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1One morning Raman, a true master of the art of archery (箭術), invited his favorite student to watch a display of his skill. The student had36this more than a hundred times before, but he still obeyed his37.Together, they went into a nearby wood and reached a tall38. Raman picked a rose flower and39it on one of the branches of the tree. He40opened his bag and took out three objects. his41, an arrow and a white handkerchief.Raman stood one hundred paces from the spot where he had placed the42. Facing his target, he43his student to blindfold (蒙住眼睛) him with the handkerchief. The student did as his teacher44.“How often have you seen me practice the sport of archery?” Raman asked him45.“Every day,” replied his student. “And you have46managed to hit the rose from three hundred paces away.”With his eyes covered by the47, Raman placed his feet firmly on the ground and48the bowstring (弓弦) with all his strength. Aiming at the rose on the49, he let the arrow fly. The arrow whistled through the air,50it did not even hit the tree, missing the target by a few meters.“Did I51it?” said Raman, removing the handkerchief from his eyes.“No, you missed52,” replied the student. “I thought you were going to53me the power of thought and your ability to perform magic.”“I have54taught you the most important lesson about the power of thought.” replied Raman. “When you55something, concentrate only on that. No one will ever hit a target they cannot see.”1.AthoughtBseenCheardDfelt2.AteacherBbossCfatherDmonitor3.AwallBtreeCpoleDhouse4.AburiedBeducatedCsignedDplaced5.AfirstBnowCthenDfinally6.AbowBhammerCappleDknife7.AarrowBshoeCflowerDbag8.AadvisedBexpectedCencouragedDasked9.AplannedBimaginedCrequestedDpromised10.AangrilyBcalmlyCdisappointedlyDsadly11.AneverBalmostCalwaysDalso12.AclothBhandkerchiefCpaperDleaf13.Adrew backBbrought upCheld backDtook off14.AgroundBbranchCtipDroot15.AandBforCsoDbut16.AtouchBlearnCmissDhit17.AcompletelyBsuddenlyCquicklyDcarefully18.AshowBgiveCofferDlend19.AagainBevenCjustDseldom20.AbuyBfindCnoticeDwant2I grew up poor living with six brothers, three sisters and my mother. We had little money, but plenty of love and36 . I was happy and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, he could still37 a dream.My dream was38 . By the time I was sixteen, I could throw a ninety-mile-per-hour baseball and39 anything that moved on the field. I was also40 . my high school coach was John, who not only41 me, but also taught me how to believe in myself. He42 me the difference between having a dream and showing conviction (信念). One particular incident with coach John changed my life forever.A friend43 me for a summer job. This meant a chance for money in my pocket money for a new bike, new clothes and the44 of savings for a house for my mother. Then I realized I would have to45 up summer baseball to handle the work schedule, and that meant I would have to tell John I wouldnt be playing.When I told John, he was as46 as I expected him to be. “You have your whole life to work,” he said, “Your47 days are limited. You cant afford to waste them.” I stood before him with my head48 , trying to think of the words that would49 to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth facing his50 in me.