1、國家開放大學(xué)電大??啤队⒄Z閱讀(1)》期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2155) 2022盜傳必究 Purl I Quctlkm^i I ID urr bnnrd on Paumgc I. (30 polnHi 3 points rsich> Pattagc I 78 New Rood Canford 27,K October Dear Helrnt 1. You'll br pleaded ta hrnt I'm ?i1 home mid IccIhih much belter 1 ?nll Irrl rather waik and tired hut I'm 小 Kind to b
2、e home. D? work until I (rrl up to it They^vr 睥t a ?temp1 in to do my typing. 3. It really nicr tu x" your IrttwrR.
3、 Thnnk you (or the curd you went mj too. Your fiithcr and I are ptc/iHcd you1 re ncttlmH down nt Univermfy find thm you* vr got ?omr nice friends Enjoy younirU but work hnrd too. I43VC Minn Qtic?tl(mi 1 —10 i Read PuftMittr I and then find u word/ phrase which rncunn the “me g each of the fol
4、lowInit The paragrnph In which I he wi>rd/phmtr appear* h indkiilcd In the bruckrU< Write your .n?wE(?n the answrr wheel. 1. take care of(pirngraph 1) 2? clcnn and tidy paragraph 1) 3. be well enou|(h to (doing things) _ . (pamgraph 2 > 4t a perRnn rmployed lor whurt period* of time (pafft
5、graph 2) 5t start living a normal life (p?ngr?ph 3) Kcud PttMURc I nRuin and then decide whether the rollowlnn ?tatcmrnt? ure true or Mw. 6. Thia IrUrr wnw wntten by Hrlrti1 * lullwr. 1. HrlenS parents live in Canfordt 8. Helenmother h Mtill very ill. 9. Ilrlrnvii mother ductn1! need to go boc
6、k fa work irnrurdmtrlye IOt Hrirne? finrrnifi are very pIcmnimI to know thnt Hrlrn i? coming home Part II Hmd (he fullowinj: two pazgc carefully and thrn cboose the he*t answer to questions【1—20 accord In >! to your understand inc of the Write your answers on Iht answer sheet. (30 points. 3 poin
7、ts each)
IFa好 2
CHENGDU Chine” scicntints have drveloprd d computer tohwurr 8、c ufter the translntion proccD?e
1 he rnojor problem hintknnH the development of the Internet in Chm
9、gh tech program introduced by the State Science /ind technology Cumminaton in the mid-l980?<
I hr wftwnrc# jointly developed by a research inwtitute and 4 university in SuuthwrMt China \ Sichunn I^oviftcci runn in the WtndowM environ merit. Uwer* can ime a motinv to uchievc irwtnnt trAntloiionikt w 10、hile mainuirnnK thr ortgiriAl format of doctirncrit^ or pictures.
1 L The m monily uikcn from ?
A. r nrwjipjiper A ■ miigaxine
「? a novel
12. Which □( thr following phrnMes cftn he nurd to replace the word MhmderH in the?
?eti tenet "The major problrm h indm ng thr dcvrlopmeni of the Internet 11、in chitu in the IwnHunRe burner,”
A. holding on H. holding to
C< holding buck
13. It can be infmni from thr fin usage Thai Inirmrt in mninly operated thmuKh 一.
A* Chinrwe B, English
C. (terman
H< Which of the following Mutrmrntfi is NOT true Nbouf iranshtton software?
A. It ia pnrt ol a high 12、 tech pEHrAmmc
B. h is developed by a reRcnrch inhtitute und a univerntty in BeljinK<
「? It runn m the Windows environment
15. Thr lmouMrt in the hit pcirugr?ph rrlcr? E ?
A. thr 偵mid of which thr cai the HAtural rnrmy
Ik . kind of tnounc like toy for children
(\ ihe device connected to a enmp 13、ufer io control thr curjuirmovement
Piigigr 3
Change* In Mvdlhmxi
AllTHOKH A I IVE SC HOLARS place Chmo、wemi drvcloprnenf at the * lower rnnlium level9 compared to the rr?*t of the world, Chinn hn? gone through nrverni twi?ls and furns Aincc 1949. and many people1* livru h?Ve ehnnged lor better o 14、r wor?c n> a rrMult. However? today a gcncrfll imptovrmrni i? cvidrnu Siner 1978 in pnrticuUre muny people*n H(r-9tyk!i have improved at ? gremer |wicr than in thr previous 30 yenrt-
ChineM; hnvc not only inipravrd an their dirt? clothing? housing And the produce they uac every dny. but their 15、hublr income han aho greywn n? wrlL By thr rnd uf June 1995. rural and urban bunk Mavinga urnuuntcd io 3.545.& billion yunru
FigDCT% ,how th*t Mince the 1990s fommimicAtionA equipments hou!ie$< npartnicnts iind rars have bugun to replace 「\‘ refregerntotw and wanhinK machines ( which in turn replac 16、ed hikes# watchrn And Mewing mnrhinr*i ni the beginning of the IDHOn) the Uruoi individual consumption
According lo a cunKervntivc cstiinfttce Chinn han About 100? 000 privAtr car$ today. Seven ficrcrnl i)f urban rrnidetHA havr inMnllcd home phoncs< Thr Chi nr Pom! a nd rck^ommunivnnonw Minintry pl 17、nn^ 120 million new phone lintA for the year 20Q0. or h phone for every urbxn houBcliold. Todny (ax titAcltinrA. compuirrs und mubile phones /ire very common and Ucr a booming murket.
