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1、分類號 HO 密級 公開U D C 碩 士 學 位 論 文 貌似無序的有序- 從混沌理論視角解讀佛羅倫薩的女巫 學 位 申 請 人: 符 貞 學 科 專 業(yè): 英語語言文學 指 導 教 師: 王秀銀 副教授 二 O 一二年五月 A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in English Language and Literature Orderly Disorder:Interpretation of The Enchantress

2、 of Florence from the Perspective of Chaos Theory M.A. Candidate: Fu Zhen Major: English Language and Literature Supervisor: Prof. Wang Xiuyin China Three Gorges University Yichang 443002 P. R. China May 2012 三峽大學學位論文原創(chuàng)性聲明 本人鄭重聲明:所呈交的學位論文,是本人在導師的指導下,獨立進行研究工作所取得的成果,除文中已經(jīng)注明引用的內容外,本論文不含任何其他個人或集體已經(jīng)發(fā)表或撰寫

3、過的作品成果。對本文的研究做出重要貢獻的個人和集體均已在文中以明確方式標明,本人完全意識到本聲明的法律后果由本人承擔。 學位論文作者簽名: 日 期:_ I 三 峽 大 學 碩 士 學 位 論 文 內 容 摘 要 薩爾曼拉什迪是英國文壇當代著名的后殖民流散作家,同時也是西方后現(xiàn)代文學創(chuàng)作的領軍人物之一。本文在后現(xiàn)代語境中試圖在文學研究與科學間架起橋梁,用混沌理論闡釋拉什迪佛羅倫薩的女巫中有序和無序的關系。本文認為該小說從內涵到外延都滲透著后現(xiàn)代認識論的范式轉換,有序和無序不再是二元化的兩極,相反,二者在互相交織互相彰顯的同時也在互相轉化,拉什迪在小說中運用非線性手法,將過去、現(xiàn)在、將來,東方、西

4、方都置于不確定、不可預測的混沌狀態(tài),而隱藏于混沌體系深層次的是拉什迪對人性、歷史和時代的關懷思想。 本文首先就作者、作品及文獻綜述進行了論述,并系統(tǒng)闡述了該論文的理論基礎:后現(xiàn)代語境下的范式轉換和混沌理論。 本文的第二章“游弋在歷史和現(xiàn)實的混沌中”主要從不確定性、不可預測性、非線型三個方面論述小說中復雜的無序現(xiàn)象。在歷史外衣的掩蓋下,小說人物的身份、小說的主題等都具有不確定性;事件的發(fā)生與發(fā)展在非線性的軌跡上充滿隨機性和不可預測性;小說的開放性結尾更把讀者置于無盡的無序當中。另外,小說通過并置、碎片、嵌套等手段,使讀者在閱讀中不停游移時空的四維空間之中。小說究竟是歷史還是杜撰,是魔幻還是現(xiàn)實,

5、讀者必須參與到小說意義的建構中來。 第三章“混沌空間中秩序的解構與重構”致力于研究隱藏于無序深層次中的有序。能量強大的無序打破了東西方封閉體系,同時解構了絕對大秩序(The Grand Order)的霸權地位,在此基礎上有序和無序交融、轉換,動態(tài)小秩序(The Local Order)不斷形成并自我結構。 第四章“奇怪吸引子(Strange Attractor):拉什迪的關懷思想”重點關注造成有序和無序巨大張力的因素。拉什迪的人性關懷、歷史關懷、及時代關懷思想扮演著混沌空間中“奇怪吸引子”的角色。正是拉什迪的關懷思想造就了小說無序的有序。 論文最后得出結論:混沌理論隱喻了拉什迪的小說創(chuàng)作,同時

6、也隱喻了整個人類社會。拉什迪在佛羅倫薩的女巫中構建了有序和無序的混沌空間,他試圖打破東西方封閉體系,建造起動態(tài)、發(fā)展、可變換的多元文化秩序,他以小說的形式表達了對當下后現(xiàn)代語境的重新定位與思考,對多元文化交融、共存的渴望,及對建立開放、兼容、和諧世界的美好愿景。關鍵詞:薩爾曼拉什迪 佛羅倫薩的女巫 混沌 有序 無序 II 三 峽 大 學 碩 士 學 位 論 文 Abstract Salman Rushdie is a preeminent postcolonial diasporic writer in British contemporaryliterary world and also o

7、ne of the leading figures in western postmodern literature. Thisdissertation tries to bridge literary study and science in postmodern context interpretingthe relationship between order and disorder in Rushdies novel The Enchantress ofFlorence under the chaos theory. This dissertation argues that a p

