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內(nèi)部資料料,注意意保密華為移動動產(chǎn)品展展廳培訓訓教材展廳技術(shù)術(shù)部編輯輯華為技術(shù)術(shù)有限公公司20055前言本課程通通過對華華為移動動產(chǎn)品發(fā)發(fā)展歷程程、產(chǎn)品品結(jié)構(gòu)、功能、性能、產(chǎn)品賣賣點、典典型應用用實例、與競爭爭對手的的比較以以及產(chǎn)品品發(fā)展趨趨勢的講講解,輔輔以學員員自己的的講解演演練和展展廳講解解實習,使學員員不僅掌掌握華為為移動產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品主要要特點、技術(shù)優(yōu)優(yōu)勢、典典型應用用等知識識,而且且掌握基基本的宣宣講技能能和技巧巧。學完本課課程后,學員能能夠達到到:l 了解華為為移動產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品研發(fā)發(fā)、市場場應用情情況l 掌握華為為移動產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品基本本結(jié)構(gòu)、功能和和特性l 掌握我司司移動產(chǎn)品品機會點點和推廣廣策略l 掌握基本本宣講技技巧l 能夠?qū)σ灰话銓I(yè)業(yè)性的市市場客人人和各類類非市場場客人進進行公司司產(chǎn)品講講解,為為今后的的市場營營銷工作作打下良良好基礎(chǔ)礎(chǔ)。目錄第一章 WCDDMA講講解詞55第一節(jié)華華為WCCDMAA概述51.1 Huaaweii WCCDMAA inntrooducctioon51.2 Acttiviitiees iin UUMTSS inndusstryy61.3 Majjor eveentss off Huuaweei UUMTSS6第二節(jié)展展臺展板板講解詞詞62.1 Possterr1: Lonng-ttermm Acccummulaatioon62.2 Possterr2: Tellforrt PProjjectt62.3 Possterr3: 4 ccommmercciall neetwoorkss72.4 Possterr4: Inttrodducttionn off Chhinaa Moobille TT-Prrojeect772.5 Possterr5: Inttrodducttionn off abbunddantt 2GG/3GG innterrworrkinng eexpeerieencee82.6 Possterr6: UTRRAN witth hhighh peerfoormaancee8第三節(jié)演演示業(yè)務務介紹883.1 Viddeo on demmandd (VVOD)83.2 Viddeo Phoone(VP)83.3 UMTTS VVideeo cconffereencee innterrworrkinng wwithh NGGN (VC)83.4 Meddia Strreammingg Seerviice883.5 Webb-suurfiing viaa Blluettootth PPDA commbinned witth UUMTSS haandsset883.6 CMBB (CCelll Muultiimeddia Brooadccastt) alsso ccallled simmpliifieed MMBMSS83.7 Upllinkk 3884kbbps Serrvicces88第四節(jié)展展臺設(shè)備備介紹884.1 UTRRAN forr Beetteer CCoveeragge aand Higgherr Peerfoormaancee84.2 RANN eqquippmennts inttrodducttionn94.3 Advvancced CS Corre NNetwworkk104.4 CN CS equuipmmentts iintrroduuctiion1114.5 Verrsattilee PSS Coore Nettworrk1114.6 CN PS equuipmmentts iintrroduuctiion1114.7 Expperiiencced Raddio Nettworrk PPlannninng122第二章 CDMMA20000 講解詞詞13第一節(jié)展展板介紹紹131.1GGlobbal Apppliccatiionss off Huuaweei CCDMAA200001331.2 Endd-too-ennd ssoluutioon oof HHuawwei CDMMA200001141.3 Huaaweii SooftSSwittch tecchnoologgy1551.4 No.1 ssuppplieer oof CCDMAA4500 woorlddwidde166第二節(jié)展展臺設(shè)備備介紹1172.1 Huaaweii sooftsswittch of CDMMA200001172.2 Huaaweii HLLR1772.3 Huaaweii PTTT iPPAT998300172.4 Huaaweii PDDSN1182.5 Advvancced CDMMA20000 BSSS182.6 CDMMA20000 Hanndseets & TTermminaals119第三節(jié)演演示業(yè)務務介紹1193.1 Abuundaant EV-DO higgh sspeeed ddataa seerviice119第三章 GSMM/GPPRS產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品講解解詞211第一節(jié) GSMM/GPPRS應應用介紹紹21第二節(jié)展展臺設(shè)備備介紹2212.1 MSCC/HLLR2112.2 GPRRS/EEDGEE222.3 BSCC (tthe equuipmmentt issntt shhownn heere)242.4 Serrialls oof BBTS Prooduccts224第一章 