
1、《閱讀理解4》 We can express thoughts and feeli ngs and send sounds and pictures on our smartphones today . Wecan't send tastes , smells or touch . But some scientists in Britain are trying to develop a way for smartpho ne s to do that . To give users a sense of taste , Adrian David Cheok and some ot
2、her scie ntists desig ned two electrodes ( 電極片).“ You put these two electrodes in your mouth, you put your tongue in between and then your tongue will get a virtual taste perception (虛擬味覺)in your brain , ” said Professor Cheok . They have already created sour , salty , sweet and bitter tastes . A
3、 device called “ Seen tee ” permits users to have the sense of smell . Scien tists put a Seen tee into a smartpho ne , and it can spray ( 噴射)small clouds of fragrance , in cludi ng flowers , fruits and coffee . Professor Cheok says the person speaking can activate ( 激活) the device . Seen tee hold
4、s a container with about 100 differe nt smells . The container must be replaced whe n all the smells run out The sense of touch comes from a ring-like device . It is connected wirelessly to the smartpho ne . "I can be in London and myfrie nd can be in Tokyo , and I can squeeze my fin ger and the
5、n they'll get a squeeze on their fin ger through the Internet . It's a way of touch communication with small mobile devices ," Professor Cheok said . Professor Cheok hopes devices like these will someday be added to houses. He says they may cha nge the future of Ion g-dista nee com mun icati on 1
6、. Adrian David Cheok and some other scientists are trying to . A. make smartphones smaller B . make smartphones send sounds and pictures C . make smartphones send tastes , smells and touch D . make smartphones much cheaper 2 . According to the passage , the tongue will get a virtual taste perc
7、eption by . A. putt ing the smartph one into the mouth B . touching two electrodes in the mouth C . touch ing the device called “ Seen tee ” D. connecting to a rin g-like device wirelessly 3 . What does the underlined word “ fragranee ” mean ? A .痛苦 B .權(quán)利 C .香味 D .力量 4 . From the third paragr
8、aph we can infer that . A . differe nt smells can be put in side Seen tee B . the container can only holds 50 different smells C . people n eed n't activate the device called Seen tee D . all the smells can be reused . so they won't fun out 5 . What's the main idea of this passage? A . The hi
9、story of Ion g-dista nee com mun icati on B . Future smartphones can send tastes , smells and touch . C . How smartph ones work . D. Smartph ones make people's com muni cati on convenient What do you do with tartUx?ard (蚯板箱)? Young Austrahans play a box fight! They make cardboard boxes 加o cars,
10、tanks and big anin^ls. Then they start a big eame up with the idea ten years more popular around the world. fight” Two Australians ago. Now it / becoming What is the monkey doing? It is drawing a picture! It lives at the Oakland Zoo in 饑 US. h isn't the only painter (畫家)a! the zoo. Ekphants, gira
11、ffes, goats and other aniinah can ail paint. The zookwpers use food to guide Them,
rates)mo history. He beM n
37-yeaF-old recordL He ran
16. S meters per minute. That
Bertie* lhe world*s
is twice as ^st 俯 other tunics.
fastest turtle, is Bntain.
The n 12、ld you eal ihem for dinner? A Japanese seieniisi rnade chein. He used a special dye to make
the noodles look like neon lights (霓虹燈}. No one but the scienlist knows what the noodles taste like.
1. Why do the young Australia ns make cars and tanks with cardboard boxes A . To make money.
B . To pl 13、ay a fight game .
C . To fight .
D . To have a match
2. How do the zookeepers make the animals paint?
A . By teachi ng them skills .
B . By showing them pictures .
C . By guiding them with food .
D . By showing them videos .
3 . What is the other turtles' running speed?
A . 8 . 4 meters pe 14、r minute
B . 16 . 8 meters per minute
C . 33 . 6 meters per minute
D . 67 . 2 meters per minute
4 . From Passage 4 , we can infer that “ dye ” is .
A . somethi ng that can make people healthy
B . somethi ng that can help people relax
C . somethi ng that makes food colorful
D . somethi ng tha 15、t makes food delicious
5 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A . Play ing a box fight is more and more popular around the world
B . Only mon keys can paint pictures at the Oakla nd Zoo
C . Bertie from Britai n is the world's fastest turtle
D. Only the scie ntist knows 16、 what the colorful hoodles taste like
Steali ng? Maybe , but in our 13-year-old mi nds we were just
We were not thinking about whose things they were . Wejust the best raspberries ( 山莓)in the n eighborhood .
enjoying n ature's gift .
