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高中英語選修八Unit 4 Pygmalion 單元教案

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高中英語選修八Unit 4 Pygmalion 單元教案

新課標人教版高中英語選修8教案Unit 4 Pygmalion. 單元教學目標技能目標Skill GoalsListen to and talk about the story PygmalionRead and act out a play about recognizing a persons position in society Use the past participle as the adverbialWrite a review of the play. 目標語言功 能 句 式推測(conjecture)I wonder whether.Is it possible that.?Do you know if.?Do you really think thats true?Why do you think so?I think its because. What do you think of this idea?Why do you think Higgins felt like that?Mrs Pearce would comfort / encourage her by .詞 匯1 四會詞匯adaptation, classify, caption, plot, professor, whistle, garment, woolen, hesitate, uncomfortable, troublesome, wallet, outcome, thief, handkerchief, mistake, brilliant, remark, betray, upper, extraordinary, condemn, properly, ambassador, acquaintance, handful, fortune, authentic, status, superior, rob, antique, musical, stocking, cookie, teapot, cream, nail, wax, disk, shabby, referee, compromise, horrible, laundry, bathtub, sob, waist, vest, disgusting, overlook, alphabet, fade2 認讀詞匯phonetics, colonel, fateful, duchess, gutter, vowel, curtsy ( also curtsey ), shilling, heartily, distinct3 詞組pass. off as, make ones acquaintance, in amazement, in terms of, generally speaking, show. in, the other day, take away, once more, in need of, fade out結(jié) 構(gòu)The past participle as the adverbial重點句子1. An expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a persons English decides his / her position in society. P28 2. There you are and you were born in Lisson Grove if Im not mistaken. P293. But, sir, (proudly) once educated to speak properly, that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party. P304. This is the age of the newly rich. People begin their working life in a poor neighbourhood of London with 80 pounds a year and end in a rich one with 100 thousand. P295. The English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days. P306. Perhaps I could even find her a place as a ladys maid or a shop assistant, which requires better English. P307. What other things show ones status in society apart from how one speaks? P318. Im not asking any favours and he treats me like dirt. P349. Id never have come if Id known about this disgusting thing you want to do to me, I. P3410. Whats to become of me? P74. 教材分析和教材重組1. 教材分析本單元以皮格馬利翁為話題,通過學習,使學生了解具有共同主題的希臘神話Pygmalion與蕭伯納戲劇之間在表現(xiàn)形式、人物塑造等方面的相同與不同之處;并能在此基礎(chǔ)上,討論和表演部分戲劇場景;能為該劇本寫出一份評論;能模仿劇本編寫一個戲劇場景,即Higgins教授如何給Eliza上第二課的場景。語法部分重點學習過去分詞作狀語的用法。 1.1 Warming Up 是三幅描述希臘神話故事Pygmalion主要情節(jié)的圖畫。要求學生根據(jù)圖片提示,聯(lián)系已有知識,再現(xiàn)這個美麗的神話故事,并能就此話題展開討論。1.2 1.2 Pre-reading中所列三個問題,意在讓學生提煉蕭伯納戲劇與希臘神話故事所反映的共同主題,并初步醞釀可能出現(xiàn)的故事情節(jié)。 1.3 1.3 Reading講述了發(fā)生在倫敦劇院外的一幕。主要人物有Eliza, Higgins, Pickering。Eliza原是倫敦市的一名賣花女,在一次偶然的情況下遇見了以能聽懂別人口音而自傲的Professor Higgins。Professor Higgins與Colonel Pickering打賭,說他能將口音其糟無比,講話粗魯?shù)腅liza改造成能講標準英文的淑女。Eliza就住在Professor Higgins的家中,受了一陣子語言訓練。最后兩人認為已經(jīng)訓練有成,便帶Eliza到一個盛大的宮廷舞會。在場的人都不知道Eliza的出身。女王還對Eliza大加贊賞。Professor Higgins自傲于自己的成功,完全忽略了Eliza的感受。Eliza盛怒之下,離開了Higgins。她走之后,Higgins才發(fā)現(xiàn)不能沒有她。最后Eliza回到了Professor Higgins身邊。兩人言歸于好。劇中Higgins教授希望把一個街頭賣花的姑娘轉(zhuǎn)變成一個有修養(yǎng)的能躋身上流社會的人。從人物的對話中我們也可以清楚地看到不同人物的性格特征,比如Eliza的粗魯,Higgins的缺乏耐心,Pickering的禮貌等都反映得淋漓盡致。1.4 Comprehending分為兩部分。第一部分根據(jù)課文,讓學生回答相關(guān)問題;第二部分要求學生從課文中找出這三個不同社會階層的人物對不同于自己階層的人們所持的態(tài)度;第三部分要求學生思考除了語言以外,哪些方面還能顯示出人們社會地位的不同;第四部分要求學生運用所給詞匯描述劇本中不同人物的性格特點;第五部分要求學生糾正Eliza語言中的語法、拼寫等方面的錯誤。1.5 Learning about Language分詞匯和語法兩部分。詞匯部分要求學生能在具體語言環(huán)境中運用所學詞匯和短語;語法部分主要通過大量的例句和習題要求學生自主學習,總結(jié)-ed形式在句子中作狀語用法。1.6 Using Language中Reading and acting部分緊承Reading部分的劇情。這一幕的地點是在Higgins的家里,主要人物有Eliza, Higgins, Pickering和Mrs Pearce。主要講述的是Eliza來這里找Higgins教授,并請求他擔任她的老師,幫助她改變命運的事。該部分從聽、說、讀、寫四個方面來學習和鞏固所學語言知識。1.7 Listening要求學生聽一段關(guān)于Higgins如何給Eliza授課,如何幫助她糾正發(fā)音以及其教學方法的錄音,并完成關(guān)于Eliza在發(fā)音和語法方面正確的地方以及需要改進的地方的表格。