2021-2022年五年級英語上冊 Lesson 6(1)教案 陜旅版

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1、2021-2022年五年級英語上冊 Lesson 6(1)教案 陜旅版第一課時教材簡析:在這一課,我們通過對一年四季中自己最喜愛的季節(jié)的描述及四季中我們經常從事的活動,引出四季中的月份。學會句子I like spring best. Its warm. I can fly a kite and go climbing.單詞,短語August September eat a model plane go roller-skating go climbing。 教學目標:1、掌握下列四會單詞及短語:model, plane, eat, go roller-skating, go climbing2

2、、能聽懂、會說、會用、會寫下列句型:(1)which season do you like best?(2)Ican fly a kite/go climbing / go roller.skating/fly a model plame/eat fruits.教學重、難點:掌握句型:(1)which seeson do you likd best?(2)I can fly a kite/ go climbing/ go roller skating/ fly a model plane/ eat fruies.教學用具:日歷一份,一每四季的圖片,模型飛機、風箏的圖片或實物。教學過程:一、復習

3、導入出示一年四季的圖片,讓學生說出各個季節(jié)。然后回答:which season do you likd? I like二、新授1、新授詞匯。(1)出示關于a model plane, go roller-skating go climbing tat fruies的圖片,讓學生學習詞匯。(2)學生帶上動作,邊說邊表演。如:a model plane 帶學生一起做飛機的動作。 Go rller-skating 做滑冰的動作。 Go climbing 做爬山的動作。 Eat fruits 做吃水果的動作。(3)學生反復練習,直到熟練掌握為止。2、做游戲,看動作猜詞語。分組表演,每組選出一名代表。第

4、一組的代表做動作;第二組的代表說出與動作相應的短語或單詞,說對加分。3、新授對話。(1)先聽錄音,再重復句子。Best 最 like best 最喜歡。(2)進行替換練習。(3)分組練習。Which season/ fruie/ weather/ city/do you like best?Spring /Apple /sunny/Benjing “why”用來提問原因。4、重點句講解:A:Au-gust.八月。A new school year will begin in August新學年就要開始了。.We are ready to have our lessons.B:Sep-tem-b

5、er.九月。 School begins in September.And the Teachers Day is in August,too. 九月我們開學了。這個月還有一個節(jié)日,是什么節(jié)哪?A: The Teachers Day .教師節(jié)。The Teachers Day is in August.B:You are right.A:In October,we have our National Day. 十月國慶節(jié)。And the weather is getting cool.B:What do you often do in autumn?A:Autumn is a harvest

6、season.豐收的季節(jié)。We can eat many fruits.吃水果。eat 。We can eat apples,oranges,pears,grapes. We can pick apples,pears, grapes ourselves.我們還可以自己摘。 For sports,we can fly a kite, play a model plane,go climbing.運動那,我們可以放風箏,玩飛機模型,還可以爬山。a model plane,飛機模型。go climbing,爬山。 B:Can you go skating in Autumn?A:No.But we

7、 can go roller-skating.但可以劃旱冰。Roller-skating is skating on the groud,not on the ice. 旱冰在地上劃,不是在真的冰上劃。B:It must be very interesting. 三、鞏固練習:學生做如下對話練習:which season/do you like best?spring /summer/why?I like the weather in spring/I dont know教師在教室巡視,及時引導學生練習。四、作業(yè):抄定本課單詞。五、教后記(Notes)第二課時教學目標:1、掌握四會單詞:Aug

8、ust September warm October cold hot并能在日常生活中靈活運用。2、能聽懂、會說、會寫、會用下列句型:(1)which season do you like best?(2)why?(3)I like(4) I can(5)the weather is教學重、難點:掌握句型:教學目標中的第2個。教學用具:日歷一份,季節(jié)掛圖一幅、一些水果、蔬菜的實物或圖片。教學過程:一、復習導入師生互相打招呼,詢問學生天氣的狀況,學生的個人情況以及他們所喜歡的運勸,水果等。二、新授1、復習詞匯。教師出示準備好的圖片,讓學生復習四季、蔬菜、水果和一些運動方面的單詞。2、復習四季名稱

9、和前面所學過的月份名詞:There are four seasons in a year:Spring summer autumn winterOctober is in autumn what other months are there in autumn?august and September.3、新授對話:在展示對話內容前,老師可引導學生學說以下句子:(1)Do you know spring?(2)Do you like spring?(3)whats the weather like in spring?從而引出cool、warm、hot、cold等單詞。4、練習:1、Lets

10、listen to the dialogue, then answer the questions. A:Which season does Wang Nan like best? B:Spring. A:Why? B:He likes the weather in spring.It is warm.He can fly a kite and go climbing. A:Which season does Li Dong like best? B:Autumn A:Why? B:The weather is cool.He can eat fruits and go roller-skat

11、ing.2,A: Which season do you like best? B:best最,最好。 Which _ do you like best?你最喜歡什么?我們還可以問 Which lesson do you like best? Which sport do you like best? Which book do you like best? Which song do you like best? 回答:I like_ best. A:Oh,I know.Which corlour do you like best? B:I like green.Green is nice.

