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2019-2020年高三英語第一輪復習 語法專題(1)學案 外研版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高三英語第一輪復習 語法專題(1)學案 外研版必修3.doc

2019-2020年高三英語第一輪復習 語法專題(1)學案 外研版必修3 表進行意義的四類介詞短語 (1)at名詞 He was at dinner when I came.我來時他正在吃飯。 She stayed at work when everybody else had gone home. 別人都回家了,她卻還在工作。 類似的還有: at work在辦公at play在玩耍 at lunch在吃中飯 at rest在休息 at table在吃飯 at school在上學 at church在做禮拜 at peace和平時期 at press正在排印 有些結構可能帶有冠詞或物主代詞: at ones meals在吃飯 at ones study在學習 at the piano在彈鋼琴 at the end (of)在結束時 at the desk在讀書 (2)in名詞 He is in the army.他正在當兵。 Hes been in politics all his life.他一生從政。 Her husband was in business.她丈夫是經(jīng)商的。 He looks tired.He is in need of a rest. 他看起來很累了,需要休息一會兒。 類似的還有: in action在運轉 in progress在進行 in operation在運行中 有些結構可能帶有冠詞: in the course of在過程中 in the act of正在做時 (3)on名詞 Are you here on business or for pleasure? 你是來辦事還是來玩? The typist is away on holiday this week.打字員本周休假。 The man on watch didnt notice the danger. 值班的人沒有注意到這危險。 類似的還有: on guard在值勤 on leave在休假 on holiday在度假 on strike在罷工 on sale出售 on loan借貸 有些結構帶有冠詞: on the march在行軍 on the watch注意,提防 on the increase正在增加 on the go正在活動,正在奔走 on the air正在廣播 (4)under名詞(名詞前有時有冠詞修飾) Dont worry.Everything is under control. 別擔心,一切都在控制之中。 That has no relation to the matter under discussion. 這和討論的問題沒有關系。 類似的還有: under development在發(fā)展中 under observation在觀察中 under test在被測試 under construction在建設中 under fire在炮火中 under examination在檢查(調(diào)查)中 under consideration在考慮中 under repair在修理中 原因介詞because of,due to,thanks to because of因為,由于,通常作狀語,位于句首或句尾。 due to由于,因為,通常作表語。 thanks to幸虧,多虧,既可用于褒義,又可用于貶義,多用于句首。 The sports meet will be put off till next Saturday because of the heavy rain.由于大雨這次運動會將推遲到下星期六舉行。 His illness was due to smoking and drinking. 他的病是由于吸煙喝酒引起的。 for與of表示不定式復合結構的邏輯主語 (1)It isadj.of sb.to do sth.sb.beadj.to do sth.當形容詞說明不定式邏輯主語的性質(zhì)、特性時,用of。常見的形容詞有kind,good,nice,clever,stupid,foolish,considerate,polite,impolite,cruel等。 It is kind of the teachers to help support the poor students. The teachers are kind to help support the poor students. 去幫助支持貧困的學生,這種老師真好。 (2)It isadj.for sb.to do sth. 當形容詞說明不定式的性質(zhì)時,用for。常見的形容詞有important,necessary,possible,impossible等。 It is quite important for us to protect our environment. 對我們來說保護我們的環(huán)境相當重要。 of抽象名詞形容詞 ofgreat/much抽象名詞very形容詞;ofno抽象名詞not形容詞。 It is of great/much value.It is very valuable.它很有價值。 to與情感名詞連用,表示“某種行動后產(chǎn)生的感覺” 這種表達法表示結果,用做狀語,位置前、中、后皆可。為了強調(diào),可在前面加much,意為“使某人的是”。 Much to my regret,I didnt follow your advice. 我非常后悔的是,我沒有接受你的建議。 by的用法 (1)表示“不遲于(某時間)”的意思。 I have promised to have the work finished by the end of this week. 我已經(jīng)答應本周末完成這項工作了。 (2)表示“在期間”(一段指明的時間)的意思。 They decided to travel by night.他們決定在夜里旅行。 (3)指人體或物體的某一部分。此人此物,句中前面的總述對此有較為明確的特指。 He seized me by the arm.他抓住了我的胳膊。 (4)表示“由于的結果”的意思。 He succeeded by hard work.他由于努力工作而成功了。 (5)含有“到的程度”的意思。 This one is shorter than the other by three inches. 這一個比那一個短三英寸。 We lost the match by one goal.我們以一球之差輸了那場比賽。 (6)表示買賣東西所按以計算的數(shù)或量,或付酬所按以計算的時間。 Milk is sold by the pint,butter by the pound,and eggs by the dozen.牛奶論品脫賣,黃油論鎊賣,蛋類論打賣。 (7)表示“按照”或“根據(jù)”的意思。 