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人教 PEP六年級上冊Unit 6 The story of rain導學案

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人教 PEP六年級上冊Unit 6 The story of rain導學案

飛翔教學資源網(wǎng)() 免費中小學資源下載Unit 6 The story of rain 第一課時導學案溫馨寄語:Art is long, but life is short. (人生有限,學問無涯。)學習內(nèi)容(Learning contents):人教版六年級上冊Unit 6 Lets start Part A Lets learn Lets find out Lets sing Good to know學習目標(Learning aims)1聽懂、會說、正確讀寫單詞:stream,rain,cloud,sun,vapour. (本節(jié)學習重難點)2、能夠運用主要句型“Where does the rain come from?”進行詢問與作答。(本節(jié)學習重難點)3、能夠完成Lets find out的任務(wù)。4、能夠聽懂、會唱歌曲“Little Water Drop”。5、了解水結(jié)成冰的相關(guān)知識。知識鏈接:(Knowledge links)1. come from = be from 來自Where do you come from? = Where are you from?(你來自哪里?)2. 把表示自然現(xiàn)象的名詞變成形容詞,來形容天氣狀況,如:sun-sunny;cloud-cloudy;rain-rainy;snow-snowy;wind-windy;學習指導(Learning guide)1.自主學習短語stream,rain,cloud,sun,vapour(試讀,試翻譯,可以借助單詞表)2.聽懂、會說、正確讀寫上面的單詞(自己能獨立背會并默寫)3.根據(jù)本節(jié)學習到的知識,獨立完成導學案。(在自學過程中注意記錄自己解決不了的問題,以便和他人合作交流)舊知復(fù)習(Revision)根據(jù)圖片完成下面的填空。Whats the weather like today?(1) (2) (3) Its _. Its _. Its _. 自主學習(Self-learning)1.水是我們生活中不可缺少的,還有什么需要水呢?觀察下面的圖片,寫一寫吧! What needs water?_Flowers,_2.水這么重要,那水來自哪里呢?看圖寫寫吧!Where does water come from? It comes from_,_,_,_3. 你能正確讀出下面的單詞嗎?你能正確翻譯它們的漢語意思嗎?來試試吧?。ㄗ詫W,可借助單詞表,注意劃線部分的發(fā)音哦)stream ( ) rain ( ) cloud ( ) sun ( ) vapour ( ) water( )4. 你能流利讀出下面的句子嗎?你知道它們的漢語意思嗎?請寫出來吧!What does the rain come from? _.合作探究(Group work)1.你能正確讀出下面的單詞嗎?大聲讀給你的組員聽吧!聽誰的發(fā)音最正確。 (小組內(nèi)討論交流展示,組員推薦一人在全班展示。)stream rain cloud sun vapour(1)小組內(nèi)自由讀。(2)小組推薦優(yōu)秀組員展示讀,并領(lǐng)讀,全班同學跟讀。(3)小組內(nèi)背單詞的字母組合。1. 你能回答下面的問題嗎?和你的組員們討論一下吧!(小組內(nèi)討論交流,組員間相互補充)(1) Where does the rain come from? _.(2) Where does the cloud come from? _.(3) Where does the vapour come from?_. (4) Where does the water come from? _.3.你會唱嗎?(課本78頁播放歌曲“Little Water Drop”,試著跟唱。)小組展示(Group show) 對合作探究中的三個問題進行展示。課堂小結(jié)(Summary)這節(jié)課我學會了_.鞏固延伸(Consolidation and extension)1. What can you see in the picture? I can see2.了解一下78頁水結(jié)冰的過程。(看圖觀察,師幫助理解)課堂檢測(Test) 1. 請完成下面水循環(huán)圖。 2. 請描述水循環(huán)的過程。 The rain comes from the_. The clouds come from the_. The vapour comes from the_. The water comes from the _.3. 請用適當?shù)脑~填空。 _ does the rain _ _? It _ from the clouds.Unit 6 The story of rain 第二課時導學案溫馨寄語:Nothing for nothing. (不費力氣,一無所得。)學習內(nèi)容(Learning contents):人教版六年級上冊Unit 6 Part A Lets try Lets talk Group work C Task time學習目標(Learning aims)1.