山東省冠縣武訓高級中學高中英語 Unit5《Enjoying novels》課件 新人教版選修10

《山東省冠縣武訓高級中學高中英語 Unit5《Enjoying novels》課件 新人教版選修10》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《山東省冠縣武訓高級中學高中英語 Unit5《Enjoying novels》課件 新人教版選修10(81頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。
1、閱讀本單元課文閱讀本單元課文, 然后完成下列任務(wù)。然后完成下列任務(wù)。1. Find out some keys words to summarize the main ideas of each part.The 1st paragraph: Consensus; opposed; authoresses; five of the most courageous and gifted authoresses.The 2nd and 3rd paragraph: Jane Austen and her work “Pride and Prejudice”.The 4th paragraph: u
2、sing mens names.The 5th paragraph: _The 6th paragraph: _The 7th paragraph: _ Charles Dickens; “David Copperfield”.Charlotte Bronte.George Eliot ; “Silas Marner”.2. Her novels examined the morally ambiguous concessions people make in their lives in order to succeed. Choose one word or a phrase to sub
3、stitute concessions. A. approvalB. argumentC. disagreementD. give way to sth.3. Match the writing styles with the famous writers mentioned in the passage. Charles Dickens novels ( ) C A. deal with the problem and limitation of womens choiceB. were revolutionary for the explicit way they described wo
4、men struggling against their restricted roles in societyC. describe the hardships of poor people who did not possess money or a sponsor to smooth their pathD. examined the morally ambiguous concessions people make in their lives in order to succeedA. deal with the problem and limitation of womens ch
5、oiceB. were revolutionary for the explicit way they described women struggling against their restricted roles in societyC. describe the hardships of poor people who did not possess money or a sponsor to smooth their pathD. examined the morally ambiguous concessions people make in their lives in orde
6、r to succeed Jane Austens novels ( )A A. deal with the problem and limitation of womens choiceB. were revolutionary for the explicit way they described women struggling against their restricted roles in societyC. describe the hardships of poor people who did not possess money or a sponsor to smooth
7、their pathD. examined the morally ambiguous concessions people make in their lives in order to succeed Charlotte Brontes novels ( ) B A. deal with the problem and limitation of womens choiceB. were revolutionary for the explicit way they described women struggling against their restricted roles in s
8、ocietyC. describe the hardships of poor people who did not possess money or a sponsor to smooth their pathD. examined the morally ambiguous concessions people make in their lives in order to succeed George Eliots novels ( )DWhoEnglish authoressesWhen19th centuryWhereIn EnglandwhatThe rise of the aut
9、horessesWhy and howThey should have equal rights.1. 理清要點在文章中找出以下幾大要素理清要點在文章中找出以下幾大要素, 填入填入以下表格。以下表格。2. 撰寫摘要撰寫摘要 結(jié)合以上的重要信息點結(jié)合以上的重要信息點, 然后然后以約以約30詞概括文章的主要內(nèi)容。詞概括文章的主要內(nèi)容。 The writer introduced the rise of English authoresses in the 19th century. From their experiences and stories, we know that men and w