1.8 Speaking部分有兩個任務(wù)。其一是讓學生運用所給的表示猜測的語句展開聯(lián)想,說出他們的第二課該如何進行;其二是讓學生通過教師的引導(dǎo)總結(jié)出希臘神話故事和蕭伯納的劇本兩者之間的共同和不同之處。教師可以通過Speaking Task中的提問來引導(dǎo)學生,讓學生自己得出結(jié)論。2 教材重組2.1 將Warming Up,Pre-reading和練習冊SPEAKING TASK整合在一起,上一節(jié)口語課。2.2 將Reading, Comprehending及Learning about Language中的Discovering useful words and expressions整合在一起,上一節(jié)閱讀課。從字、詞、句和篇章幾個方面掌握目標語言。2.3 將Learning about Language中Revising useful structures及練習冊USING STRUCTURES中的練習整合在一起,上一節(jié)語法課。2.4 將 Using Language和READING TASK整合在一起,上一節(jié)任務(wù)型泛讀課。2.5 將Listening and speaking, 練習冊LISTENING和LISTENING TASK整合在一起,上一節(jié)聽力課。2.6 將Speaking and writing,練習冊中TALKING及WRITING TASK整合在一起,上一節(jié)寫作和口語課。3. 課型設(shè)計與課時分配1stPeriod Speaking2nd Period Reading3rdPeriod Grammar4thPeriod Extensive reading 5thPeriod Listening 6thPeriod Speaking and writing. 分課時教案The First Period SpeakingTeaching goals教學目標1. Target language 目標語言重點詞匯adaptation, plot, professor, Pygmalion 2. Ability goals 能力目標Enable the students to talk about the Greek story Pygmalion. 3. Learning ability goals 學能目標Help the students learn how to talk about the Greek story Pygmalion.Teaching important points 教學重點Help the students learn how to retell the story. Teaching difficult points 教學難點Help the students know the similarities and differences between the story and the play Pygmalion.Teaching methods 教學方法Discussion.Teaching aids 教學準備A recorder, a computer and a projector. Teaching procedures & ways 教學過程與方式Step Lead-inT: Has anyone heard of “the Pygmalion Effect”?What is it?S1: The Pygmalion Effect is that people tend to behave as you expect they will. If you expect a person to take responsibility, they probably will. If you expect them not to even try, they probably wont.T: Good. How did you know?S1: I have once read some Greek stories. And I have read the story Pygmalion before. T: Youre great. If someone is good at writing, we often say he or she is a lucky dog of the Muses. Do you know where the saying comes from? S1: It also comes from the Greek story.Step Warming upT: Yes. Today we are going to learn about a Greek story Pygmalion. First, look at the pictures on page 28. Please work in pairs and work out the story. After a few minutes. T: Now lets have a look at the first picture. Who can tell me whats in it with your own words?S1: Let me try. Pygmalion was a very gifted artist. He spent a long time making a stone statue of a beautiful woman. It was so beautiful that he couldnt help loving it and wanted it to be his wife.T: Wonderful! And who can follow it?S2: But it was only a stone. How could he make his dream become true? He thought and thought and at last he asked the Greek Goddess to help him to bring it to life.T: You did a good job. But did his dream become true at last?S3: Yes! The Greek Goddess agreed to help and his wish was granted.T: Now who can present the complete story based on the above description? S4: Let me try. Pygmalion was a gifted artist. One day, he decided to make a stone statue of a beautiful woman. He worked day and night and at last he finished. Then he clothed the figure, decorated it with the jewellery, and even named it the Sleeping Love. The work was so beautiful that he couldnt help thinking that if the statue could be brought to life, hed very much like it to be his wife. Therefore, he asked the Greek Goddess to help make it alive. Finally the Goddess was moved by his sincerity. His wish was granted. Pygmalion threw himself to his feet, the girl smelt down at him. Afterwards, they fell in love with each other and married.T: Wonderful! You did a good job! Now lets have a discussion. Do you think that Pygmalion and his statue-wife will be happy together?S: No, I dont think so.T: What problems do you think they will have?S1: Maybe they cant understand each other, because they come from different world.S2: Its very hard for Pygmalion to understand his