能聽懂、會說、流利讀、正確書寫四會句子: “Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds.”(本節(jié)課學習重點)2.能夠熟練的敘述水循環(huán)的過程。(本節(jié)課學習難點)3.聽懂Lets try的錄音內(nèi)容并正確標號。知識鏈接:(Knowledge links)1. flour的意思是面粉,它的同音詞為flower.2. wheat中ea 的發(fā)音為/i:/,它的意思是小麥。3. sun 的同音詞是son.學習指導(Learning guide)1.自主學習對話(試讀,試翻譯,不會的注意作標記)2.流利背誦對話。(自己能獨立背并默寫重點句型)3.根據(jù)本節(jié)學習到的知識,獨立完成導學案。舊知復(fù)習(Revision)1.欣賞歌曲“Little Water Drop”,學生跟唱。2.根據(jù)圖片寫單詞。 _ _ _ _自主學習(Self-learning)1.你能完成聽音標號的練習嗎? 2.請你大聲的讀71頁對話三遍,然后將對話補充完整。A: _ does the rain come from? B: It _ from the clouds.A: Where does the _ come from? B: It comes from the vapour.A: Where does the vapour _ _? B: It comes from the water _ the river. A: How can the water become vapour? B: The sun shines and the water _ vapour.3.你能翻譯出這個對話嗎?請將漢語意思寫在課本上。合作探究(Group work)(小組內(nèi)討論合作交流)1.你能流利朗讀上面的對話嗎?大聲讀給你的組員聽吧!聽誰的發(fā)音最正確。(1)小組內(nèi)自由讀。(2)小組推薦優(yōu)秀組員領(lǐng)讀,全班跟讀。(3)和同桌互相背這個對話。(4)小組內(nèi)分角色表演該對話。2.根據(jù)下圖和你的組員來敘述一下水循環(huán)的過程吧!例如: The water comes from the rain小組展示(Group show) 對合作探究中的兩個問題進行展示。(在展示的同時其他組給予補充)課堂小結(jié)(Summary)這節(jié)課我學會了_鞏固延伸(Consolidation and extension)1.排列下列對話的順序。 ( ) Where does the cloud come from? ( ) It comes from the vapour. ( ) How can the water become vapour? ( ) The sun shines and the water becomes vapour. ( ) Where does the rain come from? ( ) It comes from the clouds. ( ) Where does the vapour come from? ( ) It comes from the water in the river.2.水是世界上不可缺少的資源,那我們應(yīng)該怎樣節(jié)省呢?一起討論下吧!How do we save(節(jié)省) water? First,do not waste (浪費) water.課堂檢測(Test) 1.補全對話。(從A、B、C、D中選出恰當?shù)囊痪?,填在空格上。)Amy: _1_ ? Mike: I come from Beijing.Amy: _2_ ? Mike: Im a doctor.Amy: _3_ ? Mike: I work in a hospital.Amy: _4_ ? Mike: I usually go by bus.A. How do you usually go to work?B. Where do you come from?C. What do you do?D. Where do you work?Step9:板書設(shè)計(Blackboard design) 2.按要求做題。(1) The rain comes from the clouds.(對劃線部分提問) _(2) It come from the vapour. (改錯) _(3) Where do the cloud come from? (改錯) _(4) - Where does the bread come from?- It comes from _. (flower , flour) (5) comes, water, the ,it ,from, river, in _3.判斷劃線部分發(fā)音是否一致,一致(T),不一致(F).(1) ()stream read (2) () vapour turn(3) () cloud mouth (4) () bread stream (5) () come stop (6) () shine liveUnit 6 The story of rain第三課時導學案溫馨寄語:More haste, less speed.(欲速則不達。)學習內(nèi)容(Learning contents):人教版六年級上冊Unit 6 PartA Lets chant Lets read C Pronunciation學習目標(Learning aims)1. 能夠理解并簡單敘述小水滴的“旅行經(jīng)歷”并通過閱讀進一步熟悉水循環(huán)的過程。