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高中英語 習題課2 新人教版必修2

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高中英語 習題課2 新人教版必修2

習題課完形填空ALondons River Thames has twentyseven bridges. Tower Bridge, the first bridge over the Thames as you travel towards London from the sea, is the_1_of them all.The thing that is surprising about _2_is that it opens in the middle. It does this to let the big ships_3_to the Pool of London. If you are_4_enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air, you will never forget it.Tower Bridge is more than one hundred years old. It was built in the_5_. By 1850, everyone_6_that a bridge across the Thames near the Tower London which is almost a thousand years old was most necessary. But the_7_argued about the new bridge for about _8_ thirty years. The argue lasted so long because of two problems. The new bridge must look like the Tower of Londoneveryone said so. It_9_not look like a modern bridge. But because of the tall ships it was_10_to have a modern design.At last, two_11_designers had the idea of an opening bridge. And they made it look like the Tower, so everyone was_12_. It was a wonderful success. There was so much traffic on the river _13_ the bridge opened at least twelve times a day. A hundred years ago, the River Thames was Londons _14_road.Today big_15_dont come so far up the Thames. Tower Bridge opens perhaps only twice a week, _16_the same wonderful machinery is still working. It can still lift the two_17_opening armseach 1,000 tons_18_ seventy meters for the ships to go through. And they can still open and close the _19_in oneandahalf minutes.Things are changing now at Tower Bridge, but _20_ happens in its exciting future, Tower Bridge will always mean London.1A. widest B. highestC. newest D. most famous2A. London B. the bridgesC. Tower Bridge D. the river3A. through B. overC. under D. below4A. tall B. gladC. afraid D. lucky5A. 1890 B. 1890sC. 1890 D. 1890s6A. agreed B. suggestedC. told D. hoped7A. travelers B. LondonersC. builders D. designers8A. another B. otherC. rest D. else9A. dare B. needC. used D. must10A. possible B. impossibleC. necessary D. important11A. clever B. foolishC. careless D. troublesome12A. satisfied B. angryC. surprised D. disappointed13A. where B. whenC. that D. which14A. busiest B. richestC. widest D. best15A. cars B. shipsC. buses D. trucks16A. or B. butC. and D. then17A. long B. heavyC. shining D. wonderful18A. keeping B. leavingC. making D. saving19A. bridge B. riverC. tower D. ship20A. what B. howeverC. whatever D. whichever答案:本文介紹的最著名的橋塔橋的設計過程、所起的作用、及其發(fā)展。1解析:根據(jù)常識判斷塔橋是倫敦泰晤士河上所有橋中最著名的。答案:D2解析:從首段看出本文要描寫塔橋。此處承接上文,指塔橋的令人驚奇之處。答案:C3解析:through意為“穿過,通過”。答案:A4解析:根據(jù)倒數(shù)第2段中“塔橋也許一周只開兩次”,可知如果你有幸看到橋張開雙臂高懸在空中。答案:D5解析:in the 1890s / 1890s意為“在19世紀90代”。答案:B6解析:suggest當“建議”講時后面賓語從句中的謂語動詞用should動詞原形;agree 指原來有過分歧, 經(jīng)協(xié)商后“達到意見一致”符合語境。答案:A7解析:但是,設計者們?yōu)檫@座新橋又爭論了大約三十年。答案:D8解析:another數(shù)字復數(shù)名詞; 數(shù)字 other復數(shù)名詞。答案:A9解析:must not在此意為“決不”。答案:D10解析:但因為高大的輪船(在此通過) ,這座橋有必要進行現(xiàn)代化的設計。答案:C11解析:從下文推出此處指“聰明的”設計者。答案:A12解析:他們把橋設計得像塔,所以每個人都感到滿意。答案:A13解析:本句中使用的是so.that.結果狀語從句。答案:C14解析:根據(jù)上文“一天至少開12次”可知泰晤士河是倫敦最繁忙的交通路線。答案:A15解析:根據(jù)上下文可知,此處指“船”。答案:B16解析:but表轉折關系。答案:B17解析:破折號起解釋說明的作用。由each 1,000 tons可知the opening arms很重。答案:B18解析:留出七十米的距離讓輪船通過。答案:B19解析:橋的開和關只用一分半鐘。答案:A20解析:whatever引導讓步狀語從句并在從句中作主語。將來不管發(fā)生什么事,塔橋將永遠代表倫敦。