knew the Jordans family had
So on a Friday summer night , we 17、secretly went into the Jordans ' backyard and started
picking their sweet, juicy raspberries . There isn't anything that tastes better than fresh raspberries . As we were enjoying the delicious raspberries , suddenly the Jordans ' backyard lights came on , and Mr . Jordans ran outside
“ What are y 18、ou boys doing out here ?” he shouted as myfrie nds ran off in all direct ions
They were too quick for the old gen tlema n to catch , and with in sec onds the boys
disappeared into the dark
All except me
Mr . Jordans shouted at me as he ran after medown the block to my house, where my mother
too 19、k over . My mother said sorry over and over again
I felt so embarrassed ( 尷尬的).My
friends said they could hear every word she said to Mr
Jorda ns from our backyard
My friends laughed at me about it for days afterwards
After about a week of this
I could n't help but complain to my father .
"I 20、don't think it's unfair at all . ” said Dad . “You took raspberries without asking ,
and you got exactly the puni shme nt you should have . ”
“ But what about the other guys? ” I asked . “ They did n't get puni shed at all! ”
“ That's not my concern (關(guān)心),nor should it be yours . ” said Dad . “ Yo 21、u can't control
what happens to other people . You made a bad choice that night , and you were punished for
it . That sounds completely fair to me . ”
1. What does the phrase “ ellaoying nature's gift ” refer to?
A . Walking around their neighborhood .
B . Seeing who has the best raspberries 22、 .
C . Paying a visit to the Jordans ' backyard .
D . Picking the Jordans ' raspberrie s without asking
2. Hearing Mr . Jordans , shouting , .
A . the writer's friends ran off quickly
B . the writer tried to call her mother for help
C . all the boys were scared to cry
D . all the boys playe 23、d tricks on Mr . Jordans
3 . What did the writer's mother say to Mr . Jorda ns?
A . She told a lie to him .
B . She praised the writer a lot .
C . She apologized to him .
D . She promised to give him some colorful fruits .
4 . Why did the writer thi nk it was un fair?
A . Jorda ns did n't all 24、ow him to pick the raspberries .
B . None of his friends helped him to escape that night .
C . His enjoying nature's gift was mistaken as stealing
D . He was puni shed while the others were n't
5 . What less on did the writer's dad teach him?
A . There's no fairness in the world .
B . One shou 25、ld pay for his or her own mistakes .
C . Parents only need to care for their own kids .
D . Don't try to control others ' behavior .
Joh n has bee n a heavy smoker for over 20 years . However, he fin ally decided to give
it up . So he paid a visit to a doctor to get some advice .
The docto 26、r told John he used to smoke too . “ When I first tried stopping it , ” he said ,
"I told myself that cigarettes are awful and harmful to my health , dangerous to my family and damagi ng to my job . ”
“ After this fight in my mind , I kept away from smoking for a while . But several days
later I 27、would wake up again and forget about my decision completely . ‘ Maybe smoking is not so terrible? ' I would find an excuse . ‘ And what if I don't smoke around my family and go where n obody can see me ? '"
He kept stopp ing and the n start ing aga in . His rati on alizati on made him pick up cigar 28、ettes
aga in and aga in . Fin ally . he decided to try a differe nt strategy ( 策略).
"I took a cigarette in my hand , looked at it and told myself : ‘Yes, this cigarette
will make me happy . I want to smoke it . But I will stop! ' ” the doctor said excitedly .
“ This strategy worked , and I have 29、not smoked a cigarette since then . The reason I think I succeeded is that I did n't fool myself into trying to create a bad image of cigarettes . In stead , I agreed that I wan ted it , but I chose to con troI my desires .
“ So be honest with yourself , ” said the doctor . “ Don't pretend you disl 30、ike playing
computer games or eati ng fast food . In stead tell yourself that these things are all fine only if you can control your mind . Moderation is the key .”
1. The doctor first tried to give up smoking by .
A. telling himself the harm smoking causes
B . ask ing his family to remi nd him 31、
C . turning to his doctor for help
D . quitting his job and taking a special course
2. During his first try to stop smoking , the doctor did the following EXCEPT
A . fighti ng his mind
B . forgett ing about his decisi on
C . smok ing time after time
D . stre ngthe ning his mind
3 . What ma 32、de the doctor's strategy work at last?
A . Some medici ne helped .
B . A bad image of cigarettes scared him .
C . He just did nothing and he stopped .
D . He revalued smok ing and refused it in heart .
4 . What does the underlined word “ Moderation ” mean in the last paragraph?
A . Asking for 33、advice from doctors .
B . Self-contro1
C . Fooling yourself .
D . Knowing the truth .
