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高二Unit One筆記

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高二Unit One筆記

Book Three Unit OneLanguage Pointstraditionally tradition (1) 傳統(tǒng)觀念、看法等的總稱(不可數(shù))What one thinks and feels is mainly due to tradition, habit and education.(2) 一種傳統(tǒng)習(xí)慣做法(可數(shù))It is one of our familys traditions for eldest sons to be called John.(3) Traditional adj. traditionally adv.Be famous for=be well-known forsolid adj. hard or firm, with a fixed shape, and not a liquid or gas 固體的,結(jié)實的 My father is so ill that he cannot eat solid food. A cricket ball is solid. It has no air in it.(實心的) We are solid for peace. (一致的) His argument is based on good solid facts. (可靠的) n. a firm object or substance that has a fixed shape, not a gas or liquid 固體 Iron, wood, and ice are solids.Chiefly :(1) mainly, mostly but not wholly eg. Bread is made chiefly of flour.(2) above all, especially eg. Chiefly, I ask you to remember to write to your parents.(3) chief adj. n. 首領(lǐng),主管人Make up eg. Forty students make up our class. (= form)Be made up of eg. Our class is made up of 40 students. (= be composed of/ consist of)此外,make up 還有“編造、彌補、化妝打扮”的意思Ethnic / ethnical adj. 種族的, 民族的Eg. ethnic art/ traditions/ cooking/ The school teaches pupils from different ethnic groups.ethnically adv.Health food 健康食品Home-cooked mealimmigrant : someone coming into a country from abroad to settle downillegal immigrantsthe immigrant populationimmigrate v. immigration n. emigrate 移居國外 v. emigration n. emigrant n. enjoy (1) 欣賞,喜歡(2) 享有,享受Eg. All the workers here enjoy free medical care.Our doctors enjoy high social respect.Variety(1) 種種,各種各樣的事物Eg. Children do badly at school for a variety of reasons.(2) 種類,品種There are different varieties of plants in the garden.(3) 變化,多變(性)Eg. offer/ show/lack variety 提供/顯示出/缺乏多樣化的事物Our life is full of change and variety.注:variety 前可用big, great, large, wide, immense, endless, small 等詞修飾 The college offers a wide variety of language courses.后面動詞的單復(fù)數(shù)要根據(jù)名詞的單復(fù)數(shù)而定。a variety of (或varieties of )books 后面要用are, 中心詞始終是books啊,不要被前面的修飾詞迷惑。 Serve及物動詞1. (為)服務(wù);為盡力效勞, 侍候;招待(客等)Serve the guests, serve the people/ serve the country2. 端上;擺出(食物);斟(酒)。The waiter was serving another table.3. 符合;對有用,對適用,適合(目的)。make the past serve the present and foreign works serve China 古為今用,洋為中用。serve the need turn 有用;合用;夠用。 serve the purpose of合乎的目的4.供給 eg. Our school doesnt serve icecream.不及物動詞1. 服務(wù);服役;供奉職。 serve under sb. 在某人下面工作。Eg. serve one's apprenticeship 當學(xué)徒。 serve one's sentenceserve time. serve one's time 做滿任期規(guī)定期限;服刑。2.serve as 擔(dān)任,起的作用 She had served as a model for several painters. The letter served him as a book marker. Serve for 充任,用作 The box will serve for a seat.3. 侍候;服侍;端菜;斟酒eg. serve behind a counter 做店員;站柜臺詞組¨ serve (sb.) out 使自食其果;給予報復(fù)。 ¨ serve (sb.) right 給(某人)該得的待遇 (It serves him you right. 他你活該。 He is rightly well served. 他算得到報應(yīng)了)。¨ serve the time 騎墻觀望。Section n. (外科、解剖的)切斷;切割;切面 , 截面(圖);剖面(圖);斷面(圖)。Eg. a vertical section 縱斷面 a cross transverse section 橫斷面 a horizontal section 水平斷面 段;斷片;部分 eg. The tail section of the plane 部門;部;處;科;組;股;【工業(yè)】工段。an accounts section 會計科v. 切開,割斷vast : very large in area, size, quantity or degree, immense. Eg. The vast plains stretch for hundreds of kilometers.Region: a large area of the country or of the worldEg. desert regions Snow is expected in mountain regions.Regional adj.Physical 物質(zhì)的,自然的,自然規(guī)律的 eg. Physical things are those you can see, touch, etc. Physical geography teachers about the earths formation, climate, clouds and tides. 身體的 eg. His physical force was weak, but his mental and moral force was very great.Physical training 體育物理的 physical chemistry To develop both physically and mentally 智、體雙發(fā)展Well-being : a feeling of being comfortable , healthy, and happy 健康,幸福Physical/ psychological well-being 生理、心理健康We are responsible for the care and well-being of all our patients.Contain 及物動詞含有,包含;能容納This box contains soap. 