WCDDMA第一節(jié) 華為WCCDMAA概述1.1 Huaaweii WCCDMAA inntrooducctioonHuawwei hass beeen invvesttingg heeaviily in 3G andd cuurreentlly ttherre aare oveer 440000 ennginneerrs eengaagedd inn thhe RR&D of 3G sysstemm wiith glooball 3GG R&&D iinsttituutess inn Shhenzzhenn, SShannghaai aand Beiijinng oof CChinna aand Sweedenn, IIndiia aand thee Unniteed SStattes. Huuaweei hhas alrreaddy ssucccesssfullly depployyed itss coommeerciial UMTTS ttotaal ssoluutioon. Inn faact, moore andd moore opeerattorss arre nnow plaacinng ttheiir 33G cconffideencee inn Huuaweei.Huawwei is onee off thhe ffew venndorrs tthatt haave achhievved commmerrciaal aappllicaatioons (100 coommeerciial nettworrks andd ovver 30 triial nettworrks). CCommmercciall coontrractts iinclludee thhosee wiith Sunndayy inn Hoong Konng, Etiisallat in UAEE, EEmteel iin MMaurritiius, TMM inn Maalayysiaa annd TTelffortt inn thhe NNethherllandds. HonggKonng iis oone of thee woorldd's mosst ccomppetiitivve mmobiile marrketts. Witth hhighhperrforrmannce, maaturre pprodductt annd qquicck rrespponsse tto ccusttomeers rrequuireemennt, Huaaweii waas sseleecteed bby SSUNDDAY froom ffivee gllobaal eequiipmeent venndorrs (othherss arre SSiemmenss, AAlcaatell, NNorttel andd ZTTE).Etissalaat, onee off thhe wworllds ttop 5000 coompaaniees, prooviddes tellecoommuuniccatiion serrvicces to thee Unniteed AArabb Emmiraatess annd iis oone of thee leeadiing serrvicce pprovvideers in thee Miiddlle EEastt Reegioon. On DDec. 244, 220033, Huuaweei hhelpped Etiisallat lauunchh UMMTS serrvicces in UAEE, eenabblinng EEtissalaat tto bbecoome thee fiirstt coompaany in thee Miiddlle EEastt annd tthe Araab WWorlld tto iintrroduuce UMTTS nnetwworkk.Teleekomm Maalayysiaa(TMM) iis tthe bigggesst tteleecomm opperaatorr inn Maalayysiaa annd hholdds aa veery higgh pposiitioon iin tthe tellecoom mmarkket of Asiia PPaciificc. IIn SSepttembber of 20004, aftter strrictt trriall neetwoork tesst aand commpettitiion amoong Eriicssson, Nookiaa, SSiemmenss, AAlcaatell, aand Huaaweii, HHuawwei wonn thhe ccommmercciall coontrractt frrom TM to covver thee booomiing areea oof MMalaaysiia. In thiis ccommmercciall neetwoork, Huuaweei RRAN intter-worrks witth NNokiia CCN, andd prroveed iits exccelllentt innterropeerabbiliity.In DDec.8, 20004, Tellforrt, Nettherrlannds sellectted Huaaweii ass thheirr paartnner on 3G andd taakess Huuaweei aas tthe solle UUMTSS suuppllierr. HHuawwei willl hhelpp Teelfoort to buiild a nnatiionwwidee annd hhighh-quualiity UMTTS nnetwworkk inn Neetheerlaandss wiith a ccoveeragge oof tthe whoole couuntrry iinclludiing alll thhe mmainn ciitiees llikee Ammsteerdaam, Rottterrdamm, HHaguue, etcc. HHuawwei willl ddeliiverr a turrnkeey ssoluutioon, givvingg Teelfoort fulll UUMTSS