高考英語一輪復習第3部分 寫作素能培養(yǎng) 第12講 明確評分原則 避免幾種常犯錯誤課件 外研版

《高考英語一輪復習第3部分 寫作素能培養(yǎng) 第12講 明確評分原則 避免幾種常犯錯誤課件 外研版》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《高考英語一輪復習第3部分 寫作素能培養(yǎng) 第12講 明確評分原則 避免幾種常犯錯誤課件 外研版(38頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網上搜索。
1、英語外外 研研 版版寫作素能培養(yǎng)寫作素能培養(yǎng)第三部分第十二講明確評分原則,避免幾第十二講明確評分原則,避免幾種常犯錯誤種常犯錯誤 .評分細則 近幾年高考英語書面表達的評分標準有了很大變化,由原來只要求考生把要點寫全(內容全面)、寫對(錯誤較少),提高到要求考生寫好(使用一些高級詞匯和復雜句型)的高度鼓勵考生嘗試使用一些高級詞匯和復雜句型,對由此所出現的嘗試性錯誤采取了較為寬容的態(tài)度(不扣或少扣分)。目前全國高考英語全國卷書面表達大部分采用25分制,評分標準如下: 一、評分原則 1按5個檔次給分。 2先根據文章的內容和語言初步確定其所屬的檔次,然后以該檔次的要求衡量,確定或調整檔次,最后給分。
2、3詞數不符合要求的,從總分中減去2分。 4評分時,應注意的主要內容為:內容要點、應用詞匯和語法結構的豐富性和準確性及上下文的連貫性。 5拼寫與標點符號是語言準確性的一個方面,評分時,應視其對交際的影響程度予以考慮。英、美拼寫及詞匯用法均可接受。 6如書寫較差以至于影響交際,將其分數降低一個檔次。 二、檔次分配、表達要求和給分范圍檔次分配表達要求給分范圍第五檔(很好)完全完成了試題規(guī)定的任務。覆蓋所有內容要點。應用了較多的語法結構和詞匯。語法結構或詞匯方面有些許錯誤,但為盡力使用較復雜結構或較高級詞匯所致;具備較強的語言運用能力。有效地使用了語句間的連接成分,使全文結構緊湊。完全達到了預期的寫作
3、目的。2125分檔次分配表達要求給分范圍第四檔(好)完成了試題規(guī)定的任務。雖漏掉一、兩個次要點,但覆蓋所有主要內容。應用的語法結構和詞匯能滿足任務的要求。語法結構或詞匯方面應用基本準確,些許錯誤主要是因嘗試較復雜結構或較高級詞匯所致。應用簡單的語句間的連接成分,使全文結構緊湊。達到了預期的寫作目的。1620分檔次分配表達要求給分范圍第三檔(適當)基本完成了試題規(guī)定的任務。 雖漏掉一些內容,但覆蓋所有主要內容。應用的語法結構和詞匯能滿足任務的要求。有一些語法結構或詞匯方面的錯誤,但不影響理解。應用簡單的語句間的連接成分,使全文內容連貫。整體而言,基本達到了預期的寫作目的。1115分檔次分配表達要
4、求給分范圍第二檔(較差)未恰當地完成試題規(guī)定的任務。漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要內容,寫了一些無關內容。語法結構單調,詞匯項目有限。有一些語法結構或詞匯方面的錯誤,影響了對寫作內容的理解。較少使用語句間的連接成分,內容缺少連貫性。信息未能清楚地傳達給讀者。 610分檔次分配表達要求給分范圍第一檔(差)未完成試題規(guī)定的任務。明顯遺漏主要內容,寫了一些無關內容,原因可能是未理解試題要求。語法結構單調,詞匯項目有限。較多語法結構或詞匯方面的錯誤,影響了對寫作內容的理解。缺乏語句間的連接成分,內容不連貫。信息未能傳達給讀者。15分不得分未能傳達給讀者任何信息:內容太少,無法評判;寫的內容均與所要求內容無關
5、或所寫內容無法看清。0分 .考場作文常見的3類錯誤 考場作文常見的錯誤主要分為三類:詞匯類錯誤、語法類錯誤和漢語式英語。 (一)詞匯類錯誤 考試時,我們很容易出現單詞拼寫錯誤和詞形變化錯誤;而詞性不清和詞匯用法方面的錯誤主要還是受漢語的影響。其應對措施是在備考時要多注意容易拼錯或容易出現詞形變化的單詞,真正用心去體會英語詞匯的詞性和運用,對一些固定習語更不能想當然地改動。 1單詞拼寫錯誤 誤:Our English teacher is friendly but very strick with us students. 正:Our English teacher is friendly bu
6、t very strict with us students. 2詞形變化錯誤 誤:People throwed cans, paper, bags and so on into the river water. 正:People threw cans, paper, bags and so on into the river water. 3詞性不清錯誤 誤:Doing a part-time job always effects study. 正:Doing a part-time job always affects study. 4詞匯用法錯誤 誤:He opened the ligh
7、t after he entered the room. 正:He turned on the light after he entered the room. 5擅自改動習語 誤:We lost the game, but we didnt lose our heart. 正:We lost the game, but we didnt lose heart.enviromentenvironment writenwritten happyhappily 4We must notice our pronunciation when we speak English. _ 5Just in t
8、he front of our house stands a tall tree with a history of 1,000 years. _noticepay attention to in the front ofin front of (二)語法類錯誤 一個正確的句子除了用詞得當外,語法也應該準確無誤。如果語法不正確,再好的構思也難以正確地表達,語法錯誤的多少會直接影響作文的檔次。英語寫作中語法類錯誤主要表現在:時態(tài)、語態(tài)錯誤、非謂語動詞使用錯誤、主謂一致錯誤、比較級使用錯誤、多余的詞以及平行錯誤等。 1時態(tài)、語態(tài)錯誤 誤:Children who raise in poor fam
