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高考英語總復(fù)習(xí)(專題攻略)之閱讀理解 解題技巧之詞義猜測

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高考英語總復(fù)習(xí)(專題攻略)之閱讀理解 解題技巧之詞義猜測

高考英語閱讀理解解題技巧之詞義猜測歷年來高考試題中的生詞量有增無減。教學(xué)大綱要求學(xué)生“讀懂生詞率不超過3%的傳記、故事、記敘文、科普小品文和有關(guān)社會文史知識等不同題材的材料?!痹谟⒄Z閱讀訓(xùn)練和測試中的生詞障礙往往會成為學(xué)生理解的“絆腳石”,這些“絆腳石”的出現(xiàn)大致分五類:1舊詞新義,考查詞匯表中未出現(xiàn)的詞義;如:Nearby is the Indianapolis race course, where the nations most famous car race is held each year on May 30th.我們學(xué)過 course的意思是“過程,課程”等,在此顯然不符句意。根據(jù)上下文 course是汽車賽舉行的地方,可推斷 course在該句是“車道”或“跑道”的意思。2合成詞、轉(zhuǎn)化詞與派生詞,如shoplifting,heartbroken,computer-literate,decision-thinking,imperfect等;3“靈活”的常用詞增多,這些詞必須根據(jù)具體的上下文語境才能正確理解;4“新鮮”的外國人名、地名、專有名稱增多,這些詞有些帶有一定的文化背景5超綱生詞。如: NMET2002大綱之外的和熟詞新意的生詞達(dá)57個,NMET2003年除52個專有名詞和15個注漢字的生詞外,還有52個生詞 (含熟詞生義)。有的學(xué)生在閱讀訓(xùn)練和測試中存在著“生詞恐懼心理”,一遇到生詞就有讀不下去的感覺。那么閱讀理解時遇到大量生詞該怎么辦? 查詞典當(dāng)然是排除詞義障礙的一種方法,當(dāng)然這只有在平常的閱讀訓(xùn)練中才可以使用。但是,頻繁的查閱詞典既影響閱讀速度,又容易破壞學(xué)生閱讀的思路和興趣。況且,一詞多義是英語詞匯的主要特點(diǎn),詞典不一定能為學(xué)生提供單詞在特定的上下文中的具體或確切的含義。平時的練習(xí)中遇到生詞不要馬上查詞典,可以通過一定的方法來猜測理解。猜測詞義不僅是一項(xiàng)閱讀技巧,也是高考閱讀能力考查的一個方面,每年在高考閱讀中都有猜測詞義的試題。掌握正確方法快速而又準(zhǔn)確地猜測出生詞的含義,對提高閱讀速度和答題效率相當(dāng)重要。該類題常見的考查形式有:A. The phrase “”in the sentence could be replaced by _.B. The word “” in the paragraph refers to _.C. What is the meaning of the underlined word in the paragraph? / What does the unlined word mean?D. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the phrase “”?E. The word “” most nearly means _.對此類試題,考生應(yīng)該進(jìn)行大膽猜測,但這種猜測不是胡亂的,盲目的,而是有一定的方法和技巧。下面介紹十種常見的猜測詞義的方法供同學(xué)們加以運(yùn)用。1構(gòu)詞法猜詞閱讀中常常會遇到一些由熟悉的單詞派生或合成的新詞。掌握構(gòu)詞法對猜測詞義很有幫助。如:unforeseeable.這個詞,可以根據(jù)構(gòu)詞法把它拆成un, fore, see , able;其中 see 是詞根,fore是“先,前,預(yù)”的含義,un是否定,able是“能的,可的”,因此unforeseeable是“未能預(yù)見到的”意思。例題1 The reasons for a visit to a lighthouse are not all so backward-looking in time. It is true that lighthouses were built in out-of-the-way places. But on a pleasant sunny summer day, this very isolation has a natural beauty that many people will love to experience. 68. The underlined phrase “out-of-the-way” in Paragraph 4 means _.A. far-away B. dangerous C. ancient D. secret【答案與解析】選A。由合成詞out-of-the-way的原意以及下句中的isolation一詞,可知燈塔在一個“孤零零”的地方。例題2 Baker concludes that people do not have the ability to sense when theyre being stared at. If people doubt the outcome of his two experiments, said Baker, “I suggest they repeat the experiments and see for themselves.” 70. The underlined word “outcome” in the last paragraph most probably means .A. value B. result C. performance D. connection【答案與解析】選B。運(yùn)用“構(gòu)詞法”進(jìn)行猜測。動詞詞組come out 的意義為“露出、出現(xiàn)、顯露出”。再根據(jù)句子的語境,可猜測出其意義是:(實(shí)驗(yàn)的)結(jié)果。2利用同義近義詞猜詞在生詞所出現(xiàn)的上下文中,有時會出現(xiàn)與之同義或近義的詞語或結(jié)構(gòu),這時可從熟悉的詞語中推知生詞的含義。