caapabbiliitiees, intterwworkkingg wiith itss exxisttingg GSSM aand EDGGE pplattforrms andd reeadiinesss ffor HSDDPA. Wiith Huaaweii innnovvatiive disstriibutted UMTTS ssoluutioons, Teelfoort cann acchieeve 30% Oppex andd Caapexx saavinng. Jusst llikee thhe CCEO of Tellforrt ssaidd “Huaaweii's tecchnoologgicaal aand innnovaativve sskillls aree reeallly iimprresssiveeWe aree coonfiidennt tthatt Huuaweei wwilll heelp us to devveloop iinnoovattivee annd ccostt efffecctivve ddataa sooluttionns ffor ourr cuustoomerrs aand loook fforwwardd too a proospeerouus rrelaatioonshhip witth tthemm." Heree arre ssomee keey ppoinnts of thiis ccasee:1. HHuawwei willl pprovvidee ann ennd-tto-eend sollutiion bassed on R4 arcchittectturee foor TTelffortt. 2. NNetwworkk cooverrs 999% poppulaatioon oof tthe Nettherrlannds3. RRepllacee thhe eexisstinng GGSM/GPRRS ccoree neetwoork witth aa unnifiied 2G/3G corre nnetwworkk4. DDisttribbuteed CCoveeragge SSoluutioon ccan greeatlly rreduuce OPEEX aand CAPPEX, wiith 30 TCCO (Tottal Cosst oof OOwneershhip) Saavinng5. HHuawwei willl ddeliiverr a turrnkeey pprojjectt1.2 Acttiviitiees iin UUMTSS inndusstryya) Doinng ttraiils andd teestss wiith Voddafoone, Teeleffoniica, NTTT DDoCooMo, Chhinaa Moobille, Chiina Tellecoom, Chiina NettComm;b) Compplette IInteer-OOperrabiilitty TTestt (IIOT) wiith thee maainsstreeam equuipmmentt veendoors: Erricsssonn, NNokiia, Mottoroola, Noorteel, Sieemenns-NNEC, Allcattel;c) Compplette IIOT forr siinglle/dduall mmodee haandssetss: NNokiia 666500, MMotoorolla AA8300, NNEC Peoony, NEEC CC6066, SSonyy-Erricsssonn Z110100, QQuallcommm TTM52200/62000, SANNYO, LGG ;d) Majoor ffounnderr foor tthe Commmonn Puubliic RRadiio IInteerfaace, whhichh iss aiiminng tto ddefiine a ppublliclly aavaiilabble speecifficaatioon ffor thee keey iinteernaal iinteerfaace of raddio basse sstattionns.e) Estaabliishiing 3G opeen LLab forr thhe ddeveeloppmennt aand tesstinng oof 33G sservvicees wwithh SPP/CPP, rreseearcchinng WWIN-WINN buusinnesss moodells aand culltivvatiing thee 3GG vaaluee chhainn;f) Huawwei resspeccts IPPR. Huaaweii iss onne oof tthe feww veendoors whoo caan ddesiign 3G corre AASICC. WWe hhavee ouur oown inttelllecttuall prropeertiies forr 3GG annd hhavee siigneed IIPR crooss-liccensse aagreeemeent witth EEriccssoon aand Nokkia.g) In tthe MTNNet tesst, whiich is orgganiizedd byy thhe CChinnesee Miinisstryy off Innforrmattionn Inndusstryy, HHuawwei hass paasseed aall thee 3226 mmanddatoory tesst iitemms aand 70 of thee tootall 755 opptioonall teest iteems. Huuaweei hhas beeen rrankked No. 1 in botth 22 phhasees oof tthe MTNNet tesst.h) Huawwei hass allso beeen iinveestiing heaavilly oon 33G hhanddsetts aand is plaanniing to lauunchh a serriess off thhem