廣東學導練八年級英語上冊 Module 1 Unit 2 Numbers課件 (新版)牛津深圳版

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1、UNIT 2 NUMBERSModule 1 Amazing things自自 主主 預預 習習一、根據(jù)漢語寫出英文單詞一、根據(jù)漢語寫出英文單詞 1. 指示;命令 (n.) _2. 檢查;核實 (v.) _3. 印度 (n.) _ 4. 數(shù)量;數(shù)額 (n.) _5. 充滿智慧的 (adj.) _6. 剩余部分 (n.) _7. 代替;頂替 (adv.) _8. 許諾;承諾 (v.) _instructions checkIndiaamountwiserestinsteadpromise9. 抄寫;謄寫 (v.) _10. 認識到;意識到 (v.) _11. 準確無誤地;正確地 (adv.) _

2、12. 向 (某人) 挑戰(zhàn) (v.) _13. 交通(n.)_ 14. (使)加倍(v.) _15. 獎賞;獎品(n.) _ 16. 數(shù)字(n.)_copyrealizecorrectlychallenge trafficdoubleprizenumber二、根據(jù)漢語寫出下列詞組二、根據(jù)漢語寫出下列詞組1. 很早以前 _2. 向(某人)挑戰(zhàn) _3. 等等 _4. 命令某人做某事 _5. 贏了游戲 _6. 交通事故 _7. 抄寫;謄寫 _8. 下象棋 _a long time agochallengetoand so onorder sb. to do sth. win the gametraf

3、fic accidentcopy downplay chess9. 聽從某人的建議 _10. 確實;毫無疑問地 _11. 承諾做某事 _12. 使用某物做某事 _ follow ones advicefor surepromise to do sth.use sth. to do sth.三、根據(jù)漢語補全下列句子,每空一詞三、根據(jù)漢語補全下列句子,每空一詞 1. 很久以前,在印度有一位國王。 _ _ _ _, there was a king in India. 2. 如果你贏了游戲,就可以要任何獎賞。You can _ _ _ if you win the game. 3. 難道你不想換為黃

4、金或白銀嗎? _ you _ gold or silver _?AlongtimeagohaveanyprizeWouldntlikeinstead4. 因此國王命令他的下人裝好一袋米。So the king ordered his men _ _a bag of rice.5. 國王很快意識到這個問題。The king quickly _ _ _. 6. 除了一塊空地我什么也看不見。I can see _ _ an empty field. 7. 3乘以9等于27。 Three _ _ nine _ twenty-seven. to collectrealizedtheproblemnoth

5、ingbutmultipliedbyis8. 我們的數(shù)學老師用很多游戲來幫助我們學習。 Our Maths teacher uses a lot of games _ _ _ _. 9. 我認為我沒有正確地抄寫數(shù)學題。 I dont think I _ _ the Maths problems correctly. 10. 世界各地的人們用不同的方法書寫數(shù)字。 People around the world write numbers _ _ _ . helpustostudycopieddownindifferentways要要 點點 梳梳 理理【詞匯精析詞匯精析】【1】This book

6、gives instructions for making a wide range of skin and hand creams. 這本書給出了多種護膚這本書給出了多種護膚霜和護手霜的制作說明。霜和護手霜的制作說明?!就~】(1)instruct v. 指示;指導He instructed me in English. 他指導我學英語。搭配:instruct sb. in (doing) sth. 教某人(做)某事His uncle instructed him in French. 他的叔叔教他法語。instruct sb. to do sth. 指示、吩咐某人做某事Dont inst

7、ruct your son to lie. 別叫你的兒子說謊。(2)instructor n. 指導者;教員He is one of my training instructors. 他是我的其中一位訓練導師?!颈嫖觥縯each, instruct, educate, coach, train與tutor這些動詞均有“教;教育;培養(yǎng)”之意。(1)teach是最普通用詞,含義廣泛,指直接教某人知識或技能等,側重傳播知識和幫助應用知識。(2)instruct與teach含義很接近,但語體較正式,指系統(tǒng)、詳細、精心地傳播知識,側重教授與指示。(3)educate為較正式用詞,指教育,內容比teach

