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國家開放大學電大??凭C合英語(2)2022-2023期末試題及答案(試卷號:2159)1 . hlrrctiotu| (Vocahulary & Structure)Beneath cuch of the folkminit wcntcncc* there are four choke% marked A. C1 and l>. C*h<itc I he one that bcM complrtcs the sentence Mark your iintwcr on lhe ANSWER SIIEKT< (20 points)Exnmplci The homrlr>* couplent hst in finding a flnr 2 rrnbA. matnnged吐 didC. rininhedD succeededThr wentrner should rrnd MThr honirlrMi couplr ?iuccrc<lrd at in finditm m lint to ftnt " Thereforei you uhrMild choor IXL Thr French arenf t thr only m心 whb hovr mode humorous rrfrranrrn to the (hf(rrrncr thmc two lnrigijnKc>.withI), between2. At thr thrAtvr>?ihrthe lirt aci 5 she chmbu over your knrc toward hernrrtt.A. rrupiAK disrupt*l carnipijiIX dinrrnprclR3. Hitvc you heard about it? The Kimafhaunt wmji nnd the mank wawA. drah withIt recuvereiiC. broken into). rccoKnucdA.whock( objrctivcpuny for Jnr?H fturprurIX intrnfumnl5. Pmipic nhuuld travel n(>1 only tn find (Mil the hni Kj find uni *buul thrfutureplcaunniI), unknownhvr?允 These picturesA in lakctiC> were ukrnA will you iloihnveC. would you doihntiin Portugal in 2003.IL rc to be iUcn(1 tookall the money in thr world and 200 mure ycurn toB. are you K<iing to dot haveIX would you do i hud hud& Who iio 1 run to if Tm lol v>n my way?Anyone cnn give yu directionsSut* in your rhiwA. bm notU- exceptC. only丘 but for9, The murderer wa broii|(ht Hit with his hflndjibehind hm h”lc,A. liAvinn bcinv tiedH. to be tiedC hnving tiedDried|Qt the iraffte jm1 wouldnf I have been bo late for the dinner party.A If notBJ ButQ Only ifD Were it not (or0 . Directions tChoose A B i>r C Io complete cuch conversationtUing the ficnlenccs below. Mark your answer on lhe ANSWER SHEET. (20polnl)Exiimplrt ()h> k>okt Joni Miichcll t> tn tuwtu一 Whm? She* one of the KrtfAtrnt folk ulngera in the world!A< WhoS that? Ive never hrnrd o( henIt SurctPm in town.C YcSeVm glad s?hrcoming-Answer A is correct hccnuiM? the canvernation should rendt"Oh look. Joni Mitchell Ij* in town.Wh” 9Uhul?Miwr htard uf her.Whin” ihat9 She * i one of the HrcRtwi folk singers in the world!"Ih David you haven11 been yourself htciy> I mtiint you f vc twren loning your temper over nshm*A. I hnven ft been getting much ftlrcp rithcrEk Hm snrry> I shouldnt have blown up like that*C. Youd better not push yourself loa hard>or you 01 1 get sn k.1 乙Letturn an the radio* ! that OK with you?A.(Iu tthcAfl. 1 dnnf! likr listrmnK to municH WelLmnybc yon Ml win the national lonery<(: AciuwIiytTd r/ithrr noL I *m not used to Mudyinn with rnusic<13. I rcnlly apprecinir your comtng with mc< I alwayn have so much trouble picking out &山A. I want to gel her somclhing that jthcUI likeK I>> you knnw if hr in coming to thr pnriy toniKh*?( WrlLukc your utiir. Look around And mnvbr you 1II get innptrcd.11. lfvr Bern trying to 前 I you lncc Sunday night .but there wah no ftnwmA. My phone was out of ordrr.】dieln ft rrnlur it until this morning.It DhI Anybody comr to vihit ynu ovrr thr %unnncr?C Where hnvr ynn been working etince you quit your job nt thr Imnk?】5 What would you do d you hn<! nil ihr nmr in I hr world?A< If I could lind Another job9you know l*rl take it in n minute.R I would pend two thlrcU of tny time with thonr people who nrr in Rm n< rd oi help.C | will travel 1” other countries a nd do evcrvihinu I hkeHk I wish you didnH hnvr to travel ho muck Youf re gonr more often thnn your rr hurnc.A. Itf h been hnr<l for both of us If I nnild find nnothet job. you knowd tnkc H in o minute.It When in ymn next trip? Did you ay Monday?V. Wlitre hftvt you brrn working Jiincr you <iuit your job i thr hnnk?17. You knowel rrolly dun * t feel like Hoing to ( hurk、pnny tomorrow ninhi.A All I wnnt u> di)ulny honir nnd *lecp.Il Really? 