(本節(jié)課重難點)2. 能認讀音標:,并能朗出相關(guān)例詞。(本節(jié)課難點)3. 會熟練說Lets chant 部分的內(nèi)容。知識鏈接:(Knowledge links)1. 現(xiàn)在進行時:用來表示此刻正在發(fā)生的動作或者是現(xiàn)階段正持續(xù)的狀態(tài)。它的結(jié)構(gòu)為“be(is,am,are)+動詞ing”.例如,I am falling.我正在往下掉。2. 單詞cooler與higher 都是形容詞的比較級,翻譯為“更涼爽”“更高的”。3. 注意本節(jié)課的動詞單詞形式。學習指導(Learning guide)1.自主學習短文(試讀,試翻譯,畫出詞組,可以借助單詞表,不理解的作標記)。2.組內(nèi)解決標記的疑難單詞或者句子。(不會的請教老師)3.簡單敘述小水滴的“旅行經(jīng)歷”4.根據(jù)本節(jié)學習到的知識,獨立完成導學案。舊知復(fù)習(Revision)1.復(fù)習背誦上節(jié)課學過的對話。2.試描述水循環(huán)的過程。自主學習(Self-learning)1. 分段來讀一下課文,試試你能你能正確翻譯出它們的漢語意思嗎?(自學,可同桌交流,標示出你不理解的單詞或者句子)2. 你能翻譯下面的詞組嗎?連線。(1)wake up A 出來(2)fall down into a lake B越來越高 (3)higher and higher C小水滴(4)go up D 掉進湖里(5)come out E 醒來 (6)Little Water Drop F 升起合作探究(Group work) 1. 認真朗讀課文,填寫下面的表格。WhoWhereWhat to do How to feelwaterdropin the riverfeel very hotwaterdropbecome heavywaterdropsee Mr WindGo up(小組內(nèi)討論交流展示。)2.你能流利朗讀對話嗎?大聲讀給你的組員聽吧!聽誰的發(fā)音最正確。(1) 小組內(nèi)自由讀。(2) 組長領(lǐng)讀短文。(3)小組內(nèi)分角色表演。3.認真讀下面每組的單詞,體會一下劃線部分的發(fā)音。(1)hot,clock (2) orange,port,fork, (3)tree,train (4)driver,drop,dry (5)ants,cats,pants (6)hands,cards4.試讀一下課本77的單詞,完成77頁讀詞連線題。小組展示(Group show) 對合作探究中的四個問題進行展示。課堂小結(jié)(Summary)這節(jié)課我學會了_鞏固延伸(Consolidation and extension)1.你會跟著錄音說課本68頁的chant嗎?2.你能簡單敘述小水滴的“旅行經(jīng)歷”嗎?和組員商討一下吧!課堂檢測(Test) 1. 找出劃線部分發(fā)音一致的單詞。hospital store morning stopreporter short shop drop _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2.根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容為下列句子排序。A. He wakes up.He feels very hot.B. Little Water Drop goes higher and higherC. Little Water Drop sleeps in a river.D. He goes upE. They go up together and become a cloud.F. He meets many other Little Water Drop.G. Little Water Drop and some of his friends fall down into a lake.H. Little Water Drop becomes very heavy.( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )3.改錯。(1) He meet many other little water drops. A B C _(2) Look! I am fall. A B C _(3) Some of his friends falls down into a lake. A B C _(4) Can you help me goes up to the sky? A B C _(5) Little water drop wake up. A B C _Unit 6 The story of rain第四課時導學案溫馨寄語:Seeing is believing. (百聞不如一見。)學習內(nèi)容(Learning contents):人教版六年級上冊Unit 6 B Lets learn Number and say學習目標(Learning aims):(1)聽懂、會說、正確讀寫單詞:seed, soil, sprout, plant. (本節(jié)學習重難點)(2)能夠運用句型:First, we have the seed. 等簡單描述植物種植,如種花的過程。(本節(jié)學習重難點)(3)能夠完成本課時Number and say部分的內(nèi)容。知識鏈接:(Knowledge links)1. 在英文中表述事物先后順序的詞語first, then, next。2. 