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陜西省2013年高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 題型技法指導(dǎo)專題四 完形填空

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陜西省2013年高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 題型技法指導(dǎo)專題四 完形填空

2013年高考第二輪復(fù)習(xí)英語陜西版題型技法指導(dǎo)專題四完形填空真題試做A(2012·陜西高考)One sunny afternoon,a seven­year­old girl went for a walk.She crossed a large area of grassland into the woods _1_she realised that she was lost.Sitting on a rock and _2_ what to do,she began crying.After a while,she _3_ to walk along a wide path lined with tall trees and thick bushes._4_ it was getting dark,she saw a small,dark wooden house.She opened the door and _5_ stepped in.Suddenly,she heard a strange noise,and she ran out the door and back to the _6_.Cold and tired,she fell asleep near a _7_.The girl's parents were out and her dog,Laddy,was at home.Laddy _8_ that his mistress(女主人)was in danger.He jumped _9_ a window,breaking the glass.He looked in the fields,but he couldn't find his mistress anywhere.However,from the ground came a _10_ scent(氣味)as he lowered his head.He _11_ the scent and walked across the grassland.Barking _12_ into the air,the dog _13_ through the woods until he found the _14_.But the girl was not there,so he headed back to the woods.Much to his _15_,he saw his mistress' blue shirt in the distance.He _16_ over some bushes and saw the little stream,where the girl was _17_.When she opened her eyes and _18_ her dog standing beside her,the girl said,“you _19_ me,Laddy,”and she kissed him several times.Seeing their daughter and dog coming back,the parents burst into tears of _20_.That night Laddy had a hero's supper:a huge meal of steak.1Abefore Bsince Cwhile Das2A.wondering Bforgetting Cremembering Dregretting3Apreferred Bexpected Cfailed Ddecided4AWhen BUntil CIf DBecause5A.carelessly Bcautiously Chopelessly Dunwillingly6Atrees Bbushes Cwoods Dgrasses7Astream Brock Ctree Dhouse8Afound Bsensed Cheard Dsmelt9Aat Bthrough Cin Donto10Aterrible Bstrange Cpleasant Dfamiliar11Amissed Bdiscovered Cfollowed Dignored12Acalmly Bloudly Cmerrily Dgently13Asearched Bwandered Clooked Dtravelled14Awindow Bgirl Chouse Dhero15Asatisfaction Bdisappointment Cembarrassment Ddelight16Ajumped Bclimbed Cwalked Dflew17Aawake Babandoned Cavailable Dasleep18Aspotted Bwatched Cobserved Dsaw19Adisturbed Bcomforted Crescued Dscared20Apain Bshock Csorrow DreliefB(2012·課標(biāo)全國高考)Body language is the quiet,secret and most powerful language of all!It speaks _1_ than words.According to specialists,our bodies send out more _2_ than we realize.In fact,non­verbal(非言語)communication takes up about 50% of what we really _3_.And body language is particularly _4_ when we attempt to communicate across cultures.Indeed,what is called body language is so _5_ a part of us that it's actually often unnoticed.And misunderstandings occur as a result