Qiic%lhm? 16 一 ?0 nrc hwwd on 3.
16. fhr peBangrmeetly uikrti (rom .
A. ? newNpMpcr I、 n mAKAiine
C? a novel
17 18、. The bcntenvc " China 屁 gone through hevrrnl iwim nnd turns since 1949” m?y mean that .
A. China his changed for better wince 1919
Ik Chinn hm chnngrcl (nr wnr^c *inn 1949
「?「hm/i ho* gonr through mnny upji And down?
18. Which of the following 冶 NOT amofig the lint of things that Chincne luve i 19、mproved on?
A# DieU B9 Schoolings
C. Money (or win%
I9? According to the pAAMixr? which of thr following appeared the htest aa the rrnult of rcplflrrnirnf*
A. ApArtmrntn. B. Woxhing machines
Ct Watcher
20. urban rcMdrntM have instfllled homr phonrs.
A. 100.000 B. 120 million
C. Seven perern 20、i of
Part 111
Directions $
Head pnssa” 4 und then dreick whether the wtttlcmciiti uftcr It arc 1 Rlifc or Fal?e. On your answer sheet? Indicate T for TRUE or F for FALSE atnimt the number for each of itemw 21 30 for Che nn^went you choouc. (20 points, 2 polnli each)
PafiAAge 4
How to Unr London 21、 Telephone*
1 Telephone caIU in Britain arc in two clunneM: locul calh? nnd Irunk culh. Short divunce calls of up to about twenty milrn urr clnsiskcd hs local eallkt nnd all culh over longer distanceM are classed mm trunk tnlls.
2 In Ixindoni telephones now hnvc Hll-fi?urr numbrrh which d<> not in 22、clude nn cxchnnKc namet for cx/itnplr, O71-222-287O. If you ninkr a IocaI telephone mil in Ixindon to n subscriber in London> you leave out thr 071 nnd dial only the leant ^cven figures of the number of the person whom you arc calling. To make o trunk adl to or from London? you dial all the fiRtirej 23、i of the subscriber's number.
3 The nnnie!i? addnnd telephone numbers of subscribers in inner London nre nt present printed in (our dirertorirSe There are sepnrntr chrectorieji for people whoMe name* begin with the letterfi A to D? E to K. L to R and S to Z. When you look up a pemon 1 !i number in 24、fhr telephone directory? you will find hin name on the left *idr of the column and hm telrphonc number on the n?ht 前dr.
4 All call Ihjxc* in London orr on the STI) which hnt now bi cn rxtcndrd to
mH p/irtA of BritAinv I he letiers Sil) mnd for Sub^t ribcr Irunk Di filing. An 25、phonr you can diol mnny long-diRiancc number* direct nn well ■,local numbers An STI) trlcphonr 1st ununlly Irec< and the coin*box ha? Mlr>tn for cottih. Io rnnke n caIL you pick up the receiver mid dinl thr number before putting uny money into the coin baWhen fhr person whone number you ire nriKing 26、Answers? there will be n 叩tml rapid tonr called thr pAytanc. Ai won m you henr ihifit you put your manry in rhe box. Thr pnytonc then ntop^. ■nd you can ?tart to *priik. To mnkr n trunk caII by STD. you dud find the STD code numbrr (or thr town thnt you arc calling And then the number of the nubocri 27、hcr. For rxAmpItt the SI L) cade number (or trunk calln from Landon tn Hrintol i\ 02721 if you telephone ? perwn living in Bristol whose number i? Bristol 29402()> you would dial 0272 29402。. When your time up the piiyionc is repcm山 if you wish to mniiriur yaur ulk? you rnum then put more money into 28、 the ulot. The length al firm nllowrd in duublrd betwrrn 6 p. mf a ml 8 a. m. Now pay phunc* work A|i|(htly diffcrcntlyt hew-vrr.