“Well,” he asked, “is $3.5 an hour the51 of a dream?”That simple question made52 to me the difference between53 something right now and having a goal. I devoted myself in sports that summer and54 the year I was chosen by the Pittsburgh Pirates to play baseball, and55 a $ 20,000 contract(合同). Later, I bought my mother the house of my dream!1.AattentionBtimeCpatienceDfashion2.AbringBcontinueCmakeDafford3.AathleticsBmusicCbusinessDmoney4.AkickBplayChitDpass5.ArightBpopularCluckyDconfident6.Abelieved inBrelied onCcalled onDdealt with7.AgaveBtaughtCbroughtDasked8.AcalledBadvisedCappliedDrecommended9.AaimBideaCstartDpurpose10.AkeepBendCgiveDpick11.AhappyBmadCfrightenedDexcited12.AlivingBworkingCplayingDdreaming13.AmovingBhangingCshakingDnodding14.AexpressBannounceCapologiseDexplain15.AbeliefBprideCfearDdisappointment16.AlengthBpriceCpowerDspirit17.AclearBdirectCstraightDattractive18.AwantingBchangingCdreamingDenjoying19.AbyBforCbeyondDwithin20.ApaidBfoundCofferedDpresented3We were driving along the village of Simdara. I36to my right and saw an old shelter 20 meters from the side of the road that appeared to be filled with37.“Would you mind38?” I asked the driver Waris. “I think there is a(n)39.”Waris laughed. “No, Greg, thats actually a public toilet,” explained Waris and he kept40.“But why are there so many kids? What are they doing there? We need to41,” I insisted. The word caught Waris42and he stopped the car.When we reached the shelter, to my surprise, it was43a toiletor at least it had been at one time. The roof was gone now, and the four toiletpits(坑) had been44with old boards. There were 25 children between 4 and 5 years old, one45, and a wooden board against the wall.Though having a tough learning environment, the students are quite46to chat with us about their class andcurriculum(課程). After about ten minutes, the teacher47if we might like to see “the rest of the school”. We48and followed her up the hill.Just over the top of the hill, there was an old tent. It was very49inside because nearly 100 students were packed likesardines(沙丁魚). These students were a little50, fourth-, and sixth-graders, and all of them were sitting on the ground.51the teacher, they were doing extremely well 52most of them had no books, paper or even pencils.We were forced to53to catch our plane. We were all54and decided to collect money to build a school for these children who had a hunger for55.1.AlookedBstuckCledDreferred2.AplantsBanimalsCchildrenDbirds3.AchattingBstoppingClearningDcompeting4.AtoiletBchurchCofficeDschool5.AtalkingBdrivingCsleepingDwalking6.Afind outBwatch outCgive upDbreak up7.AmemoryBattentionCbreathDfortune8.AeasilyBneverChardlyDreally9.AchangedBcoveredCmarkedDseparated10.AwaiterBcleanerCteacherDdoctor11.AhappyBupsetCpuzzledDnervous12.AknewBaskedCdecidedDheard13.AlaughedBnoddedCrefusedDclapped14.AbrightBfancyCcrowdedDcomfortable15.AhungrierBlazierColderDbraver16.AAccording toBBecause ofCIn praise ofDIn honor of17.AifBalthoughCwhenDunless18.AworkBrestCstayDleave19.AsatisfiedBmovedCacceptedDgreeted20.AfoodBenergyCknowledgeDtruth4 “Hi, Mommy, what are you doing?” asked Susie, who was only six years old. “Im making a casserole(燉鍋菜) for Mrs. Smith next door, _36_ Mrs. Smith is very sad. She lost her daughter and has a _37_ heart. We need to take care of her a little while.” Said her mother. “ Why, Mommy?”