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會計學1文學學術前沿概論文學論文研究思路文學學術前沿概論文學論文研究思路I.Approaches to literatureII.How to form your ideas and Topics 第1頁/共47頁I.Approaches to literature第2頁/共47頁1.Approaches to literature 1.1.The traditional approaches 1.1.1 Historical Biographical approach 1.1.2 Moral philosophical approach 1.2.The Formalistic approach:new criticism 1.3.Theoretical approaches:1.3.1.Feminist approach 1.3.2.Post-colonial approaches 第3頁/共47頁 The analysis that dominated the study of literature until the 1930s is usually called the traditional approach,particularly the biographical-historical approach.In this view,the work is informed by the authors beliefs,prejudices,time,and history,and to fully understand the work,we must understand the author and his age.第4頁/共47頁1.1.The traditional approaches第5頁/共47頁 1.1.Historical Biographical approach1.1.Historical Biographical approach n n One must know Milton was blind,for One must know Milton was blind,for instance,for On His Blindness to have instance,for On His Blindness to have any meaning.In this case,any meaning.In this case,The The knowledge of the authors life knowledge of the authors life experiences experiences can help to understand and can help to understand and clarify some factual reference and clarify some factual reference and allusionsallusions in literary works,thereby in literary works,thereby enriching a readers appreciation for that enriching a readers appreciation for that authors work.authors work.So,the authors letter,diaries,and So,the authors letter,diaries,and essays were combed for evidence of essays were combed for evidence of authorial intentions in writing.authorial intentions in writing.第6頁/共47頁n nFrankenstein by Mary Shelleyn nThe Awakening by Kate Chopinn nMrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf n nDavid Copperfield by Dickens第7頁/共47頁n nClosely connected with the biographical approach is the approach to literature with the reference with the historical and social context in which the authors had lived.第8頁/共47頁n nThere are some works that are more likely to invite readers There are some works that are more likely to invite readers to interpret them from the aspect to interpret them from the aspect of the broader extrinsic of the broader extrinsic range of social experiencerange of social experience.In this case,the authors are.In this case,the authors are likely to be thought as historians,the interpreters of likely to be thought as historians,the interpreters of contemporary culture,thinkers of the social life.contemporary culture,thinkers of the social life.n nCharles Dickens:Charles Dickens:Oliver Twist,Dombey and SonOliver Twist,Dombey and Sonn nHawthorne:Hawthorne:The Scarlet LetterThe Scarlet Lettern n Daniel Defoe:Robinson Crusoe第9頁/共47頁n nwith arrival of the New Criticism in 1920s,scholars began to reject biographical-historical approaches n nBut the history seemed to prove that historical-biographical approach refused to be out of the historical stage.第10頁/共47頁1.1.2 Moral philosophical approach1.1.2 Moral philosophical approach n nMoral-philosophical critics believe that the larger purpose of literature is to teach morality and to probe philosophical issues.They would interpret literature within the context of the philosophical thought of a period.第11頁/共47頁n nExample 1Example 1 the conflict between the head and heart,the conflict between the head and heart,mans inhumanity to man in Mark Twains mans inhumanity to man in Mark Twains Huckleberry FinnHuckleberry Finn Henry James:Henry James:The Portrait of the LadyThe Portrait of the Lady Twain and Henry Jamess works were Twain and Henry Jamess works were concerned with the contemporary scene concerned with the contemporary scene and were exploration of the very basis of and were exploration of the very basis of social life and values.social life and values.