
1、2021國家開放大學(xué)電大本科《管理英語3》期末試題及答案(試卷號:1378) -?交豚用語(共計2分.每小U 2分) 1—5 擇正確的語句完成下面時話.并品答案序號島在答■紙上? 1. —How did you find your visit to Qtngdno> Joanna? A. Oh> wonderful indertL 已 I went there alone C A guide showed me the wny. 2. — Im dog tired. 1 c>n*t walk any further. Tommy. 一 ? Jenny. You can do A
2、. Nc problem B- Come on C No hurry 3. — Would you like some more beer? —:, please- A. just a Httle R No more U Ive had enough t. 一 Are you going on holichy for a long time? A. It was a long rime. R Two weeks ug Q Na Only sl couple o! chys. 5. —Hurry up! If the fire spreads to the s:airs it c
3、ould block our way out! —This is no time for ulking. A. Better not. & We*d better ad> 911. C You*re right! 二,國匯與始構(gòu)(共計3。分.每小H 2分) 5—20 ■:下面的句于.從A.BX三個逸項中選出一個能境入空白處的正?選項.并將答 案序號寫在答It紙上. 6? In Beijing, the best season in ■ year is prubably autumru Z late Be later C- Utter 7. I am your rarly c
4、oming, A- looking forward to K looking forward C luuk forward to 8. 一Who sihauld be responsible for the accident? 「he hotnuioi the workers 1 hry just enrrird out the order . A. mi re told [ aa told (:. jir they told 5 rm Koin to have a with Mnrk About thin 0“? tomorrow. A. npcech K nentonco
5、(L word lOt im known to nlL tcxi much ht cnu%r heart prablrrnju A* It B A C Juwl UN 1U I he products u( (hm company rr nlwnyw to Aiiintlnrdt they have very ulrict tjuality control procc^ A< close B down C up I2e I did" finish my homework Neither . A. did he B. didnt he C...1 he did 13. L
6、rl fM dicu>n thcMcr problrmh ni thr niertiriKi ? A< do we B> nhjtll we C. will you H- John ar well nn Mikr junt bern bnck from nn im|)ortiint meeting. A. have tL has C* hud 1 ru ( an you tell me how to the rmlway miioru pice? At Heuiu^ B. got < ? to ef 16. I xo know how often the Bun runs
7、during rush houm A. occur B. happen C take place \7. Hr gave up his Btudy in college in? A? bundle B. despair G ash 18. Not only many cars built in the 1970s ugly and poorly designedt they nho became very unreliable nfter 40—50 thousand milzs. A- was B> are C. were 19, Our new school build
8、ing is cotutruction* A. under & in C, for 20< Proper controls thnt should developed as pari of routine safety procedures were not in pUce- A. has been B. have bcn C. be 三、閱iKSM(^40分,每小IS 4分) 2】一25原:調(diào)讀下列短文■從A.B、C三個法項中逸出一個正確答案,井將答案序號玲在答86 紙上. Passage 1 Without good budget manHgcmcnt . you ar
9、e likely to overspend an marketing occidcntAlly. Hrrr arc three ntcpn that help to make a good marketing budgets Step 1: Organize financial information The first step is to be clear of your current firiancml situntioru You need to know how much money your compnny Tnaken monthly And the chiinges thu
10、t might Arise in the future- Although income llow^. change throughout the yenr> you muM organize the inforniation ba^ed on reliable revenue—the minimum amount of money your company makes ench month. A realistic budget plan will always focu8 on the income that exceeds thr expensest not the total rev
11、enue that comes m. When you hnve determined the amount of chspmtabk mcomc available for the company# you should determine where the money will ro. Step 2: Determine where you want to sprnd mnrkcting foods After you know the foul amount available to spend on tnarketinK* the next step 15 how you pla
12、n to spend thnt money. Three main factors decide how you upend marketing fundm the budget amount* your past experiences? and where you on reach the right audicncr- You will Man organizing how to spend the funds based on the amount. Besides> you need to consider the strategies that have worked in th
13、e past. AUkq? you need consider which marketing channels will allow you to reach the righi Audicne> Step 3: Assess dntn nnd make appropriate changes The final step m building a good marketing budget i the anfllysis of rhe plan and any changes that may improve revenue. Ultimately, marketing is desig
14、ned to bring in extra revenue^ If the activity does not bring in any additioniil revenue over itB com. then 11 is better to change strategy and try something dse A55csxinK the data is a vital part of creatinR an effective marketing strategy. Evaluntion begins with comparing pant performnnce to the
15、 performance after marketing the product or ervicex However, a good budget alone is not enoughs You hove to lake action and rcnuiin committed to following through your plan By keeping the budget in mind when you mAke deciaionst you will have the opportunity to work out differeni xtrntcKiejv tn find
16、 the hr nt solutions for your business goals and prevent overspending un marketing* 21. The budget plan should be baaed on the company S rclinble . A? expense 氏 income C. COM! 22. The urukrlined"dMposable im:ome"in Paragraph 3 meanh. A. lota! income K previous income Ct net income 23> You hu
