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2019屆中考英語復(fù)習(xí) 第一篇 語言基礎(chǔ)知識 第2課 七上 Units 6-9基礎(chǔ)知識.doc

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2019屆中考英語復(fù)習(xí) 第一篇 語言基礎(chǔ)知識 第2課 七上 Units 6-9基礎(chǔ)知識.doc

第2課 七上 Units 69課前預(yù)熱中考詞匯拓展重點易錯單詞1. birthday 生日2. fruit 水果3. then 那么;然后4. breakfast 早餐5. habit 習(xí)慣6. clothes 衣服7. January 一月8. February 二月9. March 三月10. April 四月11. May 五月12. June 六月13. July 七月14. August 八月15. September 九月16. October 十月17. November 十一月18. December 十二月19. Monday 星期一20. Friday 星期五21. Saturday 星期六22. Tuesday 星期二23. Thursday 星期四24. Wednesday 星期三25. Sunday 星期日詞匯拓展1. four(num.) fourth (序數(shù)詞)第四 forty 四十 fortieth 第四十2. week(n.) weekly (adj. & adv.)每周的(地)3. eat(v.) eating (現(xiàn)在分詞) ate (過去式) eaten (過去分詞)吃4. take(v.) took (過去式) taken (過去分詞)買下;拿;取 bring (反義詞)帶來;取來5. tomato(n.) tomatoes (pl.)西紅柿6. health(n.) healthy (adj.)健康的 healthily (adv.)健康地7. with(prep.) without (反義詞)沒有8. real(adj.) really (adv.)真正地9. shoe(n.) shoes (pl.)鞋10. woman(n.) women (pl.)女子11. well(adv. & interj.) better (比較級)較好的(地);更好的(地) best (最高級)最好的;最好地12. twelve(num.) twelfth (adj. & num.)第十二13. twenty(num.) twentieth (adj. & num.)第二十14. sell(v.) sold (過去式/過去分詞)出售;銷售;賣 sale (n.)特價銷售;出售15. buy(v.) bought (過去式/過去分詞)購買;買16. art(n.) artist (n.)藝術(shù)家17. science(n.) scientist (n.)科學(xué)家 scientific (adj.)科學(xué)(上)的18. music(n.) musical (adj.)音樂的;有音樂的 musician (n.)音樂家19. busy(adj.) busily (adv.)忙碌地 business (n.)生意;商業(yè) busier (比較級)更忙的 busiest (最高級)最忙的20. free(adj.) freely (adv.)不受限制地;無拘無束地;自由地 freedom (n.)自由21. use(v. & n.) useful (adj.)有用的;有益的 useless (adj.)無用的;無價值的22. happy(adj.) unhappy (反義詞)不快樂的;不幸福的;難過的;悲傷的 happily (adv.)快樂地;高興地;滿足地 happiness (n.)幸福23. much(pron. & adj.) more (比較級)更多(的) most (最高級)最多;大多數(shù)24. fat(adj.) fat (n.)脂肪;肥肉 fatter (比較級)較胖的 fattest (最高級)最胖的25. big(adj.) bigger (比較級)更大的 biggest (最高級)最大的 small (反義詞)小的;小號的26. month(n.) months (pl.)月份中考詞組短語詞 組1. healthy food健康食品2. have.for dinner晚餐吃3. be busy with/doing sth.忙于(做)某事4. have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早/午/晚飯5. a pair of white socks一雙白襪子6. Happy birthday. 生日快樂。7. in August在8月8. on September 5th在9月5日9. have a good time玩得開心10. from.to. 從到11. eat well吃得好12. think about考慮13. have a school trip進行學(xué)校郊游14. look nice看起來漂亮15. at our great sale在我們大甩賣期間16. for sure無疑;肯定17. Here you are. 給你。18. in the afternoon在下午中考句型回顧書面表達素材1. 飲食I love fruit. I think its healthy . 我喜歡水果,我認(rèn)為它健康。I dont want to be fat . 我不想變胖。David asks the volleyball star, Cindy Smith, about her eatinghabits .大衛(wèi)詢問那位排球明星,辛迪史密斯,有關(guān)她的飲食習(xí)慣。2. 購物 For girls, we have skirts in purple for only $20. 對于女孩,我們有紫色的裙子僅售20美元。We sell all our clothes at very good prices . 我們賣的所有的服裝價格都很優(yōu)惠。3. 計劃與安排We have an English party on November 30th.我們在11月30號有個英語聚會。4. 校園生活 After that, I have P.E. at 11:00. It is easy and fun.那之后,我11點上體育課,既容易又有趣。My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.課在1:50結(jié)束,那之后我上一堂2個小時的藝術(shù)課。語法精萃 When is Childrens Day ? 兒童節(jié)是什么時候?Its on June 1st. 六月一號。(名詞所有格、介詞on和序數(shù)詞)We like rice but we dont like hamburgers. 我們喜歡米飯,但我們不喜歡漢堡。(一般現(xiàn)在時,可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞) At 8:00, I have math. 我8:00上數(shù)學(xué)課。(介詞at)Im thirteen . My birthday is in August. 我13歲,我生日在8月。