第12頁/共47頁n nExample 2Example 2 Moby Dick Moby Dick also frequently invite critics interest in their moral also frequently invite critics interest in their moral meanings:the theme of the sin.meanings:the theme of the sin.Ahabs raging egoism has something in common with the Hubris Ahabs raging egoism has something in common with the Hubris of Greek tragedy,and still more,in common with the Christian sin of Greek tragedy,and still more,in common with the Christian sin of pride of pride Paradise Lost Paradise Lost第13頁/共47頁1.2.The Formalistic approach 第14頁/共47頁1.2.1 The Formalistic approach:new 1.2.1 The Formalistic approach:new criticism criticismn nFirst,for new criticism,a literary work is a timeless and self-sufficient verbal object.n nAll the elements of a text ideally formed a coherent whole both on the formal and the content level.And the meaning must reside within its own structure.第15頁/共47頁n nSo,it is the critics job to analyze the poetic diction to ascertain such tension.n nIn methodology,NewCriticalreadingpayscloseattentiontoindividualwords,syntax,andtheorderinwhichsentencesandideasunfoldastheyareread.第16頁/共47頁Example 1n nEzra Pound,In Ezra Pound,In A Station of the Metro:A Station of the Metro:“The The apparitionapparition of these of these facesfaces in the in the crowdcrowd,Petals Petals on a wet,black bough on a wet,black bough.”.”In this brief poem,Pound uses the fewest possible words to convey an accurate image.第17頁/共47頁n nWith such images as“apparition”and“petals”,the poet tries to render With such images as“apparition”and“petals”,the poet tries to render exactly his observation of human faces seen in an underground.exactly his observation of human faces seen in an underground.n nThe word“The word“apparitionapparition”means something which seems real but”means something which seems real but perhaps is not is not real;something ghostly which can not be clearly perhaps is not is not real;something ghostly which can not be clearly observed.He sees the faces,turned variously toward light and observed.He sees the faces,turned variously toward light and darkness,like flower petals which are half absorbed by,half resisting,darkness,like flower petals which are half absorbed by,half resisting,the wet,dark texture of a bough.the wet,dark texture of a bough.第18頁/共47頁n nSome novels such as Some novels such as Wuthering HeightsWuthering Heights and and Lord Jim Lord Jim are famous forare famous for their their narrative techniquenarrative technique.In In Wuthering HeightsWuthering Heights,the story is told,the story is told by two relatively peripheral characters:by two relatively peripheral characters:Nelly Dean,the old family nurse,and Mr.Nelly Dean,the old family nurse,and Mr.Lockwood,the tenant at Thrushcross Lockwood,the tenant at Thrushcross Grange.It is traditionally agreed that Grange.It is traditionally agreed that both Nelly Dean and Mr.Lockwood serve both Nelly Dean and Mr.Lockwood serve the function of the intermediaries who the function of the intermediaries who stand midway between the reader and stand midway between the reader and the books chief characters.the books chief characters.Example 2第19頁/共47頁 *Like biographical-historical and moral-philosophical approaches,new criticism is rarely practiced by literary critics.Yet it has left a lasting influence on the way we read and write about literature.第20頁/共47頁1.3.Theoretical approaches 1.3.1.Feminist approach 1.3.2.Psychoanalytic approach 1.3.3.Post-colonial approaches 1.3.3.Political approaches 第21頁/共47頁II.How to choose the topic:Pre-writing suggestions第22頁/共47頁n n2.1.Taking notes n n2.2.Making reasonable inferencesn n2.3.Arriving at an idea of interest and finding a topic n n2.4.Creating a thesis statement and outline 第23頁/共47頁n nAt the outset,it is important to remember that At the outset,it is important to remember that writing is a writing is a process that begins in uncertaintyprocess that begins in uncertainty.n nPeoples their writing process will follow three basic stages:Peoples their writing process will follow three basic stages:discovering ideas,creating the early,rough draft of a critical discovering ideas,creating the early,rough draft of a critical paper,and preparing a finished essay.The first stage here,paper,and preparing a finished essay.The first stage here,discovering ideas,is a phase of pre-writingdiscovering ideas,is a phase of pre-writing 第24頁/共47頁2.1.Taking notes n n2.1.1.The function of note-taking As a research paper aims to explore,discuss,analyze and As a research paper aims to explore,discuss,analyze and finally to find new opinions,so it draws its materials from finally to find new opinions,so it draws its materials from many sources.many sources.The materials of literary researchThe materials of literary research may be divided into two may be divided into two sorts,sorts,primary and secondaryprimary and secondary.