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新概念英語青少版Starter B 第十五單元課件

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新概念英語青少版Starter B 第十五單元課件

【精品文檔】如有侵權(quán),請(qǐng)聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除,僅供學(xué)習(xí)與交流新概念英語青少版Starter B 第十五單元課件.精品文檔.Unit 15: lets play football!句型:那是我的哥哥。Thats (that is) my brother. 那是你的媽媽嗎?Is that your mum? 不,不是的, 那是我的阿姨。No. it isnt. Thats my aunt. 那是你的爺爺嗎?是的。Is that your grandfather? Yes, it is. 我能跳舞。I can dance.還有那是我的奶奶和我的堂兄。And thats my grandmother and my cousin. 這是我們的房。This is our house! 這是你們的廚房。This is your kitchen.那是他們的客廳。That is their sitting room. 這是我們的洗手間嗎?Is this our bathroom?那是你們的餐廳嗎?Is that your dining room? 那是他們的學(xué)校嗎?Is that their school?我的帽子在哪里?它下你的書下面。Where is my hat? Its under your book. 羅伯特在哪里?他在廚房。Where is Robert? He is in the kitchen. 那些是羊嗎?Are those sheep? 我的臥室有一張大床。There is a big bed in my bedroom. 他們是玻璃杯子They are glasses.我們的房間里沒電腦。There isnt a computer in our room. 這些是什么?What are these?他們的廚房里有架子嗎? Is there a shelf in their kitchen? 那是海倫的木偶。Thats Helens puppet.這個(gè)房間里有臺(tái)燈嗎?Is there a lamp in this room? 媽媽,你在哪里? Where are you, mum? 幾點(diǎn)了? What time is it?八點(diǎn)了。 Its eight oclock. 它們是你媽媽的。They are your mothers.早餐/ 上學(xué)/ 睡覺/ 時(shí)間到了。Its time for breakfast./ school / bed./ 那些是鳥。 Those are birds.晚餐吃什么?Whats for supper?= Whats on your plate? whats=what is 你們臟了。Youre dirty. 這不是泰德的滑板。 This isnt Teds skateboard. 他們是盒子Theyre boxes.這是什么?What is this? 這是南希跳繩. This is Nancys skipping rope. 它是誰的足球?Whose football is it? 它是肯尼的。Its Kennys. 這些是鴨子。These are ducks.我最喜歡的玩具是太空船。 My favourite toy is a spaceship. 那些是什么?What are those? 讓我們乘坐太空船在天空里飛翔吧。Lets fly in the sky in a spaceship. 他們快樂。Theyre happy.這些不是馬, These are not horses. These arent horses. 我聽不下去了!I cant listen!這些是綿羊嗎? 是的,它們是綿羊。Are these sheep? Yes, they are. 我們餓了。Were hungry. 不,它們不是。 它們是羔羊No, they arent. they are lambs.藍(lán)色盤子里的那些是什么?What are those in the blue dish? 我不會(huì)彈鋼琴。I cant play the piano.它們是草莓,櫻桃和桃子。Theyre strawberries, cherries and peaches. 我不會(huì)畫畫。I cant draw.它們是爸爸的鞋子。Theyre Dads shoes!它們是誰的大衣?Whose coats are they?它們是我們的大衣。They are our coats.這條藍(lán)色的圍巾是誰的?Whose are the blue scarves?它們是他們的圍巾。Theyre their scarves. 它們是誰的? Whose are they? 他們是快樂的狗狗!Theyre happy dogs! 你能觸碰到你的腳趾?jiǎn)? Can you touch your toes?我們不臟。We arent dirty. 你們不干凈。You arent clean. 我會(huì)踢足球。I can play football.你們熱嗎?是的,我們熱。Are you hot? Yes, we are.