unit What is in a namePPT課件

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unit What is in a namePPT課件_第1頁
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unit What is in a namePPT課件_第2頁
第2頁 / 共42頁
unit What is in a namePPT課件_第3頁
第3頁 / 共42頁


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《unit What is in a namePPT課件》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《unit What is in a namePPT課件(42頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網上搜索。

1、Part 1 Listening and speaking activities 1 Introduction of functions Describing Objects If you describe an object (someone or something), you say what sort of thing it is (what kind of person he or she is), or what they are like, such as its size, color or shape. You should mention some basic, strik

2、ing characteristics or perhaps give some of your attitudes towards the object, or you can make a comment on it. Note: Some explanations may be necessary concerning the order of adjectives that modify a noun. The adjectives below are used to describe objects: 第1頁/共42頁woolen cotton leather wooden meta

3、l glass plastic silk canvas paper nylon rubber greenredyellowblueblackwhitepinkbrownpurpleorangegreytan(棕褐色,茶色)auburn(紅褐色)big smalllongshortfatthinhighlowlargetallsquaretriangularMaterialColorSize 第2頁/共42頁 You may describe objects or people like this:A: Which apple do you like? B: The red one. A: Wh

4、at did your father look like? B: He was short and fat. A: How old is your English teacher? B: He is middle-aged, about forty. She has short golden hair and light blue eyes. My hometown is small and clean. The landscape was easy on the eyes. The day was hot and dusty.The house was old, damp and smell

5、y.第3頁/共42頁 Talking About Jobs There are many ways of talking about ones job. The common expressions used to ask ones job are: What do you do? Whats your job? Where do you work? etc. When you talk about your job, you can use some adjectives to describe it, such as boring / lucrative(賺錢的)(賺錢的) / inter

6、esting / decent / challenging / part-time / full-time, etc. If you want to express unemployment, you can say: Someone is dismissed /discharged / fired / sacked / laid off / out of job. The nouns below are used to show ones occupation: 第4頁/共42頁 judge lawyer doctor nurse painter sculptor editor report

7、er journalist banker clerk cashier typist secretary cook baker tailor barber salesman engineer designer mechanic architect electricianaccountant supervisor branch manager administrative manager gardener tour guide plumber janitor第5頁/共42頁 Talking about Jobs If you want to know something about someone

8、s work, you may ask:Where do you work?What do you do?/What do you do for a living?What is your line of business?What is your job/occupation?What does your fathers job involve? /Whats your father?What is your routine work?/What do you do exactly every day?Could you tell me something about your job?Wh

9、at made you decide to become a teacher? Common Answers:I work for Anderson office. Im a tour guide. Im a doctor.Im a secretary. He is the headmaster of our school. He is a gardener. I find a part-time job in a business company. Im looking for a better job.My job doesnt require special skills. To be

10、a housewife is so boring. 第6頁/共42頁 Conversation One 第7頁/共42頁 Ill leave you two here to do .structure Subject + leave (vt.) + sb.(pron.) + to do sth.You use the structure leave someone to do something to mean that you go away from them so that they do it on their own. grammatical pointsIn this struct

11、ure the infinitive (to do) is used as objective complement.You can leave an assistant to look after the shop.I will leave you to cook.第8頁/共42頁 listening第9頁/共42頁 auburn adj. Is your hair black or auburn? set n. A shampoo and set costs 8. Shes having her hair set for the party this evening. gleaming a

12、dj. cf. gleaming, glimmering, glittering e.g. gleaming white teeth glimmering n. We begin to see the glimmerings of a solution to the problem.glittering adj. A glittering career had been predicted for her in the civil service.第10頁/共42頁 Tottenham are the best to see.structure subject + be(link verb)

13、adjectiveto-infinitiveYou can use a to-infinitive clause after a noun group to indicate the aim or purpose of something. You can also use a to-infinitive clause after a noun group that includes an ordinal number, a superlative, or a word like next, last, or only.I think the best way to travel by is

14、on foot. She is always the last person to speak at the meeting.grammatical pointThe to-infinitive clause should be put after the noun group it modifies. 第11頁/共42頁 giggle v. n.giggle at sb. / sth. Stop giggling, children; this is a serious matter. There was a giggle from the back of the class. wiggle

15、 v. Stop wiggling and sit still. The baby was wiggling its toes. mate n. (in BrE. refers to male)He is an old mate of mine. Where are you off to, mate? -mate: companion roommate flat-mate classmate teammate playmate 第12頁/共42頁 hit Hes a hit with everyone. Her new film is quite a hit. swap v. n. Your

16、book looks more interesting than mine; do you want to swap with me? As you like my dress and I like yours, shall we do a swap?apart from except apart adv.The two houses stood 500 meters apart. Apart from his nose. hes quite good-looking.第13頁/共42頁Proverb A rolling stone gathers no moss 滾石不生苔 Somebody