8、aradigm shift inpostmodern epistemology is reflected in the novel from both connotation and denotationorder and disorder turn from the dualistic opposition to inter-weaved and inter-exchangedstate. In the novel Rushdie put the past the present the future the east and the west inuncertain and unpredi

9、cted chaos by nonlinear skills. However what is encoded in thechaotic system is Rushdies solicitude thought on humanity history and age. In the introduction a brief account is provided on Rushdie The Enchantress ofFlorence literature review and the theoretical foundation:paradigm shift and chaos the

10、ory. Chapter two entitled “cruising in the chaos of history and reality” is devoted to studythe complex disorder in this novel from the three aspects of chaos theory: uncertaintyunpredictability and nonlinearity. Under the historical disguise characters identity themesare ambivalent and uncertain th

11、e occurrence and development of the events are randomand unpredicted on the nonlinear trail and the open ending also put readers in infinitedisorder. Besides by the means of juxtaposition fragmentation and nestification Rushdieguides readers cruise in the spatial and temporal four-dimensional space.

12、 To make clearwhether the novel is history or fabrication magic or reality the readers must join in theconstruction of meanings. Chapter three entitled “deconstruction and reconstruction of order in the chaoticspace” is endeavored to study order encoded in disorder. Powerful disorder breaks theclose

13、d systems of the west and the east and at the same time deconstruct the hegemony ofthe grand order. Based on that order and disorder are fused and inter-changed dynamiclocal order is formed and then deconstructed again. Chapter four “Rushdies solicitude thought as strange attractor” concerns on thef

14、actor that causes the tension between order and disorder. Rushdies solicitude on humanityhistory and age acts as the strange attractor in the chaotic space. It is such solicitude thatcreates the disorderly order in the novel. The conclusion is reached in the end that chaos theory is reflected in Rus

15、hdies III 三 峽 大 學 碩 士 學 位 論 文fictional world as well as the human society. In The Enchantress of Florence Rushdieconstructs a chaotic space to break the closed system of the west and the east meanwhilehe tries to build the dynamic developing and changeable plural cultural order. Rushdieponders on an

16、d relocates the postmodern context expressing his yearning for the culturalcoexistence cultural blending and for the construct of an open inclusive and eclecticharmonious world.Key words: Salman Rushdie The Enchantress of Florence Chaos Order Disorder IV 三 峽 大 學 碩 士 學 位 論 文 Contents1. Introduction.1

17、 1.1 Salman Rushdie and The Enchantress of Florence.1 1.2 Literature Reviews on Rushdie and the Novel .4 1.3 Chaos Theory .5 1.3.1 Background: the Paradigm Shift in Postmodern Context.6 1.3.2 Chaos Theory: Orderly Disorder.82. Cruising in the Chaos of History and Reality.11 2.1 Uncertainty and Unpre

18、dictability of History and Reality.11 2.1.1 Uncertain and Unpredicted Identity.11 2.1.2 Uncertain and Unpredicted Theme.13 2.1.3 Uncertain and Unpredicted Conflict.15 2.1.4 Uncertain and Unpredicted Ending.15 2.2 Nonlinearity of History and Reality.17 2.2.1 Juxtaposition.18 2.2.2 Fragmentation21 2.2

19、.3 Nestification.233. Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Order in the Chaotic Space.25 3.1 Breaking the Closed System of the West and the East.25 3.1.1 Communication.26 3.1.2 Dreams and Magic.27 3.2 Reconstructing the Dynamic Local Order.304. Rushdies Solicitude Thought as Strange Attractor.33 4.1

20、 Humanistic Solicitude.33 4.2 Historical Solicitude.35 4.3 Age Solicitude.365. Conclusion .39Bibliography.42Acknowledgements 45Appendix 46 V 三 峽 大 學 碩 士 學 位 論 文 1. Introduction This study is primarily focused on the fiction of Salman Rushdie one of Britainsmost remarkable writers of the postmodern t

21、ime with an intention to investigate the issueof order and disorder in his novel The Enchantress of Florence published in 2008. As “anincisive novelist essayist and cultural critic” Rushdie is incomparable during the pastseveral decades on the acclaim and controversy generated by him around the“cont

22、emporary debates about literature religious fundamentalism freedom of speech theimmigrant experience and popular culture” Keulks 2006: 425. While as a writer wholives in postmodern time he is also a representative of the spirits of postmodernism and theage.1.1 Salman Rushdie and The Enchantress of F

23、lorence Rushdie was born in a Muslim middle class family in Bombay India on 19 June 1947.As the only son of Anis Ahmed Rushdie a Cambridge-educated businessman who had anaddiction on Arabic Persia as well as western literature and Negin Bhatt a teacher whowas of great attainments on anthropology. Wi