統(tǒng)稱在詞或短語之間有并列連詞and或or,這些詞語或短語在句中作相同的成分,并且and或or連接的兩項(xiàng)內(nèi)容在含義上是接近的或遞進(jìn)的,由此確定同等關(guān)系中的某個生詞所屬的義域,甚至推出它的大致詞義。例題1Animals have different living habits. Some like to look for food at daytime and sleep at night, but some like to sleep at daytime and prowl at night. 【答案與解析】通過這些并列句可以看出prowl與look for food 是同義近義詞,詞義也應(yīng)是“尋找食物”。例題2 Fermats Last Theorem(定理), first put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientists who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecole Polytechnique. 65. Which of the following best explains the meaning of the word “baffle” as it is used in the text?A. To encourage people to raise questions.B. To cause difficulty in understanding.C. To provide a person with an explanation.D. To limit peoples imagination.3利用反義詞猜詞對比是描述,說明事物的常用方式。在對比中,對比的事物是互為相反的,因此根據(jù)反義或?qū)Ρ汝P(guān)系可從已知推出未知。利用反義詞來說明生詞的意義,如反義詞hot and cold, perfect and imperfect,甚至前、后句為肯定與否定或是與不是等,在句內(nèi)詞與詞之間,在段內(nèi)句與句之間的關(guān)系上起著互為線索的作用。例題1 Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is shy, unsociable person who does not like to go to parties or to make new friends.【答案與解析】此句是把Jane與她姐妹對比。Jane生性靦腆,不愛交際,而她姐姐卻與之相反,那就是“愛交際的”了,這也就猜出gregarious的詞義了。例題2 In many nations there are two financial extremes (極端), from penury to great wealth.【答案與解析】penury: the state of being very poor; poverty (貧窮; 貧困)例題3 A childs birthday party doesnt have to be a hassle ; it can be a basket of fun, according to Beth Anaclerio, an Evaston mother of two, ages 4 and 18 months. 74.What does the underlined word “hassle” probably mean?A. A party designed by specialists.B. A plan requiring careful thought.C. A situation causing difficulty or trouble.D. A demand made by guests.【答案與解析】根據(jù)前句的否定doesnt與后句的肯定can be這一對比關(guān)系,可以判斷出,為了慶祝孩子的生日,又不至于麻煩,可以買一個生日開心包。Hassle的意思應(yīng)該與fun相反,而與difficulty, trouble相近。答案為C。4利用上下文語境猜詞任何一篇文章中的句子在內(nèi)容上都不是絕對孤立的,都跟句子所在的段落及整整篇文章有關(guān)。利用上下文提供的情景和線索,進(jìn)行合乎邏輯的綜合分析進(jìn)而推測詞義,是閱讀過程中的一大關(guān)鍵,這也是近年來高考考查的熱點(diǎn)。例題1 Charlottes tale was inspired by the girls coin collection. "Weve collected foreign coins for years since our families went on holiday to Tenerife." she explains. "That was before the Euro, so we put pesetas in. 60. The underlined word "pesetas" in Paragraph 2 is a kind of _.A. story B. collection C. inspiration D. foreign coin 【答案與解析】選D。由原文中的Euro (歐元,歐洲統(tǒng)一貨幣)可推知該詞是一種在歐元發(fā)行前使用的錢幣。例題2 The plants are about one meter apart. The plant is often pruned so that it remains only 60 to 90 centimeters high. Pruning is important because it encourages the growth of tender shoots, or young leaves. It is from these shoots that the best tea is got.68In the first paragraph ,the word “pruning” means .Aregular cutting of the plants Cregular use of chemicals Bfrequent watering Dgrowing the plants high in the mountain【答案與解析】選A。