12、三、鞏固練習:學生練習本課對話內容。如:what about you? I like autumn best.I can go rollerskating very often, and I can eat fruits,too.四、作業(yè):編排內容更廣泛的自由會話。五、教后記(Notes)第三課時教學目標:通過學生的自由會話將所學的知識能夠靈活運用,并通過學唱英文歌曲“springs my farourite season”,讓學生欣賞英語歌曲的優(yōu)美旋律。教學重、難點:1、熟練進行自由會話。2、教唱英文歌曲“springs my farourite season”教學用具:歌曲中涉及的一幅田園

13、風光圖片。活動過程:一、復習導入1、學生上臺做自由會話。在會話前,教師先放錄音,讓學生熟悉本課對話內容,然后總結出本課重點句。(1)which season do you like best?(2)why?(3)I like the weather in spring(4)I can go rollerskating2、Lets Practise(II). 做個小組調查完成這個調查表,看看各位最喜愛的季節(jié)是哪個,并談出理由。調查中須進行這樣的問答:A:Which season doyou like best? B:Spring. A:Why? B:I like the weather in s

14、pring.It is warm.I can fly a kite and go climbing.教師給學生提供更多的話題,幫助學生把學過的單詞歸類以便備用。二、新授1、學生觀察教師展示的圖,描述一下春天的樣子,對春天的感覺等。2、給學生朗誦歌詞并解釋詞大意。3、放錄音學唱這首歌曲。學生上臺表演,部分學生分角色唱,一些學生學布谷鳥叫;一些學生歡快地跳一些學生跟著音樂打節(jié)拍。三、活動小結:評價學生的會話活動,唱歌結束本課教學。四、教后記(Notes)第四課時教學目標:通過練習,使句子知道怎樣改正句子的錯誤,使他們掌握這種練習的方法。教學用具:小黑板。教學過程:一、出示小黑板。1、what se

15、ason do you like best?A B C錯誤: 改正:2、I liking the weather in winter. A B C錯誤: 改正:3、I can fly a kite and go climb. A B C錯誤: 改正:4、I can going rollerskating. A B C錯誤: 改正:學生自己先試做。指名板演,對做的錯的及時給予糾正。二、講解方法及答案:先讓學生翻譯每一句話,然后判斷哪個錯。如:你最喜歡哪一個季節(jié)?用的是“whlch”我喜歡冬天的天氣?!發(fā)ike”應有原形。去攀蹬應是“go climbing”情態(tài)動詞can后面跟動詞短語:Go ro

16、llerskating三、練習:1、I liking the weather in spring. A B C錯誤: 改正:2、look out off the window!A B C錯誤: 改正:3、Mr wang want to play A B C錯誤: 改正:附送:2021-2022年五年級英語上冊 Lesson 7(1)教案 陜旅版第一課時教材分析:在學完季節(jié)以后我們這一課學習月份,一年的十二個月份我們可要慢慢學會吆。我們這一課學習掌握這些句子和單詞:My birthday is in July.Its in summer and the weather is very hot.

17、July November January February Chinese Knot。教學目標:1、能聽、說、認、讀、寫單詞:July November January Februry waterme on2、能聽懂、會說、會用、會寫下列句型:(1)when is your birthday?(2)my birthday is in july.(3)Its very hot.(4)Do you like the season?教學重、難點:1、掌握本課單詞。2、掌握句型。(1)when is your birthday?(2)My birthday is in July.教學用具:日歷一份,

18、各種水果、蔬菜及運動的實物或圖片數(shù)張。教學過程:一、復習導入用問答形式復習上節(jié)課所學內容。如:(1)which season do you like best?(2)do you like the weather in spring?(3)what can you do in spring?二、教授1、教師拿出日歷(1月、2月、7月、11月)教授單詞:January February July November(1)采用多種方法領讀單詞。(2)學生分組讀單詞,男女生讀單詞。2、學生回答以下問題:(1)Do you like new years day?(2)which month in new

