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高中英語 2.4 Adverbial clauses with ing課件 外研版選修6.ppt

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高中英語 2.4 Adverbial clauses with ing課件 外研版選修6.ppt

Period Four Grammar:Adverbial clauses with­ing,3動詞­ing形式位置比較靈活,可以置于句首、句中或句末,有時用逗號分開,有時也不用,一般來說,用作原因、條件時,常位于句首;用作方式、結果、伴隨狀語時,常位于句末。 4當動詞­ing形式的主語與句子主語不一致時,我們可以用­ing形式的獨立主格結構。獨立主格結構可以在句中作時間狀語、條件狀語、原因狀語、伴隨狀語等。 5獨立成分作狀語, 有些動詞­ing形式短語,其形式的選擇不受上下文的影響,稱作獨立成分。,二、基本用法 1用作時間狀語時相當于when或while引導的從句。Turning around( When she turned around),she saw an ambulance driving up. 她轉過身,看見一輛救護車開了過來。,2用作原因狀語時相當于as,since,because引導的從句。 Seeing nobody at home( Because she saw nobody at home), she decided to leave them a note. 看到沒人在家,她決定給他們留一張便條。 3用作方式、伴隨狀語時不能用狀語從句替換,但可以改成并列句。 She sat at the desk reading a newspaper.(伴隨)She sat at the desk and read a newspaper.她坐在桌邊看報紙。 4用作條件狀語時相當于if, unless引導的從句。 Working hard(If you work hard),youll succeed. 如果你努力工作,你就會成功。,5用作結果狀語時相當于so,so that等引導的從句。 The poor old man died, leaving nothing to his children. (The old man was so poor when he died that he left nothing to his children.) 可憐的老人去世了,沒有給孩子留下什么。,6用作讓步狀語時相當于though,although等引導的從句。 Admitting what he said(Though I admit what he said),I still think he hasnt tried his best. 盡管我承認他的話,我還是認為他沒有盡全力。,【單項填空】 “We cant go out in this weather,” said Bob, _ out of the window. Alooking Bto look Clooked Dhaving looked 答案 A 動詞­ing形式looking表示與謂語同時發(fā)生的動作,在句中作伴隨狀語。,三、動詞­ing形式的否定式 動詞­ing形式的否定式通常是在­ing形式前加否定副詞not。 Not knowing what to do, he asked the teacher for advice.因為不知道該做什么,他向老師請教。,【單項填空】 _that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest. ANot realized BNot to realize CNot realizing DNot to have realized 答案 C realize和句子主語之間構成邏輯上的主謂關系,所以用現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語。不定式作狀語表示目的或者結果,與題意不符,故可排除B和D。,四、v.­ing的時態(tài)和語態(tài) (1)現(xiàn)在分詞的主動語態(tài),分為一般式和完成式兩種?,F(xiàn)在分詞一般式所表示的動作與謂語動詞所表示的動作一般同時進行,而完成式所表示的動作則在謂語動詞所表示的動作之前已經完成了。 He hurried home, looking behind as he went. 他匆忙回家,邊走邊向后看。 Having lived in New York for years, I knew each part of it very well. 由于住在紐約多年,我對這里的每一處都很熟悉。,(2)現(xiàn)在分詞的被動語態(tài)也分為一般式和完成式兩種。一般式表示一個被動動作正在進行,或與謂語動詞表示的動作同時進行。完成式表示一個被動動作在謂語動詞表示的動作之前已經完成了。 The large building being built(which is being built) down the street will be a hospital. 街道那邊正在建造的大樓將是一所醫(yī)院。 Having been operated on the leg, he cant walk as usual. 由于腿部動了手術,因此他不能像平常那樣走路了。,【單項填空】 The little boy, _ two attempts to climb over the fence of the garden, decided to have another try. Ahaving made Bmaking Cmade Dhas made 答案 A 句意:小男孩已經試圖要爬過花園的籬笆墻兩次了,他決定再試一次。分詞的完成式表示從句動作發(fā)生在主句動作之前。故選A。,議論文 【寫作任務】 根據下表內容,以Why is fantasy literature so popular with young people?為題寫一篇短文。,【寫作要求】 1短文必須包括以上要點。 2詞數 120左右。 【寫作分析】 第一步:認真審題 1本文是一篇議論文。議論文的結構一般有引子、正文和結論三部分。一般在引子部分提出論點,即文章的主題,在正文部分擺出有利的事實,對論點進行嚴密的論證,最后根據前面的論證得出結論。,2本文要求分析奇幻文學受年輕人歡迎的原因并提出建議,人稱以第三人稱為主,時態(tài)用一般現(xiàn)在時。 3文章需要對年輕人喜歡奇幻文學的現(xiàn)狀及原因進行分析,并提出建議。需注意題目中所給要點的整合,并注意條理清晰,層次分明。