9、ilies can generally deal with problems more effectively in their adult years. 正:Children who are raised in poor families can generally deal with problems more effectively in their adult years. 2非謂語動詞使用錯誤 誤:Comparing with other countries, the country pays little attention to the pollution. 正:Compared
10、 with other countries, the country pays little attention to the pollution. 3主謂一致錯誤 誤:My hobby is widespread, which include drawing, collecting stamps and so on. 正:My hobby is widespread, which includes drawing, collecting stamps and so on. 4比較級使用錯誤 誤:With the development of transportation, the world
11、 seems to be getting more and more smaller. 正:With the development of transportation, the world seems to be getting smaller and smaller. 5多余的詞 誤:On one day, he went to the cinema. 正:One day, he went to the cinema. 6平行錯誤 誤:Then I put my book under my desk, opening it and started looking for the answe
12、r. 正:Then I put my book under my desk, opened it and started looking for the answer.去掉had aream moremuch或去掉more happenedhappening 去掉into (三)漢語式英語 一般來說,英漢兩種語言既有許多相似之處,又有許多不同之處。在寫作時如果想當然地去寫,會出現許多漢語式英語,其中主要包括:純漢語式思維和漢語式語序、句子成分殘缺、句子粘連以及搭配不當等。 1純漢語式思維和漢語式語序 誤:At this school studying, I really very happy.
13、 正:Studying at this school, I am really very happy. 2句子成分殘缺 誤:There are many students dont support the project. 正:There are many students who dont support the project. 3句子粘連 誤:On the other hand, dogs are our best friends, bring us a lot of fun. 正:On the other hand, dogs are our best friends, which/a
14、nd bring us a lot of fun. 4搭配不當 誤:We walked a far way before planting trees. 正:We walked a long way before planting trees. 誤:Under the help of the teacher, I have made great progress in my English. 正:With the help of the teacher, I have made great progress in my English.We are impossibleIt is imposs
15、ible for us expensivehigh byin或waymeans your letteryou 逗號后加and或themwhom .防范出現錯誤的2個措施 寫對句子是作文得高分的關鍵和保證,考場上要避免上述低級錯誤,可采取以下兩個措施。 (一)確定主語 英語句子無論多長都有自己的主語(祈使句省略了主語you)。動手寫句子首先要確定主語,其次要特別注意漢語與英語的區(qū)別。例如: 北京八月多雨。 誤:Beijing rains much in August. 正:It rains much in Beijing in August. 寫得很匆忙,我們發(fā)現書中滿是錯誤。 誤:Writte
16、n in a hurry, we found the book full of mistakes. 正:Written in a hurry, the book was found full of mistakes(by us) (二)確定謂語動詞 英語中沒有動詞就構不成句子,但動詞千變萬化,稍不注意就會寫錯句子。在寫句子時應特別注意以下幾個方面: 1注意及物與不及物動詞的正確運用。 誤:The living standard of the people has raised in the past twenty years. 正:The living standard of the peop
17、le has risen/has been raised in the past twenty years. 2注意延續(xù)性與非延續(xù)性動詞的正確運用。 誤:He has left his hometown for twenty years. 正:He has been away from his hometown for twenty years. 3注意一些不可用于被動語態(tài)的動詞。 誤:Many stars are appeared in the sky at night. 正:Many stars appear in the sky at night.areis hittedhit;driv
18、eddrove dodid或do前加should 去掉第二個are或students后加who It is very convenient for students to eat at school. 6It was Sunday, they all went for a picnic in the woods. _ 7Would you please meet my uncle at the airport because this is his first time visit to the US?_ 8While having our dinner, the doorbell rang.