單詞add的意思是“增加,增添”。3. 詞組“putin”的意思是“把放進里”。4. 單詞grow,意思是“生長,成長”。學習指導(Learning guide)1.自主學習短語seed, soil, sprout, plant(試讀,試翻譯,可以借助單詞表)2.聽懂、會說、正確讀寫上面的短語(自己能獨立背會并默寫)3.根據(jù)本節(jié)學習到的知識,獨立完成導學案。(在自學過程中注意記錄自己解決不了的問題,以便和他人合作交流)舊知復(fù)習(Revision) 背誦課本71頁的對話。自主學習(Self-learning)1.你能看圖正確寫出下面的單詞并翻譯出來嗎?(自學,可借助單詞表) _( ) _( ) _( ) _( )2.你能流利讀出下面的句子嗎?你知道它的漢語意思嗎? First , we have the seed._合作探究(Group work)(小組內(nèi)討論交流展示,組員推薦一人在全班展示。)1.你能正確讀出下面的單詞嗎?大聲讀給你的組員聽吧!seed soil sprout plant(1)小組內(nèi)自由讀。(2)優(yōu)秀組員展示讀,并領(lǐng)讀,全班同學跟讀。2.你能熟練的給同桌背出上面單詞的字母組合嗎?給3分鐘試試吧!3.認真想想,你會回答下面的問題嗎?(1) Where does the plant come from?_(2) Where does the sprout come from?_小組展示(Group show) 對合作探究中的三個問題進行展示。課堂小結(jié)(Summary)這節(jié)課我學會了_鞏固延伸(Consolidation and extension)1.看圖標號。 2.你知道植物種植的過程嗎?First, we have the seed. And then we put the seed in the soil. Next, we have the sprout. Now, we have the plant.課堂檢測(Test) 1. 把下列單詞補充完整并翻譯意思。(1)s_ _l ( ) (2) s_ _d ( )(3) sp_ _ _t( )(4)pl_ _t( ) (5)f_ _st( )(6) n_xt( )2. 選擇適當?shù)慕樵~填空。(for, about, to, in, from, down,)(1) Where does the rain come _?(2) Put the seeds _ the soil.(3) Wait _ a flower to grow.(4) Little Water Drop fall _ into a lake.(5) What are you going _ do?(6) He writes the TV show _ my mother.Unit 6 The story of rain第五課時導學案溫馨寄語:In doing we learn. (經(jīng)一事,長一智。)學習內(nèi)容(Learning contents):人教版六年級上冊Unit 6 Part B Lets try Lets talk Lets play學習目標(Learning aims)1.能聽懂、會說、流利讀、正確書寫四會句子:“How do you do that? What should you do then?”并能夠在情景中運用。(本節(jié)課學習重點)2.能夠聽懂Lets try的錄音內(nèi)容并排列出正確順序。(本節(jié)課學習難點)3.能夠結(jié)合種植經(jīng)驗敘述植物生長過程。(本節(jié)課學習難點)知識鏈接:(Knowledge links)1. 一般將來時:表示將來某一時刻或者某一階段的動作或狀態(tài)。它的一般結(jié)構(gòu)為:be going to + 動詞原形。 它的標志性時間狀語有:tomorrow,this afternoon,next.2. 單詞plant有兩個意思:一是 種植(動詞);二是 植物(名詞)。學習指導(Learning guide)1.自主學習對話(試讀,試翻譯,不會的注意作標記)2.流利背誦對話。(自己能獨立背并默寫重點句型)3.根據(jù)本節(jié)學習到的知識,獨立完成導學案。舊知復(fù)習(Revision)1.將下面句子補充完整。(1)- What are you _ _ do on the weekend?- I am going _ plant trees.(2)- _ are you going this afternoon? - I am going to the bookstore. 2.和同桌簡單敘述種植物的過程。first then next 自主學習(Self-learning)1.聽音排序。2.請認真讀課本74頁對話,然后補全對話。A:What are you going to this afternoon?B:Im going to flower seeds in our garden.A: do you do then?B:Its easy. First, put the seeds in the .A:What should you do then?B:Water it.In several ,you can see the sprout.3.你能正確翻譯它們的漢語意思嗎?來試試吧?。ㄗ詫W,可同桌交流)合作探究(Group work)(小組內(nèi)討論交流展示,組員推薦一人在全班展示。)1.你能流利朗讀上面的對話嗎?大聲讀給你的組員聽吧!聽誰的發(fā)音最正確。(1)小組內(nèi)自由讀。