wife, because his wife is made from a stone. She doesnt know the words, behavior, anything about him. T: Good. How do you think they might solve them?S3: Pygmalion loves the girl so much that he decides to teach her how to speak and how to behave herself. Little by little, they understand each other well and live happily.T: Good imagination! The story is so interesting that it was made into a film My Fair Lady, which was based on the play by Bernard Shaw. Do you know this famous playwright?Step Discussion Make a brief introduction about Shaw.T: George Bernard Shaw, Irish dramatist, literary critic, a socialist spokesman, and a leading figure in the 20th century theater. Shaw was a freethinker, defender of womens rights, and advocate of equality of income. In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Shaw accepted the honour but refused the money. He was a very humorous playwright. Here is a story about him. One day, Shaw took part in a grand party, in which he met the then Prime Minister Churchill. Churchill was very fat at that time whereas Shaw was very thin. Churchill said to Shaw very sharply, “When people see you, they will know how poor your country is”. And then Shaw answered very quickly, “When people see you, they will know the reason why our country is so poor.” From it we can see how witty Shaw is!T: Have you seen the film My Fair Lady?S1: Yes. It was about a flower girl who became a lady in the upper class, helped by the expert in phonetics, Professor Higgins. T: Do you like the film? Why?S1: Yes, I do. What makes “My Fair Lady” special is the great musical score by Mr. Loewe with lyrics by Mr. Lerner. Most of the songs are by now, standards that have delighted us since they were written and have been sung by practically all the best singers of the world.: Very good. They both have the same theme. In the play, a poor-educated flower girl in the street at last became a lady, just as surprising as a stone became a beautiful woman in the Greek story. Now can you tell me the similarities between the Greek story and the play? You can discuss it with your partner.S2: Both women made big changes. In the Greek story, the statue was brought to life; while in the play Pygmalion, the flower girl Eliza was brought up to the upper class.T: Good. What else? S3: In the Greek story, Pygmalion is a gifted artist, whereas in the play Pygmalion, Higgins is an expert in phonetics. Step HomeworkAsk the students to do the following. 1. Find more information about Pygmalion. 2. Pre-read the play to see if they can understand well. The Second Period ReadingTeaching goals 教學目標1. Target language 目標語言a. 重點詞匯和短語officer, hesitate, pence, uncomfortable, troublesome, outcome, disguise, brilliant, classify, mile, betray, dismiss, condemn, ambassador, acquaintance, handful, fortune, in disguise, pass.off as, make ones acquaintance, in amazementb. 重點句子 An expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a persons English decides his / her position in society. There you are and you were born in Lisson Grove if Im not mistaken. But, sir, (proudly) once educated to speak properly, that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party. This is the age of the newly rich. People begin their working life in a poor neighbourhood of London with 80 pounds a year and end in a rich one with 100 thousand. The English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days. Perhaps I could even find her a place as a ladys maid or a shop assistant, which requires better English. 2. Ability goals 能力目標Enable the students to talk about the play and use the play to work out the characteristics of each social group. 