esppeciiallly tthe loww-coost 3G hanndseets.1.3 Majjor eveentss off Huuaweei UUMTSSa) 19955, sstarrtedd R&&D oon CCDMAA / UMTTS ttechhnollogyyb) Aug. 20001, deeplooyedd Chhinaas ffirsst UUMTSS piilott neetwoork in Shaanghhaic) Sep. 20002, diialeed tthe worrlds ffirsst UUMTSS inntellliggentt caall on CAMMEL 3d) Jun. 20003, onne oof tthe majjor fouundeers forr CPPRIe) Jun. 20003, coomplletee loong-disstannce IP viddeo calll bbaseed oon RR4f) Sep. 20003, joointt foorcee wiith Inffineeon to offfer UMTTS mmobiile phoone plaatfoormg) Dec. 20003, soole supppliier of commmerrciaal UUMTSS syysteem ffor Etiisallat (UAAE)h) Dec. 20003, soole supppliier of commmerrciaal UUMTSS syysteem ffor Sunndayy (HHongg Koong)i) Aug. 20004, coomplletee woorldds ffirsst aand larrgesst ssofttswiitchh baasedd R44 neetwoork forr Chhinaa Moobillej) Sep. 20004, RAAN ssuppplieer oof ccommmercciall UMMTS sysstemm foor TTM (Mallayssia)k) Dec. 20004, soole supppliier of commmerrciaal UUMTSS syysteem ffor Tellforrt (Nettherrlannds)第二節(jié) 展臺展板板講解詞詞2.1 Possterr1: Lonng-ttermm AcccummulaatioonThiss poosteer iis sselff-exxplaainiing.2.2 Possterr2: Tellforrt PProjjecttIn DDec.8, 20004, Tellforrt, Nettherrlannds sellectted Huaaweii ass thheirr paartnner on 3G andd taakess Huuaweei aas tthe solle UUMTSS suuppllierr. HHuawwei willl hhelpp Teelfoort to buiild a nnatiionwwidee annd hhighh-quualiity UMTTS nnetwworkk inn Neetheerlaandss wiith a ccoveeragge oof tthe whoole couuntrry iinclludiing alll thhe mmainn ciitiees llikee Ammsteerdaam, Rottterrdamm, HHaguue, etcc. HHuawwei willl ddeliiverr a turrnkeey ssoluutioon, givvingg Teelfoort fulll UUMTSS caapabbiliitiees, intterwworkkingg wiith itss exxisttingg GSSM aand EDGGE pplattforrms andd reeadiinesss ffor HSDDPA. Wiith Huaaweii innnovvatiive disstriibutted UMTTS ssoluutioons, Teelfoort cann acchieeve 30% Oppex andd Caapexx saavinng. Jusst llikee thhe CCEO of Tellforrt ssaidd “Huaaweii's tecchnoologgicaal aand innnovaativve sskillls aree reeallly iimprresssiveeWe aree coonfiidennt tthatt Huuaweei wwilll heelp us to devveloop iinnoovattivee annd ccostt efffecctivve ddataa sooluttionns ffor ourr cuustoomerrs aand loook fforwwardd too a proospeerouus rrelaatioonshhip witth tthemm." Heree arre ssomee keey ppoinnts of thiis ccasee:1. HHuawwei willl pprovvidee ann ennd-tto-eend sollutiion bassed on R4 arcchittectturee foor TTelffortt. 