10、omen should have equal rights and it is wrong to discriminate against women.結(jié)合課文內(nèi)容結(jié)合課文內(nèi)容, 用用120個單詞談?wù)勀銓€單詞談?wù)勀銓Α癝hould women have equal job opportunities with men?”的看法的看法, 內(nèi)內(nèi)容包括:容包括: 你的觀點和看法以及原因;你的觀點和看法以及原因; 推行這種做法時候要注意的問題。推行這種做法時候要注意的問題。 As far as I am concerned, woman should have equal job opportuni
11、ties with men. On one hand, as society develops, womens social position has been raised greatly. In China, certain laws have been passed to protect womens rights. It is required in these laws that employers should not discriminate against women in employment, otherwise, they will be punished. On the
12、 other hand, compared with men, women have their own advantages. Women are more feminine and attractive, which is considered to be necessary in some careers. In conclusion, womens importance in social activities should be acknowledged. They should be provided with equal job opportunities rather than
13、 be looked down upon and treated unfairly.1. Can you believe that there used to be a consensus in society that opposed the writing of novels by authoresses? 你相你相信從前社會上存在著反對女子寫小說的信從前社會上存在著反對女子寫小說的輿論嗎?輿論嗎?思考思考: 句中的句中的consensus是是_(詞性詞性), 中英文意思分別是。中英文意思分別是。_名詞名詞(不可數(shù)不可數(shù))中文意思:共識中文意思:共識, 共同意見。共同意見。英文意思英文意思
14、: an opinion that everyone in a group agrees with or accepts 在老師們當中有一種共識在老師們當中有一種共識, 就是孩就是孩子們都應(yīng)該廣泛地了解世界。子們都應(yīng)該廣泛地了解世界。_children should have a broad understanding of the world. 運用運用 根據(jù)漢語意思完成英文句子。根據(jù)漢語意思完成英文句子。 There is a consensus amongteachers that 他們對于這個項目的目標缺乏他們對于這個項目的目標缺乏共識。共識。They _ _ the aims of
15、the project.showed a lack of consensuson/about2. Clearly this restriction must have operated at a time when there was no equality of opportunity for women. 很很明顯明顯, 這種限制在婦女沒有平等權(quán)利的這種限制在婦女沒有平等權(quán)利的時期肯定會起作用的。時期肯定會起作用的。思考思考: 句中的句中的equality是是 _ (詞性詞性), 中英文意思分別是中英文意思分別是 _。名詞名詞(不可數(shù)不可數(shù))中文意思:平等。英文中文意思:平等。英文意思:意
16、思:a situation in which people have the same rights, advantages etc在工作中女性應(yīng)該獲得與男性完在工作中女性應(yīng)該獲得與男性完全的平等。全的平等。Women _ in the workplace.運用運用 翻譯下面句子。翻譯下面句子。should achieve fullequality with men3. Skeptical reviewers did not see through this deception and gave their approval to their work. 生性多疑的評論家沒有看穿這生性多疑的評
17、論家沒有看穿這層偽裝層偽裝, 而且對她們的作品大加贊揚。而且對她們的作品大加贊揚。思考思考: 句中的句中的see through中英文意思分別是中英文意思分別是_.Approval _(詞性詞性), 中英文意思分別是中英文意思分別是 _.中文意思中文意思: 同意同意, 許可。英文意思:許可。英文意思:to consider fair, good, or right; commend (a person or thing)中文意思:看穿中文意思:看穿, 識破。英文意思:識破。英文意思:to perceive the true nature of名詞名詞 總統(tǒng)已經(jīng)同意這個計劃了。總統(tǒng)已經(jīng)同意這個計
18、劃了。The president _ _ the plan. 自從我們得到了官方的許可繼續(xù)這個項自從我們得到了官方的許可繼續(xù)這個項目以來,有三個月的時間了。目以來,有三個月的時間了。It is just three months _運用運用 根據(jù)漢語意思完成英文句子。根據(jù)漢語意思完成英文句子。 has already given hisapproval to since we receivedofficial approval to go ahead with theproject.4. At first, in spite of disliking him, she did not disc
19、ount his affection, and was sensitive to the pain she was going to cause him when she declined his offer of marriage. 起初起初, 雖雖然不喜歡他然不喜歡他, 她并沒有漠視他的愛她并沒有漠視他的愛, 而且還而且還很在意拒絕他的求婚會給他帶來痛苦。很在意拒絕他的求婚會給他帶來痛苦。思考思考: discount (vt.)意思是意思是: to regard something as unlikely to be true or important 認為認為真實真實, 認為認為不重要不