of it._6_,different societies treat the _7_ between people differently.Northern Europeans usually do not like having _8_ contact(接觸)even with friends,and certainly not with _9_.People from Latin American countries,_10_,touch each other quite a lot.Therefore,it's possible that in _11_,it may look like a Latino is _12_ a Norwegian all over the room.The Latino,trying to express friendship,will keep moving _13_.The Norwegian,very probably seeing this as pushiness,will keep _14_which the Latino will in return regard as _15_.Clearly,a great deal is going on when people _16_.And only a part of it is in the words themselves.And when parties are from _17_ cultures,there's a strong possibility of _18_.But whatever the situation,the best _19_ is to obey the Golden Rule:treat others as you would like to be _20_.1Astraighter Blouder Charder Dfurther2Asounds Binvitations Cfeelings Dmessages3Ahope Breceive Cdiscover Dmean4Aimmediate Bmisleading Cimportant Ddifficult5Awell Bfar Cmuch Dlong6AFor example BThus CHowever DIn short7Atrade Bdistance Cconnections Dgreetings8Aeye Bverbal Cbodily Dtelephone9Astrangers Brelatives Cneighbours Denemies10Ain other words Bon the other handCin a similar way Dby all means11Atrouble Bconversation Csilence Dexperiment12Adisturbing Bhelping Cguiding Dfollowing13Acloser Bfaster Cin Daway14Astepping forward Bgoing onCbacking away Dcoming out15Aweakness Bcarelessness Cfriendliness Dcoldness16Atalk Btravel Claugh Dthink17Adifferent BEuropean CLatino Drich18Acuriosity BexcitementCmisunderstanding Dnervousness19Achance Btime Cresult Dadvice20Anoticed Btreated Crespected Dpleased考向分析縱觀近幾年陜西高考及全國卷英語完形填空題,該題均側(cè)重考查考生對“語義、語境、語篇”的深層次理解及語言運用能力(詞語運用、詞義辨析和短語搭配等)。具體特點如下:1選材以記敘文為主,內(nèi)容兼有教育性和啟迪性 從體裁上看,完形填空題以記敘文和夾敘夾議文為主,議論文和說明文為輔。陜西卷這幾年基本上是以記敘文為主,總詞數(shù)大體在300詞左右。2012年各省高考完形填空題中,記敘文或夾敘夾議文有15篇之多。 從題材上看,完形填空題力圖選取一篇有教育意義和現(xiàn)實意義的文章。短文內(nèi)容新穎、時尚,選材涉及日常生活、文史知識、科技小品、社會熱點、政治、經(jīng)濟、人物傳記等。2首句一般不設(shè)空,全文保持一定的挖空密度完形填空的第一句一般都是完整的句子。記敘文的第一句通常把短文中故事發(fā)生的時間、地點、人物和事件等交代清楚,這是考生在解題時理解并掌握全文大意的基礎(chǔ)。議論文和說明文的第一句很多時候是文章的主題句,抓住主題句便抓住了文章的主旨。 空格在短文中均衡分布。絕大多數(shù)空格之間的距離大致相當(dāng),空格與空格之間的平均詞距約為11個,最小45個。3以語篇考查為主,單純語法考查很少完形填空題以語篇為載體,立足于考生對全文的理解,既考查考生的語法知識、閱讀理解能力,又考查考生綜合運用知識的能力。做題時需要感受語境,通過尋找上下文中的隱含信息才能作出合理的選擇。另外,單純考查語法結(jié)構(gòu)的題目數(shù)量很少,重在文意干擾,每題的四個選項大多屬同一語法范疇。如果是副詞,則都是副詞,如果是動詞,則都是動詞。如果孤立地看挖空的句子,每個選項可能都滿足句子的需要,將哪個選項填進去,從語法上講都是正確的,但是要確定正確答案,只能根據(jù)全文的內(nèi)容和情節(jié)發(fā)展來作出判斷。4以考查實詞為主,虛詞為輔 選項詞匯主要是實詞,虛詞較少出現(xiàn)。2012陜西卷有17個題考查實詞,尤其是動詞、動詞短語和名詞的用法,僅有3題考查虛詞。20102012陜西高考卷統(tǒng)計:根據(jù)上面表格所反映出來的信息可知,和往年一樣,完形填空題重點考查的詞類為:名詞、動詞、形容詞、副詞。這就要求考生具有很好的詞匯知識,能熟練運用所學(xué)過的常見詞匯;還要求他們具有較強的語感,具有對語篇進行整體處理的能力。做到“上下求索尋信息,左顧右盼找答案,瞻前顧后想全文”,同時結(jié)合考生個人積累的各方面的知識正確解讀全文。 答題步驟做完形填空試題,切忌孤立地從單句、個別空處著手選答案,這樣易脫離上下文,從而產(chǎn)生錯誤。一般來說,解答完形填空題應(yīng)遵循以下三個步驟。1略讀全文,把握大意。文章都有中心議題和中心內(nèi)容。通讀全文,才能全局在胸、弄清文脈、理清思路,才能抓住文章主旨,獲得整體印象,把握短文大意,使思維朝著正確的方向發(fā)展。在閱讀中要特別注意提示句,并盡量記憶關(guān)鍵詞、句,力求把文章內(nèi)容串聯(lián)起來。