17、 of this type is free of responsibilities, family ties, etc. and had no wealth. (喻人既無責任,無家室,又無錢財)第14頁/共42頁Why do people change jobs? Possible reasons: For better job satisfaction For a more secure position For a higher salary For better career development prospects Having been fired Unable to get al

18、ong with former co-workers To make a better living To be closer to home To be closer to friends第15頁/共42頁Pre-reading tasks Which jobs are thought of as more suitable for men and which, more suitable for women? Why?Pilot fashion-designer chef Baby-sitter company managerSecretary nurse第16頁/共42頁 Text Wh

19、at is in a name?第17頁/共42頁Main Idea In peoples mind, some jobs are open only to women while some are open to men. I sent off an application for a job with abbreviated name Chris Neale. I successfully got a chance to have an interview, but everybody stared at me in surprise when I was there. I started

20、 to feel nervous because something must have been wrong. Finally I came to realize that it was my name that had given people a wrong impression and they were surprised that a man should have come to apply for a womans job. It made me very embarrassed.第18頁/共42頁 Para 1seem: v. to look like Seem is usu

21、ally followed by an adjective, a noun group, to-infinitives or a clause.It seemed very unusual.She seemed to be a very nice person.It seemed to me that she was far too romantic.第19頁/共42頁 Para 2 1. take a seat They took their seats at the small round table.take / have +n. refers to an action that som

22、eone performs.take a look at / take a break take a bath / take a vacation take a walk / take a short cut take action / take a trip (to) take a bet take a chance take a deep breath take a step take an interest in point: vi. show the position or direction to vt. aim or direct (at, towards) The hands o

23、f the clock pointed to half-past one.She was pointing her fingers at me.point out point to point up point at sb. 第20頁/共42頁 2about adv. of degree; to various places; in various directions About ten oclock the telephone rang again.He was about the same age as Philip.Richard plays about in school inste

24、ad of working. as if: as though I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.And fancy you just sitting there as if nothing had happened.It looks as if it is going to rain. 3look: n. give / have a look at throw an angry look at shoot a puzzled look at steal a look at take a close look at c

25、ome across: to happen to I came across this old book in an old bookstore.He came suddenly across an idea.第21頁/共42頁 Para 3 1get back When Tom gets back, please tell him that Jill phoned.If you take Mary out for a drive you must promise to get her back before 9 oclock.He has got back the land his fami

26、ly lost. 2. What had surprised me is used as a subject. the fact that. is a predicative clause. application n. The manager received twenty applications for the post.Application must be sent in by 31st July. fill out /in Filling out /in all these forms is such a bore.Im afraid your application form i

27、s incorrectly filled in /out.第22頁/共42頁 3. cant help doing She couldnt help crying.When I read this letter, I couldnt help thinking of my parents. short: adj. short for I need 1 but I m 5P short : Ive only got 95P.The usual word pub is short for public house.a short cut have a short memory in short b

28、e short of 4be open to This book is open to criticism.The competition is open to all pupils under twelve years of age.in the open air keep an open mind even though /if Even though I have opposed him, I respect him.They will stand by you even though you have failed.第23頁/共42頁 Para 4have on: to wear Wh

29、en he left, he had on a dark shirt.He went to bed drunk, and when he woke up he found that he still had his shoes on.第24頁/共42頁 Para 5 interview n. meeting with sb. for discussion or conference. vt. to have an meeting with Dont be late for your interview, or you wont get the job.He refused to give an

30、y interview to journalists.The newspaper reporters interviewed the minister.He interviewed all the applicants one by one .第25頁/共42頁 Para 6 Chris Neale? I asked hesitantly.hesitantly : adv. uncertainlyhesitate : v. to show signs of uncertainty or unwillingness in speech or action第26頁/共42頁 Para 7 let

31、out He let out a scream.Some one has let out the news.They let out horses by the day.idiomslet be let down let bygones be bygones let sleeping dogs lie let the cat out of the bag embarrass: vt. to cause perplexity, mental discomfort, or anxiety to; to hinder the movement of embarrassed: adj. embarra

32、ssment: n. Teachers should always avoid embarrassing students.Wearing a heavy coat embarrassed his movements.She smiled with embarrassment.第27頁/共42頁 Sentences in the text1.They give me a strange look, as if I shouldnt have been there at all. (Para 2) 2.What had surprised me was the fact (Para 3) 3.I

33、 couldnt help wondering if they realized I was a man. (Para 4) 第28頁/共42頁 1. as if + clause as if (as though) You can use as if or as though at the beginning of a clause to mean something that appears to be true although it is not.grammatical pointsas if or as though can introduce a subjunctive claus

34、e. 1) We use V+ed, or were instead of was to refer to a situation that is not true or does not exist at present.My mother looks after the orphan as if he were her own child.2) We use would+V to refer to a situation that is unlikely in the future.Mrs. Harper sobbed as if her heart would break.3) In a

