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國家開放大學(xué)電大專科綜合英語(2)2026-2027期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2159)I Olrcttlons: I Vocnbufar) & Siructurr)Bclicalh etch of the following senUritcete thcrr an? hinr rbolccs murkrd A. Ik C and I). ClMMcIbc one lhat best coinpivltm the Kcntcncr. Murk yur ufKwcr <m the WSVV l-.R Sil KE l ( 20palnU)Exnmple> The homeless couple Im*1 in finding n lint to rent#A. mnniigedH didC. linuhcdD succeededThe Bentencv ihould reade *The homcks> couple succeeded at hz irt hndifiK a flni to rent. *I hrrrlare. you nbould choose I hI. Thr box wn eo heavy that kt wan diffieult for the did lady toHrA riteH* HhC touchIX reach, T hr knife you nrc cuitinx the bread with t*jUiurds,Hi er IA. mndrbyH- mftdcfromG madeo(D mnricin3. I Ir ptoMCfited hern bunrh <if (lower.A. toIk byG idD- withI. EdiWh the clrcltic light Iwinp.A. mvcrnetl(fuundrdC diovrcd(oun<LThe tcnchcr divided the jitudcntn iitfu bniwll FJroup*Lility.A- An toB Acronling項(xiàng)C A forIX Accordingfortk LetfS hurry. Mary K likely_ lor tuuA to be wnitingK wail*C< to w/iitingFt wlunK7. She anked the pupihMiILIiui they kepi _ aIhjuiA. to ait to moveK tu sit movingG MGmuveD nitflnKt muvinHX. Hello. Whm happened? Ihdn11 ynu caich your innn? here should I?A. hnd CAUghlewhr)iildn9t h/ivc lirrnIk ha<i cmighteiihouldn11 br(.ciiKhl ilunildn * I HrIl cfltchtatii not9. ( onniitncr?i Mhouk! dutlum nitnply camplHtn dbuul f hr pouru!A> much lcsiH. Home mureC fnr mnrek lur 1ca10. He wurk (<ki hunli I hot_ i wronx with him.A. hut.whichK fhm whdiC the thing whntII wlmiII Dircrlhm%!< Ikmwc A. B <ir < t> coniplcic rwch convrcMiUon > ilny the Kcntcnce* HcIom. Murk your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20pointji)Exitrnplt4! Ohtlrxik. Joni Mitrhrll i in tnwiWhit? Shr #n one of the yrcMtrnt folk sn-v* hi the world|A> Whu thttH 11 vr never hvurd of hrr.Ik SunsTm in t<xwn.(二 Yrwt Trn glttt! wheS rnnung.Annwrr A i* vnrrri I Ikhmuin,f hi? runvrrfllkin shQuld r<Mri"()hth>ok. Join Mitchell I,in town,Who a that7 / nrvet hfard uptrr.Whm thut? Shd cine of tin grc<ifcn! folk Miucrrs in tbr world|wI L 1 rrnlly npprcciAtc ytiur coming with rnc. Sure# I nlwAyji hnvc ro much trouble picking out giftfL.A I waiH fi> get her HUfricihinK ihnt shr *II likeIt lki yem know if 血 i* emninx i<> I hr party tonight?WrlLinkr yowr time. lxx>k around and rnnybt? yt>ufll Re! Innpirr4f12. Lauf niitht I vw iiwnkrnrci by a loud rrn、h in the kitchen.A. Thm、vxttrily what it wajuIL Yau tnuRt hnvr been Nc/irc<l to den th.C Myshowed up for n Mirprmr viMit.13. I wondrr why Jftrk i-心 Lite Du you think hr tfiight h/ivr tfoitrn hnd?A. I le may hnv<? understood the directions-i< He may not have undeistood the dim ttnn>.C- Til go tu visit him now<14. - WhalS thtr manerwLt?c9 You look kind of drprMMed.A. Wdl.it might rnm tomorrow.K Oh I nlwayw frr! n little down during the holidoyF<C l)(d you go io srrr the docior.then?15. I*vr been trying to cull you since Sunday night Jhh there was tmj answer.A< My phone was out of order- I didrt * t reelin it until this rnorninR.FA. f)i<i anybody enmr to vixil you over the summer?C. Where have you been