The China Foun dati on for Poverty Alleviati on ( 中國扶
會)has started a program to hire and train 100 local women
substitute mothers ( 替代媽媽)to take care of left-behind childre n . The three-year program wi 34、ll select 100 villages
children , ” said Liu Wenkui, secretary
Sichua n Prov ince and hire one woma n ifl each village
of the foundation . The" substitute n eed and help ing them with problems to 500 children . There will be a
office and childre n's play ing space
It is a model to solve the pro 35、blem of left-behind
mothers "will do parents 'job ‘finding out what the children
.Each substitute mother will take care of about 300
“ children's home ” in each village to be the mother's
.Their job is to provide quick service and discover
.“ We want
work , ” Liu said . “ We
." The program in 36、
, we will start it in
the childre n's problems
The program hopes to hire wome n aged 19 to 55 years old from the villages to hire full-time ‘ mothers ' to make sure they won't think about other want local wome n because they un dersta nd local la nguages and cultures Sichuan is an experiment , a 37、nd Liu said , “ If it is a successful model the whole country . ”
to take their children 過渡的)way to solve the problem , ” he added
"If parents are forced to leave home to earn a living and unable
with them , we are look ing for a tran siti on al (
“l(fā)eft-behind ” in Paragraph 1?
1. What's t 38、he Chin ese meaning of the un derl ined word
A .留守 B .遺棄 C .輟學(xué) D
2. How long will the program last?
A . Three mon ths . B . A year .
C . Three years . D . Ten years .
3 . Who is possible to be a substitute mother?
A . A girl at the age of 18 .
B . A woman with a part-time job .
C . A man fr 39、om the local village .
D . A woman who knows local Ianguage .
4 . Which is NOT true accord ing to the passage?
A . A substitute mother plays a role of parents
B . Each substitute mother will take care of about 300 to 500 children
C . Each village will have a “ children's home ”.
D . The childr 40、en's parents will pay for the substitute mother
5 . What's the best title for the passage?
A . Left-behind Children's Problems
B . Substitute Mothers in Villages
C . Left-behind Women's Problems
D . Substitute Children in Villages
A . CCTV-1 B
C . CCTV- 7 D . CCTV-10
2 . The Chief's 41、Choice
is show n
A . every day
C. five times a week
.on weekends
.once a week
3 . What food does Chief Nic
in troduce?
A . Chinese food
Traditi onal food
Mrs . Wang enjoy cook ing and she ofte n watches some cook ing programs on TV
TV program
Channel & Time
Whal is it about 42、?
Wang Xuevhun
Fntinn Monday to Friday
It iniroduces one delicious Chinese dish each time.
The Chefs Choice
Chef Nic
Xjc Tingfeng
Zhejiang TV
Af 21 ; 10 on Saturday
Xie Tin^l'eng and many other famous amn travel around ihe world lo kwk for deliciu 43、uH Rmx1l
The Taste
Not known
At 22 :45
Fruin Monday lo Sunday
The program tries to find rhe traditional dixhujf during the Spring Festival in the old times.
-- , - .-
1. You can't watch The Chief's Choice on
C. English food . D . Food around the world
4. It is 21 : 15 o 44、n Saturday . What program is Mrs . Wang probably watching?
Chef NiC .
Traveli ng around the world
The Chef's Choice .
The Taste .
A . The Chef's Choice . B C . The TaSte. D
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A . Xie Tingfeng is the host of
The Taste tries to find food for the Spring Festival 45、 Chef Nic is shown three tirues a week
B. Famous stars ofte n appear in C .
My parents turned mywhole world upside down when they told methey were getting a divorce (離婚).I could n't believe our family was going to break up .
It changed my life completely . My mother and I moved int 46、o a small apartment across town ,
while my father and brother , Bill , stayed in our house .
And very soon I had my stepfather ( 繼父),Dan . Even though I was n't very nice to him ,
he n ever gave up on me .
As time went on, I realized that we had some things in common especially when it came
to 47、movies and TV shows . We bega n to spe nd a lot of time together hanging out . It gave us
a cha nee to talk and get to know each other .
Better still , Dan was always around when I needed advice on school or friends . Once
I began to be warm to Dan , the three of us began spending a lot of time t 48、ogether . We often
went out to eat and took short trips had n ever had before .
My father also found happ in ess
.Fin ally , I discovered I had a happy family that I
—he remarried and had another child , my half-sister ,
—cha nge is not always for the worse . Sometimes,
At 13 . I l 49、ear ned an importa nt truth
it is just what we n eed the most
1. How many people were there in the writer's family before his parents got a divorce?
2 . At first , the writer
A . 1iked B
C . was unfriendly to
is stepfather
.could n't sta nd
D . did n't trust
3 . Which is NOT true about D 50、an?
A . He was the writer's stepfather .
B . He liked to take short trips .