8、廣泛,側重動機或結果,或對潛在能力的開發(fā)。(4)coach指對個人或小組等進行輔導、訓練或補課。(5)train指訓練與培養(yǎng)。(6)tutor指進行個別教學或課外輔導。【應用】He _ (instruction) me in learning English grammar last year. instructed【2】check v.& n. to look at something in order to make sure that it is right or correct 檢查;核實檢查;核實Check the accuracy of everything in your res

9、ume. 核查你簡歷中每一項的準確性?!就卣埂?1) check up 檢查;核對I will check up the figure. 我將核對一下這個數(shù)字。(2) check in 報到;到達登記We checked in at the airport an hour before our plane took off.我們在飛機起飛前1小時到達機場辦理登機手續(xù)。(3)check out 結賬離開They checked out ten minutes ago. 他們十分鐘前就結賬走了?!緫谩? )Youd better ask the doctor to _ if you have a

10、 headache.A. check down B. check up C. check inB 【3】India n. a country in southern Asia surrounded on three sides by the Indian Ocean 印度印度 If you come to India for just one thing, this should be it. 如果你只為一件事來到印度,那就到這兒來吧。【同根詞】Indian n. 印度人;印第安人adj. 印度的;印度人的;印第安人的She is an Indian. 她是印度人?!緫谩縃e comes f

11、rom a beautiful _ (India) town. Indian【4】wise adj. having understanding and good judgment about what is true or right 充滿智慧的充滿智慧的 She had made a very wise decision. 她做出了一個非常明智的決定?!就~】wisdom n. 智慧This book is full of wisdom. 這本書充滿了智慧?!就卣埂縲ise其近義詞為clever,bright和intelligent。 He is a wise/clever/bright

12、man.=He is an intelligent man. 他是一個聰明的人。【應用】(1) With_(wise), we can make the right choice.(2) ( )She is so wise that she works out the problem. (選出可以替換畫線部分的最佳選項)A. silly B. strong C. brightwisdomC【5】challenge v. to invite someone to enter a competition or to do something that requires courage or ski

13、ll 向(某人)挑戰(zhàn)向(某人)挑戰(zhàn) The new governments first challenge is the economy. 新政府面臨的第一項挑戰(zhàn)是經(jīng)濟問題?!就~】(1) challenger n. 挑戰(zhàn)者The champion beat the challenger in the second round. 冠軍在第二回合把挑戰(zhàn)者打敗了。(2) challenging adj. 有挑戰(zhàn)性的This work is challenging. 這份工作是有挑戰(zhàn)性的?!就卣埂縞hallenge sb. to sth. 向某人挑戰(zhàn)某事He challenges me to ch

14、ess. 他向我挑戰(zhàn)下象棋?!緫谩縃e is a_(challenge) in the race.challenger 【6】promise v. to state, in a way that makes someone feel sure 許諾;承諾許諾;承諾Promise me you will not waste your time. 向我承諾你不會浪費你的時間。【拓展】(1) promise sb.+that從句 向某人許諾、保證I promise you that I will make it. 我向你保證我會做到的。(2) promise to do 承諾去做They prom

15、ised to do better in the future. 他們承諾將來會做得更好。(3) make a promise 許下諾言If you make a promise, you should keep it! 如果作出承諾,你就應該去遵守!(4) break ones promise 食言He never breaks his promise. 他從不食言?!緫谩縃e promised _(finish) the work on time. to finish【7】amount n. how much something is; quantity數(shù)數(shù)量;數(shù)額量;數(shù)額 He nee