1 ihought youd be excited about h.C. She won*i br nblr yo o hiiIf Rhe enn find n bAbynittrnIH. Ih) you know whnt kirul of music fhe likes?A. She 也心”t have a CD plnycnK (InnMicnlt I think. Maybe I *11 get her n CD( Aaunllvbr dor-inri hkr to mudy with m頃cI9>I(nuld help you print out thr report And photocopy ILA. Yr-itnh will finh lhr report tomorrow And get omr phoiocupie*#It PlraAr letch my photon when you g、hy the oimm,hcp.C. Oh J d rr/illy apprrcinir it |( you could, but I dont want you <o ruin your evening.20* Look tn the book I bought todny. If S cnllcd *birthduy book”.A. Oh11 have one iu*| like it. Tm sure youfre going to love it>H lkjnft you remember? We both went to Janefs birthday party hat week.G I hmS why I bauffhi it. I really hate it when I forget peopled birthdaysIII Direct Ion* iF”r crh numlxrrd blank In the following pus%aKr< I here arr four cholccn marked A.B.C and D. Chtxnc the best one and mark your nnvwcr on the ANSWER SHEET. (20pi>lnK)Any niKtukr mndc in the printing o( n Ktrnnp rniAcn Hn vwlur to itnrnp cullrctor*. A _2 on one inexpcn>ivc poMtngr stomp han nindc the utAmp 22 a million umi a hnlf timers it original value.】hrniMttkc wu,madr niorr ihun n hundrrd ycar in the British colony of Mnurmiiii >a23 in the Indinn ( krnnt 241847 an order for Mtornpn whs nrnl ton London primer Mauntiun wn _25_ the fourth country in thr world to issue Atanipiutht? nrdrr me filled and de live red n bull w5 pUnned oi Mmirit iuh "(Hivernnirnt Houne> nrni tarnpjt were nrrdcd 026 the invitAtinni. A lotnl printer was matrurlrd to27 the denign for the biAmpn. He Acridentelly inscribed the wardiPoiii officeM _ S pd PidMon the hevend hundred svomp> ihnl he printed*TocbiY 29 only twenty mx of these miwprintvd >iarnp left (ouriccn ()nr Penny (IrAHKc RreU nnd twelve Two Penny Blur% lrcaunr of the Two Penny Blue mrcnrsR and collrctors have paid 30_ $ 16 800 far it>2L A. nrrowK mintAkrC print11 vnlur22. A. irRiK ohjm?C. courseIX worth23> A. tnUndpeopleC. continrnlD. land24. A. Since11 ForC. In11 On25. A. to Appeal toIt to lirviHiicC. vo worryD. to allow26. A. <lrj>l inBi deni withC. nrnd outD> “nd lor27. A. decideIt AgreeC AtCfllIX copy28. A. Hutciicl a(B. inntrAd forC. in spne ofIX in nrrd M叫 At tnkv outEk there nrr30. A. flu little asIV Directions:fur cxnniplcC so muchIXIX grrnl drnlEach of the p心me belowh followed by some qt><利on% Fnr rich question there arc fouranswer% marked A.B.C and Ik Read the pnsMges carrfully and chomc the best answer to each of the queiiionik Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHKKT. CZOpulnts)QufUiom 3I35 art based on f/in following passage.Dutch trenf it a iMte-ninctccnth century ternitand it originally refers to m dinner where everyone is exjcc<cd to pay for his own nhare of the food And drink. H people goM Dutch treator 代imply "x。 