并適當運用高級詞匯、復雜句型及合適的過渡詞。,第二步:提煉要點 1like to read fantasy literature 2the reason 3indirect and thrilling 4lively, interesting and instructive 5unreal things 6make up for 7be addicted to 8adapt oneself to,第三步:擴點成句 1At present many young people like to read fantasy literature. 2Here are some main reasons. 3The plot of fantasy literature is usually indirect and thrilling. 4Fantasy literature is usually lively, interesting and instructive.,5Fantasy literature usually describes something that young people cant do in real life, so it makes up for the realization of young peoples dreams. 6It is useful to read a proper amount of fantasy literature, but dont become addicted to it or you may not adapt yourself to reality.,【參考范文】 Why is fantasy literature so popular with young people? At present many young people like to read fantasy literature. When they read some fantasy literature, they often forget to eat and sleep. Why is fantasy literature so popular with young people? Here are some main reasons. First, the plot of fantasy literature is usually indirect and thrilling. So it can attract young people. At the same time, fantasy literature is usually lively, interesting and instructive. As a result, it can easily move young people. Besides, fantasy literature usually describes something that young people cant do in real life, so it makes up for the realization of young peoples dreams.,It is useful to read a proper amount of fantasy literature, but dont become addicted to it or you may not adapt yourself to reality.,必備句型 1Opinions vary from individual to individual. 2Others argue/hold the view that. 3Whats important is that. 4As far as Im concerned, I prefer. 5When it comes to failure, different people hold different attitudes towards it. 6There is no denying that students can learn a lot from it. 7Its universally acknowledged that knowledge can change ones fate.,8In conclusion, I think having a very close relationship with a pet is healthy. 9In short, it can be said that health is more important than wealth. 10From what has been said above, we can safely draw a conclusion that attitudes determines everything.,“一分為二”還是“合二為一” “一分為二”和“合二為一”原為哲學上的術語,現(xiàn)借用來說明英語中的一個有趣的現(xiàn)象。英語中有些詞可以“一分為二”地寫成兩個詞,也可以“合二為一”地寫成一個詞。它們貌似神非,在讀音上相同或相似,但在用法上有異,在詞義上有別,給人有一種撲朔迷離的感覺。不少學生混淆不清,常叫苦不迭。,現(xiàn)歸納說明如下: 1already/all ready already是副詞,意為“已經”,常與完成時態(tài)連用。 We ran to the station but the train had already left. 我們跑到車站,但火車已經開走了。 all ready是形容詞短語,意為“完全準備好”,在句子中只能用作表語。 The meal is all ready on the table. 飯菜已全部準備好,放在桌子上了。,2altogether/all together altogether是副詞,作“完全”、“總共”、“總的說來”解。 Altogether, their performance was successful. 總的說來,他們的演出是成功的。 all together是形容詞短語,意為“一起”、“一同”,強調一個群體中的每一個。 Now lets recite the poem all together. 現(xiàn)在讓我們一起朗誦這首詩。,3anyone/any one anyone是代詞,意思是“任何人”、“無論誰”,只能指人,后不可接of短語,用于整體意義時,與有關的代詞可采用復數形式。 Anyone will tell you the way to the supermarket. 任何人都會告訴你去超市怎么走。 any one是名詞短語,意思是“任何一個,”既可用于人,也可用于物,后可接of短語。 