3. Learning ability goals 學能目標Help the students learn how to talk about the play and use the play to work out the characteristics of each social group. Teaching important points 教學重點How to talk about the play. Teaching difficult points 教學難點How to use the play to work out the characteristics of each social group. Teaching methods 教學方法Listening, reading and discussion. Teaching aids 教學準備A recorder, a computer and a projector.Teaching procedures & ways 教學過程與方式Step Revision and lead-inReview the story Pygmalion. T: Last period, we learned something about the Greek story Pygmalion and the play version by Shaw. Of all of Shaws plays, Pygmalion is without the doubt the most beloved and popularly received. Several film versions have been made of the play, and it has even been adapted into a musical. In fact, the film version of 1938 helped Shaw to become the first and only man ever to win the double prize: the Nobel Prize for literature and an Academy Award. Do you still remember the story? Now who can retell it to all of us?A sample retelling version:Pygmalion was a gifted artist. One day, he decided to make a stone statue of a beautiful woman. After that, he spent day and night carving it, and then he clothed the figure, gave it the jewellery, and even named it the Sleeping Love. How he wanted to bring it to life and made it his wife. Therefore, he asked the Greek Goddess to make it alive. And finally the Goddess was moved by his sincere feeling. His wish was granted. Pygmalion threw himself to his feet, the girl smelt down at him. Afterwards, they loved each other and married.T: Can you tell me the theme of the story?S: People tend to behave as you expect they will.T: Excellent! Based on classical myth, Bernard Shaws Pygmalion plays on the complex business of human relationships in the social world. Phonetics Professor Henry Higgins tutors the very Cockney Eliza Doolittle, not only in the refinement of speech, but also in the refinement of her manners. When the end result produces a very ladylike Miss Doolittle, the lessons learned become much more far reaching. OK, today we will read a story about it. Its written by the famous English playwright, George Bernard Shaw.Step ReadingDeal with the Reading part. Play the tape for the students to listen. Then analyze the play. Ask the students to read through the text. While reading, pay attention to the writing style. Skimming Ask the students to read the play quickly and answer the questions.T: Now please read the play. After a few minutes, Ill ask you some questions. After a few minutes. T: Who would like to answer the first question: How many characters are there in the play?S1: There are three characters in the play. They are Eliza, Professor Higgins, and Colonel Pickering.T: What is the weather like when the play begins?S2: When the play begins, it is pouring with rain.T: Very good. Do you think Eliza a well-educated woman? Why?S3: No, I dont think so. In fact, she is poor-educated. We can know it clearly from what she said. For example, come overere, capin, and buy me flowers off a poor girl. For another, I aint done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman.T: Also, we can learn it from her behavior. For example, “pushes it back at him.” OK. Next one: Why did professor Higgins want to make notes of what Eliza said?S4: He wanted to make a speech, because its his profession.T: Very good. Next: Whats the meaning of “the age of the newly rich”?S5: It means people begin their working life in a poor neighbourhood of London with 80 pounds a year and end in a rich one with 100 thousand.Scanning Ask three students to read the play. T: Next I will ask three students to read the play again. One will be Eliza, one Professor Higgins, and one Colonel Pickering. OK? Now begin!After several minutes. T: Great. Now I have some more questions. First: According to Higgins, if a person is very poor, he or she can still be better off at last. Do you agree with him? If so, how to realize the aim?S1: Yes. I agree with him. However, in order to realize the aim, he or she must get educated.T: Who can complete the last sentence: in the first line on page 29: Now once taught by