17、ve U) be dear of whsn nrganizmM finnncinJ mformatiorv A- the income and expenses K tbr mnrkcting fund C. ihr budget mnnngcnicnt 24. The three m/iin factors ihnt decide how you sp^nd mnrkcting lunds arc? A. the money you have earned< the actual expenses and fhr money you will expend B. the budg
18、et amount# yuur past experience and whrrr you can rroch the right Audience C> the assets ynu have, the product and the income 25. Keeping the budget in mind when making marketing decisions will avoid? A- using lew than you e^rn K using manvy unnecessarily C. liMng more thnn you cam 26—3Q睫:請根據(jù)短文
19、內(nèi)舀判斷始出的培句是否正疏,正確的寫“T。錯誤的寫,并將答案 與在答 Passage 2 A questinn thnt often troubles food eompnnirs is how to control problems like rats and insects without harming the food. Pent control experts “y poiwons should never be used where they may enter food< They say thr firM line oi defense Againnt pcstw is t
20、o clean the 仙y where the fnqd i* handled or wtored. F]oor>. footd preparation stirfrtvr^ and luol< can be di^infcclcd with chrmicals like chlorine? iodine nr bromine^ Food containers should be stored about half a meter off thr ground and about half a meter away from my wallr< Sfnrage amiM should be
21、 kept dry and clean. Containers for raw matenals such n< rice, wheal ? etc< ahouiJ be kept cloned nnd tlriin- Any foodstuff >pln during delivery or handling should be cltnred up both inside wn so pay attention to outer walls. Small a
22、tones can he urccI to cover the ground and block the growth af plants nnd the gross should I* kept *hort to deny pem a place to live Check that dours and windows arc completely closed. Also Any bole that might nllow pesth to enter a hnikhnR should be filled, Rat> can enter through a hole the sue of
23、 R cam. A mouse can through a hole h/iif Out Supervisors should mnke a li^t ol post control measures to be taken by employers^ This will aid the efforts and ftlxo help prepare for any inspections. In most countries# there K a food atid drug adminiNtralion bureau# or some aRency with a similar nnmr?
24、 which enforces rules nationwide^ responsible lor rule about the uc of pe^tindent etc< Howcvcrt busmcsc where food i atored, prepared or sold must also follow state and local health lows. Most of the&r governmenul deportments or bureaus have their websites wt:h informaTion about food safety poliacs
25、and other Peoplr can easily access the information. 26. /Xccordmg(o pest control experts poisons should never be twrd as they may enter foods 27. Food preporaiion surfaces and tools should be kept clean. 2K. ( hirer walls nre u阡d io srop pest? from entering a building from rhe ourside. 29. Peopl
26、e can easily nccess thr mformotion a hour food safcry policies from the government dcpnrtmrnts and burenus. 30. The tnain idea of thr passage is how to prevent plnntji 4nd grnss from growing. 四、耳作(共20分) 31 .根據(jù)要求寫作文. 寫作要求3以李明的身份.根據(jù)K表內(nèi)容.寫一篇英文作文介紹自己的日程& Wntc a short passngc according to the inforwA
27、tion of rhe following rimetnhle< LI Mingf Timetable frnm Monday to Friday (No. 3 Middle School) Time Activity 6 8 30 get up 7 3 00 have brenkfa&l 7 30 go to school 8 30-12 05 have 4 clnsscs* 12 1 05 have lunch At school 14 00-15 t 40 have 2 classes 15 40-16 > 10 play basketball
28、 / football !f > 40 go home IB 00 have supper 均:30 ?22 00 do home work ? watch TV. da some reading 22 00 go to bed 試題答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 一,交際用(共計I。分.每小同2分) 1—5 0:選擇正?的僵句憲成下面對靖.并何答案序號耳在WfflK上. 二、詢it與ta構(gòu)(共tt 30分,每小H 2分) 6—2。BLKJUt下面的句于,從AJkC三個最項中選出一個健堵入空白處的正■選頊.并將答 察再號珂在答18城上。 10. B 20. B I
29、5.C 19. A =■]讀理解(共4。分,每小1S4分) 21-25H:|i下列短文.從AJkC =個選項中逸出一個正?答案?并將答案序號留在苔賄 岷上. Pirn”收 I 2L B 22. C 23. A 24. B 25-C 26—30雄:fWttt掘短文內(nèi)8判斷始出的堪句是否正H,正?的5MTW.的寫"”,井轉(zhuǎn)答案 1?在答贓雄上. Passage 2 26. T 27. T 28. T 29. F 四.寫作(共20分) 3U根邯要求用作文. 號n野求:以李明的身份.根據(jù)f表內(nèi)容,珂-慎英文作文介紹自己的h. 丁hi? in
30、my timctabln I windy at Na 3 Middlr School from Monday to Friday, I get up ■ I tH 30 tu nru I bvr breAkhl at 7 t 00 and then I gu to uchooL I don*! like ta br lum Our clAftsrt tiepin at 8 1 30 ?? m. W。 huvr four clnfinr* in (hr morning. I often have lunch al >chool with my clAismntcA, hi the rtltrn
31、i(x>tu wr hnvr two clnMMen. ClnsAr^ re ovrr nt 3 1 10. nnd I ||rt home nt I 00. Bui omcUinr> I do *( leave school su crly brenuhe I phy bankctbttll in (hr pl.yxround. f Hrn I hotnr /ji 5 ? 00. I hnvr supper ai About 6 00> Alter tupprr I do my homework. I ohm winch TV? hut wrncfiniei I like tu do ncirnr rsdinx nnd the nu>ry IkmjL nrc very intrrrMting. I ununlly gn to hd At About 10 < 00 p. m.
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