“You see, Susie, when someone is very, very sad, they have _38_ doing the little things like making dinner or other housework. Because were _39_ of a community and Mrs. Smith wont ever be able to talk with her daughter or hug(擁抱) her. You are a very _40_ girl, Susie; maybe youll think of _41_ way to help take care of Mrs. Smith.”Susie thought _42_ about this challenge and how she could do her _43_ on caring for Mrs. Smith. A few minutes later, Susie knocked on her door. After a few moments, Mrs. Smith _44_ the knock with a “Hi, Susie.”Susie noticed that Mrs. Smith didnt have that familiar musical _45_ about her voice when she _46_ someone.“What can I do for you, Susie?” asked Mrs. Smith.“My mommy says that you lost your daughter and youre very, very sad with a broken heart.” Susie _47_ her hand out shyly. In it was a Band-Aid. “This is for your broken heart.” Mrs. Smith knelt down and hugged Susie. Through her _48_ she said, “Thank you, darling girl, this will _49_ a lot.”Mrs. Smith _50_ Susies act of kindness and took it one step _51_. She bought a small key ring with a picture frame(框架) - the ones _52_ to carry keys and display a family _53_ at the same time. Mrs. Smith placed Susies Band-Aid in the frame to _54_ her to heal a little every time she sees it. It has become her symbol(象征) for healing, while not _55_ the joy and love she experienced with her daughter.1.AalthoughBbecauseCwhenDso2.AbrokenBabsentCsickDgentle3.AtroubleBtimeCinterestDdanger4.AownersBwholeCpartDrelatives5.AnaughtyBlittleCprettyDsmart6.Athe otherBthe veryCourDsome7.AseriouslyBdeeplyCmuchDlittle8.AjobBworkCpartDdeed9.ArepliedBanswered toCgreetedDresponded10.AsoundBqualityCgiftDnote11.ApraisedBhelpedCgreetedDsaw12.AgaveBsetCtookDheld13.AtearsBsadnessCexcitementDglasses14.AdoBcareCmeanDhelp15.ArefusedBacceptedCreceivedDtook16.AmoreBforwardCfurtherDahead17.AmadeBboughtCinventedDdesigned18.AphotoBsceneCgatheringDlife19.AforceBremindCgetDadvise20.AforgettingBmissingClosingDremembering5It was the last day of the final examination in a large eastern university. On the steps of one building, a group of engineering students were talking about the exam that was going to begin in a few36. On their faces was confidence . This was their last exam then on to37and jobs.Some talked of jobs they already had; others talked of jobs they38get. With the certainty of four years of college, they felt ready and able to take39of the world.The coming exam, they knew, would be a(n)40task. The professor had said they could bring41books or notes they wanted, requesting only that they did not42each other, during the test.43they entered the classroom. The professor passed out the papers. And smiles44on the students faces as they noted(注意到) there were only five essay-type questions.Three hours had passed45the professor began to collect the papers. The students no longer looked confident. On their faces was a frightened expression. Papers in hand, no one spoke as the professor faced the class.He looked at the46faces before him, and then asked, “How many completed all five questions?”47a hand was raised.