由此段中的 The plant is often pruned so that it remains only 60 to 90 centimeters high.Pruning is important because it encourages the growth of tender shoots, or young leaves. 便可猜出Pruning的詞義為“剪枝修剪”。例題3“But,” said Kim, “I feel that since you are my superior, it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to do.” 70. The word “presumptuous” in the middle of the passage is closest in meaning to “_”.A. full of respect B. too confident and rudeC. lacking in experience D. too shy and quiet例題4 “No crime whatsoever?” comments Mahoney today. “ I just dont buy it.” Nor should he: in 1999 the U.S. Department of education had reports of nearly 400,000 serious crimes on or around our campuses. 58. The underlined word “buy” in the third paragraph means _A. mind B. admit C. believe D. expect【答案與解析】選C。buy原意為“買,購買”,在此處根據(jù)語境可知意為“相信”。從本段第一句話可知,Mahoney持懷疑態(tài)度。后面列舉的。400,000這個數(shù)字也表示出他的不相信。特別提醒:在做英語閱讀理解題時,一定要注意熟詞生義!這類猜詞題也常見于各年高考題當(dāng)中。熟詞生義比生詞本身的障礙要大得多。原因有三:其一,高考對生詞的數(shù)量有數(shù)量的規(guī)定,不得超過3;其二,熟詞生義很容易引起考生的誤解;其三,熟詞生義的數(shù)量沒有限制。如果這種現(xiàn)象在一篇文章中出現(xiàn)得多,那就更難理解了。5利用定義和解釋猜詞有些文章,特別是科技文章,通常會對一些關(guān)鍵詞給予定義,我們可以利用定義來猜測這些詞的意思。釋義法就是根據(jù)文章中的字里行間,對生詞以定語(從句)、表語甚至用逗號、破折號等標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號引出并加以解釋說明的方式。例題1 Wrestling is the game which is played by two strong people; one player tried to get the other down on the floor.【答案與解析】通過后面的定義解釋:Wrestling 是“兩人進(jìn)行的,彼此盡力把對方弄倒在地的比賽”,可以猜出wrestling是“摔跤;摔角”。例題2 Scientists grow large quantities of common mould so that they can get penicillin from it in order to make antibiotics, that is, substances that kill germs.【答案與解析】antibiotic: a medical substance, such as penicillin produced by living things and able to stop the growth of, or destroy, harmful bacteria that have entered the body (抗生素; 抗生菌)例題3“Organic produce is always better, ” Gold said. “The food is free of pesticides (農(nóng)藥), and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms. And more often than not it is locally (本地)grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty.” Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend, and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business.62. What is the meaning of “the organic trend” as the words are used in the text?A. Growing interest in organic food.B. Better quality of organic food.C. Rising market for organic food.D. Higher prices of organic food.【答案與解析】由Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying something可以推斷出,越來越多的顧客像Gold一樣開始購買有機(jī)食物,其實(shí)也就是對這類食物產(chǎn)生了越來越濃厚的興趣。答案為A。6利用例證猜詞為了說明或證實(shí),文章中經(jīng)常會舉例,往往用來列舉說明前面較難理解的詞,這些例子可幫助我們猜測生詞。舉例時,常常會用一些連接性的詞,如:such as, like, for example, for instance等。例題1 I have found Lucy is quite generous, for example, whenever she meets a beggar, she gives some coins to him.【答案與解析】通過例句“每次遇到乞丐,她都會給一些硬幣”可以猜測出“Generous”的詞義應(yīng)該是“慷慨的”。