working Hiner you quit your jab al thr hnnk716. How wa& the surprise birthday pwriy for Joe?.A. Not much of anything>to tell you the 1ruth<tk Coma otu Do you think this kind of story really surpnsv me?C- h wna (un.bnt hr <iidneT look surprised at nlL17. You knnw. I rt illy dunr 1 feel like going t( ( Miuck*S pnv ty uinitir row rnli(.A. All I wuni io do i *tay home nn<1 nlcrp.ItI ihaughi youM Im- vxcitrd nb<Hit II.C. Sh< wnti9i hr nblr to ko thc rnn find n bnby-Mttcr1R Whm if umrhingfn hAppenrd ru hrr. I wouliln*i worry. Sher prulinbly ()KI,k fbrrr iinything I rnn do tu givr you n linnd?(L I)(in11 wirry. Hi eM nlwiiyK un tny,i,lc19.11 tu trying to buy n Rih for “ (rtcn<lbut 11 rn not Nurc whnt t<i net lur her.A WrlLthrrnrr h>vt ly nnd the y arc nvil vnluc Inr thr monry.IV Ynuad hr tier not count on tnr for the pArty.Thz g heniitiful. It 100 prrvciH wim)L2U l)o you kniAw if there m m vending mucbtnr in thir building A* < >h<the re nn a Im of wnnhm machmr! in fhiw department torrH. h hh n bvrtiililul vqdipinrfil >nn<l 1e w nevrr unril bC I " rnr e I h< rr nhoiiltl lir onv on fh<? 5rcond floorF”r ruth riumhrrvil blunk In the ffilhiwinu puMaf>c there urc four choices m>nktMl At Ih ( Mild IK ChntiM? the IkI onr mid murk your mister nn I he ANSWER SHEET. (20p<>ln<lMtss Ehm kept the little hnkrry on th entnen Two or three times n wrek who hnd n cuMotnrr in _21,h, Imah to tnkr ah inicrcMt. Hr wm n tnuldlr nged niAn22ijirt t.urlr- nnil .t brown brdnl Hr wjxik I with a( irrnmn oerrnt. clnthiwr” worn atul wrinklrdt Bui hi lookvil nviit a ndZ3 very goud fihinnrrHa Kr nlwny*iwr> hvivt of nalr hrvacL Hr never zlud for myihiriR _ 21 _ id小 b心djit <E n lot IrMM thnn 心h hrrnd.Oner Mim Eheri 25 a red nnd brown uin on hit flngm She ure ihi he waj*un .iriist 4ml very poor No dauht he !ivr<| in an nlliri where hr puinird pie!uro ind ate ,,山, bn .id nnd ihinight of the good thttiRM 26 eal in the bakery.()ftcn when Mt” Fhrrt 網(wǎng)1 down to her evening menl .*he would 5igh onil wish the ortKf rniKht her Inod 27 of eating hi,dry breaiL Onr day thr custntnrr mtnr in hmliiiI nnd Attkci! (or hi!%tolc brcAtL A thr urldrn nuir al the lire rngine tundr hmi hurry h> the diHjr< Mi” Kbrrt J9 th< opportunity. She cut cnch of the luavc# with kmfv.insertcd jiomi- liunrr and.when thr riKtcunrr 二坦 .*hr wn* putting them intn i p|>rr h*幻2L A< wh<jIk whdtC> who tri1). that22. A. inK withC. nfIk lor23. A. beenK wa( ftccnicdI), had21 . hutK whileC rhe11 from25. Ai lUKitirdBt noted( noticrdl>. knrw2( A. arwlfl taC. forIX u(f27< A. enoughB. rntrnd( in spiteI). 1 ack28. A. asB. Hl( -mehIX by2th At MnvrclIk borrow rd(匚 HcuedI), plnnnrd30. A. r.in dwnyK mood up( jumped up11 turned round| . hirccthinAiKuch of lhe p“zi爐bdu* h followed hy ome questions For eachquestion there arc fnuruikwctm niwrkcd A .H廠 mid l>. Rcud the passages cnrrfully and choo>c the bcM answer to ich <>f the quclinnu Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEE I.