19、 _ 9Recently our village has taken place great changes. _ 10Fishing is his favorite hobby, and he also likes collecting coins. _逗號后加so或wasbeing 去掉time Recently great changes have taken place in our village. having前加we are或the doorbell rangwe heard the doorbell ringing he also likes collecting coinsc
20、ollecting coins also gives him pleasure 內容包括: 1表示歉意;2.解釋失約的原因;3.請求原諒。 注意:1.不得在文中出現作者的真實姓名; 2語句連貫,詞數100左右。作文的標題、開頭和結尾已經給出,不計入總詞數。 A Letter of Apology Dear Henry, I am really sorry_ I wont let things like that happen again. Yours, Li Hua 【求診病文】 A Letter of Apology Dear Henry, I am really sorry that I
21、can not meet you at 7:30 last night. I do hope you didnt wait too long outside Xinhua Bookstore. On yesterday afternoon, I had to look after my younger sister until my mother returned back home. She was ill and stayed at the doctors so that she arrived at home very late. I ran all the way to the bus
22、 stop only finding the last bus had already left. I had to call a taxi, but it was already half an hour later. I was going to call up you, but I had forgotten my mobile phone at home. Finally, I had no choice but to go back home, disappointing and sad. I sincere hope that you will forgive me and we
23、can be best friends as usual. I wont let things like that happen again. Yours, Li Hua 【診斷結果】 第句:_ 第句:_ 第句: On yesterdayYesterday; 去掉back或returnedcame 第句:_ 第句:_ 第句:_ 第句:_ 第句:_ 第句:_ 第句:_cancould 無 去掉arrived后面的at findingto find laterlate call up youcall you up;forgottenleft behind disappointingdisappoi
24、nted sinceresincerely 無 附錄: 1閱卷老師公認的高分作文主要有以下特點: (1)書寫工整,卷面清晰。 工整漂亮的書寫會使老師對你的試卷一見鐘情,不忍扣分。 (2)緊扣主題,重點突出。 既然是寫英語文章,就要符合英語文化思維,英語文章的特點是喜歡開門見山,不喜歡亂兜圈子。因此,要力求表述的每一項內容都切中要點。 (3)層次分明,過渡自然。 文章段落層次分明(三段左右為宜),內容的表達符合交際需要,句子和段落之間過渡自然。 (4)表達準確,用詞地道。 用詞貼切而無生搬硬套之感,句式靈活多變,富有活力和韻律,這是使文章脫穎而出的法寶。 (5)邏輯嚴謹,發(fā)揮適度。 無論文章的文
25、體和內容是什么,在緊扣主題的情況下,有邏輯地組織材料,并適度地進行細節(jié)描寫和情感抒發(fā),會使文章更加鮮活化。 2閱卷老師不會給高分的作文主要有以下特點: (1)卷面凌亂,字跡潦草,書寫過小、過密,字母連寫嚴重,標點不清。 閱卷老師首先會覺得該考生不認真。在高強度的閱卷過程中,沒有誰會逐字辨認書寫得亂七八糟的內容,況且,評分原則中規(guī)定“如書寫較差以至于影響交際,將其分數降低一個檔次”。 (2)有些試卷乍一看,洋洋灑灑,清楚工整,討人喜歡。但細讀起來,則會被搞得滿頭霧水。這類試卷的突出問題是:審題不清、層次混亂、句子殘缺、拼寫和語法錯誤目不暇接。這種前后印象反差的沖擊,很難使閱卷老師筆下留情。 3部分閱卷老師的片語: (1)要想達到及格線(15或18分)以上,起碼要有幾個高級詞匯、句式和復合句; (2)不僅要點全,而且也會“說話”; (3)書寫很重要,書寫潦草難辨,內容再好,也很難得四檔分以上。
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