By my watch,the time is half past eleven. 按我的表,現(xiàn)在是十一點半。 By the expression on his face,he seemed to be displeased. 從他的面部表情來看,他似乎不高興。 (8)表示“因而得到結果”或“憑著”的意思。 It was only by chance that I heard the news. 我只是偶然聽到了這個消息。 1(xx年遼寧卷)Usually John would be late for meetings.But this time,_to my surprise,he arrived on time. Alittle Bmuch Cever Deven 【解析】句意為:約翰平時開會總是遲到。但是這次,令我特別驚訝的是他竟然準時到會了。much to ones surpriseto ones great surprise。 【答案】B 2(xx年江蘇卷)This special school accepts all disabled students,_educational level and background. Aaccording to Bregardless of Cin addition to Din terms of 【解析】句意為:這所特殊教育學校接收所有殘疾學生,不管教育水平和教育背景。according to據(jù)所說,按所載;根據(jù),按照;regardless of不顧,不管;in addition to除之外(還);in terms of按照,從方面來說。 【答案】B 3(xx年遼寧卷)Children need friends _their own age to play with. Aof Bfor Cin Dat 【解析】句意為:兒童需要與他們同齡的朋友玩耍。of their own age與他們同齡的,介詞短語作后置定語。 【答案】A 4(xx年湖北卷)His efforts to raise money for his program were_because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets. Ain place Bin sight Cin effect Din vain 【解析】句意為:他為他的項目籌集資金的努力付諸東流了,因為沒有一個人愿意從腰包里掏出一分錢。in place在適當?shù)奈恢?,準備就緒;in sight在視線內(nèi)可以看見;in effect生效,起作用;in vain徒勞。又如:They tried in vain to persuade her to go.他們極力勸說她去,但枉費了一番口舌。All our efforts were in vain.我們所有的努力全都是枉費心機。 【答案】D 5(xx年全國卷)Everybody was touched_words after they heard her moving story. Abeyond Bwithout Cof Din 【解析】句意為:在聽了她的動人的故事后,他們每個人都深深地感動了,這種感動是無法用言語表達的。beyond意為“超出,超過”。beyond構成的其他短語:beyond control控制不了;beyond reach夠不著;beyond description無法描述;beyond repair無法修理。 【答案】A 6(xx年北京卷)The wine industry in the area has developed in a special way,_little foreign ownership. Aby Bof Cwith Dfrom 【解析】句意為:這個地區(qū)的釀酒業(yè)發(fā)展得很特別,幾乎沒有外資公司。with相當于having。 【答案】C 7(xx年天津卷)The art show was_being a failure;it was a great success. Afar from Balong with Cnext to Dregardless of 【解析】句意為:此次美術展絕非失敗,而是巨大的成功。far from遠非,毫不,簡直不。 【答案】A 8(xx年上海卷)Four Chinese models were_the 14 people awarded prizes on Friday at the World Supermodel petition. Aamong Bbetween Calong Dbeside 【解析】句意為:在周五世界超級模特大賽上,4位中國模特躋身14位獲獎選手之列。among相當于one of.;included in之中,之列;between在(兩者)之間;along沿著;beside在旁邊。 【答案】A 9(xx年重慶卷)Try on this red skirt;you will look great_it. Aon Bby Cin Dfor 【解析】句意為:你試穿一下這件紅色的裙子,你穿著它會很好看的。英語中介詞in表示“穿著、帶著”的意義時,表狀態(tài),常用于名詞后作定語或表語,如:the man in a blue hat戴著藍禮帽的那個男人;Susan is in yellow today.蘇珊今天穿了一身黃色的衣服。 【答案】C 10(xx年福建卷)How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space! Its a challenge,I guess,_man against nature. Aof Bfor Cby Dabout 【解析】句意為:宇航員們在探測外部空間,多么神奇呀!我想,這是人類與大自然搏斗的主要難題之一。challenge常與of連用,of表示“ing from”來源于。 【答案】A 1(xx屆哈爾濱聯(lián)考)We should talk about the things_the childrens understanding in a simple way. Aover Bbeyond Cabove Dunder 【解析】考查介詞辨析。句意為:我們應當用一種簡單的方式談論超出兒童理解能力的事物。D項不符合句意,above和over一般描述位置,beyond超過,非所能及,符合語意。 【答案】B 2(xx屆寧夏銀川一中月考)Eventually,the President had to leave office_public pressure in order to ease the tension of the situation. Ain favor of Bin response to Cin return for Din honour of 【解析】in response to表示“作為的回應”,即總統(tǒng)被迫辭職,以作為對公眾壓力的回應。其他幾項不合題意。in favor of贊同;in return for表示“作為的回報”;in honour of為紀念。 