例題2 You can take any of the periodicals:The World Of English, Foreign Language Teaching In School, or English Learning. 【答案與解析】通過后面的舉例:英語世界,中小學(xué)外語教學(xué),英語學(xué)習(xí),說明periodicals為“期刊雜志”。7根據(jù)復(fù)述或同等關(guān)系猜測詞義為了強(qiáng)調(diào)某個觀點(diǎn)或把某事敘述得更明白,作者有時運(yùn)用不同語句來復(fù)述同一概念,這時可以利用這些重復(fù)和表達(dá)形式的變化來猜測詞義。雖然復(fù)述不如定義那樣嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)、詳細(xì),但是提供的信息足以使閱讀者猜出生詞詞義。復(fù)述部分可以適當(dāng)詞、短語或是從句。同等關(guān)系是指一個詞、一個詞組或短語在句中作同一成分,而且他們的詞義屬于同一范疇。只要我們認(rèn)出其中一個或幾個詞或短語,即可以確定同等關(guān)系中生詞的詞性,作用和大概的意思。例題1 William Shakespeare said, “The web of our life is of a mingled yarn (紗線), good and ill together. 74. The underlined word "mingled" in the last paragraph most probably means_.A. simple B. mixed C. sad D. happy【答案與解析】選B。由“a mingled yarn”后文的“good and ill together”重復(fù)說明可以知道m(xù)ingled含義和mixed(混合的)最接近。例題2 Capacitance, or the ability to store electric charge, is one of the most common characteristics of electronic circuits.【答案與解析】由同位語我們很快猜出生詞capacitance詞義-電容量。需要注意的是:同位語前還常有or, similarly, that is to say, in other words, namely等副詞或短語出現(xiàn)。例題3 Semantics, the study of the meaning of words, is necessary if you are to speak and read intelligently. 【答案與解析】此例逗號中短語意為“對詞意義進(jìn)行研究的學(xué)科”。該短語與前面生詞semantics是同位關(guān)系,因此我們不難猜出semantics指“語義學(xué)”。在復(fù)述中構(gòu)成同位關(guān)系的兩部分之間多用逗號連接,有時也使用破折號,冒號,分號,引號,和括號等。8利用詞義搭配關(guān)聯(lián)猜詞任何一個單詞在句子中總是與其他詞相關(guān)聯(lián)的,我們可以通過這些前后的關(guān)聯(lián)來猜測生詞的詞義。例題 I wish this medicine may really cure my backache. 【答案與解析】通過cure前面的“這種藥”和后面的“我的背疼”,很容易地判斷出 cure的詞義為“治好”。9根據(jù)語義轉(zhuǎn)折猜詞有時文章的作者為了增強(qiáng)表達(dá)效果,會用一些含有表示意思轉(zhuǎn)折的連詞,副詞或短語。如:though, although, still, but, yet, instead, instead of, however, while, on the contrary, on the other hand, unlike, rather than, for one thing, for another等,我們可以根據(jù)轉(zhuǎn)折意思猜測詞義。例題Unlike vitamin C, leadership skills cant be easily swallowed down. They must be carefully cultivated.Different from popular belief, most good leaders are made, not born. They learn their skills in their everyday lives. But which do they develop? How do they (and how can you) get others to follow? 60. The underlined word "cultivated" (paragraph 1) roughly means _.A. encouraged B. compared C. examined D. developed例題2However obvious these facts may appear at first glance, they are actually not so obvious as they seem except when we take special pains to think about the subject.71. In Paragraph 3, “take special pains” probably means “_”.A. try very hard B. take our timeC. are very unhappy D. feel especially painful【答案與解析】選A。由However從句當(dāng)中的at first glance(乍一眼看上去),與下文中的take special pains進(jìn)行對比,既然不是一眼就看出那么簡單,那么自然要費(fèi)力去想了。由此可以推斷出A項(xiàng)為最佳選項(xiàng)。10利用經(jīng)驗(yàn)和常識猜詞例題1 Young Hoover died. Over a thousand people attended his funeral.【答案與解析】通過“年輕的Hoover去世了”,根據(jù)常識猜測出一千多人參加的應(yīng)該是他的“葬禮”。