16、ds that amount of money to survive. 他需要那筆錢來維持生活?!就卣埂縜n amount of 意為“許多的;相當數(shù)量的”,后面通常接不可數(shù)名詞。He spent a large amount of money. 他花了很多錢。 【應用】( )It took her an amount of time to do the housework. (選出可以替換畫線部分的最佳選項)A. a lot of B. many C. lot ofA【8】rest n. a piece or part that remains剩余部分;剩余部分;dont do anythi

17、ng active for a time 休息休息 The first payment was made yesterday, and the rest will be paid next month. 第一筆款昨天已支付,其余部分將在下個月支付。Youre worn out. Please go home and get some rest. 你累壞了??旎丶倚菹⒁幌掳??!就卣埂?1) the rest of 剩余的Please put the rest of the books away. 請把剩余的書放好。(2) have a rest 休息一下You should have a res

18、t after the work. 工作之余你應該休息一下?!颈嫖觥縣ave a rest與have a break rest和break都有“休息”的意思。have a rest 指長時間的休息;have/take a break表示短暫的休息。break的意思是“打斷”,短語有have a break,常指在活動中間打斷一下,稍停一停,比如工作間休息、課間休息、會議中間的休息,大家起來活動活動,過了10分鐘、20分鐘后還接著上班、上課、開會。rest的意思是“休息”,指的是工作、學習、玩耍之后累了,要休息休息,而且也不表示休息之后還要繼續(xù)工作或學習等。【應用】( )There are so

19、me books here. Two are English books, the rest of them are Maths. (選出可以替換畫線部分的最佳選項) A. the best of B. the other of C. some of B【9】instead adv. in place of, or as an alternative to 代替;頂替代替;頂替 My husband asked why I couldnt just forget about dieting and eat normally instead. 丈夫問我為什么就不能忘掉節(jié)食而正常吃飯?!就卣埂縤n

20、stead of=in place of 代替I went swimming instead of running. 我去游泳而不是跑步了。 【辨析】instead與instead of(1) instead 為副詞,常放在句尾,若放在句首常用逗號隔開,用于表示前面的事沒做,而做了后面的事。 He didnt go shopping. He went to the library instead. 他沒去購物,而是去了圖書館。(2) instead of 為介詞短語,后面要接被代替的內容(名詞或動名詞)。She read books instead of playing games yeste

21、rday. 昨天她看書了而不是玩游戲?!緫谩?1) ( )He bought some books instead of DVDs. (選出可以替換畫線部分的最佳選項)A. instead B. besides C. in place of (2) He went fishing instead of _ (go) hiking. Cgoing【10】realize v. to understand in a clear way or to suddenly understand認識到;意識到認識到;意識到People dont realize how serious this recess

22、ion (經(jīng)濟衰退) has actually been.人們沒有意識到這次經(jīng)濟衰退有多么嚴重?!就~】realization n. 認識;領會;實現(xiàn)We shall gladly lend every effort in our power towards its realization. 我們將樂意為它的實現(xiàn)而竭盡全力?!就卣埂縭ealize=get to know He realized his mistake at last.=He got to know his mistake at last. 最后他意識到他的錯誤?!颈嫖觥縭ealize, recognize與know(1)re

23、alizerealize作為及物動詞,可以表示“認識到;了解”的意思。He didnt realize his mistake until his mother told him. 直到媽媽告訴他,他才認識到自己的錯誤。She realizes now how hard you worked. 現(xiàn)在她了解你工作得多辛苦。realize還可以表示“實現(xiàn);完成”的意思。The girl finally realized her dream of becoming an actress. 那個女孩當演員的夢想終于實現(xiàn)了。(2)recognizerecognize也可以用作及物動詞,表示“認出;辨認;

24、認識”的意思。 I recognized his voice. 我認出了他的聲音。I recognized her as my friends daughter. 我認出她是我朋友的女兒。recognize還可以表示“清楚知道;認定”的意思。I recognized him to be cleverer than I am. 我清楚知道他比我聰明。 recognize還可以表示“承認”的意思。I recognize that I have been wrong. 我承認我錯了。 They refused to recognize this government. 他們拒不承認這個政府。(3)k