me.?S2: Let me try. Once taught by me, she will soon become a lady in the upper class.T: Well done. What other things show ones statue in society apart from how one speaks?S3: Ones clothing and behavior can also show his statue.T: Do you think Pickering is of the upper class?S4: Yes. I think he is well educated. We can learn it from the way he speaks. For example, “May I ask?”T: Great! Now please listen to the tape carefully and try to catch the main idea of this act.Step Comprehending This time the students should listen to the tape as carefully as possible. They should not only pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation but get the main idea of the play as well.T: Pygmalion is a play about recognizing a persons position in society by the way they behave and speak. Step Discussion Ask the students to do Part 5 on page 31. T: Suppose you have a chance to help Eliza improve her use of the English language. Look at the sentences on page 31 in Part 5 and help her correct all these sentences in terms of grammar, spelling, etc, so that she can use them properly.Sample answers: 1. Come here, and come in. Buy flowers from mea poor girl.2. I did nothing wrong when I spoke to that gentleman.3. I thought you maybe was a policeman in disguise.4. How do I know whether you wrote down my words or not?5. You say I can work as a shop assistant? Thats definitely what I want. Then ask the students to read the play again and do Part 2 on page 31. T: We have learned that the social position of the characters influences the way they behave to each other. Generally speaking, people are more polite to those whom they think are of a higher social class (H) and less polite to those they consider are members of a lower class (L). Is this true of the characters in Shaws play? Now please finish Part 2 on page 31. Sample answers to Part 2:Relationships between charactersEvidence from the playHenry Higgins:1. Attitude to Colonel Pickering (H)2. Attitude to Eliza (L)Is the statement above true?1. My dear man2. Dismissively, ignore, carelessly throwThe statement is true.Colonel Pickering:1. Attitude to Henry Higgins (H)2. Attitude to Eliza (L)Is the statement above true?1. May I ask / Let me congratulate you2. . The statement is not true.Eliza:1. Attitude to Henry Higgins (H)2. Attitude to Colonel Pickering (H) Is the statement above true?1. Pushes it back at him2. .The statement is not true.Step HomeworkT: Todays homework: 1. Read the play repeatedly and try to act out the play. 2. Preview the grammar part.The Third Period GrammarTeaching goals教學目標1. Target language 目標語言a. 重點詞匯和短語in return, in trouble, in disguise, in amazement, in pain, in delight, in shockb. Grammar: Past participle as the adverbial. 2. Ability goals 能力目標Enable the students to use the past participle as the adverbial. 3. Learning ability goals 學能目標Help the students learn how to use the past participle as the adverbial.Teaching important points 教學重難點How to use the past participle as the adverbial.Teaching methods 教學方法Task-based activities.Teaching aids 教學準備Some slides and a projector. Teaching procedures & ways 教學過程與方式Step RevisionCheck the homework. Ask the students to act out the play. T: Yesterday I asked you to prepare for the play-acting. Have you prepared? Now I want to ask three students to have a try. After they finish, make some comments on their performances.Step Word studyAsk the students to finish Exx. 1 and 2 in Learning about Language.Then check the answers with the class. Step Grammar First ask the students to find out the examples of the past participle as the adverbial in the play: Sample sentences: 1. An expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a persons English decides his/her position in society. P28 2. But, sir, (proudly) once educated to speak properly, that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duch


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