2細讀全文,初選試填。在理解全文大意的基礎(chǔ)上,再結(jié)合所給備選項細讀全文,遵循詞不離句、句不離文的原則,聯(lián)系上下文內(nèi)容,運用平時積累的英語語法和語言知識及根據(jù)文中語義、邏輯和搭配的需要進行綜合考慮,通過分析、比較和篩選,排除干擾項,初步選定答案。在作出選擇的過程中,要瞻前顧后,通篇考慮,先易后難。對比較明顯直接的、自己最有把握的答案先進行確定。對少數(shù)難題,可暫定答案,在復(fù)讀全文后分析推敲。3復(fù)讀全文,校核答案。完成選擇后,要把所選的答案代入原文,再把全文通讀一篇,逐空認(rèn)真復(fù)查。完成后的文章應(yīng)該文意完整、語法正確、語言通順、用詞恰當(dāng)、邏輯合理、符合習(xí)慣表達法。如發(fā)現(xiàn)錯誤或有疑問的答案,應(yīng)再次推敲、反復(fù)斟酌、做出修正。 技法指導(dǎo)1依據(jù)文章首句,判斷主旨大意。依據(jù)文章首句所給的線索可以看出文章的體裁,判斷主旨大意,掌握作者的寫作思路及其對某人或某事物的感情色彩。只有掌握了主旨大意,理清了文章結(jié)構(gòu),了解了各部分之間的關(guān)系,才能加深對文章的整體理解。換句話說,考生應(yīng)對全文有一個清晰的概念,明白文章的各部分都是為了表達同一個主題,這樣在略讀時就更容易把握含空格的句子的真正含義,答題時就會顯得輕而易舉了。如:(2012·課標(biāo)全國高考)Body language is the quiet,secret and most powerful language of all!剖析:根據(jù)首句可知,這是一篇說明文,介紹身勢語的特點、功能及作用。2根據(jù)文章大意,把握上下文的關(guān)系。做完形填空題絕不能離開上下文。很多題僅從語法角度來說,可能有兩三個正確答案,但是結(jié)合上下文,情況就不一樣了。上下文是形成語境的基礎(chǔ),任何語言結(jié)構(gòu)、語法關(guān)系、詞語搭配都不能無視上下文的聯(lián)系。做題時,要學(xué)會瞻前顧后,要做到詞不離句、句不離段、段不離文。有時我們會發(fā)現(xiàn),上文的答案在下文有提示,而下文的答案在上文中也有信息。如:(2012·課標(biāo)全國高考)According to specialists,our bodies send out more _37_ than we realize.In fact,non­verbal(非言語)communication takes up about 50% of what we really _38_.And body language is particularly _39_ when we attempt to communicate across cultures.37AsoundsBinvitationsCfeelings Dmessages剖析:Dsend out意為“發(fā)出,放出”,身勢語發(fā)出的不是“聲音”、“邀請”或“感情”,而是“信息”,所以選messages。38Ahope BreceiveCdiscover Dmean剖析:Dhope“希望”;receive“收到”;discover“發(fā)現(xiàn)”;mean“意味著,打算”。根據(jù)句意可知應(yīng)選D項,表示“非言語交際實際上占了我們表達的意思的50%”。39Aimmediate BmisleadingCimportant Ddifficult剖析:C根據(jù)連詞and可知,該句繼續(xù)說明身勢語的作用,所以應(yīng)選C項,表示“當(dāng)我們試圖進行跨文化交際的時候,身勢語尤為重要”。3根據(jù)文章語境,進行詞義辨析。完形填空的命題特點之一就是利用詞匯辨析知識命題,而且占了整篇文章題目的絕大部分。首先要準(zhǔn)確把握詞匯的意思和用法以及不同語境中的變化,仔細辨析相似、相近詞語的詞義,特別注意詞語的固定搭配以及詞匯的引申意義。如:(2012·課標(biāo)全國高考)It speaks_36_ than words.36Astraighter BlouderCharder Dfurther剖析:Bspeak指說話的方式,根據(jù)第一句判斷此處說明身勢語的作用之大,所以應(yīng)選B項,表示“身勢語比語言更響亮;身勢語勝于言辭”。4體會文章的色彩,注意語言的和諧。作者對完形填空文章賦予了一定的感情色彩。首先要理解作者說話的語氣和文章的感情色彩,這種語氣和色彩是和諧一致的,而且貫穿全文的。做題時要充分體會上下文語言的和諧性,理解文章的深層含義。如:(2012·課標(biāo)全國高考)People from Latin American countries,_45_,touch each other quite a lot.Therefore,it's possible that in _46_,it may look like a Latino is _47_ a Norwegian all over the room.The Latino,trying to express friendship,will keep moving _48_.The Norwegian,very probably seeing this as pushiness,will keep _49_which the Latino will in return regard as _50_.45Ain other words Bon the other hand Cin a similar way Dby all means剖析:B拉美人則是另一種情況,所以選B項,表示“另一方面”。46Atrouble BconversationCsilence Dexperiment剖析:B下面描述的是北歐人和拉美人交談的情況,所以選B項。47Adisturbing BhelpingCguiding Dfollowing剖析:D由于拉美人習(xí)慣身體接觸,而北歐人卻不習(xí)慣,所以交談中不斷躲閃著,看起來就像拉美人在追逐北歐人一樣,因此選following。48Acloser BfasterCin Daway剖析:A拉美人想要通過身體接觸表示友誼,必然會不斷地向?qū)Ψ娇拷?,所以選closer。49Astepping forward Bgoing onCbacking away Dcoming out剖析:C拉美人想要靠近,北歐人則想要躲開,所以選C項表示“向后倒退”。50Aweakness BcarelessnessCfriendliness Dcoldness剖析:D北歐人的躲閃必然使拉美人誤以為“冷漠”或“不禮貌”,所以選D項。