24、th such genetic elements Rushdie showedgreat talents from the beginning. After the education at a Cathedral school in Bombay hewas sent to study in Rugby school in England. Later he entered the Kings collegeCambridge studying history and graduated in 1968. In 1964 his family moved to Karachiin Pakis

25、tan where Rushdie tried to work for the burgeoning TV industry after graduation.But the conservative and stereotyped audit system broke his dream and forced him toreturn to Britain where he worked as a copywriter in an advertising agency. Later heresigned to write as a full-time writer. Rushdies fir

26、st novel Grimus appears in 1975. Though it was not a successful one itsurely “confirmed that Rushdie was a skillful talented serious new voice” Keulks 2006:425. Rushdies second novel Midnights Children cast him into the limelight with greatliterary fame and won him the “Booker Prize” for the year an

27、d “Booker of Bookers” titletwenty-five years later a title granted to the best novel chosen from the twenty-fiveprevious winners of the prize. The novel established Rushdies characteristics ofhybridizing history and fantasy magic and reality. Rushdies third novel Shame continuedthe themes of politic

28、s myth and fantasy winning him artistic and commercial success until 1 三 峽 大 學 碩 士 學 位 論 文1988 when his next novel The Satanic Verses was published. The allegations that the novelhad blasphemed against Islam incurred massive protesting movement and brought Rushdiethe death fatwa from the former Iran

29、ian spiritual leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in1989. From then on Rushdie had to hide under the protection of British government. AfterKhomeinis death Rushdies living condition had been improved but his life is stillmenaced. In 1990s Rushdie published Haroun and the Sea of Stories 1990 EastWest

30、1994 The Moors Last Sigh 1995 The Ground Beneath Her Feet 1999. Enteringtwenty-first century Rushdie continues to show his talents in imagination and language.After the attention of Fury 2001 and Shalimar the Clown 2005 Rushdies latest novelThe Enchantress of Florence 2008 and Luka and the Fire of L

31、ife 2010 arouse readersinterest and controversy for another turn. Besides novel Rushdies works also include nonfiction: The Jaguar Smile: ANicaraguan Journey 1987 Imaginary Homelands: Essays and Criticism 1981-19911991 The Wizard of Oz 1992 and Step across this Line: Collected Nonfiction1992-2002 20

32、02. For his service and great contribution to literature Rushdie was knighted by theQueen Elizabeth . At present Rushdie settles in New York and has begun the work ofhis memoirs. As one of the pre-eminent experimental novelists Rushdie is known for hissignificant and solemn themes original and pecul

33、iar style. His experiences from Indiansubcontinent to western cultural center provide him opportunities to witness the migrantwriters psychological world. He argues that “the immigrant or expatriate is in a betterposition to appreciate the pluralistic contradictory nature of contemporary experience”

34、1992: 18. So by the special “double vision” he depicts the western and eastern culturalcollision and cultural displacement and he tries to “fine new ways of describing himselfnew ways of being human” Rushdie 1992: 287. “Hybridity” can be put in the first placeas Rushdies new way. Rushdies story is a

35、 melting pot hybridizing elements from westernculture Indian legends as well as Latin American literature. Besides allegories punsslangs are well employed by Rushdie exhibiting vivid and ambiguous pictures ofmetropolitan life and folk staff. Besides postcolonial writer Rushdie has been acclaimedby m

36、any western critics as “an exemplary exponent of postmodernist literature” Bennett1997: 4. From content to style Rushdies novels send forth traits of postmodernism. Thestructure of his novel is usually loose and miscellaneous while rich information is included 2 三 峽 大 學 碩 士 學 位 論 文in. The narrator b

37、reaks the temporal and spatial order weaving the past the present and thefuture together. The debris of the story is assembled together needing the readers effortsto endow them new meanings. By such postmodernist skills Rushdie succeeds insubverting the traditional narrative mode and constructing a

38、new narrative labyrinth withhis fantastic imagination oblique language obscure plot magical characters. ReadingRushdie has also become a process of painstaking delight which needs readers patienceimagination and thinking. The Enchantress of Florence is Rushdies tenth novel published in 2008. It isco

39、nsidered to be one of Rushdies most ingenious novels and was nominated the yearsBooker Prize. The novel is considered to be Rushdies “first attempt as historical fiction”which is followed by an extensive bibliography showing Rushdies arduous research in hiswriting. Martino 2009: 70 But behind such h

40、istorical dress Rushdies unconstrainedimagination and hopping thinking usher readers into a remote magical world. The novel is composed of 19 chapters. Chapter one starts the story like a fairytaledepositing its readers before an exotic golden palace at sunset. A blond foreigner arrives atcapital Sikri by a rented bullock and walks into the emperor Akbar the Greats courtcarr.

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