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2014高考英語一輪 完形填空練習(xí)(8)

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2014高考英語一輪 完形填空練習(xí)(8)

2014高考英語完形填空一輪練習(xí)(8)及答案或解析 (2012·成都檢測) “Today is the day I start the big diet (節(jié)食),” I told my wife as I raised my hand and _1_, “No chocolate today!” “Oh, has the hospital gift shop _2_ selling it?” she asked. “No,” I said. “I'll just have to _3_ my strong determination.” But when I arrived at the hospital, my little friend Benton had been there _4_. I knew my promise would _5_ disappear. Because if Benton had things his way, I'd always be eating a piece of candy from the _6_ bag he often shared with me. Benton was an eight­year­old boy who was _7_ because of a kind of cancer, which caused him to live in the darkness, when he was fifteen _8_ old. For the next twenty­six months, he was in and out of our hospital. For nearly four years, it seemed _9_ Benton could beat the disease, until one Friday afternoon in April 2009, when he _10_ a headache and lost _11_ on his right side. His mom _12_ him to the hospital. Over the next several months, Benton came to our _13_ many more times. Each time he came, we _14_ say hello, while Benton answered the _15_ by holding out a candy from his bag. So, on that first day of my diet, I went to his room and found Benton lying in his bed, his eyes _16_ but not looking into this world. “We brought his candy bag with us. Would you like to have some?” his mother asked. Without thinking of my diet, I _17_ into the bag and pulled out the first piece my fingers touched. It was my favorite as if Benton had saved one last piece _18_ me. At home that evening, I answered a phone about Benton's _19_. As I _20_ it up, I opened the candy and ate it.1. A. shouted B. answered C. stated D. promised2. A. stopped B. continued C. kept D. tried3. A. base on B. depend on C. insist on D. keep on4. A. once B. yet C. again D. early5. A. suddenly B. quickly C. quietly D. shortly6. A. bottomless B. countless C. endless D. beltless7. A. ill B. injured C. deaf D. blind8. A. years B. seasons C. months D. days9. A. even though B. as though C. if only D. as with10. A. found B. developed C. managed D. provided11. A. movement B. touch C. motion D. sight12. A. hurried B. brought C. rushed D. carried13. A. home B. room C. office D. hospital14. A. would B. could C. should D. must15. A. meeting B. greeting C. encouraging D. praising16. A. closed B. glimpsed C. glared D. opened17. A. ran B. touched C. reached D. felt18. A. at B. for C. with D. on19. A. illness B. blindness C. death D. sadness20. A. put B. hung C. set D. gave答案與解析:文章為記敘文,講述了“我”與一位患癌癥的小朋友的故事。節(jié)食不吃巧克力的“我”常吃這位小朋友贈送的糖。1Dpromise“允諾,許諾”。我舉起手向妻子保證今天不吃巧克力。下文信息I knew my promise would.也有暗示。2Astop doing sth.“停止做某事”。聽說我要節(jié)食,不再吃巧克力妻子詼諧地問是不是醫(yī)院的禮品店不賣巧克力了。3Bdepend on“依靠,依賴,取決于”。我依靠我強烈的決心節(jié)食。4C當(dāng)我到醫(yī)院時那小孩兒又在那兒了。5Bquickly“快,迅速地,很快地”。這個小孩子在那兒,我明白我節(jié)食的承諾很快就會消失。注意,shortly“不久,不多時”,不符合文意。6Abottomless“取之不盡的,無限的”。這里講包中的糖似乎取之不盡。7Dblind“瞎的”。后文中的信息which caused him to live in the darkness有暗示。8C首先應(yīng)排除years,如果Benton 15歲時患病,就與本段開頭的“an eight­year­old boy”矛盾了。下一句“For the next twenty­six months, he was in and out of our hospital.”有暗示。9Bas though/as if“好像,似乎,仿佛”。看起來Benton似乎能擊敗病魔。10Bdevelop“(開始)患(病)”。2009年4月的一個星期五的下午Benton開始頭痛。11Amovement“行動,移動,行進,運動”。Benton右側(cè)身體無法移動,失去知覺。注意:motion表示“(物體的)運動,移動,(天體的)運行;動作,姿態(tài),手勢;動機,意向”。如:The train was in motion.火車開動了。All her motions were graceful.她的一舉一動都很優(yōu)雅。He did that of his own motion.他出于自愿做了那件事。12Crush此處用作及物動詞,意為“快速運輸,速送”。13D上文提到Benton的母親將他送到醫(yī)院,因此這里是說,在接下來的幾個月里,他又多次來我們醫(yī)院。14Awould用于表示習(xí)慣性動作,如:Sundays he would sleep late.每逢星期天他總睡懶覺。文中講Benton來醫(yī)院時,我們總向他問好。15Bgreeting“問候,招呼”。我們向Benton問好,他則常給我們糖。