20、重要 sensitive ( adj. )意思是意思是easily upset or offended by events or things that people say 敏感、在意敏感、在意 decline ( vt. )意思是意思是to say no politely when someone invites you somewhere, offers you something, or wants you to do something (禮貌地禮貌地)拒絕拒絕 所有的專家們都不相信這些調(diào)查的準確所有的專家們都不相信這些調(diào)查的準確性。性。All the experts _ of th
21、e polls. 雖然她是個自信的人雖然她是個自信的人, 但對批評的話仍但對批評的話仍是非常在意。是非常在意。Though she is confident, _ _criticism.運用運用 根據(jù)漢語意思完成英文句子。根據(jù)漢語意思完成英文句子。discounted the accuracyshe remainedvery sensitive to 史密斯拒絕了所提供的主席的史密斯拒絕了所提供的主席的職位職位,寧愿繼續(xù)他現(xiàn)在的工作。寧愿繼續(xù)他現(xiàn)在的工作。Offered the position of chairman, Smith _, preferring to keep his curr
22、ent job. declined5. Perhaps you think that discrimination of this kind was in force a very long time ago because, after all, it is a very old-fashioned idea. 或許你會認為這種類型的歧視只會在或許你會認為這種類型的歧視只會在很久以前才有影響,因為畢竟這是一種很很久以前才有影響,因為畢竟這是一種很落伍的想法。落伍的想法。思考思考: in force 意思是意思是: if a law, rule etc is in force, it alre
23、ady exists 開始實施、生效開始實施、生效 類似的著裝要求在所有的迪士尼樂園類似的著裝要求在所有的迪士尼樂園開始實施了。開始實施了。Similar rules on appearance _ at all Disney amusement parks. 禁止貿(mào)易令已經(jīng)實施了一年了。禁止貿(mào)易令已經(jīng)實施了一年了。The trade embargo _ for a year.運用運用 根據(jù)漢語意思完成英文句子。根據(jù)漢語意思完成英文句子。has been in force are in force6. Those who got round this ban were: Jane Austen
24、, the three Bront? sisters (Charlotte, Emily and Anne), and the writer known as George Eliot. 繞過對繞過對女子寫小說的限制的人有:簡奧斯汀、女子寫小說的限制的人有:簡奧斯汀、勃朗特三姐妹勃朗特三姐妹(夏洛特、艾米利和安妮夏洛特、艾米利和安妮), 以及人們稱之為喬治艾略特的作家。以及人們稱之為喬治艾略特的作家。思考思考 get round意思是意思是:to avoid something that is difficult or causes problems for you 繞過、躲避繞過、躲避; 順
25、利克服、應(yīng)順利克服、應(yīng)付付 你有沒有辦法解決這個問題?你有沒有辦法解決這個問題?Do you _ the problem? 她總是很聰明地繞過這些法規(guī)。她總是很聰明地繞過這些法規(guī)。She _ _ the rules.運用運用 根據(jù)漢語意思完成英文句子。根據(jù)漢語意思完成英文句子。 find a way of getting round was always very clever atgetting around7. Among them Charles Dickens (18121870) stands out as a literary critic of the injustices of
26、 his society.在這些作家中在這些作家中, 查查爾斯爾斯 狄更斯作為社會不公正問題文學批評狄更斯作為社會不公正問題文學批評家是最為出眾的。家是最為出眾的。思考思考 stand out 意思是意思是: to be much better than other similar people or things 出眾;突出出眾;突出 這個科學家成功戰(zhàn)勝了這種在許多國家中這個科學家成功戰(zhàn)勝了這種在許多國家中傳播的疾病傳播的疾病, 現(xiàn)在被認為是最偉大的人物?,F(xiàn)在被認為是最偉大的人物。The scientist _ that had spread in many countries now _
27、the greatest person.運用運用 根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子。根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子。 stands out aswho defeated the disease8. David benefits from her truly generous nature, and owes his education, wealth and happiness to her care. 在她的關(guān)心下在她的關(guān)心下, 大衛(wèi)受大衛(wèi)受到了教育、獲得了財富和幸福。到了教育、獲得了財富和幸福。to have something or achieve something because of what some
28、one else has done把把成功的原因歸因于成功的原因歸因于思考思考 owe .to.意思是意思是:他把他的成功歸因于她的堅決行動。他把他的成功歸因于她的堅決行動。He _her prompt action.運用運用 根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子。根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子。 owes his success to 9. In vain have I struggled! It will not do. 我怎么掙扎都不行我怎么掙扎都不行, 不管用!不管用!思考思考 in vain意思是意思是: without success in spite of your efforts 徒然,徒勞徒然,徒勞警