Dutch”, il mcAnM that they will share the expense* of a socialvngHKemenLThere lire many o<hcrMDuichKexpresmon in English mwny of which were invented in Britain in rhe Jicvrntrenth century* when the Dulch and the Enghuh were commercial nnd nulitury rivaln. The British imed"Dmch" S refer to something bjidtchrnp nnd shnmcfuh A *r)utch bargmnMAt that time was an unevent one-mdetl dcali Dutch reckoningM an un Hemued account i andM Dutch widow was lang for prOM<ilutc< Imct crnturie* hrouicht in M1)utch cournKe99 for brovery induced by drinki H Dutch concert M for discordant musici Dutch mghtinHalct mrAninx a fro>iAnd uo double DutchMt(or incomprehensible InngUAKrt or unintelligible ulk.Scimc of the exprcioions nrc mil! in uwe tcxlay# but >omc are not. In (acg in American Efiglinh t Aomr * DutchM rxpreMion hnve nofhinR to do with thr Dutch but wrnrthing with rhr <krmnn It waa probably becauAe of the similar prlltng and pronunciation that people made n misiukc in distinguinhinR between DutchM and M F)ruBchH (the (;rrmn word lor German) when German irnmigrAnu came to America in thr I 700ju For mlancrt M thr Pcnnnylvuntu Dutchrcfrrji to the Grmnn dcscendnntst instrAd of the Dutch desccndnniNt liviriK in Pcnnsylvnniu>31. H someone invites you to dinner and Baynlc! go Dutch1*thr meantA. thnt hell invite you to n Dutrh rrntnurantIt rhnt hell buy your dinnerC. that youll buy his dinnerIX flwt you arc expected to pny your own mm I32< Many of the Dutch* expresMon* were invented with deroRatory ( ft X > cncf tMXAUK _.A. th,Dutch were ufuicrdeveloped pro|)lr& Britain and HoiUnd were competitors at that time(L The Dutch kad many bad ha bin口 The Hnthh were tupenur to the Dutch33 With the tn(ormiMm you get from Pargr*ph 2>make a al the mtarunx ai thr enfmcr "You are in Dutch七 h probably meana _.A you re m Hulbnd& you a>e welcomeC you arr m trouble* IX you rc luckyAccording to the paaMige.wtnc native AmcrtcjinrXitchexpreBSKma wrrr rrhird to th (ierman inttrad of the Dutcheftimply bccAiiAe .A- people hated the German o much the Dutch* People rvuid* mnuke al I hr beginningC people made a joke about the (ternuinIX the (rermtn immiRrants proclaimed that they wrrr DutchWhul i lhe mostly likely title of thr paw”A. (ro Duvcb tn Enitbnd and AmcncaK Hutch Amertcah* tn the Old Day.(? OtiichExpretMon* in Enghihrx Rchtionahip between Dutch nd English(fvrthwAi a64grr 011 (Ar fallowing /Miiagr.laptop cnmputrrs art popubr all over the world. People ux them on (nun% and irplancMt tn airports and botrlK These Uptops connect people ro iheit workplace* In the United Stair* today hpiop* ho connect utudents to thrtr cUsroum!UWeslUkr College in Virftnia will start laptop computer program that allows ttudenu to do schoolwork anywhere they want. Within five yearn .each of the 1500 aludents ” thr college will receive a Inpw *Fhe Uptopn nrc pin of ft $ 10 million computer progrftrn nt WrMhkc. n I lO yr/ir-old collrgc< The student with InptupB will !m)hovr bcccrji io the Internets In addition> they will be ftblr tn um? c-mafl toHMprrtkH with ihnr frnchrr%, lheif clAMrnnte>nnd their InnithrA. However, fhe mosi impomru prt uf fhr ln|kip program i、 thnt MndcntA will be able ta use compuicra without Rim華 to computer Iflbs. They enn wzk with it nt homnein it UntJfKid rtHtnuranf ar undrr lhe trrr> anywhere al ill!KccAUAe ol the mnny