
1、2021國家開放大學(xué)電大本科《商務(wù)英語4》期末試題及答案(試卷號:1391) 一,交豚用通(Mtt M分.■小分) 1一5 ■:攜擇正?的91句夷成下而對話.MK8X序號寫在害■峨上? L — Pm really M up with Larry! Tin wrry to hear that, a Really? C. Hcy< up? — Sure, no problem^ Firsts go bcc Cindy and tdl her where youre ffoinic aod when 、Can you (ill tnc in? H. Wil! I use the ca
2、rd for everything? G Will the company mmbtirwc eretythmg? —? but I still have the feeling that it f> oot safe enough. — I cnuldn^t agm marc. ThatS why I aniy do street shoppings ~ Paying otilme t> much uruafe than before & Paytax online b Icm safer than before C. Paytnn online is much tafcr th
3、an bc/orc — Whit is the distance between the new building asd your office? A< It it near to the bat stop. K It ta about IS ktlomctetiu C. h i very dose. 5. — HettywcrU have ■ buffet party next Setiirday. Will you join ut? —. Suwm. Thank you! A. l*d knrr to K Pm atraUi not C. By no means 二.
4、國匯與結(jié)構(gòu)(共計30分,魯小題2分) G—20隧:闡讀下面的句干.從A.B.C三個迭項中這出一個能填入空白處的正礪選項,并將答 案序號寫在答曝蚯上. 6. Please an open return Hight from Barcelona to Frankfurt. A. paper & text U book 7. /Mthough he hz nought to find a penrcful ? he ia fnnng more prefigure from hin buMinrn^ nvnln. A. Roliition Ft nolutc C. iw)lvr &
5、You can duwnloAd and print off thr online. A> from Bt form C. formal 9. Thr executive trim hnvr to hold An ur^rnt rnreting they ncr the bad niArkct feedbuclu A. bctMUBC 日 before l\ whether 10. The irMrn members arc nnd helping each othrr out A. goinx an H. getting along C. setting up lh
6、Current wre those debt* tht munt hr paid within the year. A. B. equitic* , C? lUbilitiea 12. Im eitill working on n (cw problcmu. A iron in irutiinn out C. io iron m 13. (rirnd and colleAgueji grretrd each other with that dfly w/i? * Bought anything today?M A. That B. Who C. What bL When
7、 the fest of the room emotional? stay cool and u* logic to negotinte. A. get B. get* C got 15. But Jerryt have you really thought this? You would essentially be giving up the company that your great-grandfather built. A through B. of C. nbout 16. Can you tell us why you think this makes good b
8、usiness co you? A. deal B- miwc C. program & When I7a you have a job. you may be tn the market for ano!her oe< A. Even if C. Since 18.the ^itumion may bee make jiure thnt you dont levr your customer with nn HnnnMwcrtd (juc^iton. A. However B. Whenever C. Whatever ID. Did you get thr finAn
9、cial record* *hjpe for y 10、:08U下列短文,從AJkC三個選項中選出一個正?答案,井將答察序號耳在答? .
plIMUIgt I
Tr^m spirit cun mnkr or break a trnm. Tenmmfttes who hve tenm spirit rr better able to work together and achieve trnm x()nk? They nrr /ilso mare ^ntisficd with their team
activitie^e lohn Wooden, fi former bnkeTball eoath at UCLA. said> " Team s 11、pin! nicnns you arc willing to sacrifice personal considcraiionN lor ihr welfare of nIL That dr fines a learn plnyer. " There Are rcxiftin ikilh team members tirwlnp that srve as Rood examples o( team spirits
CoopcrAting is wmply working together <13 teainniates lor ihc good ol the tco 12、ni. Cooperntion ib a that team members can Rhcrpen during prnctice< For example* basket hall players must pradice pawing the ball in difirrrnt plays mid sttunlions. Team efficiency is directly related to rhv cooperation of tlx member*. Acting rooperatively u uood way to show team spirit because doin 13、g so contributes lu the over 14、ell outside of 1cam Activities. For rxample. a baseball phyer can show team spirit by being tnotiv&ted to prncticr hrs ?wing outside of practice^ Respect
Respect for your fellow teetrn mernberft t
15、lo rmpert rach other hy allowing everyone to pmicipny Respecting fellow tcammAtes krrps evr^one in a good mood nne(ipk enn ^h(iw ten tn spirit ihrnugh rr*pmt by rnrournMinK other tenm tnrmbrfu wh(i mi^hl lr nfrugMlinK-
2L 1 cAftirnatm who hnvr tr 16、urn npirit
A. CAfi hrruk a team
It nrc belter able to work together nnd ochievt tenrn gonh
(\ arc Iras Mtislicd with their tenm activities
22. AccordinK to the article# tea tn spirit mron, ,
A. ccHJperation and motivation
K mufivation and respect
C. coopvr/ition mutivution nnd resiprct
23. ( 17、x>u pc ration is a skill thnt?
A. can be sharpened during practice
B. in born with
C. everyone should hove
24. Bctn motivftted mens?
A. you should compete with others
B. you should practice nwing outskic of practice
C. you should give your Ijest in uny circum?tnnces
25. Respecting your teamn 18、witrs-
A. can treat everyone hirly and equally
B. ran keep everyonr in a good mood
C. can discourage overall tej*m spirit
2fi—30 8:iW根堤短文內(nèi)容拜斷繪出的語句是否正桀,正確的的寫“F".并將答案 目在答n紙上。
Passage 2
If you want to become a franchij4rcf the tips below cun help you to lind the perfect opportunity.
