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Unit 6,Sam Adams, Industrial Engineer,1. Warm-up Questions,2. Background information,Before Reading_Main,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Before Reading_4,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Warm-up Questions,Which one do you think is more efficient?,Industrial engineering and Industrial engineer,Industrial engineering is the detailed analysis of the use and the cost of man material and equipment in an organization, with a view to increasing its productivity profit and efficiency. Those who are involved in this kind of analysis are called industrial engineers. Engineers can be classified into many types, such as construction engineer, production engineer design engineer and industrial engineer. An industrial engineers duties are to coordinate personnel, materials and machinery and to determine the most productive and efficient use of each. He helps plan the production line and designs or adapts details essential to the manufacturing of a product.,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Before Reading_2_1,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,The American Educational System,In the United States, education is the responsibility of individual states, not of the federal government, so requirements may vary from one state to another. The following is a generalization:,Kindergarten:,before 5 years old,Elementary school:,6-11 years old (Grades 16),Before Reading_2_2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,The American Educational System,Junior middle school:,12-13 years old (Grades 78),Senior middle school:,14-17 years old (Grades 912),Before Reading_2_3,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,The American Educational System,College:,4 years for a B.A. or B.S. degree,University:,23 years for an M.A. or M.S.; 28 years for an Ph.D.,Globe Reading_main,1. Part Division of the Text,2. Further Understanding,For Parts 12 True or False,For Part 3 Discussion,For Part 4 Role Play,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Globe Reading_1,Part Division of the Text,Main Idea,Lines,Part,1,1 12,2,13 20,3,21 38,When a boy, Sam was the “efficient expert” for the family.,When a graduate, Sam was asked to work as a “consultant” in a shirt factory.,Sam was greatly surprised by the degree of disorder.,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,4,39 56,Sam put forward some suggestions for the improvement of production and was rewarded by the boss.,T,Globe Reading_2_1_1,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,True or False,1. Sam liked neatness in his childhood.,F,( ),2. Like Sam, Sams father would put his tools in order.,( ),3. His mothers instruction laid a good foundation for Sam to be an efficient industrial engineer.,F,( ),Globe Reading_2_1_2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,4. Sam said that he was modest enough to take others advice.,F,( ),5. Mr. Hobbs owned a small and efficient factory.,F,( ),6. Sam attended a university in a small town in India.,F,( ),7. After graduation Sam worked as an advisor for a small factory for a short time.,T,( ),Globe Reading_2_2_2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Problems Solutions/Suggestions,1. Shirts are often missing buttons, collars or even sleeves.,Mr. Hobbs himself should check the boxes of shirts before shipment. B. quality control,2. The working tables are high and uncomfortable.,The working tables should be redesigned.,Globe Reading_2_2_3,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Problems Solutions/Suggestions,3. The walls of the workroom are a dull gray color; there are no breaks in the day; there is no music; the workers easily get bored.,A. provide background music B. beautify the dull setting C. have a 15-minute break,4. The work flow is irregular; some young workers do not work hard enough; some even daydream while working.,A. Those who do not work hard should be fired. B. assembly line redesigned C. pay increase D. promotion,New Words and Expressions,elementary a. 基本的 初級的 伊妮德就在不遠的一所小學里教書。 Enid is teaching in an elementary school around the corner.,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,New Words and Expressions,foundation: n. 基礎 地基 工人們正在給房子打地基 The workers are building the foundation for the house.,Detailed Reading,New Words and Expressions,foundation, basis, base這些名詞均含有“基礎”之意。 foundation 用于具體意義時指堅固結實的建筑物的基礎或地基;用作比喻意義時,與basis基本相同。,Detailed Reading,New Words and Expressions,basis (基礎,根據(jù))主要用于比喻,也指信念,議論等的根據(jù). The basis of his opinion is something he read in the paper . 他的意見的根據(jù)是從報紙上看來的.,Detailed Reading,New Words and Expressions,base 指構成或支撐某一具體物體的基礎,也可指軍事基地或用作比喻。Foundation也可以指物體所據(jù)的base. The base (foundation) of the column is quite firm. 這柱子的基礎是牢固的,Detailed Reading,New Words and Expressions,consult vt. 