Module8Unit1教案 外研版八年級英語下冊

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1、課題:Module 8 Unit 11 can hardly believe were in the city centre.一、教學(xué)內(nèi)容分析本單元的內(nèi)容圍繞玲玲、大明和托尼游覽北海公園展開,通過他們的對話自然而然地向我們呈現(xiàn)了 that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句這一目標(biāo)語言。通過這節(jié)課的學(xué)習(xí),學(xué)生能夠初步感知和理解that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句,聽懂并談?wù)撀眯薪?jīng)歷和旅行中人物的觀點,感受大自然的美好的同時增強(qiáng)保護(hù)環(huán)境的意識。二教學(xué)目標(biāo)Knowledge objectives:1.Students are able to understand and use the key words & phrases s :

2、hardly, sights, waste, thirsty,point out, take up, at the top of.2.Students are able to recognize and understand object clauses with that”.Ability objectives:1.Students are able to understand the dialogue about the travelling to Beihai Park by listening.2.Students are able to describe and talk about

3、 a place of interest.Emotional objective:Students are able to experience the beauty of our nature and develop the awareness of protecting ourenvironment.三、學(xué)習(xí)者特征分析從話題上來看,旅行休閑這個話題對現(xiàn)在的同學(xué)們來說并不陌生了,我們這一學(xué)期的第二模塊和剛結(jié)束的第七模塊都是與旅行相關(guān)的話題,因此學(xué)生具備一定的知識儲備。從語法內(nèi)容上來看,這是同學(xué)們初次正式地接觸賓語從句,不過我們在第六模塊也復(fù)習(xí)過了簡單句的六種基本句型,其中的“主謂賓”結(jié)構(gòu)為我

4、們現(xiàn)在學(xué)習(xí)賓語從句做了鋪墊。四、教學(xué)策略選擇與設(shè)計本節(jié)課是聽說課,旨在通過聽的輸入和說的輸出來幫助同學(xué)們鞏固談?wù)撀眯薪?jīng)歷的表達(dá)能力同時感知that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句,因此本節(jié)課主要采用情景教學(xué)法和交際法。五、教學(xué)重點及難點1 To understand and use object clauses with that correctly. (Reason: object clauses with thatare the grammar focus of this module and its a new language point for students.)2. To distinguish

5、hardly from hard correctly. (Reason: its easy for students to mix the meaningsof the two words.)六、教學(xué)過程教師活動學(xué)生活動設(shè)計意圖Step 1. Pre-listening1. Greeting.2. Show some pictures about one ofthe students school trips. Askthem whether they remember1. Look at the pictures andanswer questions:We went to. It was

6、awonderful/unforgettableTo attract Ss attention andarouse their interest.where they went and how theyfelt about the trip.3. T: When we have time off, we canhave a trip. So whats themeaning of time off?4. Free talk. T: I often go to myhometown when I have time off,because I think (that) its veryrelax

7、ing and meaningful to bewith my parents. Then ask Ss totalk about what they often dowhen they have time off,.eg: A:What do you often do when youhave time off? B: I often .A: Why.B: Because I think/believe/hope(that).5. T: Some of you choose to have atrip when you have time off, Ithink its a good ide

8、a and Isuggest that you go to ourcapital,Beijing, because there are somany wonderful sights to visit,such as.Ask Ss to think about the sights inBeijing and then show somepictures of them.Step 2. While-listening1 Lingling and Tony are talkingnow , lets listen and find outwhat place they are talkingab

9、out.2. Listen again and choose thecorrect answer.(Activity 2)Remind Ss to pay attention to thesubject of each sentence.Listen twice if it is needed.3. T: Do you want to know moreabout Beihai Park? Lets notwaste time . Follow them!4. Listen to the long dialogue andchoose the correct answer. Ask Ssexp

10、erience.2. Ss think about thequestion and answer.3. Ss talk in pairs.A: What do you often dowhen you have time off?B: I often .A: Why .B:Because Ithink/believe/hope (that)4. Ss talk about the sightsthey know in Beijing, eg:the Forbidden City, theGreat Wall.l.Ss listen and answer: BeihaiPark.2.Ss lis

11、ten and answer byreading the whole sentenceand then translate thesentence into Chinese.3.Ss read the questionscarefully and listen tochoose.To make sure that Ssunderstand the meaning ofthe topic time off and leadin the free talk .To I lead Ss to show theiropinions and lead in thetarget language.To e

12、njoy the beautiful sightsand get ready for thefollowing listening.To have an extensivelistening.Totrain Ss listening ability ofgetting specific informationand find out whether theyunderstand object clauseswith that by asking themto translate the sentences.To develop Ss habit ofreading questions ando

13、ptions carefully.To train Ss listening skill:predicting before read the questions and optionscarefully and predict the answer.What does Tony think of thepark?A. Noisy B. Quiet C. BeautifulIs the park in the city center?A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.C.We dont know.How large is the lake?A

14、. It takes up more than half of thepark area.B. It takes up less than half of thepark area.C. It takes up a quarter of the parkarea.What will they do in the park?A. See the city from the top.B. Swim in the lake.C. Have a picnic at the top of the hill.5. Listen again and completethesentences.(Activit

15、y 3)Step 3. Post-listening1. Read after the tape togetherwithSs and remind Ss to payattentionto the intonation andpronunciation.2. Ask Ss to read the dialogue bythemselves and underline theobject clauses . After that, TaskSs to think and conclude briefly.3. Group work.Play a video about Beihai Parkf

16、irst. And then show somepictures about it.Divide Ss into six groups. Onegroup member work as a guide,and others are visitors. You are inthe Beihai Park now . Ask Ss toimagine and make up aconversation between the guideand visitors with the help of thepictures.Tips: try to use: be famous for,4.Ss dis

17、cuss and explain themeaning of hardly afteranswering this question.Thencompare it with hard.(Infact, it has nothing to do withhard except the spelling )5.Ss listen and answer byreading the whole sentence.1. Read after the tape andtryto imitate the intonation .2. Read the dialogue andunderline certai

18、n sentences.Discuss the use of objectclauses.Work in groups and make up aconversation.Come to the front and acttheir conversation out.To make sure Ss understandthe meaning of hardly.To develop Ss ability oftaking notes while listening.To correct Ss pronunciationand improve Ss reading.Toenhance Ss un

19、derstandingof object clauses and getready for the followinggroup work.To lead Ss to put what theyhave learnt in practice andlearn to work in a team.point out, take up, why dont we,1think/guess/believe/hope/suggest (that). 1 dont think.Summary &HomeworkWhat you must do:Read the text fluently.What you

20、 can do:Search for some information aboutyour favorite sights and introduce it tous next class.七、板書設(shè)計Unit 11 can hardly believe were in the city centerSights1 think (that).Thirsty1 know (that).Waste1 believe (that).Take up1 suppose (that).Point out1 suggest (that).At the top of1 hope (that).So .that.1 dont think (that).Its better to do.Hard vs. hardly左邊黑板板書本節(jié)課重點單詞、短語、句型以及課堂中老師和學(xué)生所拓展到的詞匯,右邊黑板書寫本節(jié)課的語法點。這樣可以讓學(xué)生對本堂課的內(nèi)容一日了然,加深所學(xué)習(xí)的重點內(nèi)容,鞏固知識。

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