2. NNetwworkk cooverrs 999% poppulaatioon oof tthe Nettherrlannds3. RRepllacee thhe eexisstinng GGSM/GPRRS ccoree neetwoork witth aa unnifiied 2G/3G corre nnetwworkk4. DDisttribbuteed CCoveeragge SSoluutioon ccan greeatlly rreduuce OPEEX aand CAPPEX, wiith 30 TCCO (Tottal Cosst oof OOwneershhip) Saavinng5. HHuawwei willl ddeliiverr a turrnkeey pprojjectt2.3 Possterr3: 4 ccommmercciall neetwoorkssa) Intrroduuctiion of Sunndayy prrojeectHuawwei prooviddes SUNNDAYY enntirre eend-to-endd UMMTS sollutiion neeededd foor tthe 3G lauunchh, iinclludiing UMTTS rradiio aacceess nettworrk, corre nnetwworkk, 33G mmobiile inttellligeent nettworrk, datta sservvicee pllatfformm annd aappllicaatioons. Thhe ccoree neetwoork adooptss sooft swiitchh arrchiiteccturre wwhicch ssuppportts 33GPPP R999/RR4, GSMM/GPPRS andd TDD-SCCDMAA sttanddardd.The 3G nettworrk wwilll offferr viideoo maailbbox, viideoo phhonee, vvideeo cconffereencee, PPorttal, PTTT, MMSS, IIN/CCAMEEL/MMNP andd WLLAN inttegrratiion, ettc. serrvicces. HHuawwei mayy allso suppplyy SUUNDAAY wwithh coommeerciial UMTTS mmobiile phooness laaterr.b) Intrroduuctiion of Etiisallat proojecctHuawwei prooviddes tottal UMTTS ssoluutioon wwithh caapaccityy off 1660,0000 subbscrribeers (phhasee 1), bbaseed oon 33GPPP R44 arrchiiteccturre, inccluddingg CNN annd RRAN equuipmmentt.Cooverragee arrea: Whholee coounttry inccluddingg Abbu DDhabbi, Dubbai, Shharjjah, Ajjmann, eetc. Servvicees: Viddeo phoone, viideoo coonfeerennce, liive TV on moobille pphonne, higgh-sspeeed mmobiile Intternnet acccesss annd rrichh daata serrvicces, ettc. Withh Huuaweeiss sooluttionn, EEtissalaat GGSM cusstommerss caan mmigrratee too 3GG seerviice witthouut tthe neeed tto cchannge theeireexisstinng nnumbberss orr SIIM ccardds. Thiis iis aalsoo thhe wworllds fiirstt coommeerciial nettworrk wwhicch ssuppportts 22G/33G rroammingg.c) Intrroduuctiion of TM proojecctTeleekomm Maalayysiaa(TMM) iis tthe bigggesst tteleecomm opperaatorr inn Maalayysiaa annd hholdds aa veery higgh pposiitioon iin tthe tellecoom mmarkket of Asiia PPaciificc. IIn SSepttembber of 20004, aftter strrictt trriall neetwoork tesst aand commpettitiion amoong Eriicssson, Nookiaa, SSiemmenss, AAlcaatell, aand Huaaweii, HHuawwei wonn thhe ccommmercciall coontrractt frrom TM to covver thee booomiing areea oof MMalaaysiia. In thiis ccommmercciall neetwoork, Huuaweei RRAN intter-worrks witth NNokiia CCN, andd prroveed iits exccelllentt innterropeerabbiliity.2.4 Possterr4: Inttrodducttionn off Chhinaa Moobille TT-PrrojeectHeree iss thhe ggiannt nnetwworkk sttruccturre ffor Chiina Mobbilee. WWe aare buiildiing thee TMMSC nettworrk ffor Chiina Mobbilee. TThe proojecct aadopptedd Huuaweeiss addvanncedd MSSC: sofftswwitcch MMSC, thhus demmonsstraatinng tthe relliabbiliity of Huaaweii sooftsswittch MSCC. TThe possitiion of TMSSC1 is verry iimpoortaant andd thhey deaal wwithh alll tthe lonng ddisttancce ttraffficc beetweeen proovinncess. BBaseed oon ssofttswiitchh MSSC, CMCCC ccan savve mmuchh trranssmisssioon ccostt inn loong-disstannce callls. Thhe pprojjectt inncluudess 8 paiirs of MSCC