Any one of us likes chatting online. 我們當中的每個人都喜歡網上聊天。,4anyway/any way anyway是副詞,相當于anyhow,意為“無論如何”。 It may rain tomorrow, but we are going to have the picnic anyway.明天也許會下雨,但不管怎樣我們都要去野餐。 any way在句子中作狀語,也可以寫作in any way,具有廣泛的含義,表示“在任何方面”、“在某個方面”。 Not special in any way. 無論如何也不例外的。,5everyday/every day everyday是形容詞,在句中作定語,意為“日常的”、“平常的?!?You should wear your everyday clothes to school. 你應該穿平常的衣服去上學。 every day是名詞短語,在句中一般作狀語,偶爾也可作主語。意為“天天”、“每天”。 Not all the websites are updated every day. 不是所有的網站都天天更新的。,6everyone/every one everyone相當于everybody,只能用來指人,其后不能接短語。意為“每個人”、“人人”。 Everyone has the right to speak his mind. 人人都有權發(fā)表自己的看法。 every one既可以指人,又可以指物,后可接短語,意為“每一個”,強調的不是整體而是個體。 Every one of us goes in for popular songs. 我們當中每個人都喜歡流行歌曲。,7everything/every thing 兩者意思相同,都是“一切東西”的意思,只是前者強調整體,后者強調個體,總是用作單數并后接單數動詞。 Everything must have a beginning.凡事都有個開頭。 Her mother complained about every thing she bought.她的母親對她買回的每一件東西都要抱怨幾句。,8faraway/far away faraway是形容詞,意思是“遙遠的”,在句中通常作前置定語,修飾名詞。 There is a beautiful girl in the faraway place. 在那遙遠的地方有一個美麗的姑娘。 far away是副詞短語,也作“遙遠”解,在句中可以作表語、狀語、后置定語、介詞短語,但不能作前置定語。 Long, long ago, two men came home to Egypt from far away.很久以前,兩個人從遠方回到了埃及的家中。,9forever/for ever 兩者都作“永遠”解,但前者常用于美國,后者常用于英國。 Dr. Bethune will live forever in our hearts. 白求恩大夫將永遠活在我們心中。 Nobody lives for ever.誰都不能長生不老。 10however/how ever however用作副詞,意思是“無論如何”、“不管怎樣”,后接形容詞或副詞,相當于no matter how。例如: He tried his best to solve the problem, however difficult it was.不論多難,他努力解決這個問題。,however還可以表示轉折,意為“可是”、“仍然”,在句中起承上啟下的作用,可位于句首、句中或句末,通常用逗號與句子其他成分隔開。 Later, however, he decided to leave. 可是后來他決定離開。 how ever意思是“究竟如何”、“到底怎樣”,ever在這兒是用來加強語氣的。 How ever did he lose his cellphone? 他到底是怎樣丟失他的手機的?,11lookout/look out lookout為名詞,意思是“瞭望臺”。 There used to be a lookout on the Great Wall every few hundred metres.過去在長城上每幾百米就有一個烽火臺。 look out是短語動詞,意思是“當心”、“小心”。多用于祈使句。 Look out for the glass! Its OK. Im wearing shoes. 當心玻璃! 沒關系。我穿著鞋呢。,12maybe/may be maybe是副詞,意為“也許”、“可能”,相當于perhaps,多用于句首,有時也可以用于句中或句末。 Maybe he will come; maybe he wont. 他也許來,也許不來。 may be是“情態(tài)動詞may be”,意思是“也許是”、“可能是”。 Mr. Green may be the next president. 格林先生可能是下一任總統(tǒng)。 This may be true.這也許是對的。 試比較: Maybe he has lost the way./It may be that he has lost the way.他可能迷路了。,13nearby/near by nearby是形容詞或副詞,當nearby作形容詞時,既可位于被修飾的名詞之前,也可位于被修飾的名詞之后。 They came from a town nearby/a nearby town. 他們來自附近的一個城鎮(zhèn)。 Mr. Wells and his wife live nearby. 威爾斯夫婦住在附近。 near by是副詞或介詞,也作“在附近”解。 There is a supermarket near by.附近有家超市。,14sometime/some time sometime是副詞,意思是“某個時候”;“有朝一日”。既可指將來某時,也可指過去某時。 New students will come to our school sometime next week. 新同學將于下周某日來校。 sometime也可用作形容詞,意為“過去的”、“從前的”,只在句子中作定語。 The famous writer visited his sometime sixth­grade teacher to thank her. 那位著名的作家拜訪感謝了他從前上六年級的老師。,some time作為副詞詞組,意為“任何時候”、“某個時候”;用作名詞詞組,意為“一些時候”、“一段時間”。 I shall stay in London for some time. 我將在倫敦呆一段時間。,


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