29、察搜尋這個失蹤的槍手。警察搜尋這個失蹤的槍手。Police searched _for the missing gunman.運用運用 根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子。根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子。in vain10.I did everything in my power to separate my friend from your sister, and I rejoice in my success.思考思考: do everything in ones power意思是:意思是:_竭盡全力竭盡全力 政府將竭盡全力去刺激經(jīng)濟發(fā)展。政府將竭盡全力去刺激經(jīng)濟發(fā)展。The government _ _to s
30、timulate economic growth. 我愿盡我的力量幫助你。我愿盡我的力量幫助你。I will _. 運用運用 根據(jù)漢語意思完成英文句子。根據(jù)漢語意思完成英文句子。 will do everything in its powerdo everything in my power tohelp you These women having produced works of the highest quality, any survey of the 19th century English literature must include them. 句型句型: 獨立主語獨立主語+
31、 v-ing /v-ed /to do(獨立主獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)格結(jié)構(gòu))說明說明: 獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)與狀語從句可相互轉(zhuǎn)獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)與狀語從句可相互轉(zhuǎn)換。換。 工作完成后工作完成后, 我們就回家了。我們就回家了。_, we went home. 仿寫仿寫 用獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)和狀語從句完成用獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)和狀語從句完成句子。句子。The work done (=After the work had been done) 如果天氣允許的話如果天氣允許的話, 他們將在他們將在明天組織一次海濱小游。明天組織一次海濱小游。 _, they will go on an outing to the beach tomorro
32、w. Weather permitting (=If weatherpermits) 因為明天要發(fā)表一個重要的演講因為明天要發(fā)表一個重要的演講, 教授不得不熬夜到很晚。教授不得不熬夜到很晚。 _, the professor has to stay up late into the night. An important lecture to be given tomorrow (=As an important lecture will be given tomorrow) 他躺在草地上他躺在草地上, 兩手交叉枕在腦兩手交叉枕在腦后。后。He was lying on the grass,
33、_. crossed under his head (=and his hands were crossed under his head) his hands 1. With the 19th century being regarded as one of great women writers, there were also some excellent male authors. 19世紀世紀被認為是偉大的女作家人才輩出的世紀被認為是偉大的女作家人才輩出的世紀, 這一時期也有一些優(yōu)秀的男作家。這一時期也有一些優(yōu)秀的男作家。結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句中結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句中“with賓語現(xiàn)在分詞賓語現(xiàn)在分詞
34、短語作賓補短語作賓補”稱為稱為with的復合結(jié)構(gòu)的復合結(jié)構(gòu), 在句在句中作時間狀語。主句是中作時間狀語。主句是there were also some excellent male authors。2. It was also in her refreshingly light and ironic style, evident from the first sentence of the novel: “Everyone knows that a single man with a fortune must be in want of a wife.” 她的作品的魅力還體現(xiàn)在她那清新明快而又
35、她的作品的魅力還體現(xiàn)在她那清新明快而又帶點諷刺的寫作風格上帶點諷刺的寫作風格上, 這從小說的第一句就可以很清這從小說的第一句就可以很清楚地看出來:楚地看出來:“眾所周知眾所周知, 凡是有財產(chǎn)的單身漢必須娶凡是有財產(chǎn)的單身漢必須娶一位太太。一位太太。” 結(jié)構(gòu)分析:這個句子的主干是結(jié)構(gòu)分析:這個句子的主干是It was.; 其中其中, in her refreshingly light and ironic style 在句子中做狀語在句子中做狀語; know 的后面跟一個的后面跟一個that引導的賓語從句引導的賓語從句, 從句的主干是從句的主干是a single man must be.; 其中
36、其中with a fortune 在從句中做在從句中做作定語,修飾作定語,修飾man。 1. literary adj. 文學的;作家的文學的;作家的 _ n. 有讀寫能力有讀寫能力 _ adj. 有讀寫能力的有讀寫能力的 _ n. 文學作品文學作品 literacy literateliterature2. contradict vt. 反駁;駁斥反駁;駁斥 _ n. 反駁;矛盾反駁;矛盾 _ adj. 互相矛盾互相矛盾的的; 互相對立的互相對立的 contradictioncontradictory3. produce vt. 生產(chǎn);制造;出版生產(chǎn);制造;出版 _ n. 生產(chǎn)生產(chǎn) _ n.