19、 years day in?(3)hows the weather in January/February july/November?(4)whose birthday is in January/ February july/novenber?3、做游戲:看動作猜月份,說單詞。4、教授本課對話中的重點句:(1)when is your birthday?(2)my birthday is in july / FebruaryAugust / September / October / November / December.最后師生進行對話。三、鞏固練習:分組練習:讓學生兩人一組進行對話,

20、互相詢問對方的生日。四、作業(yè):總結本課所學的月份,并進行拼寫練習。五、教后記(Notes):第二課時教學目標:1、能聽、說、認、讀、寫下列單詞及短語:Tomorrow Chinese kmot have a party for ones birthclay.2、能聽懂、會說、會認、會讀、會寫下列句子:(1)tomorrow is alices birthday(2)she will like this Chinese knot for her birthday.(3)It looks very nice.(4)Is your birthday ing?(5)Im going to have a

21、 party.教學重、難點:1、聽、說、讀、寫單詞:tomorrow Chinese knot2、掌握句型:(1)tomorrow is alices birthday.(2)she will like this Chinese knot for her birthday.(3)It looks very nice.教學用具:中國結、飛機模型、一本新書、自備一些作為生日禮物的物品。教學過程:一、復習導入學生上臺作值日匯報,告訴大家你生日是所在的月份、季節(jié)以及對季節(jié)的喜好及原因。二、新授1、新授詞匯:(1)tomorrow:此單詞由today引出。如:today is Monday Which

22、day is Tuesday?(2)Chinese knot:出示圖片,讓學生反復練習讀。2、新授對話:老師放錄音,讓學生看書跟讀,然后根據(jù)錄音對話,回答下列問題:(1)whose birthday is tomorrow?(2)when is alices birthday?(3)what will she like for her birthday?(4)when is liu meis birthday?(5)when is zhang lis birthday?三、鞏固練習:1、把全班分成34人一組的若干個小組,讓他們編一段談論生日的對話。2、Lets Practise(I).請你看著

23、圖上的內容說話。My birthday is in July.Its in summer and the weather is very hot. A:Lets listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.Liu Mei: Tomorrow is Alices birthday. I think she will like this Chinese Knot for her birthday. It looks very nice.Zhang Li: I think so. But when is your birthday?Liu Mei

24、: My birthday is in July. Its in summer and the weather is very hot.Zhang Li: My birthday is in November. Its in winter and the weather is cold.Liu Mei: Is your birthday ing?Zhang Li: Yes. Im going to have a party.Liu Mei: Oh, thats great!1.A:What will Alice like for her birthday?B:She will like Chi

25、nese Knot. 2.A:When is Liu Meis birthday?B:Her birthday is in July.Its in summer and the weather is very hot.3.A:When is Zhang Lis birthday?B:In November.It is in winter and the weather is cold.4.A:How will Zhang Li have her birthday? B:She is going to have a party.四、作業(yè):做練習冊第題和第題。五、教后記(Notes)第三課時教學目

26、標:本節(jié)課主要讓學生練習自由會話,學習本課中的韻文,通過對練習冊上練習的完成,牢固掌握本課內容。教學用具:一幅四季圖,學習進行自由會話時所需的道具。教學過程:一、復習引導學生自由會話。二、新授1、祟四季圖,復習季節(jié)并引出四季的排序。Spring es before summerAutumn es before winter學生理解e before的意思。2、指著夏季圖告訴學生:I like summer.掛一幅美麗海邊圖:Its fine. Lets go to the beach.3、學生看跟讀。4、部分學生上臺表演。5、教師翻譯韻文。三、鞏固練習:1、做練習冊的第題、第題。學生自己聽錄音完

27、成、教師集體糾正。2、做練習冊的第題。這道題是對季節(jié)及月份的理解和詞語的考查,學生獨立完成后,集體糾正。3、Lets Practise(II). Pair work. Ask and answer questions according to the pictures. 請你看著圖上的內容進行問答。A: What are you doing?B: Im making Chinese Knots.What do you think of it?A: Its very nice. I think she will like it.B: Thank you.四、教后記(Notes)第四課時教學目標:

28、通過練習、使學生熟練本節(jié)課中的四會單詞及句子,并能活學活用。教學用具:教師出示小黑板。1、學生先獨認完成小黑板上的第題。2、指名匯報答案。(1)My birthday is in July(2)I like this Chinese knot rery much(3)Is your birthday ing?(4)This Chinese knot is for her birthday3、學生做小黑板上的第題。指名板演(1)明天是我的生日。 Tome rrow is my birthday.(2)我非常喜歡夏天。I like summer vrery much.(3)My birthday is Novrmber.我的生日在11月。(4)Thats great!太棒了!4、聽寫本課單詞。三、本課小結.

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