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高考英語總復習 第一部分 模塊7 unit2 Fit for life課件 牛津譯林版

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高考英語總復習 第一部分 模塊7 unit2 Fit for life課件 牛津譯林版

第一部分 模塊7 Unit 2,話題:珍愛生命(Treasuring life) 【詞匯積累】 1.overprotect v過度保護 2violence n. 暴力 3emergency n. 緊急情況 4relate v. 把聯(lián)系起來 5threaten v. 威脅 6protect v. 保護 7prevent v. 阻止; 預防, 防止,8produce v. 生產 9promote v. 促進; 增進 10in danger 處于危險中 11end up with 以結束 12be responsible for 對負責 13deep in thought 陷入沉思 14take sth. seriously 嚴肅認真地對待 15take.for example 以為例 16have a good command of 精通/掌握 17at ones convenience 在某人方便的時候 18have sth. to do with 和有關,第一部分 模塊7 Unit 2,【佳句背誦】 Compared with/to ten years ago, peoples life has got greatly improved. 與十年前相比, 人們的生活水平得到了很大的提高。 2Wonderful as it is, however, it also has its own disadvantages.然而, 盡管很好, 它也有其不足之處。 3There is no doubt that it is an extremely serious problem: the government should take strong measures to deal with it.毫無疑問, 這是一個極其嚴重的問題, 政府應該采取有力措施來解決它。,第一部分 模塊7 Unit 2,【試題展示】 據(jù)報道, 9月24日, 沙特阿拉伯麥加發(fā)生踩踏事故, 造成數(shù)百人死傷的慘劇。安全這一話題再次敲響了警鐘。為了杜絕此類問題發(fā)生, 請就“如何預防踩踏”問題, 寫一篇短文。要點如下: 1簡單描述事故內容; 2事故后的個人感受; 3預防踩踏措施(如: 不蜂擁, 不推擠等)。,第一部分 模塊7 Unit 2,第一部分 模塊7 Unit 2,第一部分 模塊7 Unit 2,1_ n可能性, 潛在性; 潛力, 潛能 adj. 潛在的, 可能的 2_ adj. 大規(guī)模的; 數(shù)量極多的 n. 一團, 一堆; 許多; (物理)質量 3_n. 結果, 后果 4_ vi.& vt. 鼓掌; 稱贊, 贊許 5_vi. 定期訂購或訂閱 6_ adj. 有益的, 有用的,potential,mass,outcome,applaud,subscribe,beneficial,7_ vt. 擁有, 具有 8_adj. 不正常的, 反常的 9_vt. 使十分驚訝, 使吃驚 10_ adj. 有效的; 實際的, 事實上的; 生效的 11_ adj. 合理的, 有理由的; 公道的; 明智的 12_ n. 排列, 布置; 安排; 約定, 協(xié)議 13_ adj. 上癮; 入迷 14_vi.& vt. 聯(lián)系, 把聯(lián)系起來; 敘述, 講述 15. _ adj. 對極重要的, 必不可少的,possess,abnormal,astonish,effective,reasonable,arrangement,addicted,relate,vital,16_ n革命; 大變革; 旋轉, 天體運行_adj.革命的 n革命者 17_ vi.& vt.循環(huán); 傳播, 散布; 傳遞, 傳閱_ n循環(huán)_ adj.圓的; 環(huán)形的 18_ vt.& vi.(使)加速, 加快_ n加速 19_ n應用; 申請, 申請表; 外敷_ v申請, 應用_n申請人,revolution,revolutionary,circulate,circulation,circular,20_ adj.鋒利的; 急劇的; 靈敏的; 尖銳的, 嚴厲的_ vt.(使)變鋒利, (使)變尖銳 21_ n批準, 通過; 贊成, 同意_ vt.& vi.批準, 通過, 贊成, 同意_v不贊成, 不同意,sharp,sharpen,approval,approve,disapprove,2They werent being developed and so their _ and their contributions were _ lost. (potential) 3The land _ in village is an important measure that makes the land contract for the management flexible, causes the land to _ and develops the village economy.(circulate),sharp,sharpen,potential,potentially,circulation,circulate,4It is necessary to have a _party for _(revolution) 5The examination and _authority shall decide whether to _or _ them within 3 months.