37、 產(chǎn)品產(chǎn)品 _ n. 生產(chǎn)者生產(chǎn)者 _ adj. 能生產(chǎn)的能生產(chǎn)的; 肥沃的肥沃的 _ n. 生產(chǎn)力生產(chǎn)力production product producer productiveproductivity4. skeptical adj. 不肯相信的不肯相信的; 常懷疑的常懷疑的 _ adv. 不肯相信地不肯相信地; 常常懷疑地懷疑地 _ n. 持懷疑態(tài)度的人持懷疑態(tài)度的人skepticallyskeptic 5. deception n. 欺騙;騙術(shù)欺騙;騙術(shù) _ adj. 可能欺騙的可能欺騙的; 導致誤解的導致誤解的 _ v. 欺騙欺騙 _ adj. 不誠實的不誠實的 _ n. 欺騙;欺
38、詐欺騙;欺詐deceptivedeceive deceitful deceit 6. approve v. 贊成;認可贊成;認可 _ n. 贊成;同意贊成;同意 _ n. 批準者;贊成者批準者;贊成者 _ adv. 贊成地贊成地approvalapproverapprovingly 7. describe vt. 描述;描寫描述;描寫 _ n. 描述;形容描述;形容 _ adj. 描寫的描寫的descriptiondescriptive8. ambiguous adj. 有歧義的有歧義的; 曖昧的曖昧的 _ adv. 曖昧地;不明確地曖昧地;不明確地 _ n. 曖昧曖昧; 不明確不明確 _ n
39、. 有歧義有歧義; 不止一種意思不止一種意思 ambiguouslyambiguousnessambiguity9. generous adj. 大方的;慷慨的大方的;慷慨的 _ adv. 大方地;慷慨地大方地;慷慨地 _ n. 慷慨;大方;寬容慷慨;大方;寬容generouslygenerosity10. sense n. 感覺感覺 _ adj. 敏感的;靈敏度高的敏感的;靈敏度高的 _ adv. 敏感地;神經(jīng)過敏地敏感地;神經(jīng)過敏地 _ n. 敏感敏感 _ v. 使敏感;使易于感光使敏感;使易于感光 _ adj. 不細膩的不細膩的; 不體貼別人的不體貼別人的insensitivesensi
40、tivesensitively sensitivitysensitize1. He give us an _(ambiguity) answer.2. His remark was _ (contradict) to the truth.contradictory ambiguous3. It bothers me that he can be so _ (sense).4. I hope the arrangements meet with your _(approve).approval insensitive5. My assurances dont satisfy him; hes s
41、till _(skeptic).6. Dickens A Tale of Two Cities is a _(literacy) classic.literary skeptical7. Thank you for contributing _ (generous) to these funds.8. The police asked me to _ (describe) exactly how it happened.describe generously9. The workers are trying their best to increase _(produce).10. _(dec
42、eption) advertising has damaged the companys image among the consumer. Deceptive productivity9. The audience was carried away by his _(inspire) speech.10. You will never know how much your _(encourage) meant to me.encouragementinspiring1._ 對對評價不高評價不高2. _ 白費地白費地; 徒勞地徒勞地3. _立起身來立起身來4. _ 突出突出; 杰出杰出; 顯眼
43、顯眼stand out think ill ofin vainpull oneself up5. _ 用用的名字的名字; 在在的名義下的名義下6. _ 違心地違心地7. in force _8. get round _避開;說服;克服;順利應(yīng)付避開;說服;克服;順利應(yīng)付 under the name ofagainst ones will大規(guī)模地大規(guī)模地; 大批地大批地; 有效地有效地; 在實施中在實施中9. see through _10. struggle against _11. at length _12. straight away _立即;馬上立即;馬上識破識破; 看穿看穿; 把某
44、任務(wù)進行到底把某任務(wù)進行到底與與做斗爭做斗爭詳盡地詳盡地; 最后最后; 終于終于1. On one hand, _ society develops, womens social position _ (raise) greatly.2. On the other hand, _ (compare) with men, women have _ own advantages.their ashas been raisedcompared3. Women should _ (provide) with equal job opportunities rather than be looked d
45、own upon and treated _ (fair).4. If I have improved in any way, I owe it all _ you.to be providedunfairly5. He tried to object to me for the position, but _vain.6. With these _(do), I think we can greatly improve our performance. done in7. I have done everything _ my power to solve the problem.8. Af
46、ter discussion, the students came to understand it at _ (long).length in9. When I felt tired, I _ (watch) TV for a while, listen to the music, or have a chat with my families.10. The statue, _was built a hundred years ago, is three meters high and covers _ area of 50 square meters.anwould watchwhich
47、1. A. business B. sensitiveness C. bitternessD. tirednessA由句中的由句中的because of the poor economy可推出填可推出填business。business與與economy是詞語同現(xiàn)。是詞語同現(xiàn)。2. A. luggageB. marriage C. porridgeD. carriage B根據(jù)下句中的根據(jù)下句中的My family.was broken可知??芍arriage與與family是詞語同現(xiàn)。是詞語同現(xiàn)。 Three years ago, many difficulties happened t