ehnnffes in computer fechuology > laptop unc in higher cducntion such coIIckc and tintvcrftHirMjs worknblc Am InptopM become more powerfultlhry become more tunnhr to dtkup corn put er In ndrlnion.the Hirtablr computcni am connrci ntudents io not only the Intcrnrt bnl iiIm> I ibrnne and other roaurceM- Statr higher-education otridnh arr studying how liiptopn enri help jitudrnK. Stoic ofhcmli are lw icslniu h|>iop program* nt othrr univcrsitirSf too.At Wcuthkc College>morr rhan 60 percent al the suff curnpufrr The laptops will hllw nil tcrtchrr to ur computers in their lessons A* one Wrtlnke teacher Hi rc wr arr in thr rniddlr of Virgniin nnd we1 re giving 5tudcntB a window on ihc world. They enn cc cvrryfhiriR nnd do everything- M36. The nuun purpoor of the hplop program is io give each student a laptop to.A. ikc far their MrhoolworkK acrrsn the InicmctC. work nt hnmrFl eotmeet them to Itbranes37. Why is the wOT(i*speakMin the second paragraph in quotation marksA. They donft really talk.EU They use the computer language*Q laptops have speakersD. None of the above reasons is correct.3& Which of thf follDwing ” true about Westlake College?A All teachers use computer*.fk 60 percent students have luptopG h ii an old college tn America.D Students there cn do everything.39. M A window an <ht- wnr|dMm the lnl pnmgrAph rncan)i that tudrnih enn .A. nnend Icxiurcx on infartnftUGii technologyK travid nround the worldG gel Infornintion from ryouihI fhc worldIX have (rrr biptopnIO< Whnt enn wc infer from the pnsMagr?A. Thv progrnni iK The prorRm in no! workable.C I hr prORrani ib fo<i expensiveI). Wt dont know the resuh yei.V Uirecthmy.Pul each of the follimin scntrfwrs into English or Chinese.u&ing lhe word gi%cn in the bracket if any. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)Naw benutiful hmr fell around herrippinK and shining like water.M. I hcrc arc partib ul the Aninzon where nnitnah wtll wnlk up and lick your hnn<l Ihicausc they 1 vr never *rrn a htimnri being before43* Get away from your ofher from time to time for o chiinKr of scenr and n chnngr d( ninuL11.單女上.在家發(fā)生的整外比照坐枇動乍倆和在工作場合中發(fā)生題外的總和匹曾(rcuult in)15.你陶時眼豚科學.技術和司荷方面出現(xiàn)的揚詞嗎? (keep up with)試題答案及評分標準(僅供參考)1.(20%)LD2.B3. C<t. H5.C.C7. C8.B9. n10. D口.(2倨)it.H12. CIX CK. A15, H16. A17. Bia. h19. C20. A01.(20%)21. B22. D23. A24. C25. H26.C27. D2H. A29. B30. BN(20%)31.1)32.B33. C34 B35. C36.A37. A3.C39.C10.1 )V(2。%)(答案并不一定求勺所Mt答案完全符合句鹿丸沿/郴議川3分禁小符合何 <,尢中人俏恍HiM.flM分,不大啊臼旬恩右明Win凱希諛,何1分,不符舍句息句兀法 讀值甫0分.K他情配,怕情如分.)11. Nuw |Jr|U,* bmiitiftil hE fell ground hrr.ripping mid shining like wnttr.12. Thrrr arr pnrtn of thr Amnion whrrr urinnal will walk up nnd I irk your hniul beenii>r tlwy * vr never Merit n human bein Ixjforc.43. (;rt iivny (rv)rn yuur olfirc from linir tu tirni fur n. chungr ui ncenc on<l thnr of mind.*實上在家里發(fā)生的e外比廉坐機動t納和在工作場合中發(fā)生a外的總和還要名(result in)何你陶時用蹤科學.技術和暖藥方面出現(xiàn)的新列J? (keep ut. with)#*!tl. ii會兒OelU美浦的頭發(fā)披。身上.象水林波浪起伏國四發(fā)光.4 2.住亞馬,m域的很多地方.動物們會走到你身岫你的f .叫為以的從士役h 見過人類.伯.經(jīng)常離開一下你的辦公室.換挨環(huán)境,挽艷腦4L I br truth is ihfli Bccidrntn at licirnc rvAult in rnorr tnpinr thAn rnuiur vrhiiif uml workplace aecidcntK put ty thw.45l M you keep uj> with new %-<)cnl)iibiry in the fields of Mnrncts h-vhnolny. And medicine?


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