Besides thr STD system ? lherr is Aho an InicrnAiional Subucnbcr Dmlirig Arrvice lor maktnR telrphonr rall? to mont al the countrirA of Europe? but some adk can only br 29、mndr (rom trlcphono without a coin-box. You enn dm! direct ta nuny places in Ernneet Belgium> Grrmunyt LuxemlujurKt the Netherlands^ and Switzerland.
6 A *pcciaI recorded tclephonr informAtion service i? provided every day for viMitor^ lu Ixindurt Thi? arrvice K^ven viBitor% detail!! of the main cv 30、rntM of the day in and around l?ondon9 The information m recorded in (our lnnguM頃 English. Erenrhf German nnd Spanish* When you wnkr up in the murtimg and you want to know whm 31、PnatMiite 4.
2\. Telephone ealh in Britain cnt\ h- chained into two typest loail calls and iniernnrionni caIU*
22. U you cnll from lx>n 32、 for people whose name begin* with the letters S to L
"? You can usually find a personf m numr on the left side of the column in n telephone directory.
25. Only the cnlbboxes tn London arc now an thr STD system.
26. To make a cjiIL you nred io pul money into thr conrbiix firs! and then diol tho n 33、umber uftrr hsrinx lhe piytone,
27. To make a trunk caII by STIJt you nerd to dial STI) code number firm.
2& All calh can be nude from telephones with a coin box.
29. I! you go ro l?ondone you enn even gd informntion over telephone in Chinr”.
30? You can even get tnfornmtion about time in London 34、 by dialing 246-R901.
Pari IV
Read Pbkmikc 5 and answer the following quewtionA. Mitke your answers m? wh<>rt und ckiir as (MiMlblc. (20 points? t point! each)
PassuKt* 5
Wbut would you call your baby?
Keccntlye a cuuple in New Zcahnd were forbidden from naminK their baby Mon 4RcaL Even though 35、New Zealand hns quite liberol rule* ftl>uui numinR children> namr5 beginning with a number arc not ullowcd. They decided to c?ll him Superman miusd.
In nuiny countries around the world? unusual names for chiliirrn are beconiing more popular? especially Miner the increasing trend (or celcbritiea to 36、give their children wacky namcSt In Britain* you can mil s child almost anything you like the only re?triction? on nnrrritM rrlntr tn offcnnivr words such 05 swear wprdn.
SoEt parrnth choose nnmr> which come from popular culture. For cxainple< there have been six boys nnnwd (iandaif after the chara 37、cter tn the Lord of the Rings novels and film. Equally? nfitnes rchlrd to 5port arr fairly cnmnion Miner 1981 ? 36 children have been called Arsenal after The (oorbal! irwm.
頃her paircnts like to make up nanie?t or combine names to make their own unique version * n method cictnon^trnfcd by Jordan ? 38、 The British model, who rcccnrly invented the name Ttdamii for her dnughtcr by rombimng the names Thea and Amy ( the two grandmothers). She wijs quoted ?s Maying that the accent and double letters were added to make the name 'more cxour\
()thrr countries have much stricter rulr? when H comes to nam 39、ing children^ C\)untrics including Japan? Drnmnrk. Spainf Germany and Argmnna have nn approved liiu of nanies from which parrnis niunt choose. In ('him. there are stome rules about what you may call m child no lorcign Ictxers or symbols are Allowed. Aj* a result a couple were recently banned from ca 40、lling their baby &9
Vn Rnrain> some names which wrrr prcviou5|y ihoughr of as old hshioned have become more papular ugain. such as Moiste or Ella for a girl, or Alfie or Noah for a boy.
Bui the rnONt popular nnm心 are not the wacky one?-. The top names are fairly traditional Jack. Charlie and I hom 41、as (ar boys and Groce< Ruby and Jessica for girls* Questions 31—35 arc based on Passage 5.
3L Why waji the baby boy in New Zealand not allowed to l>r named 4Real?
32. In Britain< wliai kind of namem nrr forbidden?
33. Who is Gandalf?
34. What arr the rul 42、one example.)
75. What nrr the most popular nameji for boys in Bntain? (Give at leust two exumple^ )
P?n I: (30 pulnl?t 3 point* racte)
L lcx>k after
2. >pick and >piin
L temp
Pari II: (30 p 43、art III: Tree <>r
2 |M?inK r>ch)
25. F
26. F
37. T
P?r1 I、: aR^wrr (20 point*t I poinl* mrh)
31. titxaiiM- riBinr^ lM*i(iniitfiM with nunilwT^ are mH ?IkiwtxL
37. \Amr* vrhlc lo offrnMvr wunh ?nch ?*,wv?r wurd><
33. A chnrJtilvr in thr Lur4 of ihr Rinn^ nmvh *ml film^
3L \ of >yinL<>l? nrr iillowriL
?13. J?ch? teharliv ?nd Thomo,. < \ny (woof iHcm* will hr(>K> >
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