seerveers andd 322 duual hommingg MGGWs, tootallly 40,0000 E11 poortss, bbuilldinng iin 331 bbrannch offficees oof CCMCCC. TThe proojecct wwas commpleetedd inn Auugusst, 20004. It surrvivved thee peeak of thee Chhineese Lunnar Neww Yeear in earrly 20005 aand proovedd too bee off beest quaalitty aand relliabbiliity.2.5 Possterr5: Inttrodducttionn off abbunddantt 2GG/3GG innterrworrkinng eexpeerieenceeHuawwei hass riich 2G/3G intterwworkkingg exxperriennce in commmerrciaal nnetwworkks. Huaaweii prroviidess thhe ffirsst ccommmercciall neetwoork whiich suppporrts 2G/3G roaaminng ffor Etiisallat, UAAE.2.6 Possterr6: UTRRAN witth hhighh peerfoormaanceeThiss poosteer iis sselff-exxplaainiing, annd mmay alsso rrefeers to Keyy Meessaage: 1.1 UUTRAAN ffor Bettterr Cooverragee annd HHighher Perrforrmannce.第三節(jié) 演示業(yè)務務介紹3.1 Viddeo on demmandd (VVOD)By uusinng 33G hhanddsett ass thhe wwireelesss mmodeem, enjjoy thee VOOD sservvicee thhrouugh UMTTS nnetwworkk. TThe strreammingg daata of higgh-rresooluttionn fiilm is traanspportted froom 33G hhanddsett too laaptoop PPC vvia USBB poort, annd ddispplayyed on thee sccreeen oof PPC. The dowwnliink speeed reaachees 3384KKbpss; tthe VODD wiill be onee off thhe mmostt exxcitted serrvicces of 3G.3.2 Viddeo Phoone(VP)By uusinng 22 UMMTS hanndseets witth ccameera too reealiizedd thhe vvideeo CCalll seerviice,alllowiing cusstommerss too seee eeachh ottherr onn thhe sscreeen wheen sspeaakinng tto tthemm. VP iis ccirccuitt-swwitcchedd baasedd 644K sservvicee, wwilll bee onne oof tthe leaadinng 33G sservvicee.3.3 UMTTS VVideeo cconffereencee innterrworrkinng wwithh NGGN (VC)Custtomeers usiing a 33G hhanddsett diial serrvicce aacceess nummberr too jooin viddeo connferrencce mmeettingg off NGGN tto rreallizee innterrworrkinng wwithh NGGN VVC. VC iis oone kinnd oof 664Kbbps serrvicce bbaseed oon ccirccuitt - swiitchhed dommainn, ccan be useed tto pprovvidee moobille ooffiice andd onnlinne mmoniitorr seerviice.3.4 Meddia Strreammingg SeerviiceThe UMTTS hhanddsett coonneectss too thhe iinteerneet ddireectlly, plaays thee sttreaaminng ddataa onnlinne ssuchh ass muusicc,movvie, ettc. Meddia strreammingg seerviice is alsso oone of mosst aattrracttivee seerviice.3.5 Webb-suurfiing viaa Blluettootth PPDA commbinned witth UUMTSS haandssetUsinng PPDA witth BBlueetoooth funnctiion commbinnes witth UUMTSS haandsset to reaalizze hhighh sppeedd wiirellesss daata serrvicce, succh wweb surrfinng, strreammingg meediaa pllayiing.Blueetoooth PDAA suuppllemeentss thhe llimiitattionn off 3GG haandsset datta pproccesssingg caapabbiliity; reealiizess peersoonall moobille iinteerneet, mobbilee offficce, etcc., serrvicces.3.6 CMBB (CCelll Muultiimeddia Brooadccastt) alsso ccallled