C . He had a daughter Michelle .
D . He gave advice on the writer's school or friends
4 . The writer was a (n) .
A . student B . reporter C . teacher D . artist
5 . What does the writer want to tell us through his st 51、ory?
A . Life is not easy for every one of us .
B . Sometimes stepfather is better than father .
C . He met too much trouble in his early years .
D . Sometimes, change is just what we need the most
A famous violinist enters the stage to perform a solo at a New York City music
hall . Getti 52、ng on stage is no small task for him . A brain disease he got as a child forces
him to walk with crutches ( 拐杖).
Seeing him walk across the stage is hard to forget . He walks painfully , but gracefully , until he reaches his chair . He sits down slowly , puts his crutches on the floor and places h 53、is legs in the correct place . Then he picks up the violin , puts it under his chin , nods
to the con ductor and starts to play .
But suddenly something goes wrong . The violinist finishes the first few parts of the
piece , but one of the stri ngs on his violi n breaks . Every one hears it clearl 54、y . People thi nk the violi nist will n eed to stop to find ano ther stri ng or violi n . But he does n't . In stead ,
he stops for a moment , closes his eyes and goes on . He plays from where he left off , with
a passi on and power that people have n ever heard before .
It is impossible to play 55、with only three stri ngs . But this musicia n refuses to give
up . He seems to play the stri ngs in new ways to make the sounds he n eeded from the miss ing stri ng .
When he fini shes , every one in hall bursts into applause .
The musician smiles and says, “ Sometimes it is up to the musician to 56、 find out how much music he can make with what he has 1efl. ”
1. There is something wrong with the violinist's .
A. brain B . violin C . chin D . eyes
2 . The first two paragraphs aim to show that .
A . the violinist is very famous
B . it's hard for the violinist to do such work
C . the viol 57、i nist is not con fide nt in himself
D . it took the violinist a lot of time to prepare
3 . What does the violi nist do when his violi n stri ng breaks?
A . He finds another string
B . He finds another violin
C . He goes on playing
D . He gives up playing
4 . What message does the story tell 58、us?
A . A good musician can deal with every challenge
B . Playing the violin is not an easy job .
C . Learn how to be a good audienee
D . Make full use of what we still have
There is a town where many wine sellers live . One day, news arrived that in two weeks
the king would visit . The l 59、eader of the town called an emergency meeting in the town square to give a speech , “ The king is arriving soon. We will present a general gift in the name
of the whole tow n . Every family must don ate a cup of their fin est wine and pour it i nto
a golden jar here in the town square . ” People 60、left to find their best wine
One family began to discuss a way around this . They thought that if each person in the town poured a cup of wine into the jar , but their family brought a cup of water in stead . no one would notice the differenee . So why use their expensive wine?
Late that night whe 61、n no one was around , the husband walked down the street and poured
a cup of water into the jar . But he did n't know ano ther man had the same" brillia nt ” idea and so had ano ther .
on his golden
The big day arrived at last . and every one arrived to greet the king sitt ing
seat . The town le 62、ader started to speak
,showing honor and welcoming the king
As a gift ,
he offered the king the golde n jar of rich wine
The leader went to fill a golde n cup for the king to taste jar , he only found colorless and tasteless water !
1. What gift did the town leader decide to present to the ki 63、ng?
However, as he opened the
A . A welcome speech .
B . A list of the people in the town
C . A golden jar .
D . The best wine from every family
2. The husba nd poured water into the jar to
A. follow others ' example B
C . make a differenee D
3 . The un derl ined word " brillia nt
A . easy 64、 B . smart C
save his own wine
show his respect
in Paragraph 3 actually means
.bad D . impossible
4 . What less on does the story tell us?
A . A friend in n eed is a friend in deed
B . When in Rome . do as Roman do
C . Teamwork n eeds every on e's effort
D . The more we share . the more we 65、have
Take a look at the follow ing two movies worth watch ing
beadpool (《死侍》)
Release date; Feb. 16, 2016
Wade Wilson 口祀d to be 社 Special Forces member (持種部駅隊員)+ but he finds out he has cancer. Wade i$ given the chance to get better, but he
also gels the power to 6ght like no other 66、 man can. However# the cure has some terrible side effects (副作用).
Wade was Jeft with scarred skin and an unusually dark sense of humor (幽默感),Deadpool is the hidden
side of himseJr He now has the task of hu口ting down the man who tried to destroy his life.
This film has plenty of actions. For Marvel movie fans, this is a must-see.
Kung Fu Panda 3
丿申* " Release date: Jan. 291 2016
The dragon warrior (戰(zhàn) 士)is back! He will continue his wild adventures in Kung Fu Panda 3. This time t he has some
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