16Dopened“開的,敞開的,不閉塞的”。后文信息but not looking into this world有暗示,注意句中信息詞“but”。17Creach“伸手(或腳等)夠到,觸及”。我的手伸進包,取出我手指接觸到的那顆糖。18Bfor“為了,為目的”,此處表示對象或目的。這是一顆我最喜歡吃的糖,好像是Benton特意為我留下的。19C不幸地是我那個晚上在家里接到了Benton死去的噩耗。20Bhang up“掛斷電話”。我掛斷電話,剝開那顆糖,吃掉了(暗示回味我和Benton的這段經(jīng)歷)。*結(jié)束 (2012年廣東模擬)My daughter wanted to change her job, so I moved across the country to the West Coast with her.I_1_no one here.I started feeling a little lonely and_2_ my friends and family back east.I have now started to go back to_3_for the education I should have gotten long ago.I love talking;thats why I enjoy going to school so much because it gives me the _4_ to meet new and different people.Recently, while riding the_5_, I met with an elderly woman who was born and raised here.I smiled at her, then we started a_6_.She had so many stories about the area and I truly had a _7_ time talking to her.A few days later, I got on the bus and there she was again.I _8_ at her again, and she patted the seat next to her.I sat with her and we_9_the conversation where we had left off.Over the next few days whenever I got on the bus she was always there and we would talk.Then I had a break and didnt_10_much of my “new old friend”O(jiān)ne day I_11_her at the transit station(中轉(zhuǎn)站)and she was very happy.She said she had been wondering about me and how _12_ to me had been the highlight of her days.This really_13_my heart.My friend asked if she could have my_14_ so we could chat when she didnt have the pleasure to see me on the bus.Now I realize how far a smile and a kind word can_15_.It may make your day, and it could make someone elses day or week even better.【文章大意】這是一篇記敘文, 講述的是作者的女兒由于要換工作, 所以作者跟隨女兒到了西海岸. 在那里生活的過程中, 由于作者感到有些孤獨, 所以就決定去大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí). 在家與學(xué)校往返之間作者一個善意的微笑使她認(rèn)識了一位老太太, 他們成了朋友, 并由此引發(fā)對微笑的感悟. 1A.doubtedBfoundCliked Dknew解析: 選D. 作者剛到一個陌生的地方, 肯定不認(rèn)識什么人, knew認(rèn)識. 故選D. 2A.noticing BmissingCmeeting Dintroducing解析: 選B. 由于作者開始感到孤獨寂寞, 那自然而然就會思念在家鄉(xiāng)的朋友, 因此missing是最佳答案, 其他選項均不符合邏輯. 3A.college BhometownCthe east Dthe west解析: 選A. 由此空后面的.for the education I should have gotten long ago.I love talking;thats why I enjoy going to school so much.可知, 作者是去了一所大學(xué)里面學(xué)習(xí). 故選A. 4A.duty BformCopportunity Dtime解析: 選C. 根據(jù)上下文語境, 由于作者喜歡說話, 去了大學(xué)正好給了自己認(rèn)識新朋友的機會. 故選C. 其他選項皆不符合原文邏輯. 5A.plane BtrainCcar Dbus解析: 選D. 仔細(xì)閱讀第三段的最后一句Over the next few days whenever I got on the bus she was always there and we would talk.可知是在汽車上. 故選D. 6A.discussion BconversationCquarrel Ddebate解析: 選B. 根據(jù)下上文語境可知, 作者與這位老太太的談話非常愉快, 因此可以推斷出, A、C、D都不符合邏輯和題意, 只有B項最符合語境. 7A.valuable BfreeCsafe Dwonderful解析: 選D. have a wonderful time過得很愉快. 8A.pointed BshoutedCsmiled Dstared解析: 選C. 根據(jù)上下文可知, 作者第一次與老太太交談之前, 曾對她微笑(I smiled at her.), 此空后面有個關(guān)鍵詞(again), 因此選C. 9A.picked up Bblew awayCbroke down Dleft out解析: 選A. pick up撿起, 中斷后重新開始;leave out忽視, 不考慮. 此處表示作者又一次見到老太太, 于是接著上次結(jié)束的話題重新開始交談. 故選A. 10A.expect BstudyCsee Ddiscover解析: 選C. 根據(jù)上下文語境, 后來作者休息了一陣, 沒有去學(xué)校, 因此就沒怎么見到這位新的年老的朋友. 見到某人, 一般用see. 故選C. 11A.called on Bran intoCwaited for Dlaughed at解析: 選B. call on拜訪, 號召;run into突然遇到;wait for等候, 等待;laugh at嘲笑. 根據(jù)上下文語境, 作者已經(jīng)有一段時間沒有見到自己的新朋友, 想不到有一天在一個中轉(zhuǎn)站突然遇到她. 因此B項最合適. 12A.talking BfacingCdrinking Dexplaining解析: 選A. 根據(jù)第7小題可知, 老太太對與自己的聊天感到非常愉快, 因此此處用talking與上文呼應(yīng). 13A.won BworriedCtouched Dsaved解析: 選C. 老太太覺得與作者的交談非常愉快, 于是作者非常感動(touched). 其他選項都不符合文章邏輯. 14A.age BaddressCname Dnumber解析: 選D. 作者的朋友到底想要什么呢?從下面的提示可以看出, 她是想在沒有機會在車上遇到的時候也可以跟作者聊天, 因此她想要的應(yīng)是電話號碼(number). 故選D. 15A.come BmeanCgo Dget解析: 選C. 此題有點難度, how far sth.can go.多么有用, 有很大的意義. 最后一句就是講一個笑容或者一句溫暖和善的話語就能夠讓你愉快一天. 其他選項都沒有這個意思. 故選C. *結(jié)束


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