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1、國(guó)家開放大學(xué)電大??啤队⒄Z語音》期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):3949) 2022盜傳必究 I. Whkh did you hear7 (\ point for each correct amwcr) ChooM? from the following gmups of words the one you hear. Mark the corresponding letter with "J " in your nnswersherL Each of the words will be rvud once only- L A. fox Ek forks C. fix Il f?x 2

2、. A. rite B. set C. si! D. seat 3. A. bull 已 bow! C. boil D. ball 4. A. calm B. came C. come D? comb 5. A- night B. net G neat D. need 6. A. metre K matter C model FX middle 7. A. gftte B. get C* kite FX Kate 8. A< lave B. bugh G loaf !1 life 9. A. burn H. born C. bun

3、D< hnrn 10. A. class B? glass C. gras> 11 rros? IL Lhten and respond. (2 points for each correct answer) Cboosc the correct answer* /response to the questions you hear. Mark (he corresponding letter with "J "In your nnswer^heeL Each of the sentences will he read twice. L A? I'm not sure- Fd

4、have to check B? 1 don't think ?o. ItfII stay sunny> 2. A- Itfs near McDonald^. B. It stops a! Hejjing Railway station. 3. A? Ycs< it S in my pocket. B. Y”? out in the garcieru 4? A? IV-A-T K &E-T 5. A. Oh. yeah. They didn't even rest for a minute. & Ohi yeah. TheyF re only interested i

5、n playing. III. How do you pmnoutKc the w the thi

6、nl lonKcut river in Chin*! L They hit” ?mn|(cd tn mrel At the Rg 3, I like movict and sitUAttuti ct>medir.iit L Knic h ■ fmhmn dtMuncn '?出四.沖"〔*hut down your curnpulnr every evrninK? 6. 1 hey \hcw『d urr/it intrrent In the novrL 7. What,, yuu favourite I V progmmme? 8. S>mv nTorir^i a nd nong^

7、 tnu|{ht rrl>Kioii? bchefn. + Thr lihrnry i? ap?n from Mondny t(? Friday. IO. AmcricAhR 前 hrrnk(n?il nn Murn l? the following trntrnces and nuirfc out the Intonatlo* snlts? Each of lhe wntrncm sill lw rmd nnce gy. Examplei I ho

8、Nc who wld(|imkly/ tnude a profits 1. I hnvr n brnutiful watch hrrr< mmb jum fur you. 2. hi their free tinu rhry often went hithiriK nrtd wn)ktriK? 3. It w?n now midnight? Mn

9、trhrhrr rime tn with a book in lu? hnn


11、e. (/^)please. bikI (/^)sugar? —Nu I have it (\)bluckt with onr <\)5iigAn (\)Thnnkfi. Tinii Hello* Where have you ( )becn? You look tired. Xiaoyiint Ycs> I am< lfve been to I hr tennis < >rlub. Pvt h?d a tenniw kssom Tim: How did you ( )maruige? Xiooyan:Noi too bad. I've never pUyed tennis bef

12、ore. Tim: Don'1 you play tennis in C )China? XiaoyantNoe We don't phy much- Eve played table tunnin a fob 1 play quite wclu but Ifve never fried ( )tenni?. Tim: Would you like a ( )drink?! Xiaoy?nt Ye>? pleese. Could I have o fruir juice? ( )please? Hove you caicn ( ) yet? Tim; No- I haven Xi

13、aoyon:! hnd a

14、t will be fiiven Jifter rwch of the wnlrnm wllh mhilng wordn. Selling un Old llotinc A rnun wrtft firrd of living m hw uhl (I ? in ihn c ountry nnd wunird lo m4I It and (2) a bettrr nnte lie atirrnpird to 利 it (or,如 * (3) ■ but wqh not nucce^sluL ?o at he to M(?lvr the ( I ) by untnn a real ru

15、tntc iigcnk The nK(#nt promptly ndvcriltcd thr hou*r a few dnyw Inter, thr uwncr raw d vrry iittrnrtivr ( 5 ) of the houitr? with n wonderful drKcnpnoit uf IK《0) ? in nn rxpriiNivc nuiRn/inr. Alter hr rrnd thr (7) lhr(m>:ht thr houMr owner hnRtrncd tu (8) I hr rcttl eatAlc ARcnt< "I'm norry. Mr

16、. Jonv?fM Mid the nmnt 'but 11 vr decided not (o El tny hou$c otter rrAding your B 1. A 2-C XB hl) :u A 6.

17、 B 7. D 8. A 9.t 1O?B IL Lhtvn ;ind respond. < In 2 poinK f 1. A Ze B & B I.H 5> A IIL Hot* do yuu pronounce I he ^ord ? 20 points.. |M?inls fnr (uirh rorred w ord > L Ibid 2. miit/ 3. koniadiz L /'加pm 5. ri nivmlp G. 7. hHsiril-/ 8- bflijh 9. tnAtidct IO.

18、 IauiJ l\. Inloimlimi units < b p”inE I point for raich Mrntener) Exumplrt Ihz,whn Wd ?|Mirkly mndr n pniliu L I hnv< a briiuiiful watch livre, mwh jui for you. 2. hi ih< ir fr<*i ittnc/ they <>((<41 wrtil fiRhing nmi walkinu^ J. h w.s nuw rmdiUKht < “nd my 盤、k wa、drnwinM lu u I. Thr living ro

19、om th th< !iulh< wn?. II you on lah hvxi hni( ? you M bvltvr Mny 0111 dr ih,rhzfnum. 7. z\(tvr brtaking my aruu I (outid it wry lurd ta wa>K tnyhclL 8. h w:i> ni thi> momcnt prcd^cly /thoi he lound he

20、 could mn H”. IL *1 hnnk> to ymn of tn>u-e yrm rnn rnjny rcl il IImy (orj4ot tn Himv. \ . Nucleus. < points*2 points for each wnlcnct > Exn mpkt Would you like ( or ( 4>cofk-e? 1*11 have ( <)coffrv> ( JplenMc. —《,)Milk nnd d)煩 Mu I have

21、 it ( Mbliuk. with one ( 4)>ugnr. < 4>Thanks Tim: lleUo< Where havr you ( 4 Hxvn? You look tlred? XiAoyant Yvs> I nnu Ie vc hern 10 ihc minis t 4 >club.hnd a irnnix le?son? Thru I low did you ( 4 >muiiAgc? Xiuoyan: Nol too IjaiL Kvc nwvr (iluycd tvnni> bviorc. Tim: Donet you phy icnnin in( ' )(

22、 hiiui? XiaoyHn: Nin Wr dyvt? Tim 1 Na I haven919 Xuniynn: I h;id >i >;intlwirh I played. Imt Ie m very hungry( 4 )rtuw. I *d like ti> cat. Tim: Ln * k(i to < 4 )l;rnnrn \ I. !)ict3tinn? (3(f points.3 points h>r each correct phrase) L hoiiw 2 Imy X timr I. probkru 5. photo^rnph & gorden 7. fldvvrii^cnivni & tidrphoru rnaKAzinv I live

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