(基數(shù)詞和介詞in)情景交際 What/How about burgers, vegetable salad, and some fruit? 漢堡包、蔬菜沙拉和一些水果怎么樣?Sounds good. 聽起來不錯。What do you like for breakfast ? 你早餐喜歡吃什么?I like fruit, eggs and milk for breakfast. 我早餐喜歡吃水果、雞蛋和牛奶。 How much is this T-shirt? 這件T恤衫多少錢?Its 10 dollars. 10美元。 Can I help you? 你想買點什么嗎?Yes, please. I need a sweater for school. 是的,我需要買一件毛衣上學(xué)穿。 When is his birthday? 他的生日在什么時候?His birthday/It is on May 10th. (他的生日)在5月10日。 Whats his favorite subject? 他最愛的學(xué)科是什么?His favorite subject is English. 他最愛的學(xué)科是英語。 How old is Jim? 吉姆幾歲了?He is 10. 他10歲了。 Who is your music teacher? 你的音樂老師是誰?My music teacher is Ms. Xie. 我的音樂老師是謝老師。 Why does Bob like history? 鮑勃為什么喜歡歷史? Because its interesting. 因為它有趣。課堂突破中考重點單詞與短語一、want的用法【例句展示】1. I want some tea.我想喝茶。2. He wants to go to a movie.他想去看電影。3. She wants me to drink milk.她想讓我喝牛奶。【精講辨析】want是動詞,例1后接名詞,表示“想要什么”;例2后接to do不定式,表示“想要做什么”;例3后接sb. to do,表示“想要某人做什么”?!净顚W(xué)活用】根據(jù)漢語意思翻譯句子。1. 他要來點面包嗎?Does he bread?2. 你想和我們一起去嗎?Do you with us?3. 老師要我按時完成作業(yè)。My teacher homework on time.二、look的用法【例句展示】1. Please look at your book.請看你的書。2. He looks happy.他看起來開心。3. She has a funny look.她長相滑稽。【精講辨析】1. vi. 看(),其后必須跟at方可接賓語。2. link v. 后接表語。3. n. 長相;外貌?!净顚W(xué)活用】根據(jù)漢語意思翻譯句子。看那人。他是托尼。他有了副新面孔。他看起來很滑稽。 that man. He is Tony. He has a new . He very funny.三、buy的用法【例句展示】1. You can buy socks for only ¥5 each!你可以買到每雙僅售5元的襪子!2. I need some money to buy gifts for my family.我需要錢給我的家人買禮物。3. I often buy school things from the shop near ourschool.我經(jīng)常在我們學(xué)校附近的商店里買文具?!揪v辨析】buy作動詞,意為“買”,反義詞為sell。相關(guān)短語:buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth.為某人買某物,相當(dāng)于get sb. sth.=get sth. for sb.; buy sth. from sp.從某地買某物?!净顚W(xué)活用】用buy構(gòu)成的短語的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. Mary wanted to a tie her boyfriend as his birthday present.2. At last, she the tie that supermarket.四、sell的用法【例句展示】1. We sell pants for only ¥30. 我們的褲子只售30元。2. These kinds of TV sets sell well.這些種類的電視機銷路好。3. Sorry, our coffee is sold out.對不起,我們的咖啡賣光了。4. The green shorts are on sale for $25.那些綠色短褲以25美元廉價出售?!揪v辨析】sell作動詞,意為“賣;銷售”,其名詞形式為sale。相關(guān)短語:sell well暢銷;sell out賣完;on sale廉價出售;have a yard sale舉行一次庭院舊貨出售。注:sell well沒有被動語態(tài);sell out可用于被動語態(tài),也可用主動表被動。【活學(xué)活用】A)用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. The fruit shop (sell) many different kinds of fruits.B)用sell構(gòu)成的短語的適當(dāng)形式填空。2. Do you have Jays CDs?Sorry, they are . But well get some more next week because they .中考重點句型一、I like bananas, but I dont like oranges.我喜歡香蕉,但是我不喜歡橙子?!纠湔故尽?. He is ill, but he goes to work as usual.他病了,但他還是像平常一樣去上班。2. Maybe Im not very healthy, although/though I have a healthy habit.盡管我有一個健康的習(xí)慣,但我可能還是不太健康。3. She likes history because she thinks its interesting.她喜歡歷史,因為她認(rèn)為歷史有趣。4. The rooms were really dark and it was difficult to take photos, so I didnt take any.房間很暗,很難拍照,所以我沒有拍照片?!練w納提高】1. though/although作連詞,意為“雖然;盡管”,引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句,可放在句首,也可放在句中。2. but作連詞,意為“但是;然而”,放在句中,表轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系。3. because作連詞,意為“因為”,引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句。4. so作連詞,意為“所以”,表因果關(guān)系。5. 英語中“雖然但是”“因為所以”的表達方式與漢語不同,因此兩者不能同時出現(xiàn)。即有though/although,沒有but;有because,沒有so;反之亦然?!净顚W(xué)活用】用though, but, because或so填空。