 extend upwardly into notches 178 in the actuating lever 106, the notches facing a circular opening
60、 180 in the lever through which the cam member 176 extends. Between the notches 178, the lever 106 has arcuate slots 182 through which extend shanks of fasteners such as machine screws 184 which are threadedly received in outer portions of the cam member 176. In this manner, the lever 106 is pivotally supported on the fixed cam member 176, being movable relative to the cam member by virtue of the fasteners 184 extending through the arcuate slots 182 of the lever 106.
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