你們冷嗎?,我們不冷。Are you cold? No, we arent.鄉(xiāng)下有農(nóng)場(chǎng)。There are farms in the countryside. 是的,我能夠。不,我不能。Yes, I can. No, I cant.河里面沒有兔子。There arent rabbits in the river.田野里有奶牛嗎?Are there cows in the field.?有的。Yes, there are. 沒有。No, there arent.有多少根骨頭? How many bones are there? 有十九根骨頭。 There are nineteen bones. =Therere十八加二等于二十。Eighteen and two is twenty.常用表達(dá):they are amazing! Dont shout! 聽! Listen! 精彩! Bravo! 起床時(shí)間到了!Its time to get up! 多少?How many? 你是對(duì)的!Youre right! 你是錯(cuò)的!Youre wrong! 回來! Come back! 在窗門/門/床/房子/學(xué)校/旁邊/附近 next to the window/door/ bed/ house/school,在桌子/山/滑板上面 on this table/hill/skateboard 在門后面 behind the door, 在床鋪下面 under the bed, 在房子前面in front of the house. 太棒了!It great!多么美麗漂亮的花朵!What pretty flower! 沒有汽車!No buses! 不要跑 Dont run.這么多的襪子What a lot of socks!這么有趣!What fun! 不要觸碰!Dont touch!多么好的食品啊What great food!What super food! What nice food.多么奇怪的食品啊What strange food! Dont be silly!不要犯傻了。這么臟亂!What a mess! 哦,我的天啊!Oh dear! 請(qǐng)不要唱歌。 Please dont sing.謝謝你(給我)的飛盤Thank you for the Frisbee. 不要在班里吃東西。Dont eat in class. very nice.很好 Good night晚安. A great day.很棒的一天 Lucky you 好運(yùn)get off the bed!. 下床! lets call! 讓我們打電話!(祈使句;命令句。)請(qǐng)朗讀。 Please read.Welcome! 歡迎Lucky dog! 用于表示對(duì)某人或某物好運(yùn)氣的羨慕。 接住球。Catch a football.也可說Lucky you! lucky me! 運(yùn)氣??!Very nice! T很好his is fun! 太好玩了!吃餅干Eat your biscuit. 喝水Drink your water. 午餐時(shí)間到了。 Its time for lunch.看這些餅干Look at the biscuits. 躲在灌木后面!Hide behind the bush! 你錯(cuò)了。You are wrong.開始上課Class begins.、起立Stand up. 、坐下Sit down, 請(qǐng) please.、你是對(duì)的。You are right. 請(qǐng)進(jìn)來Come in, please.、跟我讀Read after me.、休息一下Have a rest. 、讓我們走Let's go. 、請(qǐng)交上來Hand in, please. 、關(guān)門Close the door. 、玩的快樂Have a good time. 不要講話Dont talk! 不要叫Dont shout! 不要推揉 Dont push ! 不要跑Dont run! 不要跳Dont jump! 不要在班里喝水。 Dont drink in class不要在課桌上亂寫。 Dont write on your desk. 不要亂丟書本。 Dont throw your book.請(qǐng)拼寫“白色的”這個(gè)字Spell “white” please.語音:字母組合 th 的發(fā)音, 如:this, that, mother, father, bath, think, mouth, teeth字母組合 all 的發(fā)音, 如:ball; wall; call; mall; small; tall; hall; 字母組合 cl; cr 的發(fā)音, 如:clock鐘點(diǎn),鐘; clap 拍手; cliff;懸崖 clown;小丑crown;皇冠 cricket板球; crash;碰撞;嘩啦(像聲詞)crack破裂 crowd 人群字母組合 sk和sp 的發(fā)音, 如: skate, skateboard, skip, skipping rope, ski, sky, spaceship, spoon, space, spin, spot字母 組合dr的發(fā)音。 如: 龍dragon, 連衣裙dress, 鼓drum, 夢(mèng)dream, 司機(jī)driver, 字母 組合tr 的發(fā)音。