5把握文章脈絡(luò),進行推理判斷。在完形填空題中常常要對文章的情節(jié)、作者的態(tài)度等進行推理判斷。因此首先要抓住文章的脈絡(luò),弄清楚文章的結(jié)構(gòu)及上下文的邏輯關(guān)系。只有這樣,才能加深對文章深層意義的理解,從而更好地完成“完形”的任務(wù),恢復(fù)文章的原貌。如:(2012·課標(biāo)全國高考)But whatever the situation,the best _54_ is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be _55_.54Achance BtimeCresult Dadvice剖析:D下文的黃金法則顯然是一種“建議”,所以選advice。55Anoticed BtreatedCrespected Dpleased剖析:B根據(jù)前面的treat可以推知,此處應(yīng)用其被動語態(tài)形式,所以選B項,表示“按照你想要被對待的方式對待別人”。誤區(qū)警示1文章大意易錯點(2011·山東高考)I can't recall any of the songs that the band played.I just remembered that I really enjoyed the show and didn't want it to _49_.49Acontinue BdelayCfinish Dchange【錯混透析】C文章講述的是作者第一次聽現(xiàn)場音樂會的故事,當(dāng)時的演出給他留下了非常深刻的印象,多年之后,作者雖然記不起當(dāng)時的歌曲,但是記得非常喜歡,所以不想演出“結(jié)束”。【解題指導(dǎo)】做這類題時,考生易忽略文章大意。應(yīng)該在把握文章大意的基礎(chǔ)上,對文章進行總體了解,避免做了后面的題目后才發(fā)現(xiàn)和前面的內(nèi)容沖突或矛盾。2情感態(tài)度易錯點(2011·山東高考)However,at the last minute,one of the friends couldn't go,so my brother offered me the ticket.I was really _40_!40Arelaxed BembarrassedCexcited Dencouraged【錯混透析】Crelaxed“放松的”;embarrassed“尷尬的”;excited“興奮的”;encouraged“受到鼓舞的”。從當(dāng)時作者的心情判斷,得到票后應(yīng)該很“興奮”。【解題指導(dǎo)】做這類題時,考生往往忽略作者的情感態(tài)度,錯誤地理解文章意思。八歲的孩子能夠有機會與大哥哥們一起去看現(xiàn)場演出,當(dāng)然是很“興奮”,而不會是“放松”、“尷尬”或“受到鼓舞”。3上下文關(guān)系易錯點(2011·山東高考)I remember the buzz(嘈雜聲)of excitement inside the theatre as we all found our seats.After a few minutes,the lights went down and everybody became quiet.I could barely make out the stage in the _43_.We waited.43Asilence BnoiseCdarkness Dsmoke【錯混透析】C從很難辨認(rèn)出舞臺推斷,這是在“黑暗”中,所以看不清?!窘忸}指導(dǎo)】做這類題時,考生往往只拘泥于個別詞句的意思,忽略整篇文章的語境和上下文的聯(lián)系,從而造成失誤。在選擇答案時不要只注意選項所在的短語、句子或段落,要善于從上下文中尋找相關(guān)的提示信息。4邏輯關(guān)系易錯點(2011·山東高考)Then there was a roar from the crowd,like an explosion,as the first members of the band _44_ the stage.My brother leaned over and shouted something in my ear,but I couldn't _45_ what he was saying.44Afell upon Bgot throughCbroke into Dstepped onto【錯混透析】Dstep onto“踏上,走上”;fall upon“(責(zé)任)落在身上,襲擊”;get through“通過,做完”;break into“闖入”。 此處演員出場,當(dāng)然應(yīng)選D項表示“走上舞臺”。45Aforget BhearCrepeat Dbear【錯混透析】B由于觀眾在喊叫,所以盡管哥哥在我耳邊大聲喊叫,我還是無法“聽到”哥哥的話?!窘忸}指導(dǎo)】做這類題時,要合理理解文章的內(nèi)容,正確地把握邏輯關(guān)系。邏輯關(guān)系主要涉及原因、時間、條件、轉(zhuǎn)折等方面。只要我們弄明白文中的關(guān)鍵詞以及邏輯關(guān)系,就能確定比較明確的、直接的答案。5基本常識易錯點(2011·山東高考)When they discovered that Black Wednesday were going to perform at our local theatre,they all bought _38_ for the performance.38Aflowers BdrinksCclothes Dtickets【錯混透析】D根據(jù)常識以及下文可知應(yīng)選D項,去看演出當(dāng)然是買“票”,而不是買“花”、“飲料”或“衣服”。(2011·山東高考)I remember the buzz(嘈雜聲)of excitement inside the theatre as we all found our _41_.41Aseats BentranceCspots Dspace【錯混透析】Aseats“座位”;entrance“入口”;spots“地點;現(xiàn)場”;space“空白;空”。根據(jù)常識可知,在劇場里面應(yīng)是找到“座位”,而不是找到“入口”、“地點”或“空間”?!窘忸}指導(dǎo)】做這類題時,我們應(yīng)該在了解短文主要意思的基礎(chǔ)上結(jié)合基本常識進行解題。平時學(xué)習(xí)中,應(yīng)當(dāng)注意知識的積累,加強不同學(xué)科間的知識融合。