simmpliifieed MMBMSSHuawwei is thee fiirstt veendoor tto pprovvidee thhe eend-to-endd muultiimeddia brooadccastt seerviice oveer UUMTSS syysteem iin tthe inddusttry. Att thhe ssamee daata usaage, seerviicess baasedd onn CMMB, whiich is a ssimppliffiedd MBBMS (Muultiiplee Brroaddcasst MMulttimeediaa Seerviice), ccan be onlly ppricced at lesss tthann 5% off thhe ppressentt chhargge ffor meddia strreammingg seerviicess. CCMB suppporrts meddia strreammingg (llivee viideoo, llivee TVV, ccommmercciall viideoo chhipss, eetc.) aand dowwnlooadiing serrvicces. Thhis innnovaativve sservvicee dooesnnt reqquirre aany harrdwaare chaangee, oonlyy sooftwwaree uppgraade is neeededd.3.7 Upllinkk 3884kbbps SerrviccesBesiidess 144.4MMbpss doownllinkk raate thaat HHuawwei HSDDPA sollutiion cann prroviide, Huuaweei aalsoo inntrooducces enhhancced sollutiion to suppporrt 3384kk inn booth dowwnliink andd upplinnk, whiich cann suuppoort symmmettriccal serrvicces succh aas hhighh quualiity viddeo phoone, viideoo coonfeerennce andd hiigh speeed forr upploaad aappllicaatioons witth llargge ttraffficc, ssuchh ass fttp aand P2PP fiile shaarinng.第四節(jié) 展臺設(shè)備備介紹4.1 UTRRAN forr Beetteer CCoveeragge aand Higgherr Peerfoormaanceea) Huawwei delliveers commpleete sett off NoodeBB faamilly, meeetinng ddifffereent neeeds of opeerattorss. TThesse iinclludee thhe 112-TTRX/6-TTRX inddoorr maacroo NoodeBB, tthe 6-TTRX outtdooor mmacrro NNodeeB, thee alll-iin-oone Minni NNodeeB, andd thhe ddisttribbuteed NNodeeB (Bassebaand Proocesssinng UUnitt (BBBU) annd tthe Remmotee Raadioo Unnit (RRRU);b) Disttribbuteed NNodeeB, whiich cann grreattly redducee OPPEX andd CAAPEXX, Seeparratee trradiitioonall maacroo Noode B iintoo twwo ppartts: BBUU annd RRRU connnecctinng vvia optticaal ffibeer. Thee innterrfacce bbetwweenn RRRU aand BBUU iss oppen, acccorrdinng tto CCPRII, HHuawwei is onee off thhe ffounnderrs oof CCPRII. FFor dettaills, pleeasee reeferr too 1.6.c) For thee innitiial depployymennt oof 33G nnetwworkk, tthe covveraage is mosst cconccernned by opeerattorss. WWithh Huuaweeiss opptimmal covveraage sollutiion, thhe ccoveeragge oof UUMTSS caan bbe aas ggoodd ass thhat of GSMM 9000MHHz ssysttem. Thhesee teechnnoloogiees iinclludee: ppoweer ccombbiniing witth TTX ddiveersiity, hiigh RX sennsittiviity of -1225dBBm, RRUU annd TToweer MMounntedd Ammpliifieer, 4-wway RX divverssityy, AAMR Conntrool aand DCCCC RRRM alggoriithmms, etcc.d) The effficiienccy oof ttradditiionaal LLPA is 9%, baasedd onn FFF teechnnoloogy. Huuaweei ddeveelopped neww PAA teechnnoloogy, DPP(Diigittal Pree-Diistoortiion) pllus HPAA, wwhicch eenhaancee thhe ppoweer eeffiicieencyy too 188%.e) Huawwei hass allso dev


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