這只箱子裝著肥皂??酥?,忍耐I cannot contain my urine./ anger. 小便急得憋不住了。不及物動詞自制。 She could contain no longer. 她再也克制不住自己。contain oneself 克制自己,忍耐 (I could not contain myself for joy. 我喜歡得忍耐不住)。Preservative 形容詞 (能)保存的;儲藏的;防腐的 (from; against)。名詞 預(yù)防法;預(yù)防藥;防腐劑。Salt is a preservative for meat. 鹽是肉類的防腐劑。Preserve v. 保存,保持維持preserve order 維持秩序。 preserve fruit 把水果做成果醬。 preserve fruit in sugar 把水果做成蜜餞。 preserve fish in with salt 用鹽腌魚。She is well-preserved. 她保養(yǎng)得好顯得很年輕。process名詞 進行,過程,方法,步驟;加工處理,工序動詞 加工;處理,辦理;對提起訴訟;用傳票傳審processed adj. 經(jīng)過加工的chemical adj. 化學(xué)的,化學(xué)作用的;n. 常 pl.化學(xué)制品;藥品。 fine chemicals (用量微小的)精制化學(xué)品藥品heavy chemicals (用量巨大的)農(nóng)工業(yè)用化學(xué)品keen 形容詞: 銳利的,鋒利的 (opp. dull) (言語等)刺人的。 敏銳的,敏捷的。 Eg. keen eyes 銳眼。 a keen intelligence 聰慧過人。厲害的,強烈的,激烈的。Keen competitionbe keen on 口語喜愛,渴望。 be keen to 非常想(I am keen to go to the cinema. 我非常想去看電影)。 Vegetarian a. 素食主義的,素菜的 a vegetarian diet 素食。 vegetarian principles 素食主義。 a vegetarian restaurant 素菜館。 n. 素食主義者 -ism 名詞 素食主義Live on 以為主食 eg. Babies live on milk.have a short lunch breakWaste (ones) time doing sth. Eg. Dont waste your time chatting on the phone.There is usually very little waiting. 通常無須等待。Attitude n. 態(tài)度,看法 eg. We must maintain a firm attitude. Whats your attitude to/ towards this idea?the attitude of mind 心情。strike an attitude裝腔作勢,擺架子。 take assume an attitude of 取態(tài)度。 姿勢 n. eg. He stood there in a threatening attitude.Come to 關(guān)于 When it comes to popular music, I know nothing about it. 達成,總計 They came to the conclusion that this project had to be put off. 開始 He came to realize the importance of learning English. 恢復(fù)知覺 After being taken to hospital, he came to himself.Take time to do sth. 花費時間干某事While in New York he took time to visit some friends.Even if (even though) 即使,盡管,雖然 (引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句) Even if hes 24 now, he is still like a little child. (本句用了虛擬語氣)I wouldnt tell you even if I knew.Rush through sth. 匆匆地完成/處理某事 rush through ones homework We will try to rush your order through before Saturday. 我們在星期六之前會盡快處理你那批訂購的貨。(使)快速通過 eg. The new bill was rushed through parliament.rush to conclusion 匆忙下結(jié)論,過早做出判斷At a hamburger standStand n. 起立,站立;停止,靜止。立場,地位;位置;態(tài)度。 Make my firm stand clear美國貨攤;售貨臺。a fruit stand水果攤。 架,小桌子;美國(法庭的)證人席。a stand for flowers 花插。AdditionalLanguage Notes:Uniqueadj. & n. 唯一的;無雙的;無比的;獨特的(人/物) -ly 副詞,-ness 名詞Ingredient n. 成分,(尤指烹調(diào))原料 Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries. Our skin cream contains only natural ingredients. 因素,要素 eg. the essential ingredients for successOther than 除了 She bought some books other than novels. You cant get there other than by swimming. There was nothing we could do other than wait.與不同 What really happened is quite other than what you think. flavourn. 味,滋味。a wine with a delicate fruit flavour風(fēng)味,情趣,風(fēng)趣。The distinctive flavour of South Floridagive a flavour to 加風(fēng)味,使有風(fēng)味。The tomatoes give extra flavour to the sauce.v. flavour sth. with sth.給添風(fēng)味添情趣、添風(fēng)趣 給增加香氣,給調(diào)味 flavour the cake with chocolate 在蛋糕里加巧克力提味flavouring n. 調(diào)味品, 調(diào)味香料 flavourless adj. flavourous 味濃的,有香味的,有風(fēng)趣的appetizer/ appetiser 開胃菜,開胃酒。 刺激欲望的事物。Eg. Hunger Exercise is a good appetizer. 饑餓運動是最好的開胃物。mold (AmE.) =mouldn. 鑄模,模型, 形狀,性格,氣質(zhì);狀況 eg. a hero in the “Superman” mould 超人型的英雄v. 造形,鑄, 形成(性格);陶冶,訓(xùn)練(人格) mould one's own destiny 決定自己的命運。fry油煎 bake烘,焙,烤,燒 toast烘烤(面包片等) roast 烤steam蒸,煮 cook烹調(diào),煮,燒(食物)。horizon n. 地平;地平線;地平圈。on the horizon 在地平線上,/露出端倪,很可能即將發(fā)生eg. Theres trouble looming on the horizon. 眼界,視界;范圍,見識Science gives us a new horizon. 科學(xué)使我們大開新的眼界。widen one's horizons開闊眼界。expand expand one's scope of knowledge 增長知識。 expand the business 擴展企業(yè)。 birds expanding their wings 展開雙翼的飛鳥。


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