【答案】B 3(xx屆綿陽中學期中測試)When a boy with dirty spots on the face came in,people present all burst_laughing while he burst_tears. Ainto;in Binto;out Cout;into Dout;in 【解析】考查固定搭配。句意為:當一個滿臉臟兮兮的男孩進來時,在場的人都笑起來,而他卻哭起來。burst out laughing表示“突然大笑起來”,burst into tears表示“突然大哭起來”,都是固定搭配。 【答案】C 4(xx屆石家莊聯(lián)考)_the latest estimates,insects account for probably 4 to 6 million of the species of creatures living on the planet. AOwing to BAccording to CIn spite of DIn case of 【解析】考查介詞短語辨析。此處表示“根據(jù)”最新的估計,故選B項“根據(jù),按照”。A.因為,C.盡管,D.萬一,都不符合題意。 【答案】B 5(xx屆華師大附中期中測試)How long have these archaeologists stayed in this village? Not long,just_this Monday. Aon Buntil Cafter Dsince 【解析】考查介詞。依據(jù)問句可知是現(xiàn)在完成時,而A、B、C三個選項都不能與現(xiàn)在完成時連用,只有since與過去時間點連用時用現(xiàn)在完成時,故D正確。 【答案】D 6(xx年鄭州一模)The man was hit_the head_a stone while traveling in the mountain. Aon;with Bin;by Con;by Din;with 【解析】考查介詞的用法?!按蛟谀橙祟^上”習慣用介詞on;后面一空中的by引出動作的發(fā)出者。 【答案】C 7(xx年湖北重點中學第二次聯(lián)考)The survivors of the crashed plane had no food or water and were_the extreme cold weather. Ain the possession of Bin the charge of Cat the mercy of Dat the risk of 【解析】考查介詞短語辨析。句意為:這架墜毀飛機的幸存者沒有食物和水,面對極端寒冷的天氣束手無策。in the possession of被擁有,in the charge of由負責,at the mercy of受/聽任擺布,at the risk of冒的危險。從語意判斷選C。 【答案】C 8(xx屆江西師大附中、臨川一中聯(lián)考)Lets look up the word in the dictionary.Do you have one_? Ain hand Bin need Cat once Don your hands 【解析】考查介詞短語辨析。in hand在手邊;in need需要;at once馬上;on ones hands由某人負責。in hand符合語意。 【答案】A 9(xx年海淀一模)Once made out,the plan must be carried out_any difficulty. Aregardless of Binstead of Cbecause of Din need of 【解析】句意為:一旦作出計劃,不管多難,都要開展下去。regardless of不管,無論如何;instead of代替,而不是;because of因為;in need of需要。結合選項和語意可知應該選A項。 【答案】A 10(xx年安徽示范性高中聯(lián)考二)Our city is more open to the outside and ranks No.2 in the country_the level of internationalization. Ain honor of Bin terms of Cin place of D.in charge of 【解析】考查介詞短語。in terms of 在方面,就而言;in honor of向表示敬意;in place of取代;in charge of負責。 【答案】B 11(xx年唐山二模)Its not surprising you are tired._,you stayed up reading until eleven last night. AAbove all BIn all CAt all DAfter all 【解析】考查短語辨析。句意為:你疲憊不堪不足為奇,畢竟,你昨晚讀書熬夜到11 點。after all表示“畢竟”;above all表示“首先,最重要的是”;in all 表示“總計”;at all一般與not 連用,表示“根本不”。 【答案】D 12(xx年東城檢測一)Students should be able to think for themselves_just obeying teachers. Ain case of Bbesides Cexcept Dinstead of 【解析】考查介詞的用法。語境:學生應該能夠自我思考,而不是僅僅聽從老師的話。instead of表示“而不是”。 【答案】D 13(xx年西城4月)Where shall we go to spend the weekend? Nowhere_,anywhere you like. Ain all Bin general Cin case Din particular 【解析】該題考查介詞短語。句意為:我們到什么地方去過周末?沒有什么特別的地方,你喜歡的地方就行。in all總共;in general總的來說,一般來說;in case以防,萬一;in particular尤其,特別。 【答案】D 14(xx年東城第一學期檢測)Pleasant music is often played_classes to make students refreshed and relaxed for a while. Abetween Bamong Cover Dafter 【解析】考查介詞。由語境可知,這里說的是課間音樂,它只能在兩節(jié)課之間播放,故用between。among表示在三者及三者以上之間,over強調(diào)在期間,如果用over,則表在上課期間放音樂,這是不可能的。after不符合語境。 【答案】A 15(xx年成都第二次診斷)For holidays,many people visit those islands_the coast of Australia. Ain Bon Coff Dof 【解析】考查介詞。coast通常與on或off連用,on the coast意為“在沿海地區(qū)”;off the coast意為“在近海”;根據(jù)常識可知,題干中的islands應位于海水中,故C項正確。 【答案】C


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