(approve),revolutionary,revolution,approval,approve,disapprove,1_ 打開 2_執(zhí)行; 實施 3_以的方式 4_ 試驗, 試用 5_ 挑選 6_ 不能做 7_ 使筋疲力盡; 使厭煩 8_ 當心; 留心尋覓 9_ 放出, 發(fā)出,open up,carry out,in the form of,try out,pick out,be unable to do.,wear sb.out,look out for,let out,10_ 取代, 替代 11_ 對上癮 12_ 把與聯(lián)系起來 13_消失; 磨損 14_ 同意, 贊成,take ones place,be addicted to,relate.to.,wear away,subscribe to,was addicted to,worn out,let out,wore away,looked out for,subscribed to,not only did,had put your heart into,arising from his class,as do most people,it,was invented,the,helping,but,carried,named,to make,greatest,saving,2It is felt relaxing to sit in front of a computer and chat with an online friend._ 3The air in the Internet cafes is smelled bad most of time._,seemseems,is feltfeels,is smelledsmells,5He looked angrily at the news that the other team won the race._,angrilyangry,goodwell,1. possessvt.擁有, 具有 (教材P18)Nearly 3,500 years ago, people chewed on leaves or drank a kind of tea made from leaves possessing a special chemical to reduce body pains and fever. 近3 500年前, 人們咀嚼一種含有特殊化學物質的樹葉或飲用由這種樹葉制成的茶, 以減輕身體疼痛或退燒。,in possession of,possessions,possess,possession,能力提升一句多譯 據(jù)我所知, 他擁有一個大公司。 (4)As far as I know, he is _a large company. (5)As far as I know, a large company is _ him. (6)As far as I know, he _a large company.,in possession of,in the possession of,possesses,2. circulatevi.&vt.循環(huán); 傳播; 傳遞; 散布, 傳閱 (教材P18)Lawrence Craven, a doctor from the USA, introduced the idea in 1953 that aspirin had the potential to reduce the risk of heart attacks, because it helped the blood circulate better.勞倫斯克雷文, 一位美國醫(yī)生, 于1953年提出了一個觀點: 阿司匹林可能有助于降低心臟病發(fā)作的風險, 因為它能改善血液循環(huán)。,circulation,astonishing,astonishment,effect,has a bad effect on your health,affects,has a bad influence on,has a bad effect on,(1)come to an arrangement談妥, 達成協(xié)議 make arrangement(s) for 為做好安排 make arrangement with sb. 與某人商定, 協(xié)調好; 和某人達成協(xié)議 (2)arrange v. 安排; 籌備 arrange sth.for sb. 為某人安排某事 arrange with sb.to do sth. 與某人約定干某事 arrange for sb.to do sth. 安排某人干某事,arrange with sb.about sth. 與某人商定某事 arrange that. 商定; 安排 (3)arrange后接從句時, 從句謂語動詞應用should do, should可省略。,arrangement,for,for,relation,related,out,for,away,(1)caution n小心, 謹慎; 告誡; 警告 vt. 告誡; 警告 with caution 小心翼翼 give sb.a caution 告誡某人 (2)cautious adj. 小心的; 謹慎的 (3)cautiously adv. 小心地; 謹慎地,cautious,caution,cautiously,to,to work as a medicine是動詞不定式作結果狀語。 動詞不定式作結果狀語, 一般表示出乎意料的結果。此外, 還可用于以下句型: (1)so/such.as to do. 如此以至于做 (2)enough to do 足以做 (3)too.to do. 太而不能做 (4)only to do 只是做(和本來愿望相反),to catch,to read,to lend,2. (教材P31)Today acupuncture has become popular round the world, as have other traditional Chinese medicines. 現(xiàn)在, 針灸已和傳統(tǒng)的中藥一樣深受全世界人們的歡迎。,are,倒裝,定語從句,阿司匹林不僅被證明對于退燒和止痛必不可少, 而且還有其他用途,


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