“How many answered four?” Still no hands.“Three? Two?” The students moved restlessly (不安地,慌張地)in their seats.“One, then? Certainly somebody finished48.”But the class remained silent.The professor put down the papers. “That is exactly what I49,” he said. “I just want to impress upon you that,50you have completed four years of engineering, there are still many things about the51you dont know. These questions you couldnt answer are relatively(相對地,相當?shù)?52in everyday practice. ” Then smiling, he added, “You will all 53this course, but remember even though you are now college graduates, your education has just54.”The years have55the name of this professor, but not the lesson he taught.1.AsecondsBminutesChoursDdays2.AinterviewBdiscussionCeducationDgraduation3.AwouldBmustChave toDused to4.AholdBcontrolCorderDplace5.AinterestingBnecessaryCeasyDunusual6.AnoBneitherCanyDall7.Alisten toBlook atCrefer toDtalk to8.ANervouslyBJoyfullyCQuicklyDCuriously9.AappearedBchangedCfrozeDstopped10.AthenBasCbeforeDafter11.ApleasedBworriedCsurprisedDmoved12.ANotBOnceCOnlyDEven13.AallBnoneConeDit14.AwonderedBenjoyedChatedDexpected15.AasBbecauseCnow thatDalthough16.AexamBsubjectCquestionDcollege17.AvaluableBdifficultCcommonDstrange18.ApassBfailCtakeDstart19.AbegunBcompletedCfailedDsucceeded20.AforgottenBrememberedCstrengthenedDweakened參考答案11.B2.A3.B4.D5.C6.A7.C8.D9.C10.B11.C12.B13.A14.B15.D16.D17.A18.A19.C20.D文章講述的是一個箭術大師像平時一樣練習,在練習的過程中教會了學生一個道理,即要實現(xiàn)目標,一定要知道目標在哪里1.上下文,根據(jù)上文invited his favorite student to watch a display of his skill可知,他的學生已經看過很多次了。2.上下文,根據(jù)上文invited his favorite student 可知,他們是師生關系3.上下文,根據(jù)下文的on one of the branches of the tree可知,他們來到了一顆樹那4.句意理解,他撿起一顆玫瑰花并且把它放置在樹枝上5.句意理解,他把花放在樹枝上,之后他從包里拿出三個東西6.上下文,因為他是箭術的大師,他要練習箭術,就一定會用到弓箭7.上下文,根據(jù)上文 39 it on one of the branches of the tree可知,他放在樹枝上的是花8.他叫他的學生把他的眼睛蒙起來9.他的學生按照他的要求把他的眼睛蒙上了10.此處老師并沒有表現(xiàn)出別的情緒,所以是很平靜地問學生11.句意理解,根據(jù)上下文可知,老師總是能很好的集中玫瑰花12.上下文,根據(jù)上文的his student to blindfold (蒙住眼睛) him with the handkerchief可知,是用手絹蒙住的眼睛13.常用搭配,射箭的時候都要拉弓,才能射箭,所以選擇A,意為拉, bring up 意為撫養(yǎng),養(yǎng)育 hold back抑制 take off 起飛,事業(yè)騰飛14.上下文,根據(jù)上文39 it on one of the branches of the tree可知,花放在樹枝上 ,15.上下文,根據(jù)后面的it did not even hit the tree, missing the target by a few meters可知,此處表轉折16.上下文,根據(jù)上文managed to hit the rose from three hundred paces away可知,集中目標用的是hit17.上下文,因為箭離目標很遠,所以此處是完全偏差了18.句意理解,我本以為你要給我展示你意念的力量和你神奇的能力19.句意理解,我剛剛就是教了你最終要的一課,那就是意念的力量20.句意理解,當你想要某個東西的時候,一定要記住,沒有人能實現(xiàn)目標,當他完全看不到目標的時候21.A2.D3.A4.C5.C6.A7.B8.D9.C10.C11.B12.C13.B14.D15.D16.B17.A18.A19.D20.C夢想和現(xiàn)實的沖突該如何解決?文章給出了答案!1.名詞辨析。這里是指雖然我們窮,但是在家里我們能感受到愛和關注。2.動詞辨析。這里是指我可以有夢想。3.上下文串聯(lián)。根據(jù)下文的baseball可知我在運動方面有天賦。4.動詞辨析。Hit指擊中;這里是指我能擊中球場中的任何物體。5.上下文串聯(lián)。我能擁有John做我的老師,我很幸運。6.上下文串聯(lián)。根據(jù)下文可知教練不僅信任我們,還教會我們自己信任自己。7.動詞辨析,解析同上。8.動詞辨析。