(20p<inl%)Qu函31掠 are ba$fd on thffollamnK paswgr.Fhfirrcnt cnuntne* nnd iliffrn nT race> hnve diffrrrnt manners Bcfnrr enh ring n hodKr hi sonic Asian countnc*< it is of *jood mzmnrr t( tnkv ofl vaur Mhoe< hl European countries even though whers Mjmriinir% broorne wry muddy this is noi dunr< A in “ ( hint sv house Hometitncft does not finish n drink. IIc Irav n little (o whow thiit hr has hadrnciugh In a M/ilny hou*caontA gnrM alwnyn Icnvcrt n httlr ford> In Englund>a h1! olwhyM ImiMhr* n drink to ,hciw that hr enjoys H.We Nhnuld like tu (tnil thr cuntomn ol other niccikt no thnt they will no! (hnik u ill> m<inncmL But pctjplr 4li uver thr world ngrrv ihwt bririn well nifinnernl rcully mvnnn being kind and helping shm.rgc即ly fhose older or weaker ihnn nurglvm H you rrtnrrnbcr thib9y(iii will nut w very far wremg.I < ri orr xnnr rxarnplcn ol llw ihingn dun n well ni:innrrr(| leron doeft or doc> not <IikHe iirvrr limgln a( |wo|ilr whrn I hey rr n tn>ublr< Hr in nlwnyn kind rilhrr to people(>r nnitnah. When people ar* wwifinH for n bu>< or in a po> office lir hnrR up tu wntt lor hi* turn, hi thr huMt he given hm ca1 to Mti ohlef per non or 小 hcly who 、偵 nd,n* h he ncridcntrtily bump into someone or ct in their way<he w"Excue mcworM!fm *orryw.He Myn " IHcmnv # when mukiiiK m rcqucNl. und Ehnnk you when Iw rrecivcA MirijrthinK. Hr up when wprAkiriM to n hidy >r nn oldernnd he dot41* notdown until thr other prrw>n m M-atrd Ur dorn not tnlk tno much nbout himself. Whm rrttingihc ilorn n<it prak with un rnourh lull of FikmL31 /VrurJinx f" mo/ Z/ir t uj/u/h.i of othrr rav> .A. in Very tiAeful11 in iinrircrusiiry;( m ummponnntIX docH not menn much32. A prrum with good rnannert think of . A. alhrtM before himnrlfII himncll l>r(orr oihem( no <>nr hut hiniwrliIh either* wrll g hiniMelf33. VV/nr/i o/ th/>1 true" A wttll niunnftfii *,”,uuuilyA.* when ninkniu a rmjurMIt rniikc* tin npology for humpinK mio omennr ncrHlrnTiillyCe Mtn where hr In whrn Rpcukihf tu a hdyl>t niAkc rkm tlu irnporiwnrr of ihr l/w34. I f ynw umi nt lu be ur/ munnrrfd _ A. you luugh nt people when they nre in trouble11 If S all right to npeak with your mouth full ol food( you sbouid -.tup Honironc whs hr ir i/ilkingIX you c/in only pcnk after flomconv elnc hnn linivihrd tnlknig35. /Is dt/ffrenl tvunlrtei htvue different munnmA. k(khI to learn to be well-ninnncrcdwe nhuuki try tu find out the diffrvtictn in thr cu%tum("H huuld not bt wrung tu gu otit of onceH way to do nriythnigIX learning a btflf! Keep nd limgungc would br helpful36 I Darr bafd on the fallowing paisae.Some |K?oplr think thnt ibry hnvc nn anstwer to the troiiblex ol outaniobilc crowding nn<l dirty nir in large citirK I hrir answer i hicydc”廣bikr"hi a great many citics>hundrrds of pcOpk? rule hicyrk to wnrk rvrry cUy. In Nw York (uy omc hike riders hnve rvrn fortnr<l a Koup culled Hike for a Better (?ity< l hey clmm th砒 if more people rode bwyclrn to wtirk there would Iw (rwrr nutnmohilra in thr downtown section of the city und therefore les dirty air from car engines.For nevrrnl ycnrn fhiK group hn5 ben trying to gri ihr rHy gnvrrnrnrnt to help hicydcs riders For cxainpkthey want tlic city lo draw npccinl Innm f<it bicycle!