請教 咨詢 當顧問 如果癥狀惡化,就要找醫(yī)生診治。 You should consult a doctor if the symptoms get worse.,Detailed Reading,New Words and Expressions,inspect: vt. 檢查 海關官員認真地檢查了我的護照。 The customs officer inspected my passport carefully.,Detailed Reading,New Words and Expressions,inspect, examine & investigate這些動詞都有“調(diào)查、檢查”之意。 inspect 側重按一定質(zhì)量標準檢查某物,找出不足或不同之處。 The fire prevention branch inspects factories and all sorts of public buildings. 消防部門對工廠和各種公共建筑進行檢查。,Detailed Reading,New Words and Expressions,examine 最普通用詞,可指粗略地查看,也可指仔細觀察或調(diào)查以確定事物的性質(zhì)、功能特點等 The doctor examined the wound. 醫(yī)生檢查了傷口。,Detailed Reading,New Words and Expressions,investigate 是對復雜情況作有系統(tǒng)的深入調(diào)查,旨在發(fā)現(xiàn)事實。 The detective was sent to investigate the crime. 那位偵探被派去調(diào)查該罪行。,Detailed Reading,New Words and Expressions,relieve: v. 解除 減輕 這一針能止痛。 The injection can relieve the pain. 醫(yī)生的解釋解除了我的擔心。 Doctors explanation relieved my worries.,Detailed Reading,New Words and Expressions,assemble v. 1)集合 收集 我已經(jīng)收集了寫論文所需要的信息。 I have assembled all the information I need for my essay.,Detailed Reading,New Words and Expressions,2)組裝 工人們正在組裝機器。 The workers are assembling a machine.,Detailed Reading,New Words and Expressions,observe vt. 觀察 注意到 難道你沒有看出差別? Didnt you observe the differences?,Detailed Reading,New Words and Expressions,decrease vt. 減少 該城市去年交通事故減少了。 The traffic accidents in the city decreased last year.,Detailed Reading,New Words and Expressions,promote vt. 1)晉升 提拔 他已由經(jīng)理助理晉升為經(jīng)理。 He has been promoted from manager assistant to manager.,Detailed Reading,New Words and Expressions,2)推銷 促銷 你需要用新的方式去推銷新產(chǎn)品。 You need a new way to promote the new product.,Detailed Reading,After Reading_main,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,1. Useful Expressions,2. Sentence Translation,3. Proverbs and Quotations,After Reading_1_1,1. 著手做某事,2. 結果是,3. 工業(yè)工程師,4. 工業(yè)管理,5. 井井有條且整整齊齊,6. 效率專家,7. 高品質(zhì)/質(zhì)量,8. 偽劣產(chǎn)品,set out to do sth.,turn out,industrial engineer,industrial engineering,to be well-organized and neat,efficiency expert,high quality,products of poor quality,Useful Expressions,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,After Reading_1_2,9. 打下良好基礎,10. 工程建設項目,11. 學士學位,12. 擔當顧問位置,13. 短期,14. 最令人奇怪的,15. 質(zhì)檢,16. 查明,發(fā)現(xiàn),lay a good foundation,construction project,bachelors degree,come in as a consultant,on a short term basis / for a short period,most curious of all,quality control,find out,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,After Reading_1_3,17. 舉行罷工,18. 耽擱,19. 導致,20. 商討,21. 跟上,22. 心不在焉,23. 生產(chǎn)流水線/裝配線,24. 工作流程,go on strike,hold up,result in,talk over,come up with,absent-minded,the assembly line,work flow,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,After Reading_1_4,25. 背景音樂,26. 美化乏味的環(huán)境,27. 一位多產(chǎn)作家,28. 工資增加,職位提升,29. 夜/白班,30. 口頭報導,31. 覆蓋要點,32. 與時俱進,background music,beautify the dull setting,a productive writer,pay increases and promotions,night/day shift,oral report,cover the major points,keep up with the time,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,After Reading_6_1,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Sentence Translation,Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English.,Directions:,1. 杰克堅持每天鍛煉身體,所以他精力充沛,學習效率高。,Jack works out every day. As a result, he is quite energetic and efficient in his studies.,2. 美國總統(tǒng)克林頓來華訪問的結果是成功的。,The visit of Bill Clinton, the president of the United States, to China turned out to be a great success.,3. 最為奇怪的是,在失物招領啟事貼出兩星期后竟然沒有人來認領這輛小汽車。,Most curious of all, no one has come to claim the car yet although the finding notice of lost property was put up two weeks ago.,After Reading_6_2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,4.為了援助災區(qū)的人民,這位著名的流行歌手將在全國進行短期的巡回義演。,This well-known pop singer will make a national tour to give benefit performances in aid of the people in the flood-stricken area on a short-term basis.,5. 只要不斷努力學習新知識,你就能跟上時代的步伐。,As long as you keep learning new knowledge, youll be able to keep up with the pace of our age/keep pace with the times.,After Reading_8_1,Proverbs and Quotations,1. Work has a bitter root but sweet fruit.,工作是苦的根,甜的果。,2. A work ill done must be twice done.,做不好的工作必須做兩次。,3. Whatever I do, I will do in my power.,我無論做什么事,我必盡力而為。,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,4.Opportunity, sooner or later, comes to all who work and wish.,只要努力工作而有志向,機會遲早終會來臨。,After Reading_8_2,5. Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. Helen Keller, American writer,雖然世界多苦難,但是苦難總是能戰(zhàn)勝的。 美國作家 海倫凱勒,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,6. Happiness, I have discovered, is nearly always a rebound from hard work. David Grayson, American journalist,我發(fā)現(xiàn),辛勤工作的報酬幾乎總是幸福。 美國記者 D. 格雷森,


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