(2)各小組長領(lǐng)讀,全班跟讀。(3)小組推薦優(yōu)秀組員分角色表演。 2.你能用英語寫出下面的句子嗎?(1)你怎樣做呢?_(2)然后你應(yīng)該干什么?_小組展示(Group show) 對合作探究中的兩個問題進行展示。課堂小結(jié)(Summary)這節(jié)課我學會了_鞏固延伸(Consolidation and extension)How to plant a tree?(看圖,說一說)課堂檢測(Test) 1.請你把單詞中錯誤的字母劃去,并將正確的單詞寫在橫線上。(1)s p r o a t (苗,芽) (2)p l e n t (種植,植物) (3)s e v e r a n(一些,幾個) (4)g a r d a n (花園) (5)e a x y(簡單的) 2.英漢連線。 (1) plant flower seeds A. 幾天以后 (2) this afternoon B. 種花種 (3) in several days C. 今天下午 (4) in the garden D. 澆樹 (5) dig the soil E. 在花園 (6) water the plants F. 挖土3.根據(jù)漢語意思完成下列句子。(1)然后我們應(yīng)該做什么?What we then?(2)你的筆友來自哪里?Where your pen pal ?(3)你怎樣干呢?How you that?4.按要求變換下列句子。(1)Im going to water the flowers this afternoon.(對劃線部分提問) are you going to this afternoon?(2)I can see some birds in the picture.(對劃線部分提問) you see in the picture?(3)The cloud comes from the vapour.(對劃線部分提問) the cloud come from?Unit 6 The story of rain第六課時導學案溫馨寄語:It is never too late to mend. (亡羊補牢,猶為未晚。)學習內(nèi)容(Learning contents):人教版六年級上冊Unit 6 Part B Lets read Lets check學習目標(Learning aims)1.能夠聽懂、流利讀Lets read部分的短文。(本節(jié)課重難點)2.能夠基本掌握植物生長日記的生長過程的敘述。(本節(jié)課重難點)3.能夠完成聽音填空的練習。知識鏈接:(Knowledge links)1. 單詞leaf的意思是“葉子”,它的復(fù)數(shù)是leaves.(以f或fe的結(jié)尾的單詞變復(fù)數(shù)時應(yīng)變f或fe為v,再加es.如knifeknives,wifewives等)。2. 詞組lots of的意思是“許多,很多”3. 單詞hardly的意思是“幾乎不”,表示否定。句子“I can hardly wait!- 我等不急了”。學習指導(Learning guide)1.自主學習短文(試讀,試翻譯,畫出詞組,可以借助單詞表,不理解的作標記)。2.組內(nèi)解決標記的疑難單詞。3.流利朗讀對話。(自己能獨立完成短文后的習題)4.根據(jù)本節(jié)學習到的知識,獨立完成導學案。舊知復(fù)習(Revision)復(fù)習背誦上節(jié)課學過的對話。自主學習(Self-learning)1.自己大聲讀一下課文,標示出你不理解的或者不會讀的單詞與句子。(75頁)2.你能正確翻譯出下面句子的漢語意思嗎?來試試吧?。ㄗ詫W,可同桌交流)I water it every day and make sure it gets lots of sun._My plant is one month old._3.結(jié)合圖片,試著理解這篇短文。合作探究(Group work)(小組內(nèi)討論交流展示。)1.和組員一起來解決在閱讀中遇到的問題。2.你能流利朗讀對話嗎?大聲讀給你的組員聽吧!聽誰的發(fā)音最正確。(小組內(nèi)組長領(lǐng)讀短文)3.組內(nèi)討論,完成下面的習題。What does Liu Yun do on Apr15? What does she see on Apr21? What does she see on Apr29? What does her plant look like on May l5? Does it have any flowers?小組展示(Group show) 對合作探究中的三個問題進行展示。課堂小結(jié)(Summary)這節(jié)課我學會了_鞏固延伸(Consolidation and extension)1.聽錄音填空。2.根據(jù)下面的圖片,你能將這篇日記敘述下來嗎? April 15 April 21 April 29 May 15課堂檢測(Test)用適當?shù)脑~填空:(1) I put some seeds a pot .(2) Now its the sun .(3) My plant is one month .(4) I put some water .(5) Its tall _ strong,_ still it has no flower.(6) My plant has two green _. 您的需求我們的追求 版權(quán)所有飛翔教學資源網(wǎng)


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