第25頁/共47頁n nThe first step to write an academic essay will include both of themthe assembling of writers early response to the literary text itself based on a close reading as well as the collection of the valuable materials about the subject of study from all kinds of reference books or other materials.第26頁/共47頁n nThe function of reading the criticism is:The function of reading the criticism is:1.to enlarge the vision of the essay writer and 1.to enlarge the vision of the essay writer and help him to form his own views;help him to form his own views;2.to enable him to get a good idea of the state 2.to enable him to get a good idea of the state of current scholarship on his topic and of current scholarship on his topic and locate his voice in the landscape of the locate his voice in the landscape of the research research 3.to provide detailed evidence to back up any 3.to provide detailed evidence to back up any argument his wish to make.argument his wish to make.第27頁/共47頁2.2.Recording your first responses n nFollow the work and understand its details;while at the same time,respond to the words,get at the ideas,and understand the implications of what is happening.第28頁/共47頁n nTwo steps:Two steps:The first readingThe first reading:to highlight or annotate certain things,:to highlight or annotate certain things,such as passages that you consider significant.such as passages that you consider significant.The second readingThe second reading:to annotate the text and to jot down:to annotate the text and to jot down notes,not necessarily focusing on a specific topic,but notes,not necessarily focusing on a specific topic,but rather taking account of your early responses to the work.rather taking account of your early responses to the work.第29頁/共47頁 2.3.Arriving at an idea of interest and finding a topic Whatever the type of essay in literature,each will require you to develop an argument about a particular aspect of the literary text.第30頁/共47頁An important way to discover ideas about a work is to raise questions you find in your reading and then to try to answer them by examining your notes and further reading.We might begin our analysis of Look Back in Anger with the most obvious and central question:why is Jimmy Porter angry?What is he angry with?第31頁/共47頁n nIn reading In reading Huckleberry FinnHuckleberry Finn,we might begin our analysis,we might begin our analysis with the obvious and central question:with the obvious and central question:Why does Huck run away?Why does Huck run away?Why does the Negro run away?Why does the Negro run away?What is his relationship with Jim?What is his relationship with Jim?How does the river serve as a contrasting setting to the How does the river serve as a contrasting setting to the villages and towns along the river?villages and towns along the river?第32頁/共47頁 The notesThe notes gathered in your reading reveal gathered in your reading reveal that the natural setting of Mississippi that the natural setting of Mississippi stands a contrast to the social values of stands a contrast to the social values of the white south at that time.the white south at that time.Hucks floating with Jim stands as a Hucks floating with Jim stands as a spiritual journey.spiritual journey.第33頁/共47頁Example 1Example 1 Hester1.2.3.Hester,A Non-conformist in Conformity 第34頁/共47頁Sample topics in fiction,drama,and poetry第35頁/共47頁THEME:n nAhabs sin in Ahabs sin in Moby DickMoby Dickn nMelvilles religious thought in Melvilles religious thought in Moby DickMoby Dickn nThe theme of The theme of carpe diemcarpe diem in“To His Coy in“To His Coy Mistress”Mistress”n nThe tragic motif of The tragic motif of Moby DickMoby Dick n nLord Jim:A tragedy or a moral sermon?Lord Jim:A tragedy or a moral sermon?n nTo Obey Rebelling:The Quaker Dilemma in To Obey Rebelling:The Quaker Dilemma in Moby DickMoby Dick第36頁/共47頁CHARACTERCHARACTERn nAntonias Jim:a social outcast n nHulks dilemma between Head and Heartn nThe character analysis of Jane Eyre and Tessn nThe Character of Simbathe Hero of The Lion King 第37頁/共47頁SYMBOLISMSYMBOLISMn