如:樹tree, 火車train, 卡車truck字母組合ir的發(fā)音,如;鳥bird 女孩girl, 渴thirsty, 臟dirty, 先生sir字母組合ow的發(fā)音, 如:城鎮(zhèn)town, 小丑clown, 下down; 褐色brown;花flower; 奶牛cow; 哇wow; 字母組合wh的發(fā)音, 如: 哪里where, 什么what, 白色的white, 誰who, 誰的whose, 哨子 whistle, 鯨魚whale字母組合ar 的發(fā)音, car; bar; farm, party; park; dark; 詞匯:繪畫draw; 跳舞 dance; 聽listen; 踢足球play football; 彈鋼琴play the piano; 打網(wǎng)球play tennis; 拉提琴play the violin; 閱讀read; 書寫write; 手hand; 腳趾toe; 觸碰touch; 餅干biscuit, 灌木/樹叢bush, 抓catch, 喝drink, 吃eat, 躲藏hide, 跳jump, 跑run, 坐下sit down, 水water, 叫shout, 唱sing, 歌曲song, 丟throw 十三thirteen, 十四fourteen, 十五fifteen, 十六sixteen, 十七seventeen, 十八eighteen,十九 nineteen, 二十twenty, 二十一twenty-one十一eleven 十二twelve農(nóng)村/鄉(xiāng)下countryside, 田野field, 花朵flower, 小山hill, 河流river, 城鎮(zhèn)/鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)town, 樹tree, 巴士bus, 大路road, 商店shop干凈的clean, 臟的dirty, 干的dry, 濕的wet, 快樂happy, 不快樂unhappy, 冷的cold, 熱的hot, 新的new, 舊的old餓hungry, 渴thirsty, 連衣裙dress, 鞋子shoe, 短裙skirt, 襪子sock, 外衣coat,夾克衫jacket, 牛仔褲jeans, 褲子trousers, 圍巾scarf盒子box, 櫻桃cherry, 盤子dish, 食品food, 叉子fork, 杯子glass,桃子peach,刀子knife, 三明治sandwich, 草莓strawberry, 竹子bamboo, potato鳥bird, 雞chicken, 驢子donkey, 鴨子duck, 農(nóng)場(chǎng)farm, 山羊goat, 馬horse, 羔羊lamb, 羊sheep, 公牛bull, 奶牛 cow船 boat, 游戲game, 足球football,飛盤Frisbee 木偶puppet, 拼圖puzzle, 滑板skateboard, 跳繩skipping rope, 太空船spaceship, 早上morning 午餐lunch 下午afternoon 晚上 evening night 早餐breakfast 晚餐supper 床bed; 椅子chair; 電腦computer; 書桌desk; 臺(tái)燈lamp;門door; 墻wall; 海報(bào),招貼畫poster; 架子shelf;臥室bedroom,房子 house, 客廳sitting room, 洗手間bathroom, 餐廳dining room, 廚房kitchen,隔壁 next to, 之間between, grandfather, 爺爺(外公)grandmother, 奶奶(外婆)father, 爸爸mother,媽媽 uncle, 叔叔(舅舅)aunt, 阿姨(舅媽)cousin, 表哥,表妹(堂兄,姐)man,男人 woman 女人竹子bamboo; 接住catch; 手hand; 幸福happy; 夾克衫jacket; 羊羔lamb; 臺(tái)燈lamp; man ; grandmother; sandwich; bed; bedroom; cherry; desk; dress; eleven; shelf; twelve; twenty; wet; bird; dirty; thirsty; girl; sir; thirteen; nurse; hamburger; skirt; boat; goat; coat; road;bike; kite; game; name; hide; write; knife; night; nineteen; skateboard; spaceship; wall; ball; call; mall; tall; bus; cousin; duck; hungry; jump; lunch; mother; puppet; puzzle; touch; uncle; unhappy; run; house mouth; mouse; shout; trousers; farm; afternoon; bathroom; dance; glass; scarf; door; draw; fork; horse; morning; strawberry; clean; eat; evening; field; jeans; peach; read; sheep; tree; between;


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