48、o me, and my life began to go wrong. I not only lost my ten-year 1 because of the poor economy but also lost my 2 of 21 years. 五、完形填空五、完形填空 My family, which had been my 3 and joy, was broken. Suddenly, I almost lost all of my 4 and material treasures. 3. A. sorrow B. grief C. pride D. supportC因因prid
49、e(自豪自豪)與后面的與后面的joy(歡樂歡樂)是詞語同現(xiàn)。是詞語同現(xiàn)。4. A. physicalB. cultural C. traditionalD. spiritual D根據(jù)空后的根據(jù)空后的material(物質(zhì)的物質(zhì)的)可推出填可推出填spiritual(精神上的精神上的)。spiritual與與material是詞語是詞語同現(xiàn)。同現(xiàn)。One day, my friend Rhonda introduced me to an online 5 ; she told me there I could find the power to live. In the community,
50、I learned many stories 6 by other people. 5. A. societyB. service C. community D. environment C下段第一句中的下段第一句中的In the community有提示。與有提示。與community是原詞復現(xiàn)。是原詞復現(xiàn)。6. A. shared B. spared C. stared D. flared A根據(jù)常識根據(jù)常識, 既然是一個網(wǎng)絡(luò)社區(qū)既然是一個網(wǎng)絡(luò)社區(qū), 所以大家在那里分所以大家在那里分享享(share)一些自己的故事。一些自己的故事。 Many of them also had 7 in l
51、ife; some had lost their family, and some had lost their jobs. Our life was 8 , but the difference was that they found courage to live again and overcome the difficulties. 7. A. luck B. trouble C. opportunity D. wealthB因因trouble與下文的與下文的some had lost their family, and some had lost their jobs是上下義詞復現(xiàn)。
52、是上下義詞復現(xiàn)。8. A. familiar B. popular C. similar D. labor C根據(jù)句中的根據(jù)句中的but the difference was that可推出填可推出填similar。similar與與difference 是詞語同現(xiàn)。是詞語同現(xiàn)。When I planned to forget my 9 past, inspired by their encouraging stories, another tragic thing 10 my life. 9. A. valuableB. Believable C. avoidableD. miserable
53、D根據(jù)第一段的根據(jù)第一段的I almost lost all of my 4 and material treasures可知??芍?0. A. attacked B. attempted C. attendedD. attained A因為從下文因為從下文 I lost my cat 可以推斷出可以推斷出“又一件悲劇性又一件悲劇性的事情襲擊的事情襲擊(attacked)了我的生活。了我的生活。”I lost my cat Lilo, my only remaining family remember. To relieve my 11 , I wrote my first 12 to th
54、e community, telling all of my stories. 11. A. delight B. joy C. surprise D. sorrow D根據(jù)前文中的根據(jù)前文中的another tragic thing 10 my life可知。可知。因因sorrow與與tragic 是近義詞復現(xiàn)。是近義詞復現(xiàn)。12. A. compositionB. email C. letterD. essay B根據(jù)下面的根據(jù)下面的The community also 13 to my email可知??芍?。與與email是原詞復現(xiàn)。是原詞復現(xiàn)。 I never expected mag
55、ic would happen to life. But three days later, Lilo was back in front of my home. The community also 13 to my email to encourage me, saying, “Some losses may never come back, but some will come back as an inspiration of life. You are not alone.” 13. A. replied B. answered C. receivedD. accepted A從下面
56、的從下面的saying可以知道,他們回復可以知道,他們回復(reply to)了我的了我的email。 Since then, my life has become 14 again. Whenever you feel that things are bad for you, something 15 may happen to you soon. Dont be sad about what you have lost. Be positive! 14. A. light B. damp C. dark D. brightD根據(jù)句意及語境可知。根據(jù)句意及語境可知。bright與前面的與前面的encourage, inspiration是詞語同現(xiàn)。是詞語同現(xiàn)。15. A. unlucky B. good C. sad D. unhealthy B由句中的由句中的Whenever you feel that things are bad for you可推出填可推出填good。good與與bad是詞語同現(xiàn)。是詞語同現(xiàn)。 【助讀詞匯【助讀詞匯】go wrong 變得不正常變得不正常treasure 財富財富remaining 剩下的剩下的inspiration 鼓舞人心的人或事鼓舞人心的人或事
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