答案:CBOne day Fred and I found my largest sheep was gone. I know it wasnt a dog that had done it, because the rest of the sheep were _1_. It could have been a(n) _2_ or it could have been the Godfreys, Turpins, Harries or Freedoms. They were the families that did everything _3_ in the country.Fred and I walked along the fence, looking for _4_. Some of the fence stones at a pile had been knocked _5_ together with a little wool on a branch of the fence. Outside the fence were _6_ marks of work boots among a lot of _7_ footprints. It was quite clear that it was the _8_ of only one man, whose footprints kept _9_ Fred until he was sure that were all _10_.On the way to report to the police, I did some _11_. All the Freedoms were already in prison. The Harries were all _12_ and the doctor said that none of them could get out of bed for a week. So it was either a Turpin or a _13_.But soon after a visit to Albert Wrigleys _14_ I found we were not 100% right. We happened to find, in the shop window, _15_ work boots, both for the right feet. Where were the other two for the _16_ feet? . Albert told us that the Turpins had gone to Danbury and were still there.So that _17_ after everyone was in bed, Fred and I stole into the Godfreys place where a large basin of blood was _18_ in the yard. Soon after that I found my sheeps skin on top of a pile of rubbish.The next morning _19_ the police caught him, Sam, the youngest Godfrey boy, had been trying to run away in those leftfooted work boots he had _20_ from Alberts store.1A. calm B. noisyC. running D. sleeping2A. thief B. accidentC. sheep D. dog3A. interesting B. badC. secret D. good4A. a break B. a sheepC. a branch D. a stone5A. out B. downC. loose D. away6A. finger B. footC. shoe D. walk7A. man B. dogC. sheep D. deer8A. wonder B. workC. face D. footprint9A. asking B. questioningC. troubling D. seeking10A. rightfooted B. leftfootedC. lefthanded D. righthanded11A. shopping B. stealingC. thinking D. reporting12A. disabled B. deadC. sick D. feverish13A. Albert B. FreedomsC. Godfrey D. Harries14A. yard B. storeC. factory D. house15A. two B. threeC. four D. five16A. right B. leftC. other D. rest17A. day B. nightC. morning D. afternoon18A. poured B. frozenC. found D. left19A. after B. thoughC. while D. before20A. caught B. woreC. stolen D. broke答案:本文講述的是我和 Fred 靠推理和觀察查到盜羊賊的故事。一天早晨“我”和 Fred 發(fā)現(xiàn)一只最大的羊不見了。由其余的羊很平靜我們推測不是狗做的,不過我們卻想到了專干壞事的四個家族。我們先后排除了 Freedoms 和 Harries,然后從店老板的話里又排除了 Turpins,這樣很可能是 Godfreys 干的。于是,我和 Fred 偷偷溜進了 Godfrey 家,發(fā)現(xiàn)了羊血和羊皮1解析:此處解釋的是“我知道這不是狗干的”的原因,即“因為其余的羊都很平靜”。答案:A2解析:這里說的是我們的猜測。羊丟了有兩種常見的可能性,或是偶然事故或是被“偷”。答案:B3解析:把丟羊的事與這四個家族聯(lián)系到一起,可推測這四個家族不是做好事的家族。答案:B4解析:為了證明前面的猜測,F(xiàn)red 和我沿著籬笆墻走,想在籬笆墻上找到點什么。由此可判斷此處應為 a break,即從墻上看看有沒有什么痕跡或斷裂的地方。答案:A5解析:由于后面有 together with a little wool on a branch of the fence,由此可推測此處說的是在一處石頭墻上發(fā)現(xiàn)有被松動的痕跡,但不能是被敲掉(knock down)或敲出來(knock out)的。答案:C6解析:從上下文來看,此處說的是“在籬笆外面眾多的羊蹄印中有一個穿著工作靴的腳印”。答案:B7解析:從語境來看,這里提到的腳印有兩個:一是人的腳印,二是羊蹄印。答案:C8解析:由前面提到的在籬笆墻上有松動的痕跡(可能是從墻挖洞鉆進去),在墻的石頭上還留有一撮羊毛及在眾多的羊蹄印中只有左腳的腳印等來推斷,此處說的是“偷羊這個活是一個人干的”。work 為“工作”,這里指“偷羊”這個活。答案:B9解析:從后面的 until he was sure that were all _10_ 來看,他已看出門道來了,而在這之前“這個人的腳印一直煩擾著他”。答案:C10解析:從后面的 Albert Wrigley 商店的櫥窗里只有兩只右腳的鞋及Albert 告訴“我們”的話來看,這是偷羊賊穿著兩只左腳的鞋來偷的羊,即這些鞋印都是 leftfooted。答案:B11解析:從后面的 Freedoms, Harries 等情況的介紹來看,此處說的是“我”在去報案的路上所想到的情況,故用 thinking。答案:C12解析:從后面的 and the doctor said that none of them could get out of bed for a week 可推測,Harries 一家都患有很嚴重的病,要在醫(yī)院里住一個星期。答案:C13解析:第 1 段共提到了四個家族,前面已排除了 Freedoms 和Harries,剩余的是 Turpin 和 Godfrey。答案:C14解析:從后面的 .in the shop window 等來看,此處說的是 Albert Wrigleys store.答案:B15解析:從 both for the right feet 可知,此處說的是這家商店的櫥窗里有兩只右腳的工作靴子。答案:A16解析:此時商店櫥窗里有兩只右腳的靴子,那么左腳的那兩只靴子呢?答案:B17解析:從后面的after everyone was in bed, Fred and I stole into. 來看,此處描寫的是那晚他們偷偷地到 Goldfrey 家查看情況。答案:B18解析:前面說 Fed 和我偷偷地到 Godfrey 家摸情況,那么先“發(fā)現(xiàn)的”是一盆羊血,后面緊接著說發(fā)現(xiàn)了羊皮。若用 left 從語法上沒問題,但不符合他們偷偷來這兒這一語境。答案:C19解析:從 the police caught him 來看,此處用 before 符合語境,即在警察來抓他前,Sam 曾試圖穿著偷來的靴子逃跑。答案:D20解析:從第 1 段我們知道 Godfreys 是四個干壞事的家族之一,再結合上下文可知,此處說的是他從 Albert 商店“偷來”的靴子。答案:C


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