1. I really enjoyed your lecture, there were some parts I didnt quite understand.2. Martin and his friends didnt eat up all the food they ordered, they took the rest away.二、When is your birthday?你生日是什么時候?October 22nd. 10月22日。【例句展示】1. When did you leave your hometown?你什么時候離開你的家鄉(xiāng)的?Two years ago.兩年前。2. When my father comes back, Ill tell him the news.當(dāng)我爸爸回來時,我會告訴他這個消息的。3. We were having dinner when he came.他來的時候,我們正在吃晚飯。【歸納提高】1. when作疑問副詞,意為“什么時候;何時”。2. when作連詞,意為“當(dāng)時候”。若用于一般將來時中,從句用一般現(xiàn)在時表將來。3. 英語日期的表達為:月日年/日月年。如:xx年8月1日August 1st,xx/1st August,xx注:“日”既可用序數(shù)詞表達,也可用基數(shù)詞表達。【活學(xué)活用】A)用適當(dāng)?shù)囊蓡柛痹~填空。1. Do you know the next train will arrive?In ten minutes.2. is Teachers Day?September 10th.B)用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。3. Excuse me. Could you wake me up when my friend(come) here?Of course. But we still dont know when your friend (come) here.中考詞語辨析一、with, in, by與on【例句展示】1. We see with our eyes.我們用眼睛看。2. Whats this in English?這個用英文怎么說?3. We often go to school by bus.我們經(jīng)常乘公交車去上學(xué)。4. I study English by listening to the tapes.我通過聽磁帶學(xué)英語。5. Lets talk on the phone.我們在電話里聊吧?!颈娈愅黄啤縲ith, in, by和on都是介詞,但用法不同。1. with表示用某物,一般后跟具體的工具。2. in后面一般跟語言,也可以用來表示使用某種方式。如:in this way用這種方式;in a loud voice大聲地3. by表示方式或手段,通常用于表示交通工具的使用(on foot例外)。如:by bus/car/train/plane/bike乘公交車/汽車/火車/飛機/騎自行車;by e-mail通過電子郵件4. on主要是表通訊。如:on TV/the phone/the radio/theInternet通過電視/電話/收音機/網(wǎng)絡(luò)注:by air=by plane=on the plane(乘飛機); by car=in the car(乘小汽車); by bike/bus/train/subway=on the bike/bus/train/subway【活學(xué)活用】用with, in, by或on填空。1. John eats his left hand.2. We call it jiaozi Chinese.3. Now kids often chat the Internet.4. Mr. Bean goes to Beijing train.5. The young man made a living planting flowers and selling them.二、look for, find與find out【例句展示】1. My key is lost. I looked for it here and there, but I cant find it.我的鑰匙丟了。我到處找,但我找不到它。2. If you burned yourself by accident, you should first find out how bad it is.如果你意外燒到自己,你應(yīng)該先弄清傷勢有多重?!颈娈愅黄啤?. look for尋找,強調(diào)尋找的過程。2. find找到,強調(diào)尋找的結(jié)果,若后接從句,表示“發(fā)現(xiàn)”。3. find out 查明(事實或事情的真相)?!净顚W(xué)活用】用look for, find或find out的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. The little boy was his mother; at last he his mother with the help of the police.2. Steven, could you help me when the plane will take off on the Internet?Im sorry, my computer doesnt work.三、good, fine, nice與well【例句展示】1. Jim is a good student. 吉姆是個好學(xué)生。2. How are you? 你好嗎?Im fine(=Im very well或Im all right), thank you.我很好,謝謝你。3. This is a nice watch.這是塊外表很漂亮的表。4. Im quite well. 我很健康?!颈娈愅黄啤縢ood, fine, nice和well都是形容詞,并且都含有“好”的意思,但它們的用法有所區(qū)別。1. good含義最廣,常用來表示好的質(zhì)量、好的品質(zhì),可用來說明人或事物。2. fine側(cè)重于質(zhì)量的精細(xì)、身體健康,常表示品質(zhì)、特點和能力的好,比good的語氣要強一些,也可以表示“天氣晴朗”等意思。3. nice是對取悅于感覺器官的東西而言,常帶有一定的感情色彩,含有“美好的;美妙的;美味的;漂亮的”等意思。也可以表示對人“友好和藹”的意思。4. well作形容詞時指身體健康狀況良好。表示“好”時是副詞,用來修飾動詞?!净顚W(xué)活用】用good, fine, nice或well填空。1. I hope everyone gets on with you. 2. He cannot speak English .3. It is very of you!4. It is a day today.5. It is a watch.四、too, as well, also與 either【例句展示】1. Mike likes Beijing Opera. His father likes it, too.(=His father likes it as well.)邁克喜歡京劇。他的爸爸也喜歡。2. Are they coming as well?他們也來嗎?3. He also went with us.他也和我們一起去了。4. I dont know, either.我也不知道?!