25、nowknow表示“知道;了解;懂得”的意思。I knew she was against us. 我知道她反對我們。know表示“認識;熟悉”的意思。We have known each other for many years. 我們相互認識多年了。know表示“認出;辨別”的意思。(+by/from)I know right from wrong. 我能辨別是非。know表示“體驗;經(jīng)歷”的意思。I have known hunger and hardships.我經(jīng)歷過饑餓和困苦。know表示“見到過;聽到過”的意思。(僅用于過去時和完成時)I have never known him

26、 to lie. 我從沒有聽說過他撒謊。know表示“精通(語言等)”的意思。 He knows five languages. 他精通五種語言?!緫谩? )Tom didnt realize he was wrong. (選出可以替換畫線部分的最佳選項)A. achieve B. get to know C. tellB【11】correctly adv. rightly and truly 準確無誤地;準確無誤地;正確地正確地The writer expresses himself correctly in English. 這位作家用英語準確地表達自己的意思?!就~】correct

27、adj. 正確的 v. 改正You are correct. 你是對的。Please correct the mistakes. 請改正錯誤?!就卣埂縞orrectly=right/rightlyYou did it correctly.=You did it right/rightly. 你做得對?!緫谩?1) Your answer is _ (correctly).(2) ( )I cant copy down the notes correctly. Could you help me? (選出可以替換畫線部分的最佳選項)A. right B. wrong C. clearly co

28、rrectA語語 法法 聚聚 焦焦【語法精講語法精講】數(shù)詞數(shù)詞1. 基數(shù)詞和序數(shù)詞基數(shù)詞和序數(shù)詞(1)我們用基數(shù)詞來表示數(shù)量。表示幾百/千/百萬時,hundred, thousand, million 后不能加s,如:two hundred。百位和十位之間加and,十位和個位之間加“-”,如:five hundred and sixty-two (562)。(2)我們用序數(shù)詞來表示順序。通常情況下基數(shù)詞+ -th 變?yōu)樾驍?shù)詞,特殊的有: first(第一), second(第二), third(第三), fifth(第五), eighth(第八), ninth(第九),twelfth(第十二)

29、。整十的把y改為ie再加 -th, 如:twentytwentieth。2.數(shù)字運算的表達數(shù)字運算的表達Add 3 and 9. (3+9) Subtract 3 from 9. (9-3) Multiply 3 by 9. (39) Divide 9 by 3. (93) 3 plus 9 equals/is 12. (3+9=12)9 minus 3 equals/is 6. (9-3=6)3 multiplied by 9 equals/is 27. (39=27)9 divided by 3 equals/is 3. (93=3)注意:plus和minus為介詞。3. 數(shù)詞的其他表達用

30、法歸納數(shù)詞的其他表達用法歸納 (1)小數(shù)的表達,如:17.17讀成 seventeen point one seven。(2)百分數(shù)的表達,如:28%讀成twenty-eight per cent。(3)分數(shù)的表達,如: 讀成one half; 讀成one third; 讀成two thirds。(4)日期的表達,如: Dec.11, 2009 讀成December the eleventh, two thousand and nine。(5)時間的表達,如:1:15 讀成one fifteen或a quarter past one; 1:45讀成one forty-five或a quarte

31、r to two。(6)電話號碼的表達,如:8484-8031 讀成eight-four-eight-four eight-zero-three-one。2131324. 數(shù)詞的部分使用要點歸納(1)表示“數(shù)以計”時,在hundred, thousand, million, billion后加-s+of+復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞,如:hundreds of birds數(shù)以百計的鳥。注意這些詞前不能再加基數(shù)詞,如:two hundreds of是錯誤的。(2)用“整十”的復數(shù)來表達年代和某人年紀, 如:in the 1990s在20世紀90年代;in his twenties/20s在他20多歲時。(3)序