例題2 All the houses in the city collapsed during the strong earthquake.【答案與解析】憑經(jīng)驗(yàn)我們知道:強(qiáng)烈地震會使房子倒塌。據(jù)此很容易猜出collapsed是“倒塌”的意思了。例題3“I was on the way to a personal-injury accident in West Nashville. As I got onto Highway 40, blue lights and sirens(警笛) going, I fell in behind a gold Pontiac Firebird that suddenly seemed to take off quickly down the highway. The driver somehow panicked at the sight of me. He was going more than a hundred miles an hour and began passing cars on the shoulder.”63. The meaning of “panicked” in Paragraph 2 is related to _ .A. shame B. hate C. anger D. fear 【答案與解析】根據(jù)本段內(nèi)容描述,可以知道panicked 意思是“驚慌”,相當(dāng)于fear。最后提醒考生,掌握了一定的生詞推測技巧后,也不要去“死摳”個別詞,除了人名、地名等一些專有名詞不必去細(xì)究每一處,那些一時難以斷定其意思卻又不妨礙理解或答題的生詞,大可不必理會。當(dāng)然,做完題之后,可以查閱字典,一方面可以檢測自己的推斷是否正確,另外,可把一些單詞、短語記在專門的本子上,以后經(jīng)常積累并復(fù)習(xí)這些詞匯(注:最好連同文章中的句子一起摘抄下來)。這樣對今后的閱讀將會有一定的幫助。因?yàn)榭荚嚊]有很多時間去推測大量的單詞,平時一定要盡可能地去積累并熟背大量的單詞、短語,經(jīng)典句子甚至文章。英語高考閱讀理解備考建議:首先,在平時要加強(qiáng)閱讀。養(yǎng)成每天朗讀的習(xí)慣以增強(qiáng)記憶,最好還要非常熟練地背一些文章,這樣有助于增強(qiáng)語感;有了語感,對篇章的理解就會加強(qiáng)。對初學(xué)者,朗讀與背誦尤為重要,但實(shí)際上對于任何層次上已經(jīng)熟練掌握外語的人,經(jīng)常練習(xí)朗讀同樣非常必要;但為培養(yǎng)閱讀能力,還是要求盡量做到默讀。另外閱讀時還要注意:盡可能減少回讀,不要用手或用筆指著文章逐詞閱讀。不要邊讀邊翻譯,也不要邊讀邊分析句型搭配,要盡量學(xué)會用英語思考問題。要養(yǎng)成良好的閱讀習(xí)慣,并每天看一到兩篇短文,注重對文章主旨的理解,在平時逐步培養(yǎng)分析、判斷、歸納和概括的能力。不少同學(xué)喜歡找一些閱讀理解的書,但我們要明白閱讀理解能力的提高不是靠做題來提高的,而是要通過一定閱讀量的輸入,閱讀理解能力的培養(yǎng)和提高都不能單靠課堂,不能靠做題,而是在很大程度上靠課外閱讀。其次,考生要培養(yǎng)一定的閱讀興趣。閱讀能力與興趣有關(guān),閱讀的興趣越高,動機(jī)愈強(qiáng),越有利于廣泛閱讀、提高技能、培養(yǎng)和改善閱讀習(xí)慣。興趣是閱讀愛好者的內(nèi)在動因,但興趣并非與生俱來,而需經(jīng)過后天培養(yǎng)發(fā)展。我們不僅要學(xué)會閱讀,還要樂于閱讀,從被動到主動。再次,豐富的詞匯、扎實(shí)的基礎(chǔ)語法知識(特別是構(gòu)詞法知識、句法分析能力等)都是必不可少的。沒有一定的詞匯量就不能進(jìn)行大量的閱讀,太多的生詞障礙還會造成一定的心理障礙,隨著詞匯量的擴(kuò)大,語義、句法知識的增強(qiáng)和閱讀技能的提高,閱讀速度逐漸同理解速度同步發(fā)展,讀得越好,理解也越快。另外,長句的出現(xiàn)必然對我們的句法分析能力提出更高的要求,長句往往是初學(xué)者在閱讀理解中的攔路虎,所以,倘若我們具備準(zhǔn)確找出長句最后,我們要努力使自己的語言基礎(chǔ)扎實(shí)。語言基礎(chǔ)是指已掌握的語言知識和言語技能。閱讀技能是言語技能的一部分,是可以通過語言學(xué)習(xí)來掌握的,而且言語技能的提高對閱讀能力的提高也有重要促進(jìn),反之,閱讀能力提高對其他言語技能的發(fā)展會發(fā)生一定的核心的能力,有些問題就能迎刃而解。促進(jìn)作用。所以閱讀能力是不可能離開語言基礎(chǔ)而發(fā)展的,語言基礎(chǔ)好,閱讀技能發(fā)展就快,因而從提高語言基礎(chǔ)著手,進(jìn)一步培養(yǎng)閱讀能力是必要的。此外,我們還應(yīng)在一定量的閱讀基礎(chǔ)上,再進(jìn)行一定量的專項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練,注意對文章的閱讀方法、技巧進(jìn)行歸納,才能確定正確的解題思路和練習(xí)有效的解題技巧。這里提醒大家一句,閱讀理解一般要遵循“詞不離句,句不離段,段不離篇”這一分析原則,任何閱讀技巧一般都要以此為依據(jù),千萬不要憑空想象,以自己的觀點(diǎn)、看法代替作者的觀點(diǎn)、看法。一般地,我們可以以文章為中心,沿著“文章題目文章”的思路解題。一開始做閱讀理解題就先讀短文,尋找話題,抓住大意,留心每篇文章的標(biāo)題、首句和尾句,理順脈絡(luò),并且要注意文章中的承接語,借助于它們的提示,分析段落結(jié)構(gòu),分清層次,確定文章的主題思想和細(xì)節(jié)。其次再讀題目,一一看清閱讀選項(xiàng),分清試題種類;若是客觀理解題,要仔細(xì)研究相關(guān)句子和段落,抓住支撐的有用信息;若是主觀理解題,必須依靠原文,按事實(shí),挖掘文章內(nèi)涵,進(jìn)行合理推斷;我們還可以以快速閱讀為基礎(chǔ),靈活交替運(yùn)用瀏覽、跳讀,句意揣摩和細(xì)讀等技巧。另外,可以話題為主線,可以題目內(nèi)容特點(diǎn)為著眼點(diǎn),從而扣住解題的關(guān)鍵。任何事物都有其特點(diǎn),抓住了特點(diǎn)就抓住了問題的關(guān)鍵。


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