nAllegory and symbolism in“Young Goodman Brown”Allegory and symbolism in“Young Goodman Brown”n nVirgin land:the American west as symbol and myth Virgin land:the American west as symbol and myth n nThe biblical images in The biblical images in Moby DickMoby Dick n nThe fire symbolism in The fire symbolism in Moby DickMoby Dickn nThe Corporeal Self:Allegories of the Body in MelvilleThe Corporeal Self:Allegories of the Body in Melvillen nPasteboard Masks;fact as a spiritual symbol in Pasteboard Masks;fact as a spiritual symbol in Moby DickMoby Dick and and The Scarlet LetterThe Scarlet Letter 第38頁/共47頁STRUCTURESTRUCTUREn nThe form and structure in the novel:Adventures of huckleberry Finnn nAn analysis of the circular dramatic structure Look Back in Angern nThe short story as formal structure:juxtaposition in“Young Goodman Brown”第39頁/共47頁HISTORICAL-BIPGHRICAL APPROCHESHISTORICAL-BIPGHRICAL APPROCHESn nLord JimLord Jim and Marlowe and Marlowe n nThe Bronte Myth and The Bronte Myth and Jane EyreJane Eyre n nFrankensteinFrankenstein,a nightmare of a females ,a nightmare of a females psychepsyche第40頁/共47頁MYTHOLOGICAL AND ARCHETYPAL APPROCHESMYTHOLOGICAL AND ARCHETYPAL APPROCHESn nThe sacrificial hero:Hamlet n nArchetypes of time and immortality:“To His Coy Mistress”n nSyntheses of Jung and Anthropologyn nHuckleberry Finn as the American Adam n nThe American Adam:innocence,tragedy,and tradition 第41頁/共47頁FEMINIST APPROCHFEMINIST APPROCHn nGender and narrative in the fiction of Kate ChopinGender and narrative in the fiction of Kate Chopinn nPolitics and moral idealism:the achievement of some early Politics and moral idealism:the achievement of some early women novelists women novelists n nWoolfs feminism and feminisms Woolf Woolfs feminism and feminisms Woolf n nWomen and madness:the critical phallicy Women and madness:the critical phallicy n nWomens rights as espoused in the works of Gertrude Stein and Womens rights as espoused in the works of Gertrude Stein and Willa Cather Willa Cather 第42頁/共47頁SYCHOLOGICAL APPROACHSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACHn nHamletHamlet:the Oedipus complex:the Oedipus complex n nThe Human Psyche in James Joyces The Human Psyche in James Joyces The DeadThe Dead n nRebellion against the father in Rebellion against the father in Adventures of Huckleberry FinnAdventures of Huckleberry Finnn n“Young Goodman Brown”:Id versus Superego“Young Goodman Brown”:Id versus Superego n nThe turn of the screw:the consequences of sexual repression The turn of the screw:the consequences of sexual repression n nThe death-wishes in Allen Poes fictionThe death-wishes in Allen Poes fictionn nLove and death in William Blakes“The Sick Rose”Love and death in William Blakes“The Sick Rose”n nSexual imagery in“To His Coy Mistress”Sexual imagery in“To His Coy Mistress”第43頁/共47頁OTHER CRITICAL APPROCHOTHER CRITICAL APPROCHn nPostcolonial reading The Tempest n nIshmaels white world;a phenomenological reading Of Moby Dick n nWhaling and difference:Moby-Dick deconstructed.n nThe MTV generation and Hollywoods post-modern adaptation of Romeo+Juliet第44頁/共47頁Another common method of discovering ideas:Another common method of discovering ideas:n nto develop a set of contrasts,that is,“pro-con”method as Edgar to develop a set of contrasts,that is,“pro-con”method as Edgar V.Roberts calls.Once you begin putting contrasts ideas side by V.Roberts calls.Once you begin putting contrasts ideas side by side,new discoveries will occur to you.side,new discoveries will occur to you.n nExample 1,Example 1,The Scarlet Letter:The Scarlet Letter:Your reading can be built on the opposite evidence from the text Your reading can be built on the opposite evidence from the text to see if Hester is a conformist or non-conformist.Using the“pro-to see if Hester is a conformist or non-conformist.Using the“pro-con”method,you can list contrasting ideas side by side and draw con”method,you can list contrasting ideas side by side and draw your conclusion.your conclusion.第45頁/共47頁 2.4.Creating a thesis statement and 2.4.Creating a thesis statement and outlineoutline Ill leave this to Pro.Hes coming Academic Ill leave this to Pro.Hes coming Academic Writing Course.Writing Course.第46頁/共47頁


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