多閱讀,多體會,注意中西文化的差異,掌握一名合格的中學(xué)生應(yīng)具備的基本常識。A(2012·安徽皖南八校聯(lián)考)My husband and I were cleaning windows together yesterday.We have the double­hung(雙吊鉤的)_1_ that you can pull forward and flip(翻轉(zhuǎn)), allowing us to _2_ the inside and the outside surfaces.My husband was _3_ one windowand it popped out(跳出)of its frame!Well,our _4_ is for sale and the last thing we needed was for something to _5_.He was so _6_ and tried with all his strength to get it _7_ together,using a few less than pleasant words(I am sorry to say)After twenty minutes he still could not get it _8_.That's when my 23­year­old _9_ told his dad to _10_ for a minute and he would try to fix it with me.It's amazing how you can see things more clearly and do things more _11_ when you are _12_.He and I fixed the window in three minutes!I called my husband in to see!He couldn't _13_ it!I know this isn't really a gift _14_,in a way,it was.My son _15_ my husband to leave,to cool down,and _16_ him from the worry for a moment.And my son fixing it with me was a _17_ to me,because I saw him as a man instead of the kid he always seems to be in my _18_.Calm is good.Breathe through _19_ times and maybe even take a break from stressful times.Return with a clear mind and things will usually _20_ much better!1Adoors Bchairs Ctables Dwindows2Adestroy Bsmooth Cclean Ddry3Awashing Bpainting Crepairing Dchanging4Afurniture Bhouse Chome Dcar5Abreak Bdirty Close Dfly6Ainterested Bdelighted Cworried Dexcited7Aup Baway Cout Dback8Aseparated Bdelivered Cfixed Dadded9Ason Bnephew Cstudent Ddaughter10Aput away Bwalk away Cgive away Dtake away11Afortunately Bdifficultly Cslowly Deasily12Acalm Bequal Cnervous Dfrightened13Ahate Bdoubt Cbelieve Dsatisfy14Aor Bso Cand Dbut 15Aasked Bforced Cordered Dpromised16Akept Bfreed Csaved Dprotected17Asurprise Bwonder Cgift Dhurt18A.power Bhand Cturn Deyes19Aeasy Bhappy Cexciting Ddifficult20Abreak out Bturn out Cpull out Dmake outB(2012·陜西咸陽二模)“Life is speeding up.Everyone is getting unwell.”This may sound like something average _1_ would say today.But in fact,people who lived in Rome AD 52 already_2_ it.We all love new_3_.They are exciting,amazing and can even _4_ our lives.But have all these developments really improved the _5_ of our lives?To find the answer,let's take one scene in our real life for an example.You're _6_to finish your homework on the computer.Your mobile phone rings,a(an)_7_ message from your friend appears on the screen,and the noise from the television is getting louder and louder.Suddenly the computer goes blank and you _8_ all your work.Now you have to _9_ all night to get it done all over again.How can you still feel _10_ and happy?Inventions have speeded up our lives so much that they _11_leave us feeling _12_ and tired._13_do people far away from noisy cities,without telephones,cars,even any electricity often seem to be _14_happier?Perhaps because they lead simple