32、數(shù)詞前通常加the,也可以加形容詞性物主代詞,還可以加a/an表示“再;又”, 如:the second picture第二張圖;his fifteenth birthday他的十五歲生日; try a third time再試一次(前面試過兩次了)。【直擊中考直擊中考】( )1. I live in Room 403, Sam lives in the room right above mine, on the _floor. (2015廣東) A. third B. three C. fifth D. five ( )2. Do you know the 10th China intern

33、ational culture industry fair _ last month? Yes, it attracted _ people all around the world. (2014深圳) A. hold; million B. held; millionsC. was hold; million of D. was held; millions ofCD( )3. Excuse me, sir. Heres a package for Lin Tao. Which room does he live in?_. (2013廣東)A. 308 Room B. Room 308 C

34、. The Room 308 D. The 308 Room( )4. Boys and girls, please turn to Page _ and look at the _ picture. (2015呼和浩特)A. Fifth; five B. Five; five C. Fifth; fifth D. Five; fifthBD( )5. It took _ people three months to build this great building. (2015安順)A. two hundreds B. hundred of C. hundreds of D. two hu

35、ndred of( )6. Tonys mum looks young and beautiful. Its hard to imagine she is already in her _ . (2015蘇州)A. fifties B. fifty C. fiftieths D. fiftiethCA【寫作樂園寫作樂園】話題二話題二 有關描述數(shù)據(jù)的報告有關描述數(shù)據(jù)的報告【常用詞組常用詞組】1. rise to 上升到2. fall to 跌到3. go up上升4. come down下降5. luckily/unluckily幸運地/不幸地6. continue to do繼續(xù)做7. go

36、on to do繼續(xù)做8. fromto 從到9. betweenand 在之間【精彩句型精彩句型】1. The graph shows Shenzhen AQI from Mar.9 to Mar.22. 這張圖表顯示了3月9號到3月22號深圳的空氣質量指數(shù)。2. From the graph, we know the air quality in Shenzhen。從圖表中我們可以了解深圳的空氣質量。3. It continued to go up. 它繼續(xù)上升。4. It fell to 20. 它下降到20。5. It rose to 50. 它上升到50。6. But luckily

37、, the other days the air quality was moderate. 但幸運的是,其余的日子里空氣質量是良。【短文寫作短文寫作】 請根據(jù)下面的圖表提示,以“Shenzhen AQI (Mar.9Mar.22)”為題寫一篇短文,介紹2016年3月9號到3月22號深圳AQI(空氣質量指數(shù))的變化, 指數(shù)050表示空氣質量為優(yōu)(good),51100表示空氣質量為良(moderate),指數(shù)大于100表示空氣質量為差(unhealthy)。要求:語意連貫,條理清晰,不少于70詞。Shenzhen AQI (Mar.9Mar.22)_【寫作指導寫作指導】 此篇作文是根據(jù)圖表柱狀

38、圖寫一篇說明文,主要內容是將柱狀圖中的數(shù)據(jù)和圖表所包含的信息轉化為表意的說明文字。 在寫作過程中要明確以下幾點: (1)注意圖例說明和坐標刻度所提示的信息,同時要選用一般過去時來寫。(2)圖表和數(shù)據(jù)內容不必全部描述,要善于抓住總規(guī)律和趨勢。(3)開門見山點明圖表所反映的主題;之后呈現(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)和結果,要注意層次性;最后適當歸納總結。【范文賞析范文賞析】 Shenzhen AQI(Mar.9Mar.22) The graph shows Shenzhen AQI from Mar.9 to Mar.22, 2016. The AQI was 29 on Mar.9.On Mar.10, it rose

39、 to 50 and it continued to go up to 80 on Mar.12. Then it fell to 54. But on Mar.15, the AQI rose to 90 again. It came down to 68 on Mar.22. From the graph, we know the air quality was good for only two days, Mar.9 and Mar.10. But luckily, the other days the air quality was moderate. The air quality was not unhealthy all these days.

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