根據(jù)下文可知我的一個朋友推薦我去做暑期工來掙錢補貼家用。9.上下文串聯(lián)。這里是指開始存錢買房子。10.短語辨析。這里是指如果我做了暑期工,我就得放棄暑假的訓練。11.形容詞辨析。根據(jù)上下文可知教練對我主語的作法氣得發(fā)瘋。12.上下文串聯(lián)。這里是指掙錢的時間很長,但是訓練的時間可不多。13.動詞辨析。這里是指教練在訓斥我的時候我的頭低著。14.上下文串聯(lián)。這里是指我意識到自己的錯誤,想著如何向教練道歉。15.上下文串聯(lián)。這里是指教練對我很失望。16.名詞辨析。每小時3.5美元就是夢想的價格嗎?這是教練對我的勸導。17.上下文串聯(lián)。這里是指教練的一番話把道理講的非常清楚。18.動詞辨析。這里是指現(xiàn)在得到的東西和未來實現(xiàn)的夢想。19.介詞辨析。是指在這年里,我被選中代表匹茲堡去打球。20.動詞辨析。這里是指給我提供了2萬美元的合同。31.A2.C3.B4.D5.B6.A7.B8.D9.B10.C11.A12.B13.B14.C15.C16.A17.B18.D19.B20.C文章介紹了再旅途中看見的一所學習,我們被這所學校簡陋的情況所打動,決定去幫助他們。1.動詞辨析。根據(jù)句意可知我看向路邊。2.上下文串聯(lián)。后面說到的小孩。3.動詞辨析。根據(jù)句意可知我以為是一所學校,是想讓司機停車去看一下。4.名詞辨析。解析同上。5.上下文串聯(lián)。根據(jù)下文可知此事司機沒有停車,而是繼續(xù)向前開動。6.短語辨析。A查明,搞清楚;B當心;C放棄;D分解,打破;根據(jù)句意可知A正確。句意:我想搞清楚。我的話引起了司機的注意,他終于停下了車。7.名詞辨析。Catch ones attention引起某人的注意。解析同上。8.副詞辨析。A容易地;B從未;C幾乎不;D真的;根據(jù)句意可知那真的是一個廁所。9.動詞辨析。廁所的坑被一塊舊木板蓋著。10.上下文串聯(lián)。根據(jù)下文可知這里是一個簡易的學校,里面有一位老師。11.上下文串聯(lián)。根據(jù)句意可知A正確。盡管學習的環(huán)境很差,但是學生還是很開心地和我談論他們的課程。12.動詞辨析。根據(jù)句意可知B正確。那個老師請求我們去看看學校的其它部分。我們點頭表示同意。13.動詞辨析。解析同上。14.上下文串聯(lián)。根據(jù)下文的packed like sardines (沙丁魚).可知這里非常擁擠。15.上下文串聯(lián)。上文提及大那些孩子都是4 and 5 years old。這里的學生都是年齡更大一些的fourth-, and sixth-graders。16.介詞短語辨析。根據(jù)句意可知是老師告訴我們,A正確。17.連詞辨析。根據(jù)上下文可知盡管大部分孩子沒有書等,但是他們學習的非常好。18.動詞辨析。根據(jù)句意可知我們不得不離開去趕飛機。我們都被感動了決定籌集錢幫他們建一所學校來學習知識。19.詞義辨析。解析同上。20.名詞辨析。解析同53.41.B2.A3.A4.C5.D6.D7.A8.C9.C10.B11.C12.D13.A14.D15.B16.C17.D18.A19.B20.A1.上下文串聯(lián)。根據(jù)句意可知是因果關系。因為Mrs. Smith失去了女兒,所以她非常難過,心都睡了。2.形容詞辨析。解析同上。3.上下文串聯(lián)。根據(jù)句意可知當人難過的時候,做一些像做飯這樣的小事是有困難的。4.名詞辨析。根據(jù)句意可知媽媽告訴她的女兒我們都是社區(qū)的一部分。5.形容詞辨析。媽媽說Susie是一個很聰明的女孩,能夠想起一些別的方法來幫助照顧Mrs. Smith。6.詞義辨析,解析同上。7.副詞辨析。根據(jù)句意可知Susie在認真的考慮這個事情。8.固定詞組。do ones part盡自己的職責。9.動詞用法辨析。AD少了to; B項多了to; 10.名詞辨析。Mrs. Smith的聲音里少音色,音質,說明她非常難過。11.上下文串聯(lián)。同41空。12.動詞短語。Hold out伸出;13.名詞辨析。根據(jù)句意可知:她流著眼淚對Susie說:謝謝你,這會對我有很大的幫助的。14.動詞辨析。解析同上。15.上下文串聯(lián)。根據(jù)下文可知她接受了女孩的善意并且更進一步。16.副詞辨析。解析同上。17.動詞辨析。A制作;B買;C發(fā)明;D設計;根據(jù)句意可知那些key ring和frame是被設計來放鑰匙和照片的。18.名詞辨析。解析同上。19.動詞辨析。根據(jù)上下文可知是用來提醒她20.動詞辨析。根據(jù)上下文的句意可知是不要忘記和女兒在一起的快樂。51.B2.D3.A4.B5.C6.C7.D8.B9.A10.C11.B12.A13.C14.D15.D16.B17.C18.A19.A20.D文章講述的是一個教授在給學生們的畢業(yè)考試中教育了學生一個道理,即使他們大學畢業(yè)了,但是他們的教育其實才剛剛開始1.上下文,根據(jù)下文可知學生們正在去考場的路上,所以肯定是過一會就要考試了即幾分鐘之后,2.上下文,根據(jù)上文的It was the last day of the final examination in a large eastern university可知,他們考完試就可以畢業(yè)了。3.句意理解,一些人在討論已經找到的工作,有的人在討論將會找到的工作。4.詞組,take control of控制,意為,他們感覺已經準備好了,他們能夠掌控這個世界了。5.上下文,根據(jù)下文可知教授說他們可以帶任何書籍或者筆記去參加考試,因此他們認為這次考試肯定是非常容易的。6.同上7.句意理解,教授唯一的要求就是他們不可以相互之間討論,8.上下文,根據(jù)上文可知,他們認為試卷將會很簡單,所以他們很開心地進入了考場9.上下文,根據(jù)后面的they noted(注意到) there were only five essay-type questions可知,他們發(fā)現(xiàn)題目很簡單,只有五個論文類型的問題,所以臉上露出了笑容10.上下文,根據(jù)后文可知,教授還沒有收卷,所以此處意為,在老師收卷前已經過了三個小時了11.上下文,根據(jù)上文的On their faces was a frightened expression可知,他們很害怕,很擔心這個考試12.上下文,根據(jù)后文Still no hands可知沒有人完成了五道題,所以沒有人舉手13.上下文,根據(jù)上文One, then可知,教授此時問的是有沒有人完成了一題14.句意理解,教授說這正是我所預料的15.句意理解,盡管你們完成了四年的工程學,但是關于這個課題,你們還有很多東西是不知道的16.同上17.句意理解,為了給他們留下深刻的印象,教授選擇的是問題都是生活中常見的18.句意理解,當然你們都會通過這次考試,但是要記住,即使你們是大學畢業(yè)生了,你們的教育其實才剛剛開始19.同上20.句意理解,很多年讓教師的名字變淡了,記不清了,但是他教授的那一課永遠也忘不掉Forget的主語應當是人


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