lives.One family in the UK went “back in time” to _15_ what life was like without all the inventions _16_we have today.The grandparents,with their daughter,and grandsons,_17_for nine weeks in a 1940s house.They had no washing machines,microwaves,computers or mobile phones.The grandmother,Lyn,said,“It was hard _18_,but not mentally.” She believed life was_19_materialistic(唯物的)“The more things you have,the more difficult life becomes,” she said.The boys said they could go easily without any modern equipment,such as their computers.Benjamin,one of their grandsons,also_20_that his grandmother had changed from being a trendy(時髦的),beer­drinking granny,to one who cooked things”1Ascientist Bcitizens Cwriters Dparents2Abelieved Bimagined Cexpected Drefused3Aattitudes Bideas Cinventions Dsuggestions4Acontinue Breplace Cruin Dchange 5Aconditions Bpaces Cstyles Dquality6Aunwilling Bhesitating Crushing Dfailing7Aunexpected Bfalse Cunforgetable Dwarning8Afinish Blose Cignore Dchoose 9Astay up Bgive up Ccheer up Dbreak up10Aregretful Bcalm Ccurious Dthankful 11Ahardly Bnever Cmerely Doften12Astressed Brelaxed Cexcited Dencouraged 13AWhere BWhen CWhy DHow14A.surely Bsimilarly Ccompletely Dsurprisingly15A.prove Bexperience Cpredict Dhonour 16Ainconvenient Buseless Cavailable Dsuitable17Astayed Bplayed Chid Dworked18Apractically Beconomically Cphysically Dtheoretically19Afor Bafter Cwithin Dbeyond 20Ahoped Bwitnessed Crecommended DdoubtedCI am my mother's third child.When I was born,her doctor gently explained to my mother that my left arm was _1_,below the elbow(肘部)Then he gave her some _2_:“Don't treat her any _3_ from the other girls.Demand more.” And she _4_!My mother had to work to _5_ our family.There were five girls in our family and we all had to _6_.Once when I was about seven,I came out of the _7_,“Mom,I can't peel(削皮)potatoes.I only have one hand.”“You get back to peel those potatoes,and don't ever use that as a(n)_8_ for anything again!”O(jiān)f course I could peel potatoeswith my good hand,while holding them down with my _9_ arm.There was always a _10_,and Mom knew it,“If you try hard _11_,” she'd say,“you can do anything.”O(jiān)nce in the second grade,our teacher had each of us race across the monkey bars(高低杠)When it was my turn,I _12_ my head.Some kids _13_.I went home crying.The next afternoon,after work,Mom _14_ me back to the school ground.“Now,_15_ up with your right arm,” she advised.She stood by _16_ I practiced,and she _17_ me when I made progress.I'll never forget the _18_ time when I was crossing the bars.The kids were standing there with their mouths open.It was the way with everything.When I _19_ I can't handle(處理)things,I see Mom's smile again.She had the heart to _20_ anything.And she taught me I could,too.1Amissing Bbroken Cdiseased Dshort 2Awarning Bmedicine Chelp Dadvice 3Abadly B


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