颈娈愅黄啤縯oo, as well, also和either都是副詞(詞組),表示“也”,區(qū)別如下:1. too 和as well通常用于肯定句或疑問句,一般不用于否定句,且通常放在句末。2. also一般不用于否定句,它在句中的位置常放在行為動詞之前。3. either通常只用于否定句,且放在句末。【活學(xué)活用】用too, as well, also或either填空。1. Ive been to Hong Kong before. Have you been to Hong Kong ?2. I have been to Hong Kong.3. I have never been to Hong Kong, .五、at, on與in【例句展示】1. We get up at eight oclock.我們8點起床。2. On Mothers Day, I sent flowers to my mother.母親節(jié)那天,我送了花給我的媽媽。3. We have a long holiday in July and August.在七、八月份我們有一個長假?!颈娈愅黄啤縜t, on和in都是介詞,但用法有區(qū)別。1. at用于某時刻、飯點和年齡前。如:at work在工作;at lunch在午飯時間;at sunrise在日出時;at the age of. 在歲時2. on用于星期和具體日期前。3. in用于一天中的部分時間段,或用于月份、季節(jié)和年份前。注:當(dāng)morning/afternoon/evening有前置定語或后置定語限定時,用on。如:on Sunday afternoon在周日下午; onthe morning of September 1st在9月1日上午【活學(xué)活用】用at, on或in填空。1. The accident happened a cold winter early morning.2. the morning of March 8th, Jim got up early to cook breakfast for his mother.3. School starts September.4. We often do homework the evening.5. Could I have an early morning call six oclock tomorrow?當(dāng)堂檢測一、用方框中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,每詞限用一次。 five they easy sell woman 1. said than done. So its important for us to keep our word.2. May is the month of the year.3. So far, they have half of the products from the factory.4. Those are from the same village. They are all friendly to me.5. Cut the strawberries into pieces and put into the yogurt.二、根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容和所給漢語提示,在空白處寫出單詞的正確形式。每空限填一詞。My name is Jack. Im thirteen years old. I am an1 (美國的) boy. Im in Grade Seven. I was born on 2 (六月) 19th, 2002. I have a 3 (健康的) habit. I eat 4 (好). For breakfast, I have milk and eggs. I often eat 5 (蔬菜) for dinner. My favorite subject is 6 (科學(xué)). I think it is 7 (有用的). The classes 8 (結(jié)束) at 3:55 p.m. I like 9 (做;玩耍) sports very much. I 10 (總是) help my friends, too.三、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. We dont have any vegetables for dinner. Could you buy some (tomato)?2. Mrs. Smith smiled (happy) when she received a present from her son on Mothers Day.3. Math is a (use) subject, which is widely used in many fields.4. I am going to invite all my good friends to my home to have a big party on my (twelve) birthday.5. You cant do anything without a (health) body.6. That is a question more (easy) asked than answered.7. When is(woman) Day?Its on March 8th, Dave.8. Im good at drawing. I want to be a(n)(art) when I grow up.9. There are twelve(month) in a year.10. When I came back, my daughter was(eat) dinner.參考答案課堂突破【中考重點單詞與短語】 一、1. want some/any 2. want to go 3. wants me to finish二、Look at, look, looks 三、1. buy, for 2. bought, from四、1. sells 2. sold out, sell well【中考重點句型】 一、1. though 2. so二、1. when 2. When 3. comes, will come【中考詞語辨析】 一、1. with 2. in 3. on 4. by 5. by二、1. looking for, found 2. find out三、1. well 2. well 3. nice 4. fine/nice 5. good/nice/fine四、1. too/as well 2. also 3. either五、1. on 2. On 3. in 4. in 5. at當(dāng)堂檢測一、1. Easier 2. fifth 3. sold 4. women 5. them二、1. American 2. June 3. healthy 4. well5. vegetables 6. science 7. useful 8. finish9. doing/playing 10. always三、1. tomatoes 2. happily 3. useful 4. twelfth5. healthy 6. easily 7. Womens 8. artist9. months 10. eating


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