Be focuMi on 19、 your preference^ (>n the stage of decisjon mokinKe the bottom line is; Dont rule out a buaincss without learning or seeing wh砒 the day-today will look like. For inMnncce think about mom returning to the work force who know* she wonts to interact with children on a daily basts. Among the hundreds o 20、f oplions there. Jihe necd to decide if she would like to be hands on as a teacher or if she would rather emajujge u facility that tutors children in math. Deciding between the two is easy if she considers which day-to-day po^hion fihe would prefer nnd how that will impact her other roaU.
Be pniact 21、ive with yoar research^ After you ve determined what role you want in a franchise? its important to star! researching different options Physically visit many different franchise locations and browse the web and then determine what will be a fit in your community.
Make urv the franchisor has experi 22、ence. Before signing on fo a franchisre it i essential to nsk the franchisor about the executive tenm and its pJist industry rxptnence. Find out if
the company krnkrt Have had signiiicAnt cxpenencc at another (fAnchinc and are now applying that knowlrdgr succ^fully.
Maid the fninchivc diKlmure dut 23、umrnt carrfally. The (irM lhin to look Mt is how much a francht^c would rout to purchase. Make mire you have a finunciai advisor who can look ai thui iun> with you and tee the type of profit a franchisee can make on average hf also Important to tke ? look at thr po>t-trrminatton clause in the Agreem 24、ent io make Bure th砒 when you want to leave the buwneMt you know the terms well and yvur inicrest> re properly protect rd
26. Decide oh ? liusinex^ with learning or wring whit the day-tadiiy will look like.
27. lieforr ynu9ve determined whaf rolr you want in a franchise> it S time to start the buj 25、iinesa*
2ft. Before mMning on to ? franchinr. the cMcntial job i to ndc the (ranch)*or about the eaerutive team and if pam industry rxpcnrnce.
2% The (trst thing to look at h how long a franchme would take to purchase.
3。. To mkc mi nr (hit when you want to leave the buMneM* you have made enough 26、money and you arr with tluL
Write ah invitMOon letter to your bunej^ fiannrrs and invite them to Chirm according ro the (oilowing infonn*tion>
? Your nanw and pontiorii Simon Zhang* PreswtcnT of Tianjin Ttum ImM Trade Ca ? Ltdi
? Your biuinesn pannenti Mr. James Lmrde and Mr. Luke Smi 27、thi
? Time of visitt between Jan. 28 and Feb. 4. 20171
? Purpose of vmiti potential financinx i
? Expense* to be bomr hy i your lnsineM partners.
一, 交際用tf!(共計3分,督小& 2分)
,1. C 2. A 3.。 4. B 5. A
二、 切爪與18枸(扶計30分,伊小的2分)
6—如距:潮謨下面的句子,從AJAJ:三個選項中選出一個能堵入空白處 28、的正確逸瑣.并將答 弟序號邳在
a. C 7. A & B 9. A 10. B
H. C 12. B 13. C H. B 15. A
16. B 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. A
三?《!讀理VH共,D分,每小H 4分)
21-25 a:W讀下列Ml文,從A、H、(?三個選頊中選出一個正娜答案,并將答案序號寫在答18 峨上.
PaMMifiC i
21. B 22. C 23, A 24. C 25. B
?6-3OL謂楸據(jù)短丈內(nèi)容判斷餡出的18句是否正確.正確的5"TM.Wai的崎“F”,并將答塞 與在答鬼紙上.
Puz歡 2
26. T 27. F 2 29、8. T 29. F 30. P
Write nn invitHhon letter to your htuiinm pnrtnrr* anti invite them to China according to the followinR mforninhun.
? Vout tuimr ?nd pcit>uni Simon Zhariftt Proxlcnt u( TUin)tn Thmi Inf fl 7rde Ca ? ludi
? Yonr hunncMB punnrrwi Mn Jame* Laird? and Mn Luke Smiths
? Time of vhiti between Jn4 28 and Feb.,201T|
? Purpose of viMtf polrnttal finundriHi
? KxpcnMca io be bornr by< your buwinvMB partners
Dec. 2016 F)mr Mr. J?m「? luurd.
behalf of I i*nnn Fruwt hitI Tmdr Co. ? Lt 31、en Jw 2N nnd Ffb. 4. 2017 lor thr pur|>oe of ;H3trntuil finantinft in the nrr future.
Wr both undertund that your company will br rctponaiblc (or all thr c*|ienBc> fur your io and within Chinat Although wc expert your viaii und with fruitful autcumea between ?■. Tittnjin Trut !nt rl Trade(X ? Ltd. ?? not rr^ponKihlr (or any (tnancial ??pcct? of your trip tu and within Chiruu
I look forwnrd to wclcomtnn you both th Tianjin and pray that you haw ■ wonderful tnpe
Youm *inccrcly
Simon ZhunK
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- 第七章-透射電子顯微鏡
- 群落的結(jié)構(gòu)(課件)
- 焊接基礎(chǔ)知識
- 水文地質(zhì)學(xué)課件
- 某公司員工工傷安全管理規(guī)定
- 消防培訓(xùn)課件:安全檢修(要點)
- 某公司安全生產(chǎn)考核與獎懲辦法范文
- 安全作業(yè)活動安全排查表
- 某公司危險源安全辨識、分類和風險評價、分級辦法
- 某公司消防安全常識培訓(xùn)資料
- 安全培訓(xùn)資料:危險化學(xué)品的類別
- 中小學(xué)寒假學(xué)習計劃快樂度寒假充實促成長
- 紅色插畫風輸血相關(guān)知識培訓(xùn)臨床輸血流程常見輸血不良反應(yīng)
- 14.應(yīng)急救援隊伍訓(xùn)練記錄
- 某公司各部門及人員安全生產(chǎn)責任制