% onlyon iotnc of lhe ninin Htrce<n> because when htcyvlr ndcr thunt iijic fhr Hnme hmr iib cnrs< there nn- acc itlrfits* Bike (or a Helfer I Jty led that d there mt aprrbd lanrut more people would unr hihr&But no bn yclr lanc hnvr bcm drnwn Not everyone thinks it a goorl idea. 1ixi driver itid kunit- bturc busiuesMiirn donft like ihr tdm ihry nay that if ihrte in ksn imffie.they will hnvci hirtinss< And morr pc<iplr live loo f/w from downtown to Trnvrl hy bikeI he dty guvcrnmrni has not yet tlrcidrd whm to do. It wnntji ta keep rvrtycmr hnppye ( hi wet kctwint(MHrnl Park I hr Imgcst pint of op< n ground m New York ,代 t lunrd toiht rr>a<l niw> l <,. hiryrlrs <dily But Bike (or Lkltcr (,ly xy* thnt thu ihnot enriUMh and kee|> fighting tti bicydt? Innesi downtown.J6t Thr ptuph in ihr gnn/p m/ /<|le /r/r HftUr (>7y A. wnhl to get thr gtivrfnrnrnt、wppuriIt Aik nil lhr prtiple U)fry hike%I tlihik they hrtvr thr answer la thr fraubkn of tar ernwehng and dirty nir in InrgrI). Iknh A and <>hM -m -WRy -rclm y?drva MX-3WM"MTHOHK LL >=0一 -h<r>hov,.多 M二 rA<rms_z 7MSY > Th;=v H?;m二二 wm> m 一二_e:彳ry=s= T-三.二v Mv.mm三 j二7M-hM .dm二 H-k- r=k7 h? -h,-r rnrs M Tvr3Mdld nW; 一T*nx-ryrk*L - mpb.0=2_xXJf, A Nr-Wrw 二一; -y ->- -h-t*ri 二 m w3m=m,三 ri=M<?二二-h 三c= =m-r -LrcnFx-k: ? -w-三蕓_ 二三一Maeom-二=;pz; York 二二;w Mow-!=!=-,-r=Fc mNowldsws一 L - hMvz-=5- 7 -cyi=K 二二 n 二一M3-c-fvlk. _h.二y -eqs d-ny 2=-sDiny一?-b、=frna-EM二 A,k:zurF<lwf >cdd*rn 弓-.?k:-=;?m 二二reErs 王 r* 一 W-H THUr-cr*1-"s=二orl 5 三工 * 二 y-V =-rra-M:一-二 ZC7s一 -he rc=dw-sn*s-erKes =x= Hlut-srh s chj3eMSM 三3K-he ssrd 3 -he bmcluM -f My Wrih? yrnnr rnlwr on 二 k ANSWER S 一一!CLsUPEncr-.二- -os.d K2by m 2rydAyrrr二三 nf b-二 nny-hmx-che.M- w =frc=cr -三= um-s-nmL一 2 A = hccxzrh knew 二 wps 二二 pos%b-o-= b-chjcc=<s 2r-nr 二 2n -三=,- wr 二二X-hTnMxwm 一wcx% 三3r very =wo-r b-hrr二 w-wn三-三7二-3 - Theff mzmny wayix。二 26 二二 WMhcE buy 二云 xK3%<e CMU-pmg 二cr -cmmx n -lermhzsrsse-ss S3 s> &克Ar?2.biu. Hl中的大多蚊聲休81遇過Kfi大腦佐小身子曜H象條蛭的外堡人向他們走過來試題答案及評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(僅供參考)1 . (20%)I.B6.Ak C7.H3.n8 B1. A9.(*5.11io. n11. (20WIII. V12. li13. HM. B15AIfi.CIU. (20%)17. B1札A19. A2(h C21. C22. B23. 1)24.A2.(ZGKIV. (2u%)27, li28. A29. C30, l>31. A32. A.33kC34,1)36. B4G. 1)V)%)"I)38, A39. A10. B(答蜜4 1定GR。所拾答案完全*符合何窟.無餌侏館供得3分業(yè)木符合句 無小大炯怯w.郴z分I不太符合句創(chuàng)mu 佚悄保.ra I分f神舍句e.句無法 謨悼 甫。分.甘他情配的WN1I分.)粵試岬IS41. 1 could cl hy :n “urryduy sttuntidn>> hui anything tcchniral wa< dJGcuh foi me tu undvrjit and#12. Althauh he knew, n was impostubk s he <.bjcrnvt > Mr Heinlein 1 purnt in writing thi novel was to cjutninc every Tnojor belief ol Western culture.13. There arc many ways to uchievr 山卜 wttlwti! buyingcqinpmvnl or |uimagn health club.“ 些人吁愿蜂的堆坐在家里的電網(wǎng)抓前.人宇45HE,切的I持人 邊描述待2展示也叫物品.(rkzHbri45,他們中的大咨數(shù)/禰辰誼過快市大WIVM玲的外用Ajfij他們U* 的Iff*. Cdnim>il itali c生活中述呻以勉強(qiáng)時(shí)付,但任何松木n的m時(shí)我tt很g州娜r.42. 亦衍Heinlein X生知訝,世皿做到客觀心f研淀的然曲他創(chuàng)II這邱小說的門的汪是耍GI四力攵化中的主昊侑念* 一迎行圍作43, 也整傾到速一點(diǎn)fl根鄉(xiāng)H tt. JI! Kir WK部做的照材也乍M加AfflNlH + ffi,4K Sortie people wuulil ml her xit quietly dt luirnr in hotd c4 ! V rtr nntl watrh Nincndly Annaunm 山mpHk* in itrrn whilr .1 mud< I diRplH|> H.15. Mojrr of llwm i kiini ihi rxpenrrii r> o( h< m; “p|WQ,kfd ly c siurr,with largrh,mk un Mnnll bodies withn、fm


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