35、s if clause, if the verb is look, seem, sound, taste, smell, we use declarative instead of subjunctive.It looks (or seems) as if (as though) a storm will soon come.第29頁/共42頁 2. what What: used to introduce a subjective clauseIn the structure what is used at the beginning of a special kind of relativ

36、e clause and functions like a noun group. It serves as the subject. What means the thing(s) that (which) What she saw gave her a little fright. What he said is groundless. grammatical pointsYou dont use what in defining or non-defining relative clauses. You dont say, for example, The book what you l

37、ent me is very good. You use which or that instead.第30頁/共42頁 3. if If is used to introduce an objective clause, meaning whether.I asked her if she had any room to let. Ill go round tonight and see if he wants anything. 第31頁/共42頁Synonym Comparison 1. appointment date interviewYou use appointment to m

38、ean that you have arranged to see someone at a particular time, usually in connection with his or her work, e.g. an appointment with ones doctor/client. A date is an appointment to meet someone or go out with a person with whom you are having or may soon have a romantic relationship, such as the bli

39、nd date is an arrangement by a third person for a male and female to get to know each other, so as to have a romantic relationship. An interview is a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out if the person is suitable for a job. Interview may also mean a conversation in

40、 which a journalist puts questions to someone such as a politician or famous person.第32頁/共42頁 2. job work task A job is the work that someone does to earn money. It is a countable noun, e.g. a decent job. Your work consists of the things you are paid or required to do in your job. Its an uncountable

41、 noun, e.g. a piece of work. Work can be a countable noun when it means something such as painting, a book, or a piece of music produced by an artist, writer, or composer, e.g. Shakespeares works. Works is a factory where sth. is manufactured. Task is an activity or a piece of work that you have to

42、do. If you find it hard and unpleasing you may call it a task .It is a countable noun.第33頁/共42頁 3. business career craft occupation profession A business is an activity that you do as part of your job, not for pleasure. It refers to a particular area of work in which the aim is to make a profit. A c

43、areer is a job or profession you follow for your whole life, e.g. ones political career. A craft is a job involves doing sth. skillfully with ones hands, also called handcraft such as goldsmith. An occupation is sth. you do as part of your daily life. Its your job, but more formal than job. A profes

44、sion is a job which needs special training and a high level of education, such as a doctor or a lawyer.第34頁/共42頁 4. company corporation firmThese three words can be used to refer to a business organization. A company is a business organization that makes money by selling goods or services. We use co

45、rporation to refer to a joint-stock company. We also use it to refer to a large company. A firm is an organization which sells or produces something or provides a service. It may be a shop or a factory. We can use company or corporation to name an organization, but we cant use firm to do that.第35頁/共

46、42頁 5. surprise astonish amaze astoundWe use surprise to mean the feeling you have when something unexpected happens. Astonish means something unbelievable happens suddenly that makes you very surprised. Amaze means be very surprised with pleasure, wonder, and approval. Astound means be shocked and

47、amazed by sth. that could exist or happen. 1)I was surprised at finding you here. 2)I was astonished to see her so wan and old.3)The teacher was amazed to find that the under-achiever had got a full mark in the exam.4)We were astounded at the news of his death.第36頁/共42頁 Strange things always _ to us

48、. This morning, I went to the _ company for a job interview. As I was early, the _ asked me to wait for Mr. Lambert with two other _ who had come for the _ too. Just then, a man about my _ came in and gave his _ to the receptionist. We couldnt help _ what he had come for _ I heard him saying job int

49、erview. The receptionist _ a bit surprised. She pointed to the seat _ to us and said something to him. I could see that the man was rather _ when we girls looked at him. I wondered if he knew that such _ work is usually open to women. It was a bit _ for a man to want to be a secretary, wasnt it? 第37

50、頁/共42頁Advice 1.Work longer than minimum requirement 2. Apply early 3. Apply to several firms 4. Check the requirements 5. Write a short letter 6. Enclose a standard resume 7. Enclose a recent photo 9. Obtain confirmation of details 10. Check all relevant details 11. Decide quickly on preferred job第3

51、8頁/共42頁Translation 1. Im afraid that the position is not open to students. 2. I came across a letter from France the other day. 3. He put his hand on his chest as if to show sincerity. 4. Ive filled out the application form. 5. She had her coat on. 6. I cant help thinking that weve made a big mistak

52、e. 7. Fred is short for Frederick. 8. He seemed in his early thirties.第39頁/共42頁English names First name given name family name Last name surname maiden name Forename middle name Christian name Initial 第40頁/共42頁Self-Assessment Worksheet 1. What useful information have I learnt in this unit? 2. What language items have I learnt in this unit? 3. What